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Author Topic: Chaos Creations  (Read 226490 times)
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #550 on: 6 June 2013, 00:17:38 »

I guess I should spill some beans, although I thought some people already knew this. In fact I've said something about this before on the MMM facebook group, but I think OD deleted it but that's whatever.

I don't know man, I don't know what you lost, or you're just not into the idea anymore (and that's fine) but I think it's totally still worth doing and if MMM had it's own little game on the front page or something?
#####ing shoom, dude.
That's what this place needs, and I think most people would agree and/or still want to be involved. I'm obviously still in love wit-it.

I don't know if she's been checking here to see what I've been doing (I wouldn't be surprised if she would), but I'm guessing Ikeoko isn't active here. There's a reason for that.

Let's get real. Since high school (technically, since middle school), this has been my home. I've gone through two divorces with my family, I've moved around a lot, and have had a trouble keeping up with real friends. Sad as it sounds, forums like this where I could fit in and seemingly not lose anybody. This place was the equivalent of my gang/family/brotherhood/whatever you want to call it. That's right, I considered y'all my family. (D'awwwww)

To an extent, to some of you, that is still the case. However, there are some things involving my "character" I never have liked that I have developed here. Even Ikeoko said something about it, and we both agreed that one of these days, I would leave MMM. I absolutely loved her, she was one of my closest best friends who I trusted and would die for. It's through her I started to detach from having online friends and start picking up real friends.

Then some bullcrap drama went down, yada yada, not going on about it. I got clinically depressed, which is about the time I left here. I wanted to gradually leave, but since that crap happened and Inafune left Capcom, I felt similar feelings considering Capcom and The Matrix. I thought it was right time I got out of here.

I was depressed for a period of two years. So to answer back to you Mike considering what I lost, just checkmark the box on the form that reads "All the above". At least it felt like it.

Since then I've learned things, got some real decent trustworthy friends and broke bonds with those who aren't. Unfortunately, Ikeoko is among one of the latter. I wish it wasn't so. Like today, I just found out one of my co-workers (and high-school friend) was stealing food from my job. There's just some things I kinda wish I never knew or found out about but I digress...

Since then I've lost my desire to teach. I've been rethinking my career decision, but it sounds like if everything goes well, I'm healthy enough to join the Navy and find something there. Not only that, I'm also got a few ideas regarding starting on Youtube and learning C++, but those aren't in the near future to be honest. I've been reforming bonds with people and keeping an eye on things. If you're on my Facebook, I consider you a friend and you can talk to me anytime.

One thing is for sure though, I've been regaining my passion for certain things like game developing, something I had chosen not to pursue. It's because I play Ascension with someone I met at my job three years ago and it seriously helped me recover through a tough time. I want that drive to make something, like a game, that can do the same for other peoplr.

With that said, I'm going on to Vinch...

Eh I could probably get something started in XNA if anyone's interested but I've had no motivation for programming (or anything) lately.

I only offer the programming aspect because last I checked CV doesn't have any programming experience.

I just got a new laptop and am teaching myself C++. Unless I'm missing anything (I'm all up for ideas), I am willing to learn programming. I just started, but if you honestly want to collab on this thing, I'd love to do it.

Back to Mike...

I know it was 3 years ago since the last post in here, but I just looked through the project again (via your sig) and I've decided to have GOT to get this going once more.

For a self-centered example: Look at the amazing work you did making a stage for me, it holds up really well! In fact, I know a bit more about level design now than I did when you first posted it, and I love it even more.

You really hit exactly what the classic series' gameplay was ABOUT. You're introducing the gimmick early and letting the player figure the ##### out (RE: Sequelitis, y'all know), but double-##### that 'cause the even cooler part is you took special care for theming. The ninja Robot Master has a nice flowey jumpy level with traps and climbs and to top it off--my new favourite part--A boss fight on the top of a building making me col liek Strom Eggol!!!!11

Plus you took special care to learn everyone's character and appropriate their moves to go with it.

Really we all kind of threw these characters together half-hazardly and they don't all work but you made it work.

And Sano should be a recurring mini-boss/hard enemy.

I'm flattered you love the stage. And I knew all about those elements of Game Design before Egoraptor posted his Sequelitis thing so I'm glad you recognize it. It really does touch me. I've always loved drawing 2-D Stage designs as a kid so this project is the most fun I've had doing something creative here. But considering things now, I cannot invest my time developing designs and stages if there is no money involved. Ultimately it comes down to how I invest my time and my ideas on what I'm trying to get started on Youtube and C++ are productive things that may involve with support. This project has currently zero support, so it's pretty much the equivalent of Legends 3. Time is money basically, and I have zero time to continue doing this project... although I would love to pick it back up. I still have issues regarding where I live, and I need a job/career that can get me on my own and make me a citizen that can actually DO something in life. That's the here and now update.

I've told Majikn some of these details (if anyone, he's the closest Matrician here I'm friends with). One of which, you won't be seeing me post on here on this forum EXCEPT this topic (for the most part, unless I forgot something). In fact, I kinda have a vow to continue this in the future, so I will be posting again. Just don't expect me to be lurking on this site anymore... cause that's not happening. If you want to see me, I'm on facebook. Done deal. Slam the gavel. It's been sealed. That's the end of it.

Again thanks for the interest in the project Mike. It really means a lot.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #551 on: 17 June 2013, 03:44:09 »

Well that's pretty sucky to hear, man, but I totally get it if and if that's what you need then I'm all for it.

But it is some impressive work, dude.

Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #552 on: 17 June 2013, 19:52:23 »

Growing up is hard, for sure.  Hope things start to get better though.  Slow as it is, we're always here.  Unless Abe doesn't pay the server bill.  THEN ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE!

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
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