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Author Topic: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread  (Read 1677728 times)
Posts: 82

« Reply #650 on: 5 March 2008, 03:35:53 »

well sorta, it was not shaws it was my backyard.

...That's surprisingly sad.
I'm sure watching that would make the strongest man in the world cry.
Which would be bad, because a Chuck Norris tear would flood the entire universe.
yeah it was sad. now I regret doing it ._. look on the bright side, my stupidity is more powerful then Chuck Norris.

Disappear in to the darkness. MAMA LUGI!?
Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #651 on: 5 March 2008, 04:02:42 »

No, one eye of a ranger could still kick your ass.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #652 on: 5 March 2008, 04:44:58 »

the school made an announcement that anyone wearing a costume, mask, or makeup for Halloween would be suspended.

Oh wow, I was allowed to do that at my Catholic school.

And last year I was a bloody zombie, yes with blood. Two guys people crossdressed and three girls were super sluttly.

Also: To Ayesar and Chaosman, I would litterally get killed if I ever made a speach related to video games. Yikes you guys are luckly.

Super Robot
Posts: 1235

« Reply #653 on: 5 March 2008, 05:06:06 »

Halloween in America: The night when all the underage girls will dress up like hookers, and no one calls them a slut.

Seriously, you've never seen so much concentrated jail bait flesh.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #654 on: 5 March 2008, 07:44:07 »

Yes I have. I've been to St. Laurent Shopping Centre on Halloween.

the school made an announcement that anyone wearing a costume, mask, or makeup for Halloween would be suspended.

blah blah Catholic school.

blahblah blah and three girls were super sluttly.

blah blah

Oh how surprising!

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #655 on: 5 March 2008, 11:30:37 »

Also: To Ayesar and Chaosman, I would litterally get killed if I ever made a speach related to video games. Yikes you guys are luckly.

The assignment for me was speak 4-7 minutes about any chosen subject with a visual aid, and avoid saying things like "uh" and "umm", just speak clearly, etc.

Somebody did their speech about potatoes. Another did it about Beatles conspiracies.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #656 on: 5 March 2008, 14:14:31 »

The previous speech I did was on collecting.

I laughed so hard when this one kid did one of Tom Cruise, and the next one did his on Scientology.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #657 on: 5 March 2008, 14:17:03 »

Yeah well, I went to FRENCH catholic school.

They took away your recess if you spoke English....:[

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #658 on: 5 March 2008, 15:35:57 »

Oh how surprising!

I go to a Public High School now if that's what you're wondering. >_>

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #659 on: 5 March 2008, 20:43:04 »

I was being sarcastic.

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #660 on: 5 March 2008, 23:30:21 »

Today was great.

Until my walk home. I really like walking and stuff, it just pisses me off how damn cowardly some people are. Often pussy #####heads ride past me and yell ##### like some #####ing pussies without the balls to #####ing come say that ##### outside of the safety of a moving vehicle. Today is was those #####ing pussy ass anarchist communazi kids, again. You can't believe how much it pisses me off, you can't do ##### when people yell at you from a moving car, it's such bull#####. I'd be fine with it if they had the balls to come say it to me when I could do something about it, but even though they're a group of five plus that are never apart, it's such bull#####, I'd rather they just #####ing gang up on me somewhere else and just give me their damn #####, so I could at least tell them why they're a bunch of dumbass pussies and how they need to get they're Hitler-dick sucking asses the ##### out of America. I mean jeeze, damn white supremacist douche bags think they're such hot ##### walking around like they're some kind of gang or something, when they're just a bunch of racist pussies.
Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #661 on: 5 March 2008, 23:44:19 »

Haha, the worst I get is "CUT YOUR HAIR, HIPPY" because stupid people just can't stand to coexist with someone who has his own style. I don't even look/act anything like a hippy.

Screw them, anyway. They're not doing anything funny or new or original, and if they never wake up from their misguided delusions, you can probably rest assured knowing that their tumour of an existence will never have any significant effect on the world.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #662 on: 5 March 2008, 23:52:12 »

My friend also has long hair. Everyone always tells him to cut it.

Personally, I don't care, and they shouldn't either.

Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #663 on: 5 March 2008, 23:57:23 »

EDIT: This post may come off as kind of random because I misinterpreted what you said. Oh well.

I don't really care if you do it, but that's still an easy way to drop my opinion of you down the tubes. It's not funny, it's not cool, and it makes you look like a complete douchebag. Especially if you're a male, my appearance shouldn't concern you in the first place unless you're homosexual, and even then, if I'm not hitting on you, it's none of your business how I choose to appear.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #664 on: 6 March 2008, 01:18:39 »

Move to Maine, nobody cares if you have long hair.

Unless you're ugly.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #665 on: 6 March 2008, 05:06:22 »

In Maine, chances are you're ugly anyway.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #666 on: 6 March 2008, 11:45:29 »

This reminded me of that drive-by arguments gag from Family Guy. Not that I like Family Guy or anything, but it makes me laugh on occasion.

