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Author Topic: The Strain Series Continues! (Current: Force)  (Read 7872 times)
Posts: 85

« on: 14 December 2007, 23:30:21 »

Sorry, I have no way of bringing back the other three.  But enjoy all the same.  I've posted them other places.  If I can find the links, I'll put them up here.

Anyway, without further ado:

The Force Strain

Chapter 1:

“But I still don’t understand,” said X.  “There’s no reason for anything not strictly part of a Light Capsule to be included in an Armor Maverick.”

Zero sighed, leaning into the back of the chair.  “It’s easy,” he said.  “This is an age of revivals.  If Doppler, Bit, or Byte were revived and are on the Mavericks’ side, then they could have told whoever’s making them that you held the Z-Saber when you last fought them.”

“But if none of them were?” said Marino.

X lowered his gaze.  “If that’s not the answer, then the only reasonable idea left is that either Sigma or Vile is a spy, if not both of them.  …Personally, I don’t want to believe that, but…”

The lounge was silent for a long while.  Finally, one of its four occupants spoke.  “It’s more likely that one of those three Zero mentioned have been revived,” said Sakura.  “It is an age of revivals…”

At that moment, the door slid open, and Layer and Iris entered the room, both holding a pair of closed blade fans.

“How’d the training go?” asked Zero.

“It was just fine until it got to the elemental enemies…” said Layer.

“You taught her the elemental attacks, right?” said Zero.

“All that I knew,” said Layer.  “And it worked until an ice enemy appeared in the air.  It was too high to hit with Enkoujin.”

“…There’s a fire version of Hyoryuushou,” said Zero.  “…But, I…I…”

Iris looked down.  “I know it.  But…I can’t remember it…”

Zero sighed, slumping slightly.  “I’d rather forget it…but you might actually run into something like that on the battlefield.”

“It’s okay, Zero,” said Iris.  “You’re right.  We might run into a situation like that someday.  You might as well tell us.”

“…It’s called Ryuuenjin,” said Zero, steeling himself against the memory that was inescapably attached to that attack.  He had used that very same move against Iris…

“And it’s exactly like my ice attack, except fire?” said Layer.  “…I can do that.  What’s wrong with it, by the way?”

“It’s…it’s nothing,” said Iris.  “…Thanks for helping me out, Layer…”

“No problem,” said Layer.  “After all, it’s better to train blade fans with blade fans instead of a saber.”

“You’ve been a great help,” said Zero.  “Thanks.”

Layer nodded, and left the room.  Iris sat down in the chair next to Zero.  “So,” she said, “what’s going on?”

“Nothing really,” said X.  “We’re just talking.”

“Okay.  …Zero, are you alright?”

“Fine…it’s just…well, you know.”

“All too well,” said Iris, putting a hand on his shoulder.  “But we can’t let it get to us.  It’s been, what, almost a century?  I think we can let it go.”

“I don’t know how it can be so easy for you,” said Zero sullenly.  He’d been reminded of that battle, and of the one thing that had made that memory eat away at him like a parasite.  When he had been fighting, at first, he’d been reluctant to attack.  But, as Iris’s attacks had persisted, the rush of battle had taken over.  That wouldn’t be a bad thing, normally, because, up until that point, he could always plead self-defense. 

But, in that one moment of the struggle, in that second before the battle body’s energy was depleted, he had actually enjoyed the fight, as if he was battling any Maverick.  And that, not the fact that she had died, was why he felt so guilty about it.  If she had died in a fight that he was consistently reluctant to pursue, he would have blamed Sigma.  But…there was no doubt that he was truly the cause of her death.

“Zero?” Iris said, shaking him out of his guilty, self-abusing trance.

“Hey, are you gonna be okay?” said X.

Dazedly, Zero nodded.  “Yeah…I…I’m sorry.”

“I think you should get some rest,” said Marino.

“Yeah,” said Sakura.  “A good night’s sleep is bound to make you feel better.”

“Okay…” Zero stood, and Iris stood with him, keeping her hand on his shoulder.

“Zero,” said Iris, as they left the room, “it’s not that easy.  Trust me…”

Their conversation was cut off from the lounge as they left the room.

A global catastrophe has hit, and you are among the casualties.
But it is not the end.

