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Author Topic: Matricians: What are you watching?  (Read 578370 times)
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #350 on: 25 April 2008, 02:52:41 »

A friend let me borrow Season 1 of Weeds today. I watched the first 5 episodes, but I have to return it to him tomorrow. Lost is on a second, and after that I'm done for the night.

I must say... I've fallen in love with yet ANOTHER show. Damn it.

ANYWAY Lost returns in less than 10 minutes. Do not disturb me.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #351 on: 25 April 2008, 03:37:41 »

You should stop watching new TV shows.

I still haven't seen an episode of Heroes S2. Is it finished yet? I don't plan on watching it until it is.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #352 on: 25 April 2008, 04:07:48 »

It ended ages ago.

The original idea was for Season 2 to be split up into two different chapters, as opposed to Season 1 being a full chapter.

In the end, they just got REALLY lucky when the Writer's Strike rolled around because they had already finished a full story arc and had nothing to worry about like other shows did, like whether or not they'd have time to finish up the seasons after the strike ended, if ever.

And yeah, I really wish I could stop watching new shows, because as the days go on I'm starting to slowly run out of free time. Then again, I'm out of school in less than a month and I'll have most of the summer off, but the point is I start college next year and that's going to leave me with no free time at all.
So, in short, I'm an idiot who likes entertainment too much.


Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #353 on: 25 April 2008, 04:53:05 »

Season 2 didn't officiall end. It DID finish chapter 2 and the writer's strike DID ##### it up but I'm pretty sure they're still gonna call it season 2 whenever chapter 3 rolls around since that's what it IS.

I'm don't really like Weeds but I've barely seen it. Seems a lot like Six Feet Under which I found completely pretentious and crap after like a day.

I got distracted watching Lost tonight, it was an epic one but I missed a lot of it so I'm gonna have to peep it again.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #354 on: 25 April 2008, 23:27:33 »

I am currently watching an episode of "The Mighty Boosh" entitled 'The Legend of Old Gregg.'

I suggest you do the same.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #355 on: 25 April 2008, 23:54:31 »

That show bugs me, though I've only seen small clips.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #356 on: 26 April 2008, 00:03:25 »

But it's ol' Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeg!

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #357 on: 26 April 2008, 06:51:10 »

I've been watching Boosh for a long time.

I'm not a big fan of series 3. Plus, as good as series 2 is, I miss the Zooniverse. It was just better.

And it's called "The Legend Of Old Gregg The Funky Merman". And I'm completely and utterly bored of people saying "I'm old Greeeeeeeeeegg!" now. Bleh.

One of my favourite characters is The Hitcher. Also anytime you see the council of shamen is great with Saboo, Tony Harrison, and Kirk.

I'm actually kind of tired of the whole show though.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #358 on: 27 April 2008, 07:29:10 »

I was watching Comedy Central for a little while today. I saw a commercial for Little Bush.

Does anyone actually enjoy the show? I thought it was #####.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #359 on: 27 April 2008, 16:01:07 »

Lil' Bush is horrible.

Orange Devil
Super Robot
Posts: 1086

« Reply #360 on: 27 April 2008, 16:38:44 »

Lil' Bush has some really really funny moments. But usually its just crap.




<3 Your friendly neighboorhood hippie
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #361 on: 27 April 2008, 17:02:03 »

Stop with the Boosh.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #362 on: 2 May 2008, 05:12:31 »

Never heard Little Bush or whatever. Sounds bad just from that though.

I ought to finish watching what's online of Boosh series 3.

Posted on: 28 April 2008, 15:18:46

Lost was good I guess. But as forgettable as ever. I think I'm getting tired of it or something.

I'm recently into the Real World now. I don't know why, it's rather addictive for something so void of intellectual stimulation.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #363 on: 2 May 2008, 11:43:20 »

I missed Lost last night. I'm very pissed. I'll watch it online today.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #364 on: 3 May 2008, 05:30:03 »

The two newest Avatar: The Last Airbender episodes leaked and are great, as expected.

Rama Olendris
Sniper Joe
Posts: 368

« Reply #365 on: 8 May 2008, 23:50:04 »

Captain Planet... I got bored, I dunno why I find this awesome.

Emit hcum oot evah uoy neht, siht dear nac uoy fi.

Creator of MMM
Posts: 1513

« Reply #366 on: 9 May 2008, 19:43:59 »

Captain Planet... I got bored, I dunno why I find this awesome.

They used to show that in Gaelic here in the middle of the night...


I might be ugly... At least I ain't got no money!
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #367 on: 9 May 2008, 20:09:18 »

I've been watching One Piece again, recently. My interests have been renewed since FUNi decided to release the entire series uncut. Can't wait to buy Season 1 Part 1 later this month...

Also, House.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #368 on: 9 May 2008, 20:34:46 »

Lost last night was one of the better ones.

That's TV.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #369 on: 16 May 2008, 04:05:07 »

Lost tonight was good but then it just kind of ended out of nowhere gayly.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #370 on: 16 May 2008, 04:07:02 »

It's a Part 1 of 2, so I'll give it leeway on the abrupt ending.

Very exciting episode, though, tons of stuff happening and it's an extremely promising set-up for the finale.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #371 on: 16 May 2008, 04:08:48 »

Oh right, I fo-got that it was a part 1. But I heard it was a 3 parter actually.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #372 on: 16 May 2008, 04:11:04 »

I've been watching The Big Bang Theory recently with my friend.

Its very funny, strangely enough...

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #373 on: 16 May 2008, 15:08:29 »

Oh right, I fo-got that it was a part 1. But I heard it was a 3 parter actually.