Anyway, still grounded. I don't even think I told you guys that. I haven't been on a lot because of that reason. Simply grades, but it's annoying.
Brawl comes out soon and I don't currently have a Wii available to play it on because I'm grounded.

Sniper Joe
Posts: 258

« Reply #667 on: 6 March 2008, 13:50:23 »

Ha ha ha ha!

Make mistakes. It's fun.
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #668 on: 6 March 2008, 21:45:07 »

Ha ha ha ha!

I JUST preordered a copy of it, and am going to go to the midnight launch, but they are going to open a copy and throw it in the Wii early and have a small tourney.
I'm bringing my wavebird.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Rama Olendris
Sniper Joe
Posts: 368

« Reply #669 on: 6 March 2008, 23:38:55 »

Today someone in my school posted a "Wanted" poster for someone else who stole a watch from the men's locker room. The person had to break the locker's lock in order to get at the watch- and the watch was a Rolex (who the hell would pay so much for a watch?). Anyway... the poster reads this;

"Offering $250 dollars for the RETURN of this watch OR $800 for POSITIVE ID of the jackass that stole my watch. If you do BOTH you will be rewarded $1500."

The poster really made my day...

Oh, and I drew some pretty pictures.

Emit hcum oot evah uoy neht, siht dear nac uoy fi.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #670 on: 6 March 2008, 23:41:28 »

His stuff is just gonna get stolen more now.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Rama Olendris
Sniper Joe
Posts: 368

« Reply #671 on: 7 March 2008, 00:03:37 »

His stuff is just gonna get stolen more now.

Probably... I mean, if he rewards people for giving him back his things it's just asking for people to rob him for reward money later.

Emit hcum oot evah uoy neht, siht dear nac uoy fi.

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #672 on: 7 March 2008, 00:05:55 »

Oh, and I drew some pretty pictures.

Rama Olendris
Sniper Joe
Posts: 368

« Reply #673 on: 7 March 2008, 00:07:27 »

Oh, and I drew some pretty pictures.


No. Sexy blue trees.

Emit hcum oot evah uoy neht, siht dear nac uoy fi.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #674 on: 7 March 2008, 00:07:49 »

Do you know how many digital watches you can buy with 1500 bucks?

About 1500.

Just saying. But I'd not wear those as they look as crap as they are. Expensive Rolex's might not be a good investment but everyone with that kind of cashflow buys something frivolous for themselves.

His stuff is just gonna get stolen more now.

Probably... I mean, if he rewards people for giving him back his things it's just asking for people to rob him for reward money later.

That's a horrible view on anything.


Rama Olendris
Sniper Joe
Posts: 368

« Reply #675 on: 7 March 2008, 00:11:28 »

Do you know how many digital watches you can buy with 1500 bucks?

About 1500.

Just saying. But I'd not wear those as they look as crap as they are. Expensive Rolex's might not be a good investment but everyone with that kind of cashflow buys something frivolous for themselves.

His stuff is just gonna get stolen more now.

Probably... I mean, if he rewards people for giving him back his things it's just asking for people to rob him for reward money later.

That's a horrible view on anything.

It is, but it is also true. Mean people look for things like that in a person.

Emit hcum oot evah uoy neht, siht dear nac uoy fi.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #676 on: 7 March 2008, 11:45:47 »


Brawl comes out in 1 day and 16 hours or whatever. I just looked at the countdown on

I'm going to the midnight launch thing with a few friends. They're holding a Brawl tournament at 10PM at most stores, like John said. They start selling them at 12:01.

And I'm still grounded, so things are not looking good.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #677 on: 7 March 2008, 23:09:14 »

I got my driving permit today, I also got a thing in the mail to return GH3 for a disc with surround, stereo, AND mono sound.
It pleases me.

I anticipate Brawl so much that I doubt I'll be able to sleep knowing I'll be playing it in 28 hours and own it in 30.
That touney is gonna be sick, I hope the rules are just the way I like them...

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #678 on: 8 March 2008, 11:26:02 »

Turns out I'm not going to the midnight launch/tourney thing.
Oh well.

I'll get the game Sunday morning.

Anyway, saw Jumper last night. I didn't want to, really, but the girl always wins. The main character's actor bugged me. He was, like, just lame.
Plus the ending... ugh. I mean, lack thereof. Absolutely nothing is resolved. I understand it's a book series and there will be sequels, but I won't be seeing them.

Just about 24 hours till Brawl for me. Whoo.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #679 on: 8 March 2008, 14:03:49 »

Jumper was an okay movie. I was more interested in just seeing how they used the superpowers, which ended up exactly how I planned it.