Sonic Afterlife
Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #1 on: 15 December 2007, 02:06:14 »

To fill people in-
This is after ther Hunters fought some Armor Mavericks, fictional mavericks that have gained the abilities of X's armors over the X series.
Sakura was a fasion model reploid, who was left for dead, but helped by X.
X has been emo for most of the story, because he accidently killed a guy when he shot at the ground and the shot richoched into his head.
Iris is back, same with Siggy and Vile, both good dudes now.
I THINK I'm thinking of the right story through all of this, correct me if I'm not Cherry.
The Sakura girl killed a giant turtle mechanloid.
Spider is back.

I bet half of that is with the wrong story, but it's close enough.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Posts: 85

« Reply #2 on: 30 December 2007, 17:25:22 »

Half-decent summation, I guess.  Not that I could do any better.

Anyway, from here on out, it's mainly about Cinnamon.  Her character does some major growing in this series.  (Quite literally.  By this point, she has the mind of a teenager.  Though her body won't change.  Cause, you know, she's a machine.)

Anyone remember Spider's favorite spot to hang out?  "Rooftop chat" number... *counts*  ...Four?

Anyway for those of you that weren't around for the first three, the Crimson Force is a combination of Repliforce and Red Alert, the equivalent of the Maverick Hunters on the Lunar Colony.  Its members were originally rebuilt to aid in construction.

Chapter 2: 

“Well, this is a first,” said a voice behind her.  Cinnamon looked over her shoulder as the speaker sat down beside her on the edge of the rooftop.

“Hello, Spider,” said the nurse.  “Sorry I took your spot.”

Spider blinked.  “Uh…It’s really not a big deal.  What’s going on?”

Cinnamon looked up, at the full moon.  “The Professor and I are going to the Lunar Colony to help train the Crimson Force’s medics and engineers.  …I’m just…I don’t want to leave, but…”

“Hey, it’s not like it’s permanent, right.  …Is it?”

“No, you’re right,” said Cinnamon.  “It’s just for a month.”

“Then don’t worry about it.”

“You know…” said Cinnamon, as a cool breeze blew by, ruffling their hair.  “You’re not exactly the same Spider, but you’re not Redips, either.  It’s like you’re somewhere in between.”

“Well, I guess that’s what my real personality is,” said Spider.  “I don’t even remember which was the original anymore…personality-wise, I mean.  It feels like I’ve had both forever…”

“It’s not like the original matters.  Just look at Massimo.”

Spider chuckled.  “I guess you’re right.”

At that moment, Gaudile emerged from the stairwell.  “Cinnamon, there you are!  Are you all packed?”

“Yeah,” said Cinnamon, standing.  “They’re still in my quarters.  Let’s go.”

“Wait, you’re leaving now?” said Spider.

Cinnamon nodded.  “As soon as I get my things from my room…Sorry I didn’t tell you earlier…”

“That’s alright.  Well…have fun.  Chances are, we’re going to have a story to tell you when you get back.  The Armor Mavericks tend to attack monthly, so…”

“Thank you.”

“No problem,” said Spider, watching as the two left.


“So, you’re leaving for the month?” said Marino, meeting her with Axl at the bottom of the stairs.

“Yeah,” said Cinnamon.  “I’m sorry I never told anyone. It’s just that…”

“Nah, I understand,” said Axl.  “You’re just scared, right?  Well, don’t be.  You’ll be just fine out there.”

“Just be sure to have a story to tell us.  We want to know what the Crimson Force is up to,” added Marino.

“Thanks, guys!” exclaimed Cinnamon, hugging them both.

“Heh…see you next month, kiddo,” said Marino.

“Don’t worry ‘bout us,” said Axl.

“I couldn’t ask for better friends,” said Cinnamon, stepping back.  “Well…goodbye, then…”

“Oh, get going already,” said Marino, wiping a tear from her eye.  “I hate long goodbyes.”

“Okay…”  Cinnamon and Gaudile walked past them, and down the halls.

“Wait!” Axl called, running after them.

Cinnamon turned.  “What is it?”

“Cinnamon, I…can I ask you a favor?”

“Sure.  What is it?”

“Can you say hi to Red and the rest of the Alert guys for me?”

