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Author Topic: Matricians: What are you watching?  (Read 578397 times)
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #750 on: 14 October 2008, 02:27:07 »

Claire is surprised.
She is #####ting a brick that she's being saved.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #751 on: 14 October 2008, 02:27:17 »

Heroes spoilers:
[spoiler]Whoa, what's up with Galaxy Man being in this episode?[/spoiler]

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #752 on: 14 October 2008, 02:32:54 »

Mohinder will turn into a beautiful butterfly.

At best I suspect it'll be like Freak from newer The Amazing Spider-Man stuff. Freak is really stupid and annoying and just a crap copy of the Abomination from Hulk.

Everytime you kill him he cocoons for a while and then later comes back unable to die the same way as last time.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #753 on: 14 October 2008, 02:38:59 »


He becomes a Lizard man, this has been covered.

Anyways, I bet he's having a great time with Maya right now.

(Where does he shoot the cocoon stuff from?)

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #754 on: 14 October 2008, 02:39:58 »

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #755 on: 14 October 2008, 02:48:45 »

"Suresh? Yeah. He's harmless"


Posted on: 13 October 2008, 21:44:11

...I can't believe Hiro actually did that.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #756 on: 14 October 2008, 02:49:18 »



Good thing he controls time and space.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #757 on: 14 October 2008, 02:50:29 »

Spoilers, dumb ass.

[spoiler]I guarantee he stopped time and put some vest or something that bleeds on Ando and then did it. That or he just un-does it later.[/spoiler]


He becomes a Lizard man, this has been covered.

Yeah no #####. How does that contradict what I said? If he burns to death or something, he comes back with a tough hide that can't burn. There's a lot of characters like that and they all tend to have lizardy skin.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #758 on: 14 October 2008, 02:56:45 »

I hate having to ignore all the posts in this topic every Monday night when I decide not to watch Heroes with the rest of the world when it airs.

I can. In fact, I'll probably not watch it tonight and then wait a few days until I watch it online.

I find most shows better with commercial breaks. It ups the anticipation.

Hate commercials during stand-up though.

Agreed on both counts. Although, I certainly don't mind NOT having commercial breaks when watching shows at all. But you're right.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #759 on: 14 October 2008, 02:59:56 »

So... he didn't die after all?

I wish I could say I expected that, considering everything that's happened so far.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #760 on: 14 October 2008, 03:00:39 »



I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #761 on: 14 October 2008, 03:03:16 »

I think he looks like a loser. Liked him better blurry.

ASR; I don't mind it either, but I think for dramas like Lost and Heroes where a lot and a little happens at the same time, you need those omigosh pauses to help highten the hype.

When it goes to commercial it's usually after a good moment, and you want it to come back but have to wait those minutes out while hyped. If you're watching it online you get your answer right away and instant satisfaction is rarely good.

Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #762 on: 14 October 2008, 21:07:16 »

There's no way commercials take advantage of your emotionally heightened state, either.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #763 on: 14 October 2008, 22:12:05 »

Of course they do, but I really don't care since a lot of commercials aren't aimed at me anyway and I drink a lot of water so I'm in the bathroom anyhow.

Last night I saw Simon Pegg on MTVLive and it was great.

Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #764 on: 14 October 2008, 22:42:30 »

I just don't watch the commercials. There's a familiar sound that always plays before the show comes back on, and I just make sure I can come back on short notice.

I just finished reading Watchmen and I was GIVING myself short breaks from it.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #765 on: 14 October 2008, 23:41:24 »

Simon Pegg is always funny and awesome on any of his TV appearances. I've seen him on a handful of talk shows before, and I believe something he did on Comedy Central for Run Fatboy Run, maybe.

He always comes across as a really genuine and fun guy, which is rare these days.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #766 on: 15 October 2008, 01:00:23 »

This was just like... Well Daryn Jones just got him to come into the office and make fun of everyone for that How to alienate and blah blah movie.

Actually here, I found a video.

Simon Pegg is always funny and awesome


Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #767 on: 15 October 2008, 01:04:16 »

I'm educating the uneducated.

I'm also confirming the confirmed.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #768 on: 15 October 2008, 01:12:39 »

That's no offense, just stating a fact.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #769 on: 15 October 2008, 01:28:27 »

Fatty fat fat, that's your nickname.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
von Teelio
Sniper Joe
Posts: 213

« Reply #770 on: 15 October 2008, 04:17:21 »

House is a great show. I love those medical mysteries. Not often you see good hospital shows.

Scrubs is beyond annoying.

Macher; the Absolute

R.I.P. MMM... You are missed.
Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #771 on: 15 October 2008, 04:19:56 »

I would pay good money to see Zack Braff punched in the face.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #772 on: 15 October 2008, 04:20:43 »

Now TLO has to fight ASR.

