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Author Topic: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread  (Read 1677680 times)
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #1700 on: 12 July 2008, 22:31:58 »


Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1701 on: 12 July 2008, 22:35:59 »


Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1702 on: 12 July 2008, 23:27:23 »

Serenity now, insanity later.

You guys are no help. I told her,"The experts at MMM will tell you what's better!" I'm not supposed to be getting praise from you guys.

We already gave you a list of reasons for MM > Kirby. Use that.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1703 on: 12 July 2008, 23:43:53 »

And we weren't giving YOU praise!

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1704 on: 13 July 2008, 02:53:22 »

You guys are no help. I told her,"The experts at MMM will tell you what's better!" I'm not supposed to be getting praise from you guys.

We already gave you a list of reasons for MM > Kirby. Use that.


But... I had to "pbbbbbbfffftttttt" at the word "experts".


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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
The Otaku
Robot Master
Posts: 523

« Reply #1705 on: 13 July 2008, 04:27:50 »

A post relevant to the topic:

Today my brother had to go to a birthday party and it's right across a library I don't usually go to, so I checked out the library. When I went to the YA section I saw a whole load of anime DVD's and videos and I checked out as many as I could. So now I'm watching Galaxy Railways, which is great, asit strays from the regular anime sch-fi's that're just about giant robots. GR is about trains in space, and it seems really cool to me. I also got seven Evangelion DVD's, just for old time's sake, an old Ranma 1/2 movie that sucks more than Chron at Pac-Man, and You're Under Arrest, about some cops that . . . act like cops. Besides anime I got Eragon and Meet The Robinsons for my brother.

You know how you see weird people all over the place? Well at the library I saw a nerd who was glued to the screen while playing Runescape with a grin on his fance and wild eyes. Then I saw a lady who looked like a hobo pacing around the computer lab and saying '#####' everytime someone took a computer. Then I saw someone who looked like a guy and a girl. It had badly braided hair that looked very, very coarse, and it's face was like those terrible child actors, only I couln't tell if it was a Haley Osment or a Shirley Temple.

Then I was messing around with the Sudoku puzzles on Brain Age and copied the results on graph paper so that I can redo and just copy from my version, thus getting my at rocket speed and less than two minutes complete time.

And then I helped my dad cut up the insides of raw chicken. Then I logged onto MMM and started typing this.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1706 on: 13 July 2008, 04:48:08 »

You know how you see weird people all over the place? Well at the library I saw a nerd who was glued to the screen while playing Runescape with a grin on his fance and wild eyes. Then I saw a lady who looked like a hobo pacing around the computer lab and saying '#####' everytime someone took a computer. Then I saw someone who looked like a guy and a girl. It had badly braided hair that looked very, very coarse, and it's face was like those terrible child actors, only I couln't tell if it was a Haley Osment or a Shirley Temple.

Funny, because the Runescape guy told me about some crazy girl who was running up and down the anime aisle at his local library, shouting about how much she loves Universe Roadways or something like that, and something about how some stupid dork named Shinji is a real loser but she loves him anyway. He also saw her furiously copying some stuff off of her Nintendo DS screen onto a piece of paper and then grinning furiously as she started doing the exact opposite seconds later. Also, she liked Eragon.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #1707 on: 13 July 2008, 05:11:58 »

My grandma with tourettes was at the library too, and she couldn't get a computer there..

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #1708 on: 13 July 2008, 05:33:17 »

I also got seven Evangelion DVD's, just for old time's sake, an old Ranma 1/2 movie that sucks more than Chron at Pac-Man, and You're Under Arrest, about some cops that . . . act like cops. Besides anime I got Eragon and Meet The Robinsons for my brother.