Cinnamon nodded.  “Of course!”


“No problem!”  Cinnamon walked away, suddenly feeling strangely happy, despite the fact that she was about to leave the Hunter Base for an entire month.

“Cinnamon?” said Iris, as she and Zero emerged from their quarters.

“What’s up, guys?”

“Um…we’ve got a favor to ask,” said Iris.  “Can you tell my brother we said hi?”

“Um…sure.  Your brother?”

“Colonel,” said Zero.

“Oh, okay.  I’ll tell him.”


“Hey…how did you know we were leaving?”

“Professor Gaudile told us.”

“Professor?”  she turned to Gaudile.

“I’m sorry.  I knew you were going to be reluctant to tell everyone, so I took the matter into my own hands.”

“That’s okay.  Thanks, Professor.”


It only took a little while to get the equipment they needed, and they were soon at the front gates.  Signas was there to see them off.

“Best of luck, you two,” he said.  “We’ll be alright down here.”

“Thank you, sir,” said Cinnamon.

“Just call me Signas, alright?”

“Okay…see you later, Signas!”

Feeling charged with energy, Cinnamon ran off, Gaudile waddling behind her in an attempt to keep up, while Signas waved farewell from the gates.

Posted on: 16 December 2007, 10:15:55

Sorry for my long absence.  Work + Christmas = no free time.

Chapter 3:

“Hey, you can see the Hunter Base from here!” said Cinnamon excitedly, hands pressed against the transparent polymer of the Orbital Elevator.  “See, there’s the lake!”

“…Cinnamon, look!” Gaudile exclaimed.  “On the roof!”

The roof of the Hunter Base seemed to be alive, movement covering its surface.  Cinnamon realized that it was caused by the sheer amount of Hunters on its surface.  They were all there, watching the Orbital Elevator.

“They…they’re all up there.  X, and Zero, and everyone else.”  Her eyes began to water.  “Thank you, everyone…I’ll come back soon, don’t worry…”

“They really care about us,” said Gaudile.  “They’re like our family.”

The Orbital Elevator passed into the upper atmosphere, obscuring the Hunters from view.

“So…” said Cinnamon, looking up as they left the atmosphere.  “This’ll be our first time on the moon, right?”

“That’s right.  It’s bound to have a higher human population than the Earth, so be ready for that.”

“I am.  Humans aren’t very different from Reploids, are they?”

“Merely a difference of biology versus technology.  Other than the remnants of animal instincts and the internal structure of their bodies, we’re exactly alike.”

“Oh.  Okay!  I can’t wait to see what the Crimson Force is like!  I wonder if they’re just like the Maverick Hunters… What do you know about them, Professor?”

“Not much,” Gaudile admitted.  “But we have mutual friends down on Earth, so we’re bound to get off on the right foot regardless.”

“You’re probably right.”

They reached the top, where they waited to be loaded into a shuttle.  Eventually, they were seated on one, and taken to the moon.  Once they’d docked at the Lunar Colony, they were greeted by a tall Reploid wearing a black militaristic hat and white, coat-like armor.

“Cinnamon and Professor Gaudile?” he asked.

“That’s us!” said Cinnamon cheerfully.

“A pleasure to meet you,” he said, extending his hand.  Cinnamon and Gaudile accepted the handshake.  “I’m Colonel, second in command of the Crimson Force.”

“Colonel?  …Oh, um, Iris and Zero told me to say hi to you for them.”

Colonel smiled.  “I’m glad they haven’t forgotten about me.  How are they doing?”

“Well…they’ve been okay.  Zero’s been a lot happier since he first brought Iris back.”

“That’s good.  And how is Iris?”

“Learning how to wield blade fans,” said Gaudile.

“Good.  I’m glad she’s learning how to defend herself.  …It’s what she wanted to do…even when she was just a Navigator.”

“She has Navigating experience?” said Cinnamon.  “…But why isn’t she a Navigator?”

Colonel shrugged.  “Perhaps she doesn’t want to.  …Anyway, come with me.  I’ll show you around.”

A global catastrophe has hit, and you are among the casualties.
But it is not the end.

Sonic Afterlife
Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #3 on: 30 December 2007, 19:29:36 »

Nice, regardless.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Posts: 85

« Reply #4 on: 1 January 2008, 22:55:23 »

It's not an installment in the Strain Series without it.

