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Author Topic: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread  (Read 1579983 times)
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #2300 on: 3 September 2008, 19:07:56 »

Zero to... one?

I'll try Google Chrome once it starts to get more updates.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #2301 on: 3 September 2008, 19:24:38 »

I saw an old classmate I had in Middle School today at college.

It was sorta cool.

Until I realized she was a smoker. Funny how you don't see someone in four years and they change like that.

Also, my Physical Science teacher can't teach. She was trying to introduce the metric system from Nano to Kilo, and she didn't even know it herself.

If you were there in class and saw someone with their head facedown on the desk, back bobbing up and down... that was me.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #2302 on: 3 September 2008, 19:38:57 »

Until I realized she was a smoker.

Human Scum!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #2303 on: 3 September 2008, 20:31:04 »

Just because someone's a smoker doesn't mean you should immediately dismiss them as a person.

I'm not defending smoking, just people with bad habits.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #2304 on: 3 September 2008, 21:16:39 »

Aaron's(Someguy) a pretty alright guy even though he's a smoker, mind you every time he lights up I take the cigarette out of his mouth and get ready to attack him. Smoking is bad, I don't mean its bad as in if you do it your sealing your fate as a loser and failure at life, it's bad as in its dumb and really just tastes like ass, I should know, I've tried it (smoking, not ass). You shouldn't smoke unless you benefit from it, I'm talking about getting a million dollars handed to you for taking each puff.

unless you smoke something entirely different. ;)

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #2305 on: 3 September 2008, 23:16:44 »

Hai guiz!
Guess what happened today! Crappy #####!
Apparently Mr.EmoMcHighSchoolDropout was being forced by the law to return to regular school or some stupid #####!
Apparently all my friends forgot we hate him, so they all crowded around him and made him their god.
I said 'lol wut?'. But no, that wasn't the end of the bull#####ery. Apparently Irradiated even stole a can of Monster from WalMart just to give to him. Wow, he's never stolen anything for me, his best friend!
Then guess what! FattyMcEmo##### decides to start talking ##### to me while throwing school supplies at me. Then he even comes at me with a pencil and stabs me in the arm, it didn't hurt at all, it still pissed me the ##### off.
So, I pick up a few of the pencils he threw at me. Then I went around and came from behind him and began attempting to shove a few of the broken pencils into his nose or mouth. Suddenly FattyMcEmoBitch stands up and grabs my arm and starts twisting and pulling at it in attempt to hurt me. The whole time I was saying something along the lines of "What the ##### is this #####?", 'cause it really didn't hurt. So keep in mind #####tyMc#####PedophileEmoDick has about 2 feet and at least 80 somethin' pounds on me. Yeah, eventually after like half a minute of him randomly grabbing me in an attempt to hurt me he finally pushes me away.
So then suddenly, all the people who I thought were my close friends, the people who I've spent entire weekends playing Rock Band with as well as a hell of a lot of other things, start pointing their fingers at me and telling me I'm wrong. That I'm totally out of line and being an asshole. So I basically felt pretty unwanted, so I got up and left.
So, looks like it's time to get some friends who don't suck. Besides, they all were pretty #####ty friends anyway. I know I can do better.
So yeah, my #####ty former friends traded me away for a huge sack of #####.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #2306 on: 3 September 2008, 23:35:52 »

Do your friends already know he started ##### on MySpace or some #####ry? Even though I don't know the whole story thats a bitch and I think you have a merit to kick the ##### out of Emo guy. You should really try and straighten it out with your friends though, friends are probably the most valuable thing you can lose. They may not understand the whole thing. Like Lunches said before, violence should be your last option.

I would totally go ape##### on someone if they did that to me though. I really hope all goes best for ya man, and that you also get a part of your foot stuck in his fat face when you're kicking the ##### out of it.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #2307 on: 4 September 2008, 00:50:21 »

Just because someone's a smoker doesn't mean you should immediately dismiss them as a person.

I'm not defending smoking, just people with bad habits.

I didn't say that. I didn't even really think of her any different as a person. It's just I just hate smoking in general. I can't stand it. When someone smokes, I hold my breath and try to get away as soon as possible. Seeing her smoke created an awkward moment.

