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Author Topic: The O's Art  (Read 75921 times)
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #50 on: 8 June 2008, 08:26:05 »

She said that she redrew images that already existed. She didn't really claim otherwise.

Creator of MMM
Posts: 1513

« Reply #51 on: 8 June 2008, 13:32:33 »

Personally, I copy stuff all the time, especially now that I'm doing drawings from photos a lot of the time.

I might be ugly... At least I ain't got no money!
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #52 on: 8 June 2008, 14:58:54 »

She definitely has enough skill to start her own stuff, and work on that completely.

The Otaku
Robot Master
Posts: 523

« Reply #53 on: 8 June 2008, 15:55:37 »

Well my whole portfolio isn't formed out of copied images, if you haven't noticed. And you should be aware of the fact that I myself already stated that I AM A COPY ARTIST. Everyone get's it. I'M A FRIGGIN' COPY ARTIST.

And for your information I didn't COPY the Yotsuba from the anime. I COPIED it from the manga.

You googled images and made several incriminating images to deface me? Wow. You remind me of a milder Sano.

Robot Master
Posts: 594

« Reply #54 on: 8 June 2008, 17:48:25 »

It looks more like she's giving you helpful advice than anything.
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #55 on: 8 June 2008, 18:03:15 »

Yeah, you took it too heavily.

Have you looked at her art?
Anything she says will help you.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
The Otaku
Robot Master
Posts: 523

« Reply #56 on: 8 June 2008, 18:05:43 »

Yes, actually I have, and it's not my type.

Robot Master
Posts: 594

« Reply #57 on: 8 June 2008, 18:11:55 »

That doesn't have anything to do with the fact she's just giving advice.

Wasn't it you who said at the begining of the topic: "Feel free to comment and criticize, diss and praise, and whatever else you wanna do with this. "
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #58 on: 8 June 2008, 18:20:02 »

We're just trying to give you advice, you can draw better for sure. We know you're a copy artist and we're saying you should move on.

Don't get mad at Yubi for anything, shes just stating the facts, and is nowhere near as offensive as some of the things Sano may say. Like JC said, take her advice, it may not be your "type" but she's very talented.

The Otaku
Robot Master
Posts: 523

« Reply #59 on: 8 June 2008, 18:22:18 »

Yes, I am aware of the fact I said "feel free to comment and criticize, diss and praise, and whatever else you wanna do with this." But I never said that I would comply with it obediently.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #60 on: 8 June 2008, 18:25:26 »

Well that was stupid to say, thats like saying "Sure you can have a bite of my sandwich" and then blowing their head off for taking a bite. We're not getting angry at you and dissing your art, we're just giving you some criticism.

The Otaku
Robot Master
Posts: 523

« Reply #61 on: 8 June 2008, 18:29:05 »

Wind, I'm stupid.


Sigh. Fine. Thank you for your criticism.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #62 on: 8 June 2008, 18:31:44 »

We'd like to see more from you, don't take this as a discouragement. Just next time don't copy or anything, like that shinigami naruto thing, it was real stuff, which we like to see.

The Otaku
Robot Master
Posts: 523

« Reply #63 on: 8 June 2008, 18:33:34 »

Dude, Yotsuba & Ami were the only copies.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #64 on: 8 June 2008, 18:57:13 »

Regardless, it was just casual criticism. Not only that, but it was accompanied with irrefutable proof to back up her claims. You can't even get mad over that.

If you flip out over a little thing like this (and Yubi was genuinely trying to be helpful and express her own disdain over the matter) you're never going to be able to handle most problems in everyday life.

Not everyone is going to like everything you do. In fact, most people don't like everything anyone does.

Take any famous actor for example. I'm pretty sure just as many people hate Ashton Kutcher as there are that love him. Same with Tom Cruise and Shia LeBouf and Mel Gibson. To be more relative to the situation, takes artists in the same veign.

You can't please everyone, and you were never meant to.

Be thankful that the people you didn't please on this board were actually kind enough to be nice about it and offer advice.

