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Author Topic: Console Wars  (Read 43167 times)
Talon Draukner
Posts: 10

« on: 17 December 2007, 10:04:26 »

In this thread I would like whoever posts to either put their opinion on each system, who you think is winning, who you think will win in then end, and what each system's pros and cons are, or any news you hear from the media on price changes, sale popularity, fanbase, or anything generally to do with the console war.

My personal thoughts: Currently I see the Xbox and the Wii are probably tied, the PS3 is on it's way up with these recent price drops and the general usability of the system and it's features. I've used each and I own a PS3, mostly because I am a sony fan.

The Xbox360 is a nice system, first one to come out, they've had a head start on sales and games for the system. I've never liked the feel of the Xbox controller and the fact that they are kind of heavy and take betteries is a little annoying. They fixed that when they started selling rechargable battery packs, but thats still more money out of your pocket. The greatest thing about this system is the game selection. Most people would say it's the xbox live portion, however you have to pay for that subscribtion when the other two systems allow you to get on the internet for free.

The Wii is well um, look at the name. I was all excited about this system when it was called the revolution, which it is a revolution in gaming with the Wii mote and the nunchuck, but as soon as i heard Wii I decided I didn't like it. Then I actually played it. It's a little fun yes, but game selection is horrible. The fact that you HAVE to use Wifi to connect to the internet means that certain people have to go out and buy wireless routers. The remote is not that great and the nunchuck kinda feels strange to use.

The Playstation 3 has only one fault that I have noticed. That one fault is the lack of games. Which is slowly but surely being fixed. They've come out with a few great games. Even though some of them are multiconsole games, they are soo much better on the PS3. The PS3 has the best controller, this controller hasn't been changed much since the origonal Playstation. They added the joysticks mid way through the PSX Erra, then the controller became a little more touch sensative with the PS2, but the shape stayed the same. Now we have the PS3 controller with the six-axis tilt system. This system makes some games a little more interactive and gives the feel of have to actually turn the controller to affect the game. This was very effective in heavanly sword. The system setup itself is much like that of the PSP. The online portion is free and you can either set it up Wifi or hardwire. The wireless controller is light comfortable and rechargable by plugging it into the systems USB port. The recent price drops allow for a much larger crowd to afford them. The Blue-ray DVD player makes it handy for those HD lovers out there and the backwards compatibility even though not every system has it, makes it so you don't have to keep your old systems. I have the cheaper PS3 because I have lower income. This version has only 2 USB ports, and you cannot play PS2 games on it. However even with that said, you can play PS1 games and PS3 games along with any of the games that you download off the Playstion online store. Some games you can even transfer to your PSP. You can surf the web, you can Play Blueray, you can use backwards compatibility to play your older games, you can even set up your PS3 as a wireless media server that you can access via the internet from anywhere you can get Wifi with you PSP.

You've heard my Opinion, now I want to hear yours.
« Last Edit: 17 December 2007, 10:50:55 by Talon Draukner » Logged

I'm the only one you can count on general!

Sniper Joe
Posts: 319

« Reply #1 on: 17 December 2007, 10:12:24 »

WALL OF TEXT, didn't read.

Yeah, each console is good for it's own thing:
Wii: Party games and cutesy games, as well as Zelda.
360: Serious games, all of which feature guns and death.
PS3: Playing Blu-Ray Discs... and Ratchet and Clank.
Posts: 88

« Reply #2 on: 17 December 2007, 10:42:31 »

Talon, I HIGHLY reccomend you edit your post now and segment it into separate paragraphs. That's one hell of a wall of text.

That aside, indeed, the PS3 is on its way up. What with Sony's recent price slash, the sales have shot through the roof of the tiny little shack they were confined to before. Nintendo's ridiculous stock value has even dropped off just a bit with Sony's changing fortunes. I don't believe it'll be enough to beat out the Wii or 360 though. Nintendo now utterly rules Japan with an iron fist, and performs nearly as well in America. They've stolen the monopoly that Sony had with the PS2. When it comes to 360, the Wii is practically tied with it, so as long as things follow this pace, 360 will be left in the dust as well. So to answer your question, obviously, the Wii is winning right now, and I suspect it'll also be the winner come the time this generation of consoles ends.