Actually I haven't seen but bits and pieces so you very well could be right.

i'm going to have to school you at virtual on some day kid

Next time you go back, see if you can find Nadesico.
Love that show.
The Otaku
Robot Master
Posts: 523

« Reply #1709 on: 13 July 2008, 06:33:52 »

True, Ranma isn't bad, but it was a friggin' movie. Big Trouble In Nekonkron, China. Some Chinese prince mistakes Akane for his destined bride and Ranma and friends must sail to China and face the Seven Something Gods and save Akane from Prince Chopstick Master.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1710 on: 13 July 2008, 08:32:53 »

Ranma 1/2 rocks. But if you just watch a movie without seeing the series, then you'll just be completely lost. I never finished the series (I think), but I do remember watching that particular story. It was OK. Not the best, and it was kind of just a filler story that didn't really GO anywhere, but it wasn't awful. BuuUUUUuuut I have to say that in general, Ranma was/is awesome and I should watch it again since I haven't seen it since I was in the ninth grade (2000-2001).

Posted on: 13 July 2008, 03:21:35

OK double post so I can separate this from that.


Worked the day. My #####ing frienemy came IN THE MORNING and stayed until the afternoon. I hate when he comes to the store because he monopolizes hours of my time and I pretty much totally don't like him nowadays.

That night Sonia and I went to a bar (The Brig) downtown, we were supposed to meet up with people but they never showed or something so we just talked about our other friends and how they can be stupid and/or are in a bunch of drama.


My godmother was over and tried to tell me DMX is in a biker gang, when I know that's wrong and was literally checking her "facts" online as we argued, but you can't tell her #####. Pissed me off. But she left to go home to Montreal right after that anyway.

Was supposed to go to see The Happening with Jess at night. Again, we didn't go. She had no money and refused to let me pay even though I was planning to do that anyway.

Later, she called my cellphone crying. So upset she could barely breathe. Never have I heard her that bad. So I drove to her house and picked her up (which took longer than it should have because she didn't realize I'd been texting her when I got there) then drove back here.

We didn't talk until we got here and she told me what was wrong, which I'm obviously not going to talk about here. Anyway we hung out and watched a DVD here, but I had to take her back home right after because she has to work tomorrow.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #1711 on: 13 July 2008, 08:53:23 »

Sounds rough, tell her the boys down at the local MegaMan forum give their salute.

anyway, today was annoying, my mother came over starting ##### with my father, which is basically just her yelling and being a drama lama. We ordered take out which I didn't eat much of, now shes sleeping over, in my bed. I really hope this doesn't happen when I start work or go to school.

I also checked my hard drive.. I have over 5 gb of Gurren Lagann junk..

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1712 on: 13 July 2008, 10:51:02 »

Nearly 6:00 AM. Pretty good day so far. I just dropped my parents off at the airport. I've got the whole house to myself for a whole week.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #1713 on: 13 July 2008, 13:29:12 »

Ah, the alone for a week thing. Good times, good times. Practice running around naked and drink some of the alcohol. Don't do both at once.
Trust me on that.

Sounds rough, tell her the boys down at the local MegaMan forum give their salute.

anyway, today was annoying, my mother came over starting ##### with my father, which is basically just her yelling and being a drama lama. We ordered take out which I didn't eat much of, now shes sleeping over, in my bed. I really hope this doesn't happen when I start work or go to school.

I also checked my hard drive.. I have over 5 gb of Gurren Lagann junk..

You really have to try hard to have 4x more of ANYTHING than I have of Flash animations.
I also salute.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1714 on: 13 July 2008, 16:42:47 »

I'd just like to quickly point out right now that I, too, agree that Ranma 1/2 is some good #####.

Later, she called my cellphone crying. So upset she could barely breathe. Never have I heard her that bad. So I drove to her house and picked her up (which took longer than it should have because she didn't realize I'd been texting her when I got there) then drove back here.

We didn't talk until we got here and she told me what was wrong, which I'm obviously not going to talk about here. Anyway we hung out and watched a DVD here, but I had to take her back home right after because she has to work tomorrow.

Replace all the "she"s and "her"s with "he"s and "him"s and I did the same thing for a gay friend. I mean, I've done it for a few girls, too, but everything changes when you do it for another guy, haha. Pretty much the same story, save for the texting and the work tomorrow. Right down to his silence in the car. I called one of my girl friends and made her join me, and I picked her up before I picked him up so it wouldn't be awkward, but he still sat in the front seat.
It wasn't awkward, though.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1715 on: 14 July 2008, 04:07:30 »

This post is about Moxie

I went to the festival Saturday.
Woopty doo ice cream.
Woopty doo food and crazy stuff.
Bought my girlfriend a necklace.