Chapter 4:

“And, finally, here we are,” said Colonel, bringing his Ride Chaser to a halt as they pulled up in front of a large building with several Kremlin-esque domes on its roof.  “This is the Crimson Force HQ.”

They had been on a tour of the Lunar Colony all day.  The artificial lighting had dimmed to represent night, though it seemed to be an eternal night, out in space, with the sun sometimes present on the horizon, depending on where you were on the moon’s surface.

“I’ll take you to your guest rooms,” said Colonel, helping Cinnamon and Gaudile off their Chasers and leading them inside.

Inside, was a roomy entrance lobby with a dome-shaped ceiling.

“What’s with the domes?” asked Cinnamon, rubbing an eye sleepily.

“It’s to easily accommodate the height of…”

At that moment, a large golden Reploid, at least ten feet tall, ducked through the doorway and into the room.  Colonel immediately snapped into a military attention stance.

“Colonel,” said the Reploid.

“Sir!” replied Colonel, saluting smartly.

“Are these the Hunters?”

“Yes, sir!”

“Good.  …Oh.  At ease.”

Colonel relaxed, but his attention did not waver from the face near the ceiling.

“You two will find your guest rooms just down that hall, second and third doors on the left.  Welcome to the Crimson Force HQ.”

“Thanks, …General?” guessed Cinnamon.

“That’s right,” said General.  “We’re the only ones that share this name scheme, though.  Just so you don’t make fools of yourselves later.”

“General?  Do my ears deceive me, or are you actually loosening up a little?”

Colonel visibly cringed at the accusation, his eyes moving to pinpoint the source of the voice.  A Reploid with swept back, blond hair sat on the information desk, holding a double-bladed scythe over his shoulder.  He only had one visible eye, and the end of a slash-shaped scar was visible just below the shadows that concealed the other. His head armor bore a contiguous marking, meaning that the same attack that had caused the scar had also damaged his armor.

“Colonel, don’t look so upset.  Honestly.  From the look on your face, you’d think I called him something horrible.  Besides, I can get away with it.  I do hold equal authority, after all.”  He leapt off the desk, walking over to Cinnamon and Gaudile.

“The name’s Red, co-leader of the Crimson Force.”

“Nice to meet you,” said Cinnamon.  “Oh, and Axl says hi…”

Red nodded.  “He’s a good kid.  You guys got lucky he rebelled.  Otherwise, Red Alert would have replaced the Maverick Hunters for sure.”

“Red Alert was doomed to fail,” said General.  “Considering you allied yourself with Sigma.”

Red turned his head, angling it up to regard his fellow leader, revealing his only visible eye to be his only eye.  Whatever had caused that scar had irreparably taken out the eye, too.  “Hypocrite.  You did, too.”

“No.  I refused when Sigma approached me.  Then he turned the Maverick Hunters on us.  We had nothing to do with him.”

“I had my doubts at first, too.  But he promised to bring Axl back.  He’s like a little brother to me.  I couldn’t refuse.”


“You’d do the same thing in similar circumstances!”

“Really?  Seeing as how I have no family, I can’t relate.  Colonel…”

“I don’t know, sir,” said Colonel immediately.

“Well, there you have it,” said Red.  “Results inconclusive.  …Look, we can settle this quarrel later.  I’m sure our guests are tired of hearing us bicker.”

General was silent for awhile, then he turned, and walked out of the room, ducking under the doorframe as he exited.

“I think you hit a nerve somewhere,” said Colonel, relaxing completely, now that the more strict of his two superiors was out of the room.

“Huh.  Well, we’ll be sure to get it all worked out eventually.  We agree one hundred percent in battle, and that’s what counts.”

“Indeed,” said Colonel.  Turning to Cinnamon and Gaudile, he said, “I’m sorry for that…”

“It’s nothing,” said Cinnamon.

Colonel nodded, closing his eyes lightly.  “Well, I guess I should show you to your rooms, then.”


Colonel led the two out of the lobby, leaving Red alone.  Almost as if to test himself, he twirled his weapon a few times, then threw it into the air, catching it dead-center in the middle of the handle as it fell into his palm.