I share your dislike for the X-BOX pad...not only is it a mere rip-off of the GCN controller, but a poorly done one at that. When I held a Duke controller for the first time, I couldn't believe anyone could tolerate playing X-BOX for more than five minutes. It's just so god-awful...Controller S was an improvement, but Microsoft still couldn't figure out the difference between a keyboard and a gaming pad...they just love having a convoluted surplus of buttons. I gotta hand it to them with the 360 pad though, they've learned from their mistakes.

The Wii is well um, look at the name. I was all excited about this system when it was called the revolution, which it is a revolution in gaming with the Wii mote and the nunchuck, but as soon as i heard Wii I decided I didn't like it.

well rnt u jus teh CO0LEST GUY THAR IS?

Really now, people who let the name get to them are just silly. Obviously Nintendo chose the name so it would cater to a universal consumer base, including young children...however, that's young children. We are not young children, so we'd best stop acting like it. Parents and their young offspring are attracted to it by the innocent, whimsical name. As actual gamers though, we should know better than to let the name persuade us in any manner whatsoever. TOTALLY irrelevant, it is.

It's a little fun yes, but game selection is horrible.

Says you. I would turn that around on the 360, it literally offers NOTHING interesting to me except for DR and LP. One is best off with a broad, varied taste of gaming delight, and one can do so without succumbing to mini-game rage. Try out something new or different like Trauma Center or Endless Ocean/Forever Blue, and as far as more traditional games go...MGS4 will probably serve as the "official" holder of this title (and don't get me wrong, it should be awesome), but I'm nearly positive No More Heroes will snag GotY '08 for me.

then the controller became a little more touch sensative with the PS2

Touch I ASSUME you mean the pressure sensitivity in the button presses? Otherwise, there's nothing "touch-sensitive" about the Dual Shock 2.

This system makes some games a little more interactive and gives the feel of have to actually turn the controller to affect the game.

Oh, I see. Motion sensitivity is only good if done wrong. My bad....

Anyway, there's the 2 cents you asked for.
« Last Edit: 17 December 2007, 11:30:17 by Aych » Logged
Talon Draukner
Posts: 10

« Reply #3 on: 17 December 2007, 11:00:22 »

Thanks for you opinion even if you didn't do it in the nicest way. Everyones a critic.

I sectioned it, you happy?

Yes I did make a snap judgement on the Wii because of the name change, but I still gave it a shot by actually playing it. Still didn't like it. I don't think that Sony did the motion sensitivity wrong at all. It works just fine and if you don't like to use that, most game allow you to switch it off and use a joy stick instead. I never said anything bad about the motion sensors on the Wii, but the controller itself is ridiculous to me.

I hope that next time you give your opinion, you can do it without insulting someone.

I'm the only one you can count on general!

Sniper Joe
Posts: 259

« Reply #4 on: 17 December 2007, 11:06:11 »

It's all about the opinion, no?

I have bought a PS3 recently, and I like it quite a lot. I love the fact that Tekken DR is avaiable, and there are a few games that are coming out that will be bought.

The Wii is super fun! I've only played a few games (Wario Ware, sports, Zelda) but I loved every minute of it. Especially with friends.

I just don't like Xbox. I'd hate them getting a monopoly in the games industry as well.. So I guess i'm being a b*tch about it. It's got nothing to do with the console, it's got all to do with microsoft.

There you have it kids! Use my opinion wisely.

Posts: 88

« Reply #5 on: 17 December 2007, 11:43:14 »

I hope that next time you give your opinion, you can do it without insulting someone.

Thanks for you opinion even if you didn't do it in the nicest way. Everyones a critic.