Well, the Part 2 is a two-hour special, so I guess, technically, it's a 3-parter if you group them as hours.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #374 on: 28 May 2008, 06:17:27 »

OH RIGHT. OK I remember the conversation correctly know. He said it was a "3-hour finale" and then mentioned that it was in parts so I assumed it was 3 parts.

I'm currently watching game 6 of the NBA Playoffs Eastern Conference Semi-Finals: Boston Celtics @ Cleveland Cavaliers.

Posted on: 16 May 2008, 21:09:10

My word... Peep Show series 5 is incredible so far.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #375 on: 28 May 2008, 20:23:17 »

I must find a way to watch it eventually.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #376 on: 28 May 2008, 21:18:30 »

Series 5 is the best series yet.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #377 on: 28 May 2008, 22:42:17 »

Thanks, I'll definitely catch up soon enough.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #378 on: 29 May 2008, 00:42:45 »

Final episode of Big Bang Theory was shown. Haven't seen it yet but going to soon.

It's a great show, really. >_>

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #379 on: 29 May 2008, 03:53:59 »

The Gods have smiled upon North Americans today.

Spaced, July 22nd.

If we can't have Peep Show, I can settle for Spaced. And I'm using the word "settle" lightly. I've been waiting for this for a very long time.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #380 on: 29 May 2008, 04:04:20 »

The show it on TV here so I'll pass on the DVD for now. But I do like it.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #381 on: 29 May 2008, 04:33:36 »

I watched just a handful of episodes once on a bootleg DVD from a friend. I loved it but that was a few years ago and I've been wanting this ever since.

And god forbid they'd show this on US television.

I heard about a US remake akin to The Office that had no involvement from Simon Pegg or Edgar Wright, but I guess it was axed. Good thing, too. I mean, I enjoy the American version of The Office but that was a one-in-a-million chance, plus Ricky Gervais was deeply involved so it's not like he was going to let us ruin it.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #382 on: 29 May 2008, 05:06:24 »

I hate that remake #####. They are/were planning to do that with Peep Show. Which would probably eat a fat browneye so bad. I don't like the American version of The Office much.

If they do an American version of Extras I'll puke bile.

Creator of MMM
Posts: 1513

« Reply #383 on: 29 May 2008, 09:42:59 »

They did axe the Spaced remake.

The Office remake destroys everything that was good about the original.

I might be ugly... At least I ain't got no money!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #384 on: 29 May 2008, 15:39:32 »

The American Office is entirely different than the original, but at least it's watchable in its own rights. I still agree that it's far inferior, though.

As for Extras, it's already had its run here on HBO so it would be pointless to remake it since it's already labeled as an American show in that sense.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #385 on: 29 May 2008, 21:55:50 »

It's pretty short anyway. I watched it all in like an afternoon and a half online.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #386 on: 30 May 2008, 00:38:38 »

The original Office is just as short, almost equally, from what I remember. 12 episodes plus one special?

Spaced is just as short, too.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #387 on: 30 May 2008, 01:27:08 »

Extras had a beginning, middle, and end though. I haven't seen enough Spaced or original Office to say the same but I know the American Office doesn't have that.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #388 on: 30 May 2008, 01:33:11 »

British Office does have significant plot changes throughout, so it does at least have a structure.

Anyway, watching three hours of Lost. Very excited.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #389 on: 30 May 2008, 01:40:38 »

Same but I'm not that excited, though it'll be good. I'm much more excited that the ReBoot countdown ends at midnight.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #390 on: 30 May 2008, 04:04:11 »

I screamed this during tonight's episode of Lost:
[spoiler]WHAT THE ##### THE WHOLE #####ING ISLAND #####ING DISA#####INGPPEARED WHAT THE #####[/spoiler]

Don't read that if you haven't seen it yet.

Dudes, this is why TV was made.
« Last Edit: 30 May 2008, 04:18:54 by ASR » Logged

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #391 on: 30 May 2008, 04:12:42 »

Nice hide tag, mo-ron.

Dudes, this is why TV was made.

It was great but it was THAT great.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #392 on: 30 May 2008, 04:20:28 »

Haha, true. I'm just a sucker for the Desmond x Penny storyline and anything with Ben.

And why thank you, it IS a nice... spoiler tag.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #393 on: 30 May 2008, 04:24:54 »

I loved that stuff too but I think we're done with the [hide][spoiler]Desmond x Penny stuff[/spoiler][/hide] at least for a while.

I'm watching a House repeat while I wait out this ReBoot countdown.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #394 on: 30 May 2008, 05:38:51 »

What ReBoot countdown? >.>

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #395 on: 30 May 2008, 07:01:12 » but since the countdown ended it's just said Binomes At Work so I'm done waiting for tonight and will check it before work tomorrow.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #396 on: 1 June 2008, 00:34:58 »

Apparently Peep Show Series 1 has been on Region 1 DVD since 2005 and I've been too stupid to realize it.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #397 on: 1 June 2008, 05:20:46 » but since the countdown ended it's just said Binomes At Work so I'm done waiting for tonight and will check it before work tomorrow.

It's a comic...

But they're making movies. o_o

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #398 on: 1 June 2008, 09:51:58 »

I know.

Apparently Peep Show Series 1 has been on Region 1 DVD since 2005 and I've been too stupid to realize it.

Cool. I'll wait for a box though.

::looks over at the Peep Show series 1-3 DVD box on his coffee table.::

Not that one. That's region 2. Besides in the UK they have a series 1-4 as well. So a 1-5 will come eventually and blah blah blah so I can wait for now.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #399 on: 5 June 2008, 01:55:53 »

The two "alternate endings" they shot for the Lost finale so as to keep it a secret from the actors:

Pretty obvious, but I figured someone would want to see them since they were advertised during the finale.

Posted on:  2 June 2008, 18:02:48

I recently discovered a wonderful show called Arrested Development.

I don't know how I missed this delightful gem.

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