It was also just surprising because it's someone I haven't seen in four years. It's like knowing a relative of yours like a young cousin or something and years later, she's an alcoholic.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #2308 on: 4 September 2008, 01:00:04 »

Aaron's(Someguy) a pretty alright guy even though he's a smoker, mind you every time he lights up I take the cigarette out of his mouth and get ready to attack him. Smoking is bad, I don't mean its bad as in if you do it your sealing your fate as a loser and failure at life, it's bad as in its dumb and really just tastes like ass, I should know, I've tried it (smoking, not ass). You shouldn't smoke unless you benefit from it, I'm talking about getting a million dollars handed to you for taking each puff.

unless you smoke something entirely different. ;)

Dude, I totally feel what you're saying.
I'm in a similar situation with a friend of mine,
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #2309 on: 4 September 2008, 01:55:21 »

Yeah, Chaos, I just wasn't sure exactly what you meant. Now I know what you mean.

And Sano, find ways to fight back without actually fighting. Think badass Ghandi.

Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #2310 on: 4 September 2008, 02:54:12 »

Whoever it is who said their roommate hasn't opened their door and it's always closed and blah blah: Your roommate is Tyler Durden. Seek help.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #2311 on: 4 September 2008, 02:57:38 »

That was me.

Yeah, my room mate finally moved in two days ago.

He seems alright. Huge anime and manga fan...

Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #2312 on: 4 September 2008, 03:04:45 »

Nothing like Tyler Durden...

Anyway smoking isn't enough to say "she's changed that much". It's not much. It's a change made in an instant, a minor decision. It doesn't take a day. If the only change the girl has made in four years is becoming a smoker then she's wasted four years of her life.

What's that quote?
"Show me a man who hasn't changed his mind in 20 years and I'll show you a man who has wasted 20 years of his life." - Anonymous

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #2313 on: 4 September 2008, 03:16:40 »

Today I met two of the luckiest men in the world. I can't decide who is luckier.

One has honestly never heard of Soulja Boy in his life, and the other has a room in his dorm directly across the hall from his girlfriend.

Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #2314 on: 4 September 2008, 03:19:12 »





I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Sniper Joe
Posts: 363

« Reply #2315 on: 4 September 2008, 15:28:29 »

Damn, well, I would say that the dude in the dorm is the luckier. For obvious reasons.

In the end we are naught but shadows and dust...
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #2316 on: 4 September 2008, 16:09:36 »

Honestly, I'm having a hard time choosing who is luckier.

And ha, today, apparently my roommate was in the shower when I left for class, so I inadvertently locked him out of the room for over an hour. I get back and he's just wandering the hall in a t-shirt and a towel.

I almost felt bad, but it was really funny.

On another note, I started using this old notepad I've had laying around yesterday.

You may or may not know I want to be a stand-up comedian. Now, like the loser I am, I've tried writing down material and organizing it and typing it up and writing it down and such... it really just doesn't work for me.

Then I remembered something Larry David once said about Seinfeld and his own stand-up career. I think it was in the pilot for Curb Your Enthusiasm or a Seinfeld documentary thing.

Basically, he just kept a notebook and jotted down things he thought were funny all throughout the day. It was just filled with disconnected rants and ramblings and two-word ideas that just grew over time.

A LOT of the episodes he and Jerry wrote for Seinfeld came from ideas in that notebook, including one of my favorites, The Contest.

So, I've tossed around the idea of using my own notebook for quite some time now.

I started yesterday, and every day I mark the date, and put a "Word of the Day" up on the top, just for fun. Yesterday's word was "LABIA" and today's word is "URETHRA."

It's definitely working out. It's also really fun to just jot down your thoughts as they come to you.

Some notable entries:

- I bet caricature artists get nervous every time they have to draw a black guy. Ha. Racism.

- I haven't beat off in 12 days.

- Writing class doesn't seem so bad. She's letting us out early today.

- Oh, mother#####er, she just gave us homework! Like, seriously, RIGHT after I compliment the class on not seeming so bad. Man, ##### her.

- Dane Cook isn't funny.

- The homework is that we have to write an argument paper about anything.

- I'm going to argue that Dane Cook isn't funny.

- I just took what I believe to be my loudest poop EVER.

- Today I met two of the luckiest guys in the wo----- already posted that here. Nevermind.

- I just saw an amazingly beautiful girl. I want to ##### her.


So, yeah, right now, it's just random thoughts, but the point is that it's an ongoing outlet for my thoughts, no matter how silly or irrelevant, and hopefully I'll amass things I can actually use in a routine. Of course, I've also got real ideas written out elsewhere, such as actual solid bits, but this is for just a general framework of random funny things to pull from at any later date.