I sectioned it, you happy?

You're kidding me, right? Insulting? The only thing I could even remotely relate to an insult was when I teased you about your reaction to the Wii's name change, and you seriously need to lighten up if you took offense to THAT. That was only a tease, and a very mild one at that...the nature of a brother's words. Besides, it deserved the response it got, and I can tell you right now it'd get thousands of harsher replies around the web. As for breaking your post down to make it more readable, I can't believe you thought I was attacking you. I earnestly asked you to do that in your best interest. Actually, the thought which ran through my head was "....Wow, I better save this guy before he's flamed to a crisp."

I don't think that Sony did the motion sensitivity wrong at all.

Well, nearly everyone who's used it, between professional critics, the general gaming public and myself, have nothing good to say about it. Even in Lair, where Sixaxis is heavily relied on, it feels strange and unintuitive, same for Warhawk,  R&C, so on and so forth...

It works just fine and if you don't like to use that, most game allow you to switch it off and use a joy stick instead.

Not only do the majority of games that utilize Sixaxis NOT have that option, even if they did, that would defeat the point of what I'm saying. Either way, Sixaxis motion sensitivity has no appeal or benefits from what I see.

I never said anything bad about the motion sensors on the Wii, but the controller itself is ridiculous to me.

So basically, you're insecure in your sexuality?
Sniper Joe
Posts: 259

« Reply #6 on: 17 December 2007, 11:52:59 »

Well, some of the remarks you made now are slightly worse than a tease. Isn't this like throwing more blocks onto the fire?

By the way, while i'm at it; I don't think that he meant that seriously, Aych. He even complimented you, although it seems very sarcastic. That's the problem with writing: you can't always tell in what context certain things are written. Example:
Talon, I HIGHLY reccomend you edit your post now and segment it into separate paragraphs. That's one hell of a wall of text.

That HIGHLY-bit could be seen as rude, to tell someone what to do, not advising ('Maybe you could..'). Long story short: there's something to be said for both parties.

Okay. ONTopic:

I haven't tried out the blu-ray player yet, although I received Casino Royale with my PS3. I think i'll do that next week. the demo's are awesome, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.. My gawd what a game that is.

Matrix Marine
Posts: 3407

« Reply #7 on: 17 December 2007, 14:57:54 »

The only thing keeping Nintendo from "winning" this console gen is Nintendo.  And by that I mean then need to encourage more traditional games on the Wii as well as diversify the selection of genres.  I know a lot of the Wii's library right now is shovelware and mini/party games, but given the initial marketing goal of the Wii, I can forgive the former.  But now that we've got a smash hit, I think you'll see more actual games being developed for it.  Much like the DS's initial run, the Will will bloom game wise, and then I think that's going to that for this gen.

PS3 looks like it will get some good stuff eventually, but I have no desire or need to go high def yet.  I certainly don't need blue ray.  Sony has a solid history of good 3rd party support, so once they get into gear and get serious about producing/supporting a GAME CONSOLE and not trying to win a DVD+ format war, we might just get some good stuff out of them.  Until then, I have no intrest in the PS3 or it's overpriced hardware.

360 hold no intrest for me at all.  I don't like online games, FPS, sports games or, well, that's really about 90% of what X-box has always had.  So yeah, couple that with the utterly abysmal hardware failure rate, and I have no plans to ever own any Xbox system.  The general level of stupidity of today's gammers is the only thing that keeps Microsoft in the game (well that and hundreds of millions of dollars of disposable income to flush on it).

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Posts: 88

« Reply #8 on: 17 December 2007, 15:05:08 »

Well, some of the remarks you made now are slightly worse than a tease. Isn't this like throwing more blocks onto the fire?

Yes, an age-old metaphor, usually put to good for here, that is, as there is nothing even slightly insulting in my last post.