Ah, the Moxie Chuggin' Contest.
Prelims, 3 rounds, whoever drinks the most in one minute moves to the finals.
First round, buch of lightwights (random drawing), save for one guy who drank almost 2 liters (These were 1 liter bottles)
Second round, hot competition. Myself, my father, and some other tough drinkers. I won by drinking barely less than 2 liters in a minute. 3 people were less than 1/5th of a bottle behind.
SO, Watching the third round was the best.
Some crazy guy gets onto his third liter in the one minute, and another guy almost ties me. The guy who drank more than 2 very quickly vomited all over the table, which upset another contestant's stomach.
The second guy had a full beard.
He had eaten a sausage sandwich.
he tried to hold it in with his hand.
his beard strained the vomit quite well.
It was hilariously gross.
The 3rd place guy in that heat moved on by default. Puking gets you DQ'd.

Final round comes around 15 minutes later, the finalists had to stay on hand so they didn't go puke in private. They cleaned up all the puke etc... and the final round is who can drink a single liter the fastest. Remember, we're still full of soda.
Winner got it in 17 seconds. I did in 19.
Got sicker than hell after though, I crapped liquid Moxie for hours and peed like crazy.

Fun times.
Will have pictures soon.
So, I took second, I will got a shirt, that's all I wanted.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #1716 on: 14 July 2008, 04:22:16 »

I wish I were there, I could totally take you.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1717 on: 14 July 2008, 04:43:43 »

Doubt it.
You have to try cold moxie first.
It's so harsh your eyes water.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1718 on: 14 July 2008, 04:44:36 »

That is gross. But fun, apparently.

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #1719 on: 14 July 2008, 04:49:44 »

Wait, they still sell Moxie in Maine?
Super Robot
Posts: 1106

« Reply #1720 on: 14 July 2008, 04:56:44 »

Focus... Waning...

Must... finish... comic... for... tomorrowwww.... ;_;

Also, our kitty's about to pop.

Sometime in the next week, no more than a month, Bear will go BOOM, with confetti, then kittens will be.
« Last Edit: 14 July 2008, 05:03:44 by AlexThePenguin » Logged

That's nice, dear.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1721 on: 14 July 2008, 05:05:11 »

omg so this one girl like like-likes me and like i like like-like her back and omg u have no idea =)))))

TRANSLATION: Life is good.

Robot Master
Posts: 736

« Reply #1722 on: 14 July 2008, 17:26:06 »

Bout damn time, Assir. She better be cute as a button or else I'm gonna disassemble your ballsack.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1723 on: 14 July 2008, 17:28:04 »

There will be no ballsack disassembling, I assure you!

And anyway nothing's official yet.

Robot Master
Posts: 736

« Reply #1724 on: 14 July 2008, 17:29:47 »

Pic me up.  I am your coach, after all.  Your lifecoach.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1725 on: 14 July 2008, 17:35:20 »

I'll only listen to you if you wear an oversized cowboy hat and talk in an exaggerated Texan accent.

Robot Master
Posts: 736

« Reply #1726 on: 14 July 2008, 17:37:52 »

How about I keep the accent, lose the hat, but sing a rousing tune of "Deep in the Heart of Texas"?

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1727 on: 14 July 2008, 17:38:37 »

Throw in a trusty steed and you're set.

Robot Master
Posts: 736

« Reply #1728 on: 14 July 2008, 17:59:20 »

If by "steed" you mean "'07 Ford F-150 Texas Edition w/ Extended Cab."

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1729 on: 14 July 2008, 18:09:10 »

I do.

Posts: 44

« Reply #1730 on: 14 July 2008, 19:33:34 »

Well on one hand I found this old fourm site i used to post on years ago, but my girl friend just yesterday cheated on me, with some simplton who has been in and out of jail a few times. Also the comic book iv been hired to do is falling apart im having alot of trouble drawing it. So overal im not that happy, but i will say, loading some of my old megaman games has been a great relief  :)

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, but art is knowing what mistakes to keep.
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1731 on: 14 July 2008, 19:41:56 »

Wait, they still sell Moxie in Maine?