I'm wondering why that chick wasn't wondering how he got back to America just as fast as her.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #680 on: 8 March 2008, 14:23:02 »

I just woke up and my throat hurts, my tongue burns, my nose is stuffy, my head hurts and I'm coughing like a wild horse.

All symptoms of the common cold, which can be passed on.

I tried calling in sick but my boss wasn't there and won't be there until 1:00PM. I'm just afraid he won't let me take the day off and I'm feeling too #####ty right now to work.

On the bright, Brawl tomorrow. :)

Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #681 on: 8 March 2008, 18:17:59 »

Anyway, saw Jumper last night. I didn't want to, really, but the girl always wins. The main character's actor bugged me. He was, like, just lame.

Meet Hayden Christensen, the guy who played Darth Vader in the last two Star Wars movies. He's the bane of good actors everywhere.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #682 on: 8 March 2008, 18:29:16 »


Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #683 on: 8 March 2008, 18:56:35 »

Oh, THAT'S who it was?

That's funny.
Force jump.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #684 on: 8 March 2008, 19:16:35 »

Anyway, saw Jumper last night. I didn't want to, really, but the girl always wins. The main character's actor bugged me. He was, like, just lame.

Meet Hayden Christensen, the guy who played Darth Vader in the last two Star Wars movies. He's the bane of good actors everywhere.

I refuse to call him Darth Vader. The character only becomes Darth Vader after Padamamé or Panda Bear or whatever the hell her name was dies and Hayden will never be Darth Vader.

I understand it's a book series and there will be sequels, but I won't be seeing them.

The movie is nothing like the book. For one thing, the book only has one jumper and no group trying to catch him or whatever. I haven't seen the movie or read the book myself.

Super Robot
Posts: 1579

« Reply #685 on: 9 March 2008, 01:43:24 »

I refuse to call him Darth Vader. The character only becomes Darth Vader after Padamamé or Panda Bear or whatever the hell her name was dies and Hayden will never be Darth Vader.

Reading that gave me the sudden vision of David Prowse playing Anakin Skywalker in the prequel movies and speaking in James Earl Jones' voice.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #686 on: 9 March 2008, 02:23:28 »

Yes, well, even the kid from Episode I would be better than Hayden in that movie.

Yubi Shines
Robot Master
Posts: 505

« Reply #687 on: 9 March 2008, 15:57:36 »

Birthday yesterday! Booze legally for me. Big whoop.

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
"By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe."
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #688 on: 9 March 2008, 16:32:17 »

Aw, we missed it....

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Sniper Joe
Posts: 258

« Reply #689 on: 11 March 2008, 00:21:53 »

Happy #####ing birthday, Yubi!!
You're one old hag now.

Make mistakes. It's fun.
Super Robot
Posts: 1235

« Reply #690 on: 11 March 2008, 00:25:03 »

Happy Birthday, Yubes.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #691 on: 11 March 2008, 01:45:10 »

Happy Belated Birthday more like it.

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #692 on: 11 March 2008, 04:22:05 »

Booze legally for me. Big whoop.

...If that's the attitude you're going to have you don't get anymore birthdays.
Beer is awesome, just ask Mike.
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #693 on: 11 March 2008, 14:10:16 »

This is where he replies, "Eh, it's alright...", and then I burst into laughter.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #694 on: 12 March 2008, 04:01:07 »

Well I was going to say something exactly like that;  "Eh, it's OK."

Posted on: 11 March 2008, 15:21:05

Also Happy Belated Birthday Yubi.

And this weekend we got 51cm of snow in like a day. Which is a lot to get at one any time really, let alone #####ing March, when last year in early April people were sunbathing outside my lab while us animators were popping embolisms in our brains and staying up for days straight on finals.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #695 on: 12 March 2008, 14:58:45 »

Yesterday a bunch of friends came over and we played Brawl. After a while, we went out and trekked through the wooded areas of my neighborhood. It's funny because it's a wealthy Jewish neighborhood and we're probably the first people who ever actual walked into any areas of it that aren't nicely paved and prettily landscaped.

The snow was like 3 inches thick but it was really fun. We found an open sewer pipe and climbed through it, directly under the road above. Then we found a REALLY steep hill. It was really slippery so, naturally, we climbed up it, using trees and branches as footholds and grabholds or whatever.
Our obese friend had a lot of trouble making it up, but he finally did! It was intense.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #696 on: 12 March 2008, 19:06:21 »

Wooded areas, eh? My entire town is surrounded by wood. I love walking through them during the summer.

This year I might share my experiences by taking my camera with me.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #697 on: 12 March 2008, 19:21:13 »

Maine= Woods.
I win.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Creator of MMM
Posts: 1513

« Reply #698 on: 12 March 2008, 19:40:54 »

My day was as crap as can be, just like any other...

I might be ugly... At least I ain't got no money!
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #699 on: 12 March 2008, 20:37:26 »

Same ##### different day here.

3 inches of snow, ASR? Oh my word.

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