The Otaku
Robot Master
Posts: 523

« Reply #65 on: 8 June 2008, 19:11:37 »

New sketch. This is a partly ORIGINAL drawing. Made it a few monthes ago after reading the book Bunker 10, and drew the main character Jake, or whatever his name is, I forgot, based on the book's description.

By the way, you should read that book, I found it as a good read.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #66 on: 8 June 2008, 19:16:12 »

Good stuff, good stuff.

Creator of MMM
Posts: 1513

« Reply #67 on: 8 June 2008, 19:46:18 »

I'd just like to point out that if people don't put art in their posts, and link to it elsewhere, I never see it, because I'm as lazy as sin.

I might be ugly... At least I ain't got no money!
Yubi Shines
Robot Master
Posts: 505

« Reply #68 on: 8 June 2008, 19:48:21 »

Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson? I'm flattered. Do I get to call someone sugartits and fly off in a spaceship now?

Believe you me, I could easily be a lot nastier and more abrasive. I don't have many hot buttons, but this sort of thing is one of 'em. But screeching and throwing poop at things isn't civilized. I can't fathom why.

Hokay, you want real advice? Here it is. Draw from observation. Photographs, things on your desk, things around you, people on the train, tangible things. If I could start over, I would have done that. Even if you want to draw anime, because (and this has been hammered at me over and over, from bloody everywhere until I was sick of hearing it, but) you need to know what a person actually looks like before you distort it into a cartoon.

Check this tutorial out, as well as Tigrin's Drawing with Sincerity. I wouldn't try and read all of the first one at once, just refer to it every now and then, but definitely read through Sincerity.

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
"By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe."
Robot Master
Posts: 796

« Reply #69 on: 8 June 2008, 19:51:59 »

I'd just like to point out that if people don't put art in their posts, and link to it elsewhere, I never see it, because I'm as lazy as sin.
Same with me, but I might check it if somebody posts something like " Very good stuff" or
"I like the _____".
The Otaku
Robot Master
Posts: 523

« Reply #70 on: 8 June 2008, 20:45:27 »

Yeah, so check it out, as thd majority of people who've posted here like my art.

Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #71 on: 8 June 2008, 21:42:06 »

I'm more of a copy artist.

You and anyone else who draws anime/manga from the US...

No offence, but it isn't that great of a trait. Try making yourself a character or something. Something that is YOURS.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #72 on: 8 June 2008, 22:30:20 »

If you want to be good you're going to have not only take criticism, but SEEK it out. You don't know this but I'm in college for this stuff, it's my career. You have to go after criticism and do a LOT of revisions if you want a future in this. If you just want to draw for a hobby that's fine, then you don't have to do anything you don't want to. But if so, you aren't allowed to get pissy.

Deconstructive critism need not apply, of course.

I'd just like to point out that if people don't put art in their posts, and link to it elsewhere, I never see it, because I'm as lazy as sin.
I'd just like to point out that if people don't put art in their posts, and link to it elsewhere, I never see it, because I'm as lazy as sin.
Same with me, but I might check it if somebody posts something like " Very good stuff" or
"I like the _____".

I skip stuff like that too, sometimes.

Actually, I'd love to embed video in my posts so animations wouldn't get looked over but even if that were possible it would slow down my thread and there's no way I'm gonna do that.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #73 on: 8 June 2008, 22:38:40 »

As what was done at AF, if someone gives me a pissy mood after I give them criticism on their work, I'll just stop looking at it. It's really stupid.

"Hey, tell me what you think about my work!"
"The eyes aren't straight, and his hands are awkward."
"STFU. Everyone else like my art, so stop."

[ N ][ M ][ C ]
[ S ][ - ][ E ]
[ J ][ V ][ W ]

Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #74 on: 8 June 2008, 22:41:35 »

I withhold a lot of my comments on people's art because I'm used to the way it is in Animation, and I realize it would sounds very harsh. My candor can surprise if one isn't used to the level of crit.