In every reputable store.
It's THE Maine drink.
Like, officially.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Robot Master
Posts: 736

« Reply #1732 on: 14 July 2008, 21:35:01 »

Well on one hand I found this old fourm site i used to post on years ago, but my girl friend just yesterday cheated on me, with some simplton who has been in and out of jail a few times. Also the comic book iv been hired to do is falling apart im having alot of trouble drawing it. So overal im not that happy, but i will say, loading some of my old megaman games has been a great relief  :)

That sucks ass about your girlfriend bro. For real.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1733 on: 15 July 2008, 02:52:26 »

It also sucks you have a crap avatar on top of all that drama.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1734 on: 15 July 2008, 08:46:03 »

And anyway nothing's official yet.

And now 'tis.

Super Robot
Posts: 1106

« Reply #1735 on: 15 July 2008, 09:24:03 »

GOT THE UPDATE DONE early this morning.

Slept 'til three for the first time in a while.

Went to the BSR, started a new DnD campaign with my old level 10 Druid, got the beginnings of my character for a Psionics campaign. I'm looking forward to bringing back my Catian character again, albeit in a different, less dancer-ly form.

That's nice, dear.
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1736 on: 15 July 2008, 21:41:23 »

And anyway nothing's official yet.

And now 'tis.


I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1737 on: 15 July 2008, 21:53:39 »

Not my business to post her pictures here. Catch me on AIM or something if you care.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1738 on: 15 July 2008, 23:46:00 »

And anyway nothing's official yet.

And now 'tis.


Went to the BSR

Is like, Alec's little bro or what?

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1739 on: 15 July 2008, 23:55:26 »

There are so many license plates around here that have "BSR" on them and I always think of them as my bizarro-evil nemesis.

My brother's initials are BIR, for anyone who cares.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1740 on: 15 July 2008, 23:56:23 »

They should be GIR. Rename him. Now.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1741 on: 15 July 2008, 23:58:38 »

Ha, I never noticed that.

Posts: 44

« Reply #1742 on: 16 July 2008, 02:36:06 »

It also sucks you have a crap avatar on top of all that drama.

I think the X copy is a cool design man, lay off the copy lol.   and thanks jakey. women can be cruel o well.

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, but art is knowing what mistakes to keep.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1743 on: 16 July 2008, 03:03:31 »

Clearly you think that is a cool design. But it is NOT.

The only MMZ design I liked was those X-looking robots that you chop the ##### out of in early stages. And even then, it's just because they have a one-red-eye face.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1744 on: 16 July 2008, 03:06:50 »

Those actually are really cool, I still love those. I sort of liked those Golem mini-bosses, too.

Super Robot
Posts: 1106

« Reply #1745 on: 16 July 2008, 05:00:57 »

Is like, Alec's little bro or what?

Bellingham Society of Roleplayers. Superior to the RPGA (The official Wizards of the Coast group) in that you can have evil characters, don't have to register to DM, and can play with house rules all you want.

That's nice, dear.
Sniper Joe
Posts: 266

« Reply #1746 on: 17 July 2008, 04:57:34 »

So am I the only person in the world to go through demotivational poster addiction syndrome? All I do recently is look them up, just because they're so plain hilarious.

Ramen Noodles!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1747 on: 17 July 2008, 23:04:45 »

Today I hung out with... *giggle* my girl *teehee* for most of the morning. It was nice.

In a little while I'm going to hang out with the guys and then we're going to a midnight showing of The Dark Knight. Looking forward to it. Basically it's a great day.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1748 on: 18 July 2008, 05:50:39 »


You just teehee'd...
I'll let it slide because you're in a new relationship. But yeesh.

Is like, Alec's little bro or what?

Bellingham Society of Roleplayers. Superior to the RPGA (The official Wizards of the Coast group) in that you can have evil characters, don't have to register to DM, and can play with house rules all you want.

Yeah. I'm gonna keep pretending it's the second edition of ASR if that's alright. But I'm highly anticipating CSR, which drops in 2014.

Super Robot
Posts: 1106

« Reply #1749 on: 18 July 2008, 07:40:32 »

But I can't play DnD within your BSR.


Our bear is a mama bear.


That's nice, dear.
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