“Heh,” he said as he left the room, leaving the entrance lobby empty.  “Depth perception flaws haven’t killed me yet.”

A global catastrophe has hit, and you are among the casualties.
But it is not the end.

Sonic Afterlife
Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #5 on: 2 January 2008, 01:47:26 »

Your writing style is bland and leaves plenty to be desired, try doing more than just dialogue.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #6 on: 2 January 2008, 02:09:30 »

Your writing style is bland and leaves plenty to be desired, try doing more than just dialogue.

Your writing style is brash and barely constructive, you may not like what she wrote but I know you can be more helpful than that.

That said, I didn't read this. Nothing personal and it's not that I don't like it, I just don't read fanfics and I never read the Strain series from the last board so I'd be lost anyway.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #7 on: 2 January 2008, 02:11:05 »

He's just here for Sano's head. har har

Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #8 on: 2 January 2008, 02:12:04 »

What I DO read is other people's crits. On any topic in the Creation Station. And I care about more than people might think.

Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #9 on: 2 January 2008, 03:41:33 »

I actually read it.
Less dialog, more quacktion!

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 2354

« Reply #10 on: 2 January 2008, 05:52:46 »


THIS is more than just dialogue:

“Well, this is a first,” said a voice behind Cinnamon.  Cinnamon looked over her shoulder as the one who spoke sat his black ass down beside her on the edge of the shingled, shoe-strewn rooftop. THAT'S RIGHT, IT'S GOT SHINGLES 'N' SHOES. 'CAUSE WE'RE NOT YOUR AVERAGE MEGAMAN 2 OPENING SCENE.

“Hello, Spider,” said the nurse.  “Sorry I took your spot.”

Spider blinked.  “Uh…It’s really not a big deal.  What’s going on?”

Cinnamon looked up at the full moon. A delivery flamingoid slowly flapped its pink gossamer wings just below it, carrying what looked to be a large telescope. Then a maverick flamingoid suicide bombed it, and it exploded, and the telescope-shaped object fell from the skies. It was tragic, in a silly way. That telescope, that eye of discovery, now lost from the skies, never to be received, never to be used... it was just another abortion of this world. But AAANYWAY,

But it's not a very good addition, now IS IT?

If there's something to add, there could be more description of body language and stuff, to be specific. Maybe the occasional flamingoid suicide bombing just to make it cool, but if you overdo it you're just fillering. Like, it's obviously kind of stupid when you go into a paragraph of detailing ##### mixed with semen and old crusty vomit "pervading" your nostrils as you enter the public men's.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #11 on: 2 January 2008, 05:59:26 »

A lot of authors write like that, over description. I hate it much.

Super Robot
Posts: 2354

« Reply #12 on: 2 January 2008, 06:03:57 »

I like description, like more than a friend, but I also never know what to say and what I can do without saying. I think over description is an okay thing to practice though because you learn to type out random details that you would normally take for granted that might have significance later.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #13 on: 2 January 2008, 06:31:34 »

It's okay, but I'm talking about to a bad point like Stephen King apparently does.

Super Robot
Posts: 2354

« Reply #14 on: 2 January 2008, 06:38:04 »

I loved when he did that two page run-on sentence about plates and period blood and, like, some other stuff. That was epic.

I think his actual storytelling makes up the ##### out of it though. I love The Dark Tower.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #15 on: 2 January 2008, 06:49:35 »

The Dark Tower is the one of the only two Stephen King series I've ever wanted to read.

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #16 on: 2 January 2008, 06:52:54 »

Don't you guys realize the writing in Someguy's comics are better than the writing in this fanfic?
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #17 on: 2 January 2008, 06:54:38 »

Sano. Just. Shut it.

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #18 on: 2 January 2008, 06:59:41 »

No you! Someguy is a master of the literary arts!
Super Robot
Posts: 2354

« Reply #19 on: 2 January 2008, 07:41:33 »

The Dark Tower is the one of the only two Stephen King series I've ever wanted to read.

First book is eeeeeh, but if you manage to scrape by that it picks up a lot. It's no Harry Potter because it's not a planned out piece of work but it's still my favourite series overall.

No you! Someguy is a master of the literary arts!