The Otaku
Robot Master
Posts: 523

« Reply #75 on: 9 June 2008, 02:47:27 »

I don't act all pissy at every single piece of criticism, but I think the reason why I was mad was because although I had already said I was a copy artist, Yubi still managed to type out a whole post about copying and make two pictures that revealed my copies. Plus I always post about the mess-ups I think I made after updating my art list, and if someone exxagerated those screw-ups and rubbed it in my face or something, then I'd get mad.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #76 on: 9 June 2008, 03:41:28 »

I think it was pretty clear that Yubi didn't realize you'd said that you were a "copy artist" (a term I refuse to recognize) and was not just rubbing it in you face.

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #77 on: 9 June 2008, 03:42:56 »

I don't act all pissy at every single piece of criticism...

Yeah, you do.
The Otaku
Robot Master
Posts: 523

« Reply #78 on: 9 June 2008, 04:13:18 »

No. For example, I said that the perspective was not the same throughout the whole picture of the Naruto Shinigami. If you had said the upper body was a tad too small, compared to the much longer lower body, then I would have coped without acting up. But if you said your picture is ugly, it looks funny, you did it all wrong, or something like that then I'd get mad. If you're going to criticize me then please do so in a polite way.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #79 on: 9 June 2008, 05:08:23 »

This is my favourite episode of Gilmore Girls yet.

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #80 on: 9 June 2008, 05:20:41 »

I never had you pegged as a homosexual, Mike.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #81 on: 9 June 2008, 05:30:57 »

You wish you could peg me like a homosexual, Sanz.

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #82 on: 9 June 2008, 05:32:02 »

I can't argue with that logic.
Yubi Shines
Robot Master
Posts: 505

« Reply #83 on: 9 June 2008, 16:45:52 »

Do you really want me to be rude? Because so far I've been pretty civil. I haven't even threatened to dismember you and plant your spine in a flowerpot for the cat to piss on. I'm just saying.

I don't approve of posting traced/copied pictures, without even linking back to the original. And I do think they were traced, because too many of the lines match up for it to have just been referenced. I also do not believe you are at a skill level where you can look at a picture and render it perfectly. I'm suspicious of the Ichigo Rukia pictures as well, because of the style difference.

I don't doubt there is a market for copied paintings, but I do not consider it art.

On your actual drawings? Okay. I think you rely on the three-quarter view of the head too much, and you draw hands and feet far too small. (An open hand should be big enough, fingers and all, to cover your face, and a foot is about as long as your forearm.) There doesn't seem to be definition where the arm ends and the wrist/hand begins. You also very much need to learn how to draw fingers, because even when you just draw them balled into fists, it's really obvious.

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
"By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe."
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #84 on: 9 June 2008, 21:24:48 »

A foot is not as long as a forearm.

It's true the lines match up to the originals a lot, but I don't see the pencil weight of tracing in those lines.

Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #85 on: 9 June 2008, 21:52:55 »

I don't think tracing is "wrong," It does give the beginner a good feel for the lines, and gets the arm used to angles, proportions, what have you.

Traced images are not things to be showcased. I understand you say that you didn't trace, and that's why I believe this is just another plot from the american goverment to hide the fact that aliens exist!
Rama Olendris
Sniper Joe
Posts: 368

« Reply #86 on: 9 June 2008, 21:56:01 »

Wow this thread has turned into what deviant art should be! People actually criticizing works of art.

In any event, Otaku, don't pay any mind to the occasional stupid and thoughtless jabber which might come from this forum... or from the internet for that matter. If you're going to post stuff online, be prepared for some mean feedback because the net is just like that.

As for being a copy-artist... people, it helps artists become better. When I was young, that's all I did until I was about 14 when I started to draw on my own without references and I was pretty impressed with what I could pull out. I believe it is necessary to first crawl before you run. Otaku is doing just that. Give her a few years and who knows how good she'll be without references.



Emit hcum oot evah uoy neht, siht dear nac uoy fi.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #87 on: 9 June 2008, 22:03:54 »

and that's why I believe this is just another plot from the american goverment to hide the fact that aliens exist!

Yeah man. Clearly they're watching us, I mean, there's a sticker on every apple! "There's no such thing as hypocrisy!" says the racist with a sun tan. Stick a couple decks of cards in a CD player and suddenly the shuffle button don't work?!