By the way, while i'm at it; I don't think that he meant that seriously, Aych. He even complimented you, although it seems very sarcastic. That's the problem with writing: you can't always tell in what context certain things are written.

So, wait...he didn't seriously mean to ask me to be nicer to him (despite the fact I had done no wrong in the first place) ? That doesn't make any sense, it's not like he made a snide joke or comment. He asked me to not be "insulting" next time I had a comment to make. That statement is CLEARLY without satire, it's contextually impossible in this situation. It's crystal-clear he meant it.

That HIGHLY-bit could be seen as rude, to tell someone what to do, not advising ('Maybe you could..'). Long story short: there's something to be said for both parties.

It bemuses me why you're trying to unsuccessfully pick my mannerisms apart. Why don't you demonstrate some common sense? I chose to say that I highly reccomend he segment his post rather than "Maybe you could" because the former gets the point across with more impact. He was apparently irritated that I was looking out for him in such a way, so if I said, "Maybe you could so-and-so," it would've only hit him softer in its meaning, and he may not have done it. As we can see, however, I didn't do that, and he ended up changing it, which is GOOD for him. At no point does it ever change that I'm only suggesting it, and the use of HIGHLY only emphasizes how important it is he segment it if he doesn't want people replying, "lol wall of text, tl;dr." It stands out more, he'd remember it more, he'd benefit himself. Quite clean cut.

You know, it's a bit frustrating that you're calling into question totally trivial things when it doesn't make a lick of sense in the first place. There is virtually no difference between what I said and what you thought I should say, and when it comes down to the very smallest, frivolous yet sensible detail, what I said was the most appropriate course of action. It's part of the most BASIC language comprehension, one never even need think about. As such, no offense, but it feels like I'm being forced to teach a toddler general human reasoning and logic, and now we all end up with these winding, ludicrously contorted posts of mine.

I'll meet you halfway here, though. "Throwing blocks onto the fire," is not the saying per would be throwing wood/fuel/kerosene/gasoline/nitroglycerin/methane/nitrocellulose onto the fire that'd result in the correct form of the saying. In fact, throwing blocks on a fire would put the fire OUT. As I was quirked by how you put it, I saw that you're in the shall I assume English is neither you native nor strongest form of speech? By no means are you poor in your use of it, in fact, if you are indeed of naturally foreign tongue, you have EXCELLENT English. However, what you've said to me suggests that maybe you aren't terribly familiar with the semantics of English conversation?
Sniper Joe
Posts: 259

« Reply #9 on: 17 December 2007, 15:29:04 »

I speak english better then I write it.

The saying I used also exists in dutch, I guess it's used diffrently in english. In the Netherlands, we say 'hout bij het vuur gooien', which literally means 'throwing blocks (of wood, and that's where I went wrong)onto the fire'.

I agree that capslocking a word make it stand out more, obviously. Maybe it's a more commercial point of view, or I misunderstood what you meant to accomplish by using caps, but it felt more compulsory then optional.

Because I currently have a job in the commercial sector, I have to be extremely careful to not use words/sentences that appear compulsory in both speech and e-mail.
So that's pretty much why I responded the way I did. No harm intended, of course! I'm not like that at all.. Not too often, anyway.

Posts: 88

« Reply #10 on: 17 December 2007, 15:40:08 »

I speak english better then I write it.

That's funny too, because with most people, it's the exact opposite. I suppose you must've learned it differently though.

As for throwing blocks into fire, I was thinking in the back of my head, "If they were blocks of wood though, they'd burn...but then again, they'd also stomp the fire out before they burned." Then again, I pictured the blocks being rather large, so of course they'd stomp it out. Knowing you actually have such a saying sheds light on it either way...

So ultimately, believe me, it was optional. I never intended to command or control him, merely alert him of how important I thought it he should fix up his own post, to help himself out. However, I understand now why you took it the way you did, given your profession. I'm aware how polite and reserved you have to be in conversation when you work in commercial.
Sniper Joe
Posts: 259

« Reply #11 on: 17 December 2007, 15:49:18 »

That's funny too, because with most people, it's the exact opposite. I suppose you must've learned it differently though.