You're praising a comic on lined paper with nothing but talking heads, lines, and text and you say Cherry's story needs more than just dialogue?

Stop kidding yourself. You're not an English teacher. Scrambling to find bad things to say about grammar or writing style isn't going to change that.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #20 on: 2 January 2008, 17:34:24 »

At the best it will make someone say "I miss his annoying <insert all that crap here>" if/when you're gone but that won't be for like years and it won't be actually be a real fond memory, just a regular memory. Like remembering Nall. Or Fink, even.

Posts: 85

« Reply #21 on: 3 January 2008, 03:16:17 »

Wow, Sano hasn't changed a bit.  *shrug* Oh, well.  Can't get everything you want.

My style has always been dialogue-heavy.  I describe what I need to, and let the characters move the plot along.  Sort of like being a DM, I guess... 

Anyway, I've come a long way and I can only improve.  If this was the old board, I'd link you to my first fanfic posted.

Man, that fanfic sucked...

Chapter 5:

As Cinnamon entered the room, a rather plain room with little more than three thin beds inside, a figure rose up off one of the beds.

“So you’re the Maverick Hunter,” it said.

“Sorry,” said another voice.  A large spider-like shape appeared in the darkness, dropping down from the ceiling.  “We say ‘guest room’, but it’s really more like ‘guest bed.’”

“Who are you?” asked Cinnamon, unsettled.

“Sorry for not introducing ourselves,” said the bulky figure, getting off the bed and flicking on the light switch, revealing himself to be an anteater-like Reploid with a large cannon mounted on his back.  “I am Snipe Anteator, former member of Red Alert.  This is Web Spider, former member of Repliforce.”

“Nice to meet you,” said Web Spider.  “You can just call me Spider.  In fact, that second part’s the name in any case.  The first is just a specialty tag.”

“Well, that makes two Reploids I know called Spider…” said Cinnamon.

“Oh, you already know someone named Spider?  Well…my friends call me Webby…”

“Okay, then!  I’ll call you Webby.”

“Sure thing.  …You sure you don’t mind having roommates?”

Cinnamon shrugged.  “It’s not like I have a choice.”

“Okay.  Well, we’ll shut up and let you sleep, then.  You look a little tired.”

Cinnamon nodded.  “Thanks.”

As the two Crimson Force members returned to their beds (actually, Web Spider merely returned to the ceiling), Cinnamon climbed into one of the empty ones.  Despite its lack of thickness, she quickly fell asleep.


The ruins of the original Lunar Colony planning base lay partially intact.  On a rose-colored carpeted path, there was a large, throne-like chair.  On that chair was a tall female Reploid, with white standard armor, and a navy blue bodysuit.  Her helmet was also standard, except for the fact that it sported two small silver fins.  One of her gloves was red, and the other was blue.  Brown hair flared out from her helmet, widening until it terminated at her waist.

“Don’t get too comfortable,” said a gravelly voice from the shadows behind the throne.  “There’s a Hunter on the moon.”

The Reploid looked over her shoulder.  “She’s only a medic.  There’s nothing to worry about.”

“She’s the one that destroyed Beta,” said a light tenor voice.  “Don’t underestimate her.”

“Not to mention she can generate Force Metal,” said a baritone voice.  “As well as heal her allies.  If she can strengthen them and keep them alive, all that it will take to destroy you is a couple of Crimson Force members.”

The Reploid scoffed.  “You three are such worrywarts.  You remember what I can do?  I’ve got the power of X’s most powerful Armor, save Ultimate.”

“So did Gold,” said the tenor.

“And he even had a copy of the Z-Saber,” said the gravelly voice.

“He had to charge it through his Buster to use it effectively, anyway.  Quit worrying.  Once my strain’s taken hold, I’ll launch my attack.  Just be patient.”

“We’ve been patient,” said the baritone.  “It didn’t get us anywhere.”

“She’s right,” argued the tenor.  “We can’t rush in unprepared.”

“Yes.  Just wait,” said the Armor Maverick.  “We’ll launch the attack, soon…”

A global catastrophe has hit, and you are among the casualties.
But it is not the end.