The Otaku
Robot Master
Posts: 523

« Reply #88 on: 10 June 2008, 02:31:30 »

I actually draw stuff for people at school. For example:

Susie: Christina, draw a samurai for me! Ms. Eikrem's Samurai Handbook is due today!
Christina: Okay, how many?
Susie: As much as you can.
Christina: Okay . . .
Susie:*Hands Christina a ten dollar bill*
Christina: Wow. Thanks.

Easy money, man, easy money.

Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #89 on: 10 June 2008, 02:50:39 »

That's how I became a millionare!

Vin Diesel: Ray, Can you draw me doing awsome stunts in a flaming car on fire with fire?
Ray: Sure, VIN DIESEL!
Vin: Yay, *hands ray a check for $1,000,000*

Easy money.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #90 on: 10 June 2008, 03:00:50 »

Similar story for me, except it was a five-dollar bill and I was naked.

Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #91 on: 10 June 2008, 03:01:39 »

Well Vin and I play DND on the weekends, so we're pretty good freinds.


He's a level 3 fighter!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #92 on: 10 June 2008, 03:03:17 »

I hear he cheats.

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #93 on: 10 June 2008, 03:06:39 »

I actually draw stuff for people at school. For example:

Susie: Christina, draw a samurai for me! Ms. Eikrem's Samurai Handbook is due today!
Christina: Okay, how many?
Susie: As much as you can.
Christina: Okay . . .
Susie:*Hands Christina a ten dollar bill*
Christina: Wow. Thanks.

Easy money, man, easy money.

Yeah, 'cause that's all solid proof and totally related to what everyone else was discussing.
Either way, I'm thinkin' Susie must be mentally retarded or something, so I'm just going to say you shouldn't keep taking advantage of her because of her disability.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #94 on: 10 June 2008, 05:32:49 »

That was mean, but funny.

Super Robot
Posts: 1106

« Reply #95 on: 10 June 2008, 08:30:23 »

I keep thinking this is my thread. I'm so used to being "The O" by default of my name. >_>;

Gervin looks a lot like I'd imagine a friend of mine looking in that style. That's pretty cool.

I like your style, for the most part. It has a sketchy, "street art" quality to it that I dig. My only real complaint is how generic it is, but that's easily fixed by picking bits up from that whole "drawing from life" thing that Mike was talking about.

The proportion's a little weird on some of them (specifically noting Cloud's arm), but you've got an idea of the basics, and a good start. Just keep going with it, but remember to look and see where you're not entirely happy with things, and then fix them until you are (or as close as humanly possible to).

*disappears again behind WW*

That's nice, dear.
The Otaku
Robot Master
Posts: 523

« Reply #96 on: 10 June 2008, 16:05:47 »

Either way, I'm thinkin' Susie must be mentally retarded or something, so I'm just going to say you shouldn't keep taking advantage of her because of her disability.

Hey, I wasn't even planning on asking for moolah. She just gave me a bill, and I was like sweeeet.

Wow, Alex, 'street art'. I like.

Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #97 on: 10 June 2008, 20:28:05 »

Yeah, 'cause that's all solid proof and totally related to what everyone else was discussing.
Either way, I'm thinkin' Susie must be mentally retarded or something, so I'm just going to say you shouldn't keep taking advantage of her because of her disability.

You're such a CV. And by that I don't mean you're a chaos vortex, I mean you're a... a ##### vagina.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #98 on: 11 June 2008, 00:18:28 »

Or Country Virgin... County Vermin... And so on.

The Otaku
Robot Master
Posts: 523

« Reply #99 on: 11 June 2008, 02:44:47 »

New sketch has been added. I drew it on a yellow divider in Reading & LA. We were watching Shrek for no reason at all and I was bored. Thus began the creation of this. My friend told me to draw anything and I drew her with a guy named Ken. Ken because she always sings 'Barbie Girl' and wishes there's a guy named Ken so she could sing with him.

Now to the drawing. Please, no heavy criticism on this, it's just a sketch. Nina came out a bit too skinny, almost anorexic. And for some reason Ken looked fruity. But Nina liked it enough to write 'hot ass' over him, so I guess that's that.

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