I did. The way I learned English was mostly through speaking it with my parents and grandparents and watching a lot of cartoons. I also spoke a lot of English with a few friends.  Obviously I had english class all through my youth, but I did it all on feeling.

Now then. Let's return on-topic, shall we?


Posts: 88

« Reply #12 on: 17 December 2007, 15:54:50 »

Well, in any case, it's rare to see someone who isn't an American or Briton very well versed in the language. I salute you right back for this.

And yes indeed, let others speak their mind now...
Sniper Joe
Posts: 363

« Reply #13 on: 17 December 2007, 16:06:34 »

Well, here's my opinion, and I really am unbiased on these ratings, I've played on all three as well.

PS3: I loved my PS2  a lot, it had a huge game library, and just PS2-ness. The PS3 however just seems to have lost that. The game library is abysmal, Ratchet and Clank is great, but what else does it have that no other system has? The answer really is nothing. The 360 and the Wii both out perform the PS3 in every aspect except the graphics engine. Which really isn't much better than the 360's.
 Sony has failed so badly with this system it's crazy. The PS2 sold more than both the Xbox and GC combined. Halo 3 has even outsold the PS3. They should have done what the 360 did, add the Blu-ray as a add on and then sell the regular PS3 with a 20-30 GB  hard-drive.

Wii: The Wii is greatness in a rectangular white box. The only fault with it that I can find is that FPS's suck on it if you use the Wiimote. At least for Call of Duty 3 it did. But FPS isn't for the Wii anyways so its all good. The Wii really excells at the party games and cartoony ones. It also boasts the bragging rights of having Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Super Smash, Kirby etc. All the classics that people love. It's controls while being unconventional are brilliant. While they might not work so well with certain types of games, the ones they do work with are made into pure gold.
 The Wii is also outselling the 360 by quite a lot now, people still can't find them where I live. It's free online play and linking is great too. Overall I really love the Wii. I can see it only getting better in the future when titles like Animal Crossing, Marion Kart etc. come out.

360: Really the only good things about the 360 are its online play, the Xbox live system, Halo, Elder Scrolls, and maybe a few more games. It really isn't anything special, it's just an updated Xbox that looks prettier. The grapics are pretty great with most of it's games. Halo 3 is good, just for the whole party game thing. But Halo can't compare to the Wii's games. I will say that I do really like my 360 for games such as Elder Scrolls and Halo, but really nothing else.


PS3: C-
Wii:   A+
360:  B-

In the end we are naught but shadows and dust...
White Shadow
Matrix Marine
Posts: 412

« Reply #14 on: 17 December 2007, 16:16:24 »

I won't touch the PS3 until the price goes down by at least 50%. Not worth it.

The 360 has no games I could care about, especially as a lot of them appear for PC anyway.

The Wii guarantees party fun, but we need some really good games for it. Super Mario Galaxy was a nice start, most games for it however are ports, licensed from movies or otherwise inferior.

So while technology becomes more advanced every year, the queens of consoles are still the SNES and the first PS.

White Shadow
Robot Master
Posts: 796

« Reply #15 on: 17 December 2007, 18:08:01 »

I speak english better then I write it.
That's funny too, because with most people, it's the exact opposite. I suppose you must've learned it differently though.
I do speak english better than what I write it too, but that's because I don't really care about english at the school. I learnt most of my english from games and all my pronunciation gotten from videos and such at the internet. Then again, the problem is I never learnt the tenses names, since I didn't study them. I saw them being used and used them, too.

On topic, I've never touched nor personally seen any of theese consoles.
But I believe the Wii is the best since it has the good games, the PS3 comes in a close second because of all it's features and the 360 doesn't attract me in ANY ways.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #16 on: 17 December 2007, 21:03:14 »

I won't touch the PS3 until the price goes down by at least 50%. Not worth it.

