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Author Topic: Car Accdent  (Read 2686 times)
Posts: 44

« on: 3 August 2008, 21:04:17 »

I cut someone off today, and in turn someone hit me, but it was my fault so u know w.e. parents insurance will cover but we didnt call the police i think im going to the reporting station today later. family is in africa im home in canada, and I am freaking out. I am not sure what to do, and hopeing that since noone was hurt and we are not at the accident site anymore i wont be charged. im worried about this, any experiances you guys?

here are some photos, my car is the pontiac wave, lighter color, big dents in doors and they are the one with the weal damage.


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, but art is knowing what mistakes to keep.
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1 on: 3 August 2008, 21:07:16 »

I had worse. I drove into a rock.

Looked ten times worse than a dint.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #2 on: 3 August 2008, 23:25:43 »

As long as nobody got hurt, that's hardly enough to complain about. It'll cost a bit of money to fix, yeah, but whether or not you admit it, it's your fault and you have to deal with it.

There are very few accidents where one driver is fully devoid of blame. It's usually both driver's faults, though sometimes one moreso than the other.

I've been in two accidents, one was a very minor one very similar to yours. The other, someone was coming straight at me on a narrow road and I panicked and drove off the road, tearing apart some of the underside of my car. That was a BIG one. Completely destroyed the air conditioning, but I was safe. And I still blame that partially on me, because I could've avoided it better and not done so much damage to my own car. Still, that guy was a maniac.

You'll have to face the music when your family gets home, and at worst you'll probably end up with a mandatory driver's safety class or something. I had one of those for my first accident. The second, I called the cops on the guy who drove me off the road, but nothing really happened past that.

Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #3 on: 4 August 2008, 00:11:12 »

If you're going to claim it on insurance, you'll have to file a police report. But you don't have to worry as much if they hit you, it's more of a problem for them.

I'm glad to see how well the Pontiac Wave held up, though I don't know how fast any of this was. I have a Wave too, but we've not had any accidents with it, we've only had it almost a year (11 months).

I crashed my old Jetta into another car when I slid on a right turn at an intersection in the rain a few years ago. It was pretty bad. I ended up redoing a lot of body work on the car myself to make all the new parts match (and repainted the whole car).

But even if it's really bad, you'll get through it. I doubt you'll have to take any extra driving classes.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #4 on: 4 August 2008, 03:07:16 »

Yeah, they only gave me one because I was a brand new driver and got into that accident the DAY after I got my license. They let you pick any day within like a two month period or something, and the class is offerred at more than 10 different places.

So what are the odds that I end up in the class with a friend of mine from school? We were both slightly embarrassed and hadn't said anything about it, and it was cool since we both ended up in the same class, but otherwise it was just really boring and all common sense stuff that didn't apply to the accident at all.

Sniper Joe
Posts: 386

« Reply #5 on: 5 August 2008, 00:49:22 »

I got into a car accident a few years ago. I wasn't driving, my mom was. We were at an intersection and we had a green light, and this old man was drunk and his light was red, but instead of stepping on the break he hit the gas...and slammed into us in the middle of the intersection. The car spun around, and it was totalled. My mom ended up going to the hospital...and I was crying. But! Oh well.  : P

~ ♥ ~ ANNIE ~ ♥ ~

                    ゙(゚、 。 7            
                       l、゙ ~ヽ
                       じしf_, )ノ   kitteh!
Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #6 on: 5 August 2008, 00:52:16 »

I was riding my bike and got hit by a car.
The car luckily was okay.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Sniper Joe
Posts: 386

« Reply #7 on: 5 August 2008, 03:39:56 »


But were you? THAT is the question...

~ ♥ ~ ANNIE ~ ♥ ~

                    ゙(゚、 。 7            
                       l、゙ ~ヽ
                       じしf_, )ノ   kitteh!
Super Robot
Posts: 1235

« Reply #8 on: 5 August 2008, 03:40:38 »

I was riding my bike and got hit by a car.
The car luckily was okay.

You lumbering buffoon.
Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #9 on: 5 August 2008, 04:08:23 »

That was a few summers ago.
Hit and run to boot.
I've said this here before.

I am not disagreeing with your statement Lunche.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #10 on: 5 August 2008, 22:53:49 »

I remember.

My friend
frienemy turned and got hit by
hit another car
backed into another car
backed into a guy on a motorcycle
backed into a guy on a moped and totaled the car the guy he hit ended up in the hospital with a broken neck or something on the very last day
night my friend
frienemy had the car and was driving it to use up the remaining gas.

He kept changing the story he told us to what's finally there (if you can even decode it). What. A. Dumbass.

Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #11 on: 5 August 2008, 23:07:45 »

I'm only drunk because I had a two few pitchers of beer before I came here
And then I had some five shots of nyquil yesterday just now. NOT A LIGHTWEIGHT FAT

We all know a person like that, Mike.
Posts: 60

« Reply #12 on: 6 August 2008, 00:25:06 »

I've been in one accident, I was on my moped and I stopped at a red light and a guy in a truck stopped ON MY FOOT.... Lucky for me the guy who parked his truck on my foot was a doctor and he wasn't mad at all, more surprised of how my foot wasn't broken. No harm done... Except for the fact that my shoes were completely ripped to shreds.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #13 on: 6 August 2008, 02:37:16 »

I'm only drunk because I had a two few pitchers of beer before I came here
And then I had some five shots of nyquil yesterday just now. NOT A LIGHTWEIGHT FAT

We all know a person like that, Mike.


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