Sonic Afterlife
Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #22 on: 3 January 2008, 23:41:33 »

Prediction time: A new strain takes hold, this reploid along with 2 of the X Hunters from X2 go fight.
It better shake the moon out of orbit.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Posts: 85

« Reply #23 on: 4 January 2008, 00:38:32 »

Reploid physiology, courtesy of Professor Cinnamon! ^_^  ...And the lousy lecture-crasher in every class.  I hate those guys.

Chapter 6: 

The next morning, Cinnamon and Gaudile were escorted to their classes by two lower-ranking members.  The guard at the door to Cinnamon’s class, a gray humanoid hyena-type Reploid, stepped aside to let her pass, wishing her luck.  While that sentiment seemed a little strange, Cinnamon assumed it simply meant the students were difficult.

“Hello, everyone,” she said to the small class of mixed humans and Reploids.  “I’m Cinnamon, your temporary instructor.  Um…where did you leave off?”

“We were about to cover body skin and blood flow when Professor Tiamat went Maverick,” said a Reploid.

…Well, that was disconcerting.  Cinnamon had never been told that she and her father were here to replace instructors that had gone Maverick…

“Um…okay…”  She chuckled nervously.  “A…Alright, then!  Let’s continue the course, shall we?”

She looked around for the appropriate diagrams.  Certainly, the Crimson Force wasn’t as well-funded as the Hunters, but they had to have diagrams, right?

“They’re above the whiteboard,” said the same Reploid that had first spoken.

“Oh,” said Cinnamon, reaching up and pulling them down.  “Thank you.  …Anyway, let’s start with Reploid body skin.  The skin on a Reploid’s body is made of a lightweight alloy known as ‘Titanium X’.  It is highly malleable, and, once set, behaves almost exactly like human skin, with the exception of being more resistant to blunt force and extreme temperatures.  It can be treated in three ways.  The first is as ordinary skin, where nothing is done to it prior to molding.  It comes in several pigments, including some that aren’t possible in humans.  The second is packed body skin.  It is packed and treated, hardening it considerably.”

Cinnamon paused, trying to remember what came next.  I’m just glad I took the time to read all of the Professor’s notes…It won’t help me if I can’t remember it, though…

Finally, she remembered.  “Packed Titanium X acts as muscle, bracing the skeleton and providing extra protection against all impacts.  The third is jellied body skin.  There is a thin layer of jellied body skin under the main epidermal layer.  It acts as body fat in a human, except it provides greater protection.  It transfers movement, absorbing the brunt of blunt impacts.  It also acts as an insulator against heat and cold.  In hot environments, it loosens, while it firms in cold environments.”

A human raised his hand.  “You have a question?” asked Cinnamon, afraid she wouldn’t be able to answer.

“So, jellied body skin is the reason girl Reploids…jiggle?”

“…”  It took a little bit of time to get what he was saying, but when she realized what he meant, Cinnamon’s eyes narrowed.  “…Yes.  I said it transfers movement.  Can you ask a more mature question next time?  Now, as I was…”

“Uh, out of curiosity, what are a Reploid’s erogenous zones?”

“…You aren’t very good at following directions, are you?” she sighed, deciding to answer, anyway.  “They’re all the same as a human’s in a human-type Reploid.  Others, it depends on their body type.  Anyway, as I was saying…”

“Do Reploids have a…”

“Dude, shut up,” interrupted the person behind him.  “You’re ruining our lecture.”

“Yes.  Either ask relevant questions, or get out.”  Cinnamon was starting to see what Gaudile had meant when he’d said ‘remnants of animal instincts’, and she didn’t appreciate it at all.

“Sorry…” mumbled the human, slouching.

Cinnamon sighed and shook her head.  “Anyway.  On to blood flow and nanomites.  While we call it ‘blood’, it is actually an energy transfer fluid, that takes the energy from our core, throughout our bodies.  You can see why we call it blood.  It shares both color and function.  A Reploid can live without blood for an hour before it dies.  However, it can be kept alive if a sufficient electric current is passed through its CPU.  This was practiced as a form of torture during the Giga City Rebellion Occupation in the Tianna prisoner-of-war camp.