The 360 has no games I could care about, especially as a lot of them appear for PC anyway.

The Wii guarantees party fun, but we need some really good games for it. Super Mario Galaxy was a nice start, most games for it however are ports, licensed from movies or otherwise inferior.

So while technology becomes more advanced every year, the queens of consoles are still the SNES and the first PS.

What he said. The rest of the thread is TL;DR.

Sniper Joe
Posts: 259

« Reply #17 on: 17 December 2007, 23:38:38 »

I'm still playing Sonic 3 & Knuckles as we speak. That's pretty much one of my favourite games of all time.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #18 on: 18 December 2007, 00:18:09 »

I love the Wii, it's a brilliant system. However, it's catered more to the average person, and the casual gamer. There aren't very many hardcore games released so far, and it has been more than enough time to build up a hardcore library. On top of that, most of the major releases are 1st Party. The Wii isn't getting much 3rd Party support in terms of hardcore games.
On top of that, the Wii is getting watered-down versions of multi-console releases. Take Ghostbusters for example: while 360 and PS3 are getting intense, unbelievable graphics and a full-scale epic, the Wii is getting the same treatment as the outdated PS2: a cartoony side-release that is quite literally watered-down.
However, what is available is amazing. Games like MP:3 and SMG are once-in-a-lifetime experiences. WarioWare: Smooth Moves provided some of the most fun I've ever had in casual gaming. Wii Sports is the ultimate in-package gem.
It's got a lot coming for it, too, but we're simply not getting the hardcore releases. The next major release is Smash Bros., and that's... well, that's its own category. And what a wonderful category it is.

XBOX 360
This is an amazing system. It's jam-packed with all kinds of RELEVANT features. You have something like the PS3 with tons of useless features that only serve to make Sony more money and leave you bored in a matter of minutes, or that try to coerce you to buy more Sony hardware to connect with.
Instead, the XBOX provides the ultimate online services that aid directly with what you want to actually use a console for: gaming. Sure, it provides movies and DVD compatibility, but that's an acceptable luxury, and it isn't taken too far. After all, the XBOX is usually advertised as a "multimedia center" nowadays, and it's allowed a few novelties. The PS3 is described as the "ultimate gaming experience" with almost no focus on gaming.
On XBOX Live, you can download a demo of quite literally EVERY worthwhile game to see if you actually want to buy it, and the arcade can't be matched in terms of affordable quick games, even some massive and great ones at that.
The games selection is incredible - although you mostly hear about the360 being mainly for things like shooters and sports games, as Rez likes to promote, you'll find that to be untrue. Everything from Dead Rising to Viva Pinata to Skate is covered. It's even worth mentioning Psychonauts, from the original XBOX. Such a game still deserves a place among the greats of today, and it's one of the best PLATFORMING experiences you can get. Even the shooter games are undeniably great, whether or not you actually like them. I'm not a big fan of shooters (I still love my Orange Box, though), but the ones available for 360 at least give me some enjoyment, which is a hard thing to accomplish for shooters.
I'm a straight-up Nintendo fan-boy, but not even I can deny the perfection of 360.
Well, I also can't deny the hardware IMperfection. Goddamn red lights. I've been safe, but I know plenty who have falled victim to the RRoD.

I've never liked Sony. I gave PSP a try and much to my dismay, I was let down immensely. Too much extraneous content on both PSP and PS3, and I promise you it will only get worse. The games being made aren't all that great, and it doesn't look like it'll be getting much better. Sure, it's got a few amazing exclusives going for it, but come on. No. Sorry, Sony.

NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #19 on: 18 December 2007, 00:42:50 »

I only got a PSP to play MMPU and MHX... >_>

And I hope to God my 360 doesn't go RRoD on me. I've had it for about 3 weeks now, no problems yet.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #20 on: 18 December 2007, 00:44:17 »

I'm lucky I didn't sell my PSP before MHX and MMPU came out.

NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #21 on: 18 December 2007, 00:45:42 »

I'm so pissed though that they decided not to make sequels to those games, really made spending $250 for two games feel really pointless...
Sniper Joe
Posts: 259

« Reply #22 on: 18 December 2007, 00:47:20 »

Nah, not pointless. Why not? Because MMPU alone is worth that money.. I mean come on, creating MM levels! What more could you want?

And I've had some trouble with the PSP myself. I've owned 3 of them. I had to return 2 to Sony, due to hardware problems. This one I have for over 2 years now.

Posts: 88

« Reply #23 on: 18 December 2007, 00:55:21 »

The Wii is way too overated. My brother has one and it's fun and all but only if you have freinds over and it's not worth my tme and money to get one.

The 360 is pretty badass, alot of good games, play in HD, and easy to buy. Can I say Assassin's Creed? Ahhh si chicka.

The PS3 is basicly an overy expensive paper weight, only good if you need a cheap Blu-Ray player. And that could be obsolete if HD movies prevail.

 All and all I think the 360 is the best if you can get one that doesn't over heat and crap out on you. Even I have experienced the red ring of death.
Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #24 on: 18 December 2007, 01:09:37 »

Holy CRAP this topic has a ton of text.
I read bits of it, but everybody shares the same opinion overall.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Sniper Joe
Posts: 259

« Reply #25 on: 18 December 2007, 01:10:38 »

Well, I actually like the PS3, which is something most folks around here don't.

NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #26 on: 18 December 2007, 01:17:52 »

I would like the PS3 is the price was lower and if more exclusive "OMG AWESOME" games come out for it.

Ratchet & Clank is not enough.
Sniper Joe
Posts: 259

« Reply #27 on: 18 December 2007, 01:20:23 »

Uncharted is.

So is Tekken DR (for me).

Super Robot
Posts: 2354

« Reply #28 on: 18 December 2007, 01:47:48 »

The console wars bug the hell out of me. There's always someone willing to assume you're a fanboy for picking one game over the other. It doesn't matter WHY you like one game over the other, all they see is that you're picking something that belongs on the console that THEY hate, and that automatically makes you a fanboy.

It's people like this that make me hesitate to reveal my opinion on things in the first place. There's always someone willing to turn the smallest subject into an excuse for hate.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #29 on: 18 December 2007, 01:53:14 »


I like my Wii, but would also take an 360, they are equally good to me.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 2354

« Reply #30 on: 18 December 2007, 01:54:34 »

Actually my vote would go to the 360 at this moment, but it doesn't matter. It's the games I value more, not the console.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #31 on: 18 December 2007, 02:16:37 »

Good Call.
If I had a 360, I'd have a crap ton of amazing games for it and play all the time.
I have 3 for the Wii and play GH3, that's about it.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #32 on: 18 December 2007, 02:18:08 »

360 is insta-win gamewise, but we're talking about consoles.

I totally agree that only the games matter.

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #33 on: 18 December 2007, 02:55:16 »

The Wii is way too overated. My brother has one and it's fun and all but only if you have freinds over and it's not worth my tme and money to get one.

No, you're overrated and too expensive.

What are 'freinds' and what's your 'tme'?
Super Robot
Posts: 2354

« Reply #34 on: 18 December 2007, 03:00:31 »

Oh look at me
I'm Sano
And I get pissed at typos

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #35 on: 18 December 2007, 03:06:06 »

Oh look at me
I'm Sano
And I get pissed at typos

I loled.

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #36 on: 18 December 2007, 03:07:06 »

Oh look at me
I'm Sano
And I get pissed at typos

Hi Sano, did you forget how to use the period key again?
Besides, I'm just playin' with the kid anyway.
« Last Edit: 18 December 2007, 03:12:59 by Captain Sanoguchi » Logged
Super Robot
Posts: 2354

« Reply #37 on: 18 December 2007, 03:36:09 »

It's an artistic statement! No one likes it when a period comes along, y'know?