Like, I watched this documentary once, called "Comedian." It followed Jerry Seinfeld starting as a comedian again from scratch after he retired all his old material, and another guy named Orny Adams that was trying to become a famous comedian.

Orny Adams was... like... too serious about being a comedian. I don't want to be like that. He was very desperate, he had an entire room filled with drawers and file cabinets stacked endlessly with jokes he'd written, and screenplays he'd submitted... things like that. Overly prepared. Overly set up.

I'd like to maybe take a much more laid back approach if I'm going to take this sort of hobby seriously.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #2317 on: 4 September 2008, 16:28:47 »

- Writing class doesn't seem so bad. She's letting us out early today.

All of the classes I had so far I got out early. Really early. Yesterday we had 40 minutes of class left (Sound Design) and he let us go... but most of us decided to stay and play some Unreal Tournament 2004 on LAN (including me).

Today was the earliest though... Math and Physics I. I did not expect to be let out of the classroom at a full hour before it was finished. It was awesome.

- I just saw an amazingly beautiful girl. I want to ##### her.

I think that a lot.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #2318 on: 4 September 2008, 17:02:34 »

- I just bought, like, every color Sharpie they make. It's fantastic.

But yeah, I just went out to lunch with this one girl that I've gotten friendly with, and then we went to the bookstore, and they had a rainbow of Sharpies for sale.

So I bought one of each.

I haven't been this excited in a while.

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #2319 on: 4 September 2008, 23:48:15 »

Well, today I road back into school upon my white horse ready for an epic battle for my honor. But, EmoMcDouchelltin was gone. Apparently he's dropped out again. Whatever, I reminded my friends how awesome I've been to them and how FaggledickMc#####EmoFace is a fat pedophile who treated them all like ##### before he dropped out the first time.
So everything's cool now.
We're all going to go play Rock Band for like 9 hours tomorrow, like we always do.
It's gonna kick so much ass!
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #2320 on: 5 September 2008, 00:03:07 »

I just realized how long my weekends are.

I get out of my last class at 3:00PM. Normal for middle schools, right? Yeah, well, at that point, I have free time until 1:00 PM, Monday.

84 hours of nothingness... Am I lucky or am I in Hell?

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #2321 on: 5 September 2008, 00:20:14 »

You're lucky as ##### if you find people to hang out with and things to do.

If not, it's going to drive you insane with so much nothing to do. It really will. So be social.

I'm lucky I made a #####load of friends instantly, I mean, I was invited to a party on the third day, even though I came in knowing nobody. And there, I made even MORE friends and it keeps snowballing and there are more outings and more hangouts and things are going fantastic and I've worn nothing but green shirts and that's what makes it all worth it.

On that note, another party tonight. I still haven't drank any alchohol at all and I intend to keep that up.

I think it'd be the greatest achievement of all to honestly say that I never drank any alchohol my entire freshmen year. And the longer I go without doing it, the more inclined I'll be to continue not doing it because of how long I've gone without doing it and so on so forth.

I'm in a great mood right now. And this is strange because I just got done with a 2 hour drumline rehearsal in the freezing rain.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #2322 on: 5 September 2008, 00:21:10 »

I officially have the best English teacher of all time, I switched my classes because I had to repeat some courses before moving onto the next level. So I got put in another portable for English at last period, I switched from a super fine fem teach, to a down to earth young teach. Its better than nothing I guess.. He only has two rules 1. No "shut up" and 2. Respect, thats it, we can talk or say whatever we feel and he encourages it, today we just talked about ##### and read an old story, which later lead to us to talking about #####ALL!

I guess all Matricians are lucky this year schoolwise.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #2323 on: 5 September 2008, 00:26:59 »


More readings from today:

- Somebody just said hi to me. He looks familiar but I have no idea who it is. I almost feel like an asshole.

- I'm at least a LITTLE superficial: all the girls I've ever become close friends with are all very pretty. But a lot of my close guy friends are ugly. Don't know what that means.

- I REALLY like boobs.

- People in this class think I'm weird because I just announced that I enjoy getting naked in public.

- The guy sitting two seats to the right of me looks like the sort of loser who makes rash assumptions about other people just by looking at them.

NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #2324 on: 5 September 2008, 00:36:28 »

Today I beat Dead Rising. But for some reason I didn't get the Unbreakable achievement (I didn't get caught EVER by the Cultists or Special Forces or die in the beginning). The only reason I want to get this achievement is for the MegaMan boots. And now apparently I have to play through the whole game again or beat Overtime mode to get it.