“Anyway…um, let’s go to a less…macabre…subject, okay?  Nanomites are microscopic machines that are responsible for our auto-repair systems.  They travel through the blood to every part of our bodies and repair any damage there.  They are made of a unique Energen-based metal that can alter its molecular structure, so it can repair anything it needs to.  Reploids replenish their supply of nanomites either through direct injection or sleeping once a month in a regeneration pod.  In the case of a severed limb…”

Suddenly, she was interrupted by the sound of books crashing to the tile floor.  Their owner, a slender male Reploid in the back, was doubled over, moaning in pain.

“Are you alright?” said Cinnamon, alarmed.  She grabbed the demonstration medic’s kit from the front desk and began to make her way towards the back of the room.  “Can you tell me what kind of pain you’re feeling, or where it’s worst?”

“The…the pain…” gasped the Reploid.  “C…Can’t take it…”

He looked up at Cinnamon, his eyes wild.  “…You’re causing it!”

A global catastrophe has hit, and you are among the casualties.
But it is not the end.

Sonic Afterlife
Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #24 on: 4 January 2008, 01:00:57 »

What a moron, he's obviously a maverick in disguise trying to taint the reputation of the helpful reploid for the battle ahead.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Posts: 85

« Reply #25 on: 5 January 2008, 03:18:28 »

Chapter 7:

“What?  Me?  How?” Cinnamon stammered as the Reploid advanced on her, quivering with pain, his arm unit transformed into an energy scalpel.


Outside the room, canine ears perked at the exchange from within.  That was all too familiar…

When the guard rushed into the room, the sound was not of two feet hitting the floor, but six.


“If I kill you, it’ll stop…” said the Reploid, an insane grin on his face.

“Maverick!” someone yelled.  Only seconds after that, the room descended into chaos, students clambering over each other to escape.

“Everyone, this way!” yelled the guard, as two copies of him leapt over the crowd and restrained the Maverick.  The original began to guide everyone out, coming in to shake Cinnamon out of her terrified paralysis and to get her out of harm’s way as his clones battled the Maverick.  In the doorway, Cinnamon turned to watch as the guard was forced to destroy the Reploid that might have otherwise been a productive medic…


“Are you alright?” asked the hyena-like Reploid, returning from the battle with only a cut on his arm.  “He didn’t attack you, did he?”

“No…” said Cinnamon, looking down.  “He never launched an attack.  …Thanks.  You responded really quickly.”

“Well, to tell the truth,” said the hyena, “It’s happened to me before.  I had the exact same symptoms when I went Maverick.”

“Oh.  Well…um…thanks again, I guess.”

“No problem.  Just doing my job.”

“Here, let me help you with your arm…”

“It’s no big deal.  Nothing auto-repair can’t…never mind…”

Cinnamon had already grabbed his arm, and a white light had surrounded her body.  She accessed the Force Metal Generator, taking energy from her own main core to rapidly heal the guard’s wound.

“Cinnamon!” Gaudile exclaimed, rushing out of his classroom, several students peeking out of the doorway in his wake.  Cinnamon dropped the hyena’s now-healed arm as Gaudile reached her.  “Are you okay?  We heard the commotion!  What happened?”

“We had a Maverick in the class,” said the guard, looking at his arm where the cut had been.  “…Wow, no wonder they asked for you.”

“A Maverick!?” exclaimed Gaudile.  “You weren’t hurt, were you, Cinnamon?”

“I’m just fine, Professor.  Thanks to…um…”  She looked up at the hyena.

“Flame Hyenard,” he supplied.

“Well, Hyenard, thank you,” said Gaudile.  “While Reploids may not have true family, Cinnamon is as much my daughter as possible.  I owe you.”

“You don’t owe me anything,” said Flame Hyenard, turning to leave.  “I’ve got to check on the class, make sure there aren’t any more Mavericks in there.  Why don’t you go to the Navigator lounge?  There’s virtually no chance of encountering a Maverick there, unless our new strategist is in there.”

“Which way…?”

“Down the hall, absolute last door.”

“Alright.  Thanks again!”

“No problem,” said Flame Hyenard, walking off.  Gaudile shook his head worriedly, then waddled back into his classroom.

A global catastrophe has hit, and you are among the casualties.
But it is not the end.

Sonic Afterlife
Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #26 on: 7 January 2008, 00:19:14 »

No chance of a Maverick unless the nes Strategist is in there?


I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
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