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Author Topic: Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia  (Read 11217 times)
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« on: 19 October 2008, 18:53:35 »

Yeah! The new Castlevania game; order of escalator dislexia Ecclesia, is on its way! In two days (Oct 21'st) it's gonna be out. I'm pretty psyched, a new CV game for the DS, the other ones proved to be really great.



Super Robot
Posts: 1579

« Reply #1 on: 19 October 2008, 19:25:15 »

I'm getting a little tired of Metroidvania games. I wish they would just up and make another classic-style CV game.

Barring that, they should remix Overture again, and do a better job of it this time.

I'm going to get this game, but I don't know when.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #2 on: 19 October 2008, 19:26:28 »

I probably won't be getting this. My wallet is getting lighter and lighter by the week and that PS3 alone set me back pretty far.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #3 on: 19 October 2008, 21:09:53 »

I'm getting a little tired of Metroidvania games. I wish they would just up and make another classic-style CV game.

I like both the classic style and the new version equally. They're both entertaining enough, though, my only problem is that they don't have the Vampire Killer, like DoS and SotN.

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #4 on: 20 October 2008, 13:42:37 »

I hate the classic version of Castlevania. It's basically one pitfall induced death after another, forcing you to perfectly play your way up to every boss if you even hope to survive.

I'm not the sort of person who cares enough to torture himself with a video game, so it just doesn't appeal.

This CV looks like another "more than one person on your team, guy" thing, and I never like those.
Reminds me way too much of escort missions.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3407

« Reply #5 on: 20 October 2008, 16:56:12 »

All the DS Castlevania's have been ace all around, so I have high hopes for this.  HIGH.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #6 on: 21 October 2008, 04:13:55 »

So, having spent most of the day playing this, I can happily say it's great.

More of the same, certainly, but it's still great.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #7 on: 21 October 2008, 04:23:45 »

Edge, you lucky son of a mother #####er!

Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #8 on: 21 October 2008, 04:36:03 »

Getting games early and checking inventory out of the store are the only things that make up for Gamestops piss poor pay rate.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #9 on: 21 October 2008, 04:40:18 »

And a friend of mine also got to play it today.

His opinion of the game was pretty much the opposite of Edge's.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #10 on: 21 October 2008, 04:41:16 »

I'd imagine, but I would probably do it just for the DS games.. Only games I ever play nowadays are DS games. The next gen systems don't interest me, and if they do they only have 1 or 2 games I like, most of which are ports of past games.

I got the JP version, hope its good.
« Last Edit: 21 October 2008, 05:00:08 by preventerWIND » Logged

Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #11 on: 21 October 2008, 15:48:48 »

His opinion of the game was pretty much the opposite of Edge's.

Well, there are indeed differences, like the glyph system isn't at all like the soul system from Dawn of Sorrow. There are also a notable lack of weapons.

In the end though, it's the same formula.

Explore what portion of the castle you can, find power ups, explore the areas that power up opened up to you, repeat.

It should be noted that this one is SIGNIFICANTLY harder than previous DS Castlevania titles.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Super Robot
Posts: 1579

« Reply #12 on: 21 October 2008, 15:57:10 »

That's a relief, the previous two were mind-numbingly easy. Especially Portrait of Ruin.
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #13 on: 21 October 2008, 16:09:17 »

DoS was pretty tough on Julius Mode.

But I also hear that OoE is pretty linear in terms of rooms and all.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #14 on: 21 October 2008, 16:51:01 »

Will somebody PLEASE #####ing tell me why linear is bad?!

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #15 on: 21 October 2008, 17:53:00 »

Its bad because they #####ed up on DoS, so far its last in the series and Dracula is all gone, the new king of darkness is Soma, who makes a #####ty king..

So now, instead of building on that, they try to squeeze in retarded sequels in the past, anywhere they can.

Super Robot
Posts: 1579

« Reply #16 on: 21 October 2008, 18:00:16 »

I have no issue with linearity, but if it's linear it should be a classic-style game, and you should play as a Belmont.

@Wind, he was talking about the gameplay, not the storyline.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #17 on: 21 October 2008, 18:04:14 »

Ah, my bad, I'm in a hurry and skimming through posts.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #18 on: 21 October 2008, 18:34:37 »

I just don't understand the whole dealio with people scolding games for being "too linear."

That's EXACTLY how I like my games. I hate games with tons of paths branching out this way and that and tons of different conditions and different endings so that I have to play the game a million times before I can enjoy it in its entirety.

I love Metroid games, but I #####ing HATE the way that I play them. I force myself to go an explore EVERY single room.

And with games like Mass Effect and Fable or whatever games are entirely open-ended, they're way too intimidating for me to play.

That's cool and all, because some people really enjoy that sort of gameplay, but it doesn't mean there's ANYTHING wrong with a good old-fashioned one-screen-at-a-time linear game.

In fact, that should be the preferred choice.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #19 on: 21 October 2008, 20:50:57 »

This game's great, its just like the other DS game, except you're not limited to only Drac's castle. I've just beaten the third boss, it was fantastic!


Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #20 on: 21 October 2008, 22:52:09 »

Edge, you lucky son of a mother #####er!

Excuse me, but everyone is the son or daughter of a mother #####er.

I hate games with tons of paths branching out this way and that and tons of different conditions and different endings so that I have to play the game a million times before I can enjoy it in its entirety.

Cave Story?

Anyway I like linear and non-linear a lot. Which is not news. Because I love customizable stuff and sandbox.

NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #21 on: 21 October 2008, 22:52:59 »

Yes, but he's a lucky one.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #22 on: 21 October 2008, 23:13:12 »

Yes, but he's a lucky one.

Exactly what I would've said.

Funfact: You play as a stripper in this one.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #23 on: 21 October 2008, 23:51:42 »

If I wasn't clear, it's not that I DON'T like non-linear games and non-linear platformers, it's just... I don't see why it's BAD for a game to linear.

Because people always seem to list that as a con lately.

Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #24 on: 22 October 2008, 00:35:12 »

Contra says otherwise.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #25 on: 22 October 2008, 00:38:36 »


Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #26 on: 22 October 2008, 00:46:16 »

That was truly groan-worthy.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #27 on: 22 October 2008, 02:19:23 »


Super Robot
Posts: 1579

« Reply #28 on: 22 October 2008, 03:30:01 »

If I wasn't clear, it's not that I DON'T like non-linear games and non-linear platformers, it's just... I don't see why it's BAD for a game to linear.

Because people always seem to list that as a con lately.

It's generally only listed as a con when the game is supposed to be designed around non-linearity.

That is to say, if they listed it as a con and the game was not supposed to be non-linear, they're idiots.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #29 on: 22 October 2008, 03:51:47 »

Double... negatives....

Erk! Ack! Sploo! Eaaargh!

Super Robot
Posts: 1579

« Reply #30 on: 22 October 2008, 03:53:54 »

Technically speaking, it is not incorrect.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #31 on: 22 October 2008, 03:57:39 »

Urgh. Erlack. Schluch. Burkle.

NORMALLY one would say "and the game was supposed to be linear" but you know what-ever!

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #32 on: 22 October 2008, 14:51:15 »

I just don't understand the whole dealio with people scolding games for being "too linear."

That's EXACTLY how I like my games. I hate games with tons of paths branching out this way and that and tons of different conditions and different endings so that I have to play the game a million times before I can enjoy it in its entirety.

I love Metroid games, but I #####ing HATE the way that I play them. I force myself to go an explore EVERY single room.

And with games like Mass Effect and Fable or whatever games are entirely open-ended, they're way too intimidating for me to play.

That's cool and all, because some people really enjoy that sort of gameplay, but it doesn't mean there's ANYTHING wrong with a good old-fashioned one-screen-at-a-time linear game.

In fact, that should be the preferred choice.

Actually, I meant that most of the rooms are straight lines.

And I can do with linear games, but the gameplay has to be fine tuned for that purpose; Castleroid games beg for exploration.

And you obviously don't like to explore at all.

Super Metroid is one of my favorite games ever because of the insane amount of freedom you have when you figure out all of the tricks.

And Shadow of the Colossus?

I could walk around the world map doing nothing for hours and hours because I like looking at rocks and stuff.

But then some of my favorite games are linear (Grandia is a linear RPG, Super Mario Bros. 3 is mostly linear, most Mega Man levels are linear... and so on).
It's just the linear Belmont-type CV games I dislike.

Because there are a million pits in every level with medusa heads JUST WAITING TO FLY INTO YOU AND KNOCK YOU INTO THE PIT.

And I don't care for cheap death.

... oh, but Kid Dracula is like that and that one is pretty cool.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #33 on: 23 October 2008, 03:10:01 »

I could walk around the world map doing nothing for hours and hours because I like looking at rocks and stuff.

I love to free roam in anything, even when there's really nothing all that interesting to see or do!

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #34 on: 23 October 2008, 04:55:21 »

Yeah, that's my problem. I love that, too.

So I never get ANYTHING done in those games. And that's what drives me crazy.

In any Metroid game, I literally explore EVERYTHING, every little nook and cranny, every possible area, and it's insanity-inducing because it takes me so long to actually do anything.

Anyway, I've been playing this new Castlevania game and I give it a big thumbs up. I really like the new Glyph system and the map screen is fine.

I never finished Portrait of Ruin, but it wasn't good enough to sustain my interest and this one is clearly entertaining me so this is an improvement.

Dawn of Sorrow is probably still the best of the three, though.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #35 on: 23 October 2008, 04:57:34 »

Dawn of Sorrow was great, it was almost just like SoTn. This new one is great, its a complete revamp of what the other DS games were all about, tons of new systems that kick ass.