Even though I'm a little pissed about that, I did like Dead Rising. I played the entire game with the MegaMan helmet on. Heh heh.
Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #2325 on: 5 September 2008, 00:38:40 »

Alec, That last one.

So I like my Rhetoric and Composition class. The teacher is fun, and I feel like I'll really learn.
My Foundations of Education class is dull, as I already have hours of experience teaching as a student instructor.
Organismal Biology is easy.
Intro to Nutrition is a joke. I'm gonna test out of it for the credits.\

Then we have Calculus.
Oh god.
Only 14 weeks left of it, but hot damn it's gonna be hard.

Also, As a freshman on a college football team, I made the travel team, in which only the upper half of the players get to go.
We are going to play Merrimack College in Massachusetts on Saturday.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #2326 on: 5 September 2008, 01:17:07 »

You're lucky as ##### if you find people to hang out with and things to do.

If not, it's going to drive you insane with so much nothing to do. It really will. So be social.

Well, I try. I wouldn't mind hanging out with those guys I mentioned before.

I'll probably become friends with a few guys in my classes; all of my class members are the same in every class and since we're all gamers (we did a few more rounds of URT04 again today)... Well, I'll be amazed if I don't end up as friends with any of them.

Tomorrow I got a ##### load of stuff to do (not college stuff, mind you; personal things like getting a bus pass and going across town and such)... Saturday, I guess I'll hang out in the courtyard again. See if I can find those guys or meet new people.

Also, ASR, I like your notes idea. I think I'll start a blog to gather my thoughts and ideas on it, just to keep it somewhere a little more permanent.

Posted on:  4 September 2008, 19:40:31

I went to go get some dinner a while ago (I got up after posting my last post).

I ended up playing dodgeball.

Yes, I'm just as confused as the person reading this.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #2327 on: 5 September 2008, 01:32:08 »

#####. My ride cancelled on me.

So as of now, I can't get to the party tonight.

Super Robot
Posts: 1106

« Reply #2328 on: 5 September 2008, 01:53:29 »

On Sunday, we've got someone coming over to look at the kittens.

Very mixed feelings. I don't want them to have to leave. D:

That's nice, dear.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #2329 on: 5 September 2008, 03:55:55 »

My mom was checking out wireless plans to see about unlimited texting at Rogers and she found all 3 seasons of Arrested Development for 20 bucks each (A STEAL, I SAY!) so she phoned me and I told her "A STEAL, I SAY!" and so I have those now.

I listen to my iPod all day at work so I won't have to talk to the bigot slash moron. I'm tired of music almost.

Yesterday I had sushi for dinner at some sushi buffet and I don't even like fish but I had fish sushi and it was alright sushi and now I'm just trying to fit the word sushi in here to see how often I can say sushi in this sushi story about eating sushi and fish sushi at a sushi buffet restaurant of Japanese style where they invented sushi to eat for sustenance like I did at the sushi restaurant last night when I had fish sushi.

When I was in New York state last weekend I saw a shirt for ASR; "Green shirts are for pimps". No, I did not buy it. I hate slogan shirts... I later bought a green Adidas shirt.

I'm watching Weird Science on TV and it's hilarious to see a young Downey Jr. with split teeth and #####. It's like everything he says is funny.

I might be going to a geek party I don't really want to go to on Saturday... But tomorrow night I'm going to see some Japanese ska band, should be interesting.

My moods are changing ridiculously and wildly and way too quickly. I need to sort out my #####. I can't be awesome and crap at the same time.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #2330 on: 5 September 2008, 04:03:31 »

I hate sushi, hate hate hate it! I tried it with my brother at the Ex and I immediately gagged.

I can't be awesome and crap at the same time.

LIKE I KNOW RIGHT!? You can't dish out your awesome vibes if theres nothing but assey vibes around you!

Like today, I was seated at my new second period math class next to some raging dork, this guy is most likely a narutard. He hasn't mastered the art of subtlety in the slightest, he's got some crush on some girl in the same class and he goes about this way of informing me that also informs the whole class. He tells me he's talking to his friends (right) about womenz, and he tells them "I have a crush on this girl in second period!". He says this ##### out loud, seriously, who goes about their ##### like that?

Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #2331 on: 5 September 2008, 04:10:14 »

I would never ingest "food" from the Ex, dude. Especially not a raw fish meal, that's just asking for Listeria or whatever it is.