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #38 on: 18 December 2007, 03:39:03 »

I love how it only took thirty-four posts before this thread turned into a pissing contest.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Posts: 88

« Reply #39 on: 18 December 2007, 04:16:04 »

The Wii is way too overated. My brother has one and it's fun and all but only if you have freinds over and it's not worth my tme and money to get one.

No, you're overrated and too expensive.

What are 'freinds' and what's your 'tme'?

Pull that stick out of your ass. So #####ing what I madea few typos, I type fast and don't care to sit there and proof read. Why must you fell obligated to point out my flaws. Why don't you do something more affective with your time? Go ##### yourself.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #40 on: 18 December 2007, 04:41:08 »

Hi Sano, did you forget how to use the period key again?
Besides, I'm just playin' with the kid anyway.

Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #41 on: 18 December 2007, 04:45:50 »

The Wii is way too overated. My brother has one and it's fun and all but only if you have freinds over and it's not worth my tme and money to get one.

No, you're overrated and too expensive.

What are 'freinds' and what's your 'tme'?

Pull that stick out of your ass. So #####ing what I madea few typos, I type fast and don't care to sit there and proof read. Why must you fell obligated to point out my flaws. Why don't you do something more affective with your time? Go ##### yourself.

*laughs* OH SNAP!

Seriously though, lighten up.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #42 on: 18 December 2007, 05:10:43 »

Dude, I'm just pointing out silly typos, no reason to turn into a four year old girl over it.
So, what's a madea?
Robot Master
Posts: 594

« Reply #43 on: 18 December 2007, 06:20:38 »

I haven't tried the wii or the ps3 yet (me and my sister are cashing in for a wii though) but I've played the 360 a lot at my frieind's house. I love the system, and the mic thing is pretty fun to use, but yeah a little too much FPS.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #44 on: 18 December 2007, 06:31:23 »

Wii Sports on it's own has been a lot of fun for me without having friends over.. And Twilight Princess... So I really don't see how Wii is only fun with people over.

Matrix Marine
Posts: 3407

« Reply #45 on: 18 December 2007, 14:53:51 »

Pull that stick out of your ass. So #####ing what I madea few typos, I type fast and don't care to sit there and proof read. Why must you fell obligated to point out my flaws. Why don't you do something more affective with your time? Go ##### yourself.

Hi.  My name is Rez.  I'm a mod here.  Guess what?  I don't give a ##### if you "don't care to sit there and proof read".  If you're going to post here you WILL take a few seconds to make sure your posts don't look like some 4 year old banged his head into his mommy's cell phone keypad.  There is a very MINIMUM level of spelling and punctuation we require here to keep this forum from degrading into a cesspool.  So my friend, I suggest you calm down and take a minute to make your posts pretty.  I also suggest you never rip into someone for comically pointing out you're not following the most basic rules of the forum.  If you don't feel you can do that, feel free to leave, or better yet, we can show you the door.  Your choice.


Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
White Shadow
Matrix Marine
Posts: 412

« Reply #46 on: 18 December 2007, 16:27:23 »

Can I say Assassin's Creed?

Can I say 'Comes out for PC'? If anything I am pissed games get developed for PC and 360 at the same time, because almost any PC game that had decent potential gets dumbed down for console users, if only because a controller has less than a third of the keys a keyboard has. Bioshock is a great example.

Your choice.

Should be "You're".

White Shadow
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #47 on: 18 December 2007, 16:29:19 »

You are choice? Sounds right to me!

Sniper Joe
Posts: 259

« Reply #48 on: 18 December 2007, 16:30:25 »

Your choice.

Should be "You're".



Super Robot
Posts: 1579

« Reply #49 on: 18 December 2007, 17:21:08 »

I do all my hardcore gaming on PC, so I have no need for hardcore games on console. Therefore, Wii gets my vote.
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