This ones also pretty hard, healing items are #####ing rare, you have to count on either HP upgrades or meat to heal you (and meat does ##### all, 29 hp for 290 gold? nothx)

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #36 on: 23 October 2008, 04:59:10 »

The GBA Aria of Sorrow was much closer to DoS than SotN, but I'll let that slide this time.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #37 on: 23 October 2008, 05:03:45 »

No #####, because DoS was the sequel to Aria, I'm saying the gameplay and other game mechanics were similar to SoTN. Aria and the other GBA CV games were #####.

Sniper Joe
Posts: 239

« Reply #38 on: 23 October 2008, 22:26:45 »

I think Chron meant AoS is closer to SoTN than DoS.

"A million years of evolution, we get Soulja Boy"
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #39 on: 23 October 2008, 22:31:28 »

If he meant it he would've said it! SO SCREW'EM!

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #40 on: 25 October 2008, 01:24:57 »

No #####, because DoS was the sequel to Aria, I'm saying the gameplay and other game mechanics were similar to SoTN. Aria and the other GBA CV games were #####.

Then say it's a Metroidvania or Castleroid game like the big boys, Winduh.

Aria is almost exactly the same as DoS, by the way.
There's no reason to hate.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3407

« Reply #41 on: 11 November 2008, 15:45:45 »

All the DS Castlevania's have been ace all around, so I have high hopes for this.  HIGH.

...aaaaand my hopes have crumbled.  Game is ok.  By and far it's no where near as good as the last 2 DS Castlevanias though.  I think they had a lot of good ideas, but NONE of them were really implemented well, and that's what's really killed it for me.

The Variety of weapons is AWFUL.  Nothing does much damage.  Ever.  Magic, while MUCH cooler than the weapons, still suffers from lack of variety and damage just like weapons.  Equipment selection is about the WORST I've ever seen.  Very little variety and usefullness.  Accessories might as well not even be in the game for what they give you.

The Glyph system had potential to be as good or better than Dawn's soul system, but they completely missed every opportunity to do it.  Most enemies don't give a glyph (weapon/spell/ability) and I've found farming the ones that DO to be more laborsome than in Dawn.

Money is IMPOSSIBLE to get in this game w/o using 2 gold rings (of which acquiring is in of itself hair pulling out TEDIUS AS ##### to try to farm) and glyph combo to quick farm in Tymeo Mountains.

The quests are the most vague in the DS series so far, which wouldn't be as bad if half of them weren't required to get the shop to sell ALL YOUR EQUIPMENT.  Good idea in theory, bad in practice.

Now I know that sounds like a LOT of negatives, and it is.  But the game still shines for the most part.  The level design is good.  The variety is great.  I love the overworld map.  It really has a "Simon's Quest" vibe to it.  Despite all the maps, Castlevania itself is still pretty big.  Combat, for what you have, isn't bad either.  Shanoa is a good character.  The art style is great.  I think they FINALLY found a good middle ground between SotN and Dawn of Sorrow.  The music is really good.  It doesn't have any real stand outs like Dawn and Portrait, but nothing really sucks.  Overall the music is high level, and the Castlevania 1 remixes from the records are AWESOME.  The bosses are by far the most difficult of the DS games, but not rage inducing like I've read.  Level up a bit and stock potions and you'll do fine after you get the patterns down.  The challenge is good.

So, all in all, a good game with LOTS of small problems.  But when the last two games were absolutely AMAZING in every way, that doesn't cut it.  I'm having fun with it, but I doubt I'll be replaying it more than once whereas I raped Portrait in every mode it had and replayed Dawn 3 or 4 times.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #42 on: 11 November 2008, 17:56:00 »

Did ya get the boss medals?

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3407

« Reply #43 on: 11 November 2008, 18:01:38 »

I got 1 by accident, and if I WANTED to I could have easily gotten 2 others, but I was just too lazy to not get hit.  The rest, hard to say.  I can only think of 1 that would really be a pain to get (the fish in the dirt).  As you don't GET anything for them, I can't say I like the game enough to go for them all.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #44 on: 11 November 2008, 18:11:52 »

*laughs* That was my favorite part!

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3407

« Reply #45 on: 11 November 2008, 18:45:18 »

In retrospect, I'm GLAD you don't get anything.  God I'd hate to have to try to perfect every #####ing boss.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #46 on: 11 November 2008, 18:48:07 »

Death rings help. Huge stat boost, and one hit kills you.

Makes it hard to not know when you've been hit.

Took me forever to kill that damn crab without getting hit though. Then I figured out that in the first phase after he punches the ceiling twice, you run up in front of him then get back down to the lower left platform, and he'll punch toward the center, rather than hook to the left.

Also, ##### that big centaur guy.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3407

« Reply #47 on: 11 November 2008, 20:12:38 »

Don't think I've gotten to him yet.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 1579

« Reply #48 on: 11 November 2008, 20:31:02 »

Took me like five tries on that crab where I'd totally killed it but didn't realize that the thing above me was an elevator :S
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #49 on: 11 November 2008, 21:17:16 »

The crab can't get you if you wear the rubber.

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