And guy is just stupid. I'm not talking about my atmosphere's giving me nega-waves, I'm talking going from depressed to feeling wicked seemingly at random.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #2332 on: 5 September 2008, 05:18:00 »


Mikeyousaved25dollarsonArrest edDevelopmentGOODJOB

Mikeidonotneedanothergreenshi rtbutiappreciatethethought


Posted on:  5 September 2008, 04:59:25

Also, tonight pissed me off because my ride to the party cancelled on me and I couldn't get another ride on such short notice.

Oh well.

I've got a whole #####ing year to party hardy.

Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #2333 on: 5 September 2008, 05:53:48 »

I wish college, or at least my program, was ANYTHING like college movies (except the movie College, which looks BEYOND awful). Which are like exaggerated university. So I wish college was like university.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #2334 on: 5 September 2008, 15:38:32 »

So far, it's just right for me.

Posted on:  5 September 2008, 06:11:05


Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #2335 on: 5 September 2008, 15:48:58 »

I've already used it enough to be used to it.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #2336 on: 5 September 2008, 18:03:44 »

I have ignored it with all my efforts.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #2337 on: 5 September 2008, 19:26:27 »

I've accomplished quite a bit in the last two hours.

-I got a bus pass (free rides anywhere for a semester for $235!)
-I got a fitness pass (usage of gym equipment whenever I want for $125!)
-I got my proof of registration, making it so I can get that $500 bursary I won (PS3, here I come!)

I then got a hockey ticket to watch a hockey game with other people in residence tonight.

I hate hockey so I don't know what compelled me to do it...

Now I got to do laundry. I'll finish my Megaman 8 game while waiting for it to finish...

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #2338 on: 5 September 2008, 20:11:02 »

My parents came up today and surprised me.

They brought food so I didn't mind.

I finally did my laundry and hung out with some friends.

Next up, more drumline...

Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #2339 on: 5 September 2008, 21:43:16 »

I'm a few hundred miles away from my college right now, staying in a Holiday Inn, in Tweksbury (I think), we play Merrimack tomorrow.

First hotel I've ever stayed in.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #2340 on: 5 September 2008, 22:37:02 »

First hotel I've ever stayed in.

srsyl? whoa

Anyway, I'm back from laundry. Beat Megaman 8 right before the clothes finished drying.

My clothes are still damp. :(

Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #2341 on: 6 September 2008, 00:58:20 »

MY college has wicked good dryahs.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Sniper Joe
Posts: 386

« Reply #2342 on: 6 September 2008, 03:15:54 »

Today Choas came to school and visited us for lunch and the pep rally. It was a pretty good day, and it's Friday so no school tomorrow woot!

~ ♥ ~ ANNIE ~ ♥ ~

                    ゙(゚、 。 7            
                       l、゙ ~ヽ
                       じしf_, )ノ   kitteh!
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #2343 on: 6 September 2008, 04:09:56 »

Yeah but can you beat no schools on Friday, Ikeoko?

Anyway, so yeah, I went to the hockey game... was kind of boring... and then when I got back to residence, everyone was outside. Someone pulled the fire alarm.


For the third time this week.

And it was pouring rain.

Now I'm back and so I'm going to put my bed covers and sheets to wash and dry before going to bed... That way, I can get some Megaman & Bass in.

Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #2344 on: 6 September 2008, 06:40:06 »

Using a bursary to buy a PS3 is great social commentary if you're doing it ironically. Of course, you're not, and thus it's just making the bursary a total waste and negating the whole idea of it.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #2345 on: 6 September 2008, 06:46:25 »

Well, I already got everything educational I need (including expensive books) without it.

It has to be used somehow...

Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #2346 on: 6 September 2008, 07:00:50 »

OK, acceptable. EXCEPT that PS3 sucks.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #2347 on: 6 September 2008, 07:20:48 »

Sorry, I can't hear you! Lalalala!

Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #2348 on: 6 September 2008, 12:26:26 »

... a full day after a 13 hr workday... and I'm still Sore...

<.< I start work again at 5... we'll see how that pan's out.
Sniper Joe
Posts: 386

« Reply #2349 on: 7 September 2008, 02:43:22 »

Yeah but can you beat no schools on Friday, Ikeoko?

Yeah, having no school on Monday. It's better to have off Monday than Friday...

~ ♥ ~ ANNIE ~ ♥ ~

                    ゙(゚、 。 7            
                       l、゙ ~ヽ
                       じしf_, )ノ   kitteh!
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