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Author Topic: Megaman Skyra the newest Beta battle system.  (Read 4330 times)
Posts: 17

« on: 27 February 2008, 03:06:05 »

Gasp! Is it really a topic based off that game that was planned and due to a hardrive failure, it was stopped...According to many who never had contact with me. Megaman Skyra was an old project I had going on back when Atomic fire was still kicking, but due to a hardrive failure brought on by another hardrive, I had to revamp back to my crappy 7 GB hardrive, now 7 Gigs sound like a lot of space, but for what I had to work with, I needed more...So after facing utter defeat, with another game I put up in it's place after the fall of Skyra, Atomic fire, shut down...Thus I was having to float around...

I've been doing many Skyra stories, you can catch most of them on my Deviant art account, I even made a movie based in Story format, for lack of a flash tool...

Anyway, this topic is to let people know that MEGAMAN SKYRA is still alive and kicking...Along with some other projects I know may put smiles on people’s faces. Can’t let you all know because this topic is strictly for Skyra...

Here is the link to the newer battle system. It's about 40 MB. That's how it is with a real game when you begin to make it. I'll see if I can shrink the size of the file some.

What you need to know:

This is a games Factory game. Don't ask me how I do these things, but I do. If anyone would like to help out with making this with another maker let me know. Preferably, RPG Maker XP or Game Maker.

It uses a battle system similar to the one found in Megaman Battle Network. However all movement is now based with the mouse.

Mouse controls:
Left Click a red panel to move to it. You cannot move to the blue panels, however I'll add a card that allows that.

Right clicking brings up your shield.

Press B to shoot: Hold B to begin charging.

Transform to Zeta: Just press V

To use cards press C,V

While in Zeta mode, you can use both C,V to combo cards. There are only 2 cards in the beta. 

The Met G card which if the waves collide with the center, they split into 3 sections, and the Spender card, which if a Met G wave hits you instantly appear behind the foe shooting it. You can also shoot off the top by simply pressing space.

You can't die, and when you beat the foes, nothing happens. It's just a basic battle system test so don't expect to much. Please tell me of bugs so that I may fix them.

Known bugs:
If a met wave hits you Zeta tends to appear behind the foe without the shield being in play.

For more info regarding Skyra, visit my Devi page, I'll put up story information soon.
So there’s your proof. All right going off until next update.
« Last Edit: 27 February 2008, 04:13:40 by jad » Logged
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #1 on: 27 February 2008, 03:15:06 »

..what's with the panels? o.O;
Posts: 17

« Reply #2 on: 27 February 2008, 03:27:25 »

They shine. That's mostly it ^_^ Oh, that and, don't try clicking on panels that are broken, they'll explode. Then you'll have to wait, until it repairs.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #3 on: 27 February 2008, 03:44:14 »

Gasp! Is it really a topic based off that game that was planned and due to a hardrive failure, it was stopped...According to many who never had contact with me.
First off. Learn to put together a sentence.

Next, we didn't believe you because you would give up on a daily basis, you crumbled when someone didn't comment "nice things". Then you started a DIFFERENT game, and then another. Finally you went back to this, and claimed you had a hard drive failure, how in the world were we to know if it was true or not? You had a rep back there, a lot of sensible people thought you were lying.

And finally. Newest.

Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #4 on: 27 February 2008, 03:47:43 »

I don't plan even touching the game myself... Battle network, and anything that had anything to do with Megaman.exe is dead as of 3.

I unlocked everything in that game, got all 5(?, 7?) stars...

I played four, and I cried more than snare did when he found that condom on the ground.
Posts: 17

« Reply #5 on: 27 February 2008, 04:12:33 »

Yeah, you're right Wind, I did alot of that, but I've grown stronger. I now know how to deal with things and not everyone will agree with somethings.

Just like that time when I made up that site. Yeah there were people who bashed me because of my errors with spelling and such. But you know what I took from that? It was to stop making up excuses just to hide from the haters. They're going to be everywhere no matter where I go. I do remember crumbling, going off the walls when someone made rude or stupid remarks, but then I leaned that hey, everyone has thier opinions to things.

Also, while it was true that my computer had issues, just me stopping constatly on projects also brought about people not beliving me about things. So in a way I shot myself in the foot.

I messed up last year, had alot of things going on that did get in the way of production. The main reason I was going to scrap Skyra was because of the massive hate mail I was recivieng, but like I said, I learned from it. I don't care if anyone never touches Skyra. It's just for those who wanted to see it made. I'm even now going to revive my Megaman Zero 5 Project, it may be named diffenently. But in the meantime, the biggest thing back then was Skyra, and if it is to stay there, then I shall leave it.

Also, I remember giving up sometimes because I lacked motivation, I really think alot of it came from fear of what may happen, but I know now to just jump out and give it my all. It matters to the people who want to see it made, all those others can just take a hike. Like you said back in Atomic fire Wind. Are you gonna let some Spammers tell you to stop? Or are you gonna be like a man and make this happen. I took that to heart and when I got my new External hardrive, I begain to put more things out about Skyra. I'm even up to episode 19 with the episodes right now. I'm determined as ever to get this game going. and if it's not to be here, then I shall continue it else where.

Hard to belive I write fics, based on how bad my spelling gets sometimes.

Also I'll let you all know what really happend with the projects...

Zero 5, scrapped because Really I needed to come up with a better story line, keeping some elements from the previous, such as the Cyber elf reviving Zero.  Which was going to change to piecing him back together.

Megaman Skyra, Nothing really wrong with this, but lack of motivation and negitive feelings that blocked it, then when I really tried to jump back into my hardrive gave out.

That last game, Mega Paradox, was just to make up for Skyra until I got a new hardrive to work with Skyra. Which did happen a year later.

So the only 2 projects that were tossed, were Zero 5 and Paradox, because Paradox was a make up for Skyra, until I got a better drive.

Anyway, I'm sorry for the stuff I put you guys through. Guess I'll just update when I do. later.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #6 on: 27 February 2008, 06:54:28 »

7GB does not sound like a lot of space.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #7 on: 27 February 2008, 20:26:06 »

Like WIND said, I was giving my honest opinion as well as constructive criticism (which is what's welcomed on forums) and it was all thrown back into my face back at AF. I really don't know if I should comment on it now.

But if you sincerely want to hear my opinion, then I'll be glad to give it. Otherwise, I'd rather just not say anything.

[ N ][ M ][ C ]
[ S ][ - ][ E ]
[ J ][ V ][ W ]

Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Posts: 17

« Reply #8 on: 28 February 2008, 01:00:11 »

Well I don't know about thrown back in your face, but if you mean by the scrapping of a project I can understand, well, in order just to leave this subject in the dust, I'm closing the topic. Sorry for trying to make up for my mistakes. I may have hurt alot of people doing what I did, and trying to cover up things that happen in LIFE. but as far as I see it. No one will ever be satasphied unless, it stops at the source. That being me. So I'm taking Skyra and what ever other projects I have and will just work on them on my spare time. I'll catch you all around.

Again, sorry for all the messed up feedback, comments or even mis taken judgement on matters, and the lack of updates and sopposed lies I spewed out of my typing.  I can't help what happens in life. Anyway, this part of Atomic fire is over, look me up if you want to ask me about anything. Bye.
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