I love House. I don't know anything about Scrubs, really.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #773 on: 15 October 2008, 04:21:55 »

I got into Scrubs when I was at an impressionable younger and less wiser age, so it's won me over even if I can admit it's not the greatest show.

I still really like it.

von Teelio
Sniper Joe
Posts: 213

« Reply #774 on: 15 October 2008, 04:25:52 »

The whole moral-of-the-day deal after every episode gets very tedious. The only good thing about it is the random "hot chick" that shows up.

Macher; the Absolute

R.I.P. MMM... You are missed.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #775 on: 15 October 2008, 07:23:30 »

Meh. And yeh.

Just watched Heroes.

Goddamn that was a crazy episode.

I'm angry that John spoiled the whole [spoiler]"OMG HIRO OFFED ANDO"[/spoiler] in giant all-caps.

Because that would've surprised me.

Posted on: 15 October 2008, 07:20:31

Also, when I watch it online here, the crappy internet causes it to lag at least 10 times each episode, usually at good parts like the explosion last week. Totally ruined the explosion for me.

But yeah, this week, it froze at some interesting parts. This one made me laugh. Made up for ruining the explosion.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #776 on: 15 October 2008, 07:23:55 »

Heroes spoilers:
[spoiler]Whoa, what's up with Galaxy Man being in this episode?[/spoiler]


There's a guy whose powers are real Black Hole Bombs.

Then he sucked himself in. :(

Edit: Hah, ASR, that must have come to you the instant you saw it.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #777 on: 15 October 2008, 07:25:40 »

Seriously, guys, spoiler tags. PLEASE. Vinch, I'm not even going to forgive you for not using a spoiler tag even though I just watched the episode, because if I hadn't watched it tonight, you WOULD have spoiled that for me.

I like this thread because it's about ALL TV-shows in general, so I don't like to have to avert my eyes from Heroes spoilers, because I usually don't watch that one on the night it airs anymore. Yet I'd still like to talk about other TV shows.

Like House, which was fantastic tonight.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #778 on: 15 October 2008, 07:27:28 »

Someone needs his bed time sleep. >_>

Yeah, sorry. But I only didn't hide it that time because I knew you just watched the episode.

And damn it, I missed House again.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #779 on: 15 October 2008, 07:29:07 »

He dies.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #780 on: 15 October 2008, 07:30:21 »


Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #781 on: 15 October 2008, 13:06:42 »


Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #782 on: 15 October 2008, 15:12:31 »

[spoiler][size=8]Okay Alec, I'll use spoiler tags from now on.[/size][/spoiler]

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Creator of MMM
Posts: 1513

« Reply #783 on: 15 October 2008, 19:16:14 »

Heroes is SUCH trash.

I can't believe I watch it.

I'm givin it one more episode and if it's not better, then I'm calling it a day.

I might be ugly... At least I ain't got no money!
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #784 on: 18 October 2008, 04:55:38 »

I'm watching Firefly.

Right now.

With friends.

All episodes. And we only just started the second one.

This is going to be quite a night...

Creator of MMM
Posts: 1513

« Reply #785 on: 18 October 2008, 12:27:24 »

Firefly is abysmal too.

I saw Heroes had it's lowest ever rating the other week, and I was not surprised.

I might be ugly... At least I ain't got no money!
Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #786 on: 19 October 2008, 00:42:43 »

Firefly is abysmal too.

THANK you!

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
von Teelio
Sniper Joe
Posts: 213

« Reply #787 on: 19 October 2008, 00:44:50 »

Never heard of Firefly, and Heroes never held my attention in the slightest. Most of today's TV series is crud. However, I just got into Sanctuary, which is highly an exception.

Macher; the Absolute

R.I.P. MMM... You are missed.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #788 on: 19 October 2008, 00:52:08 »

Well, we didn't watch all of the episodes.

But anyway, the show seemed alright. Worth a watch of all of the episodes at least once. For me, anyway.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #789 on: 19 October 2008, 00:53:28 »

I can't stand Firefly. The best episode I ever saw was just about halfway inbetween "crap" and "OK at best."

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #790 on: 20 October 2008, 13:51:04 »

The only thing I've ever heard about Firefly is Christina Hendricks.
And even then I have no idea what she does in the show.

Not watching TV is nice, guys.
You should try it.
Rama Olendris
Sniper Joe
Posts: 368

« Reply #791 on: 20 October 2008, 22:40:56 »

I've been watching an anime called Casshern Sins, it's a continuation from an anime made in the 70s I believe. None the less, this anime is awesome however it is stupidly close to the Megaman X series. The main character looks almost exactly like him, has almost the same mental problems, and it even has a Sigma. Granted there are huge differences but it is still creepy how similar they are.

Here is a link to the first episode.


Emit hcum oot evah uoy neht, siht dear nac uoy fi.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #792 on: 20 October 2008, 22:56:19 »

Huh, looks pretty alright. I've heard of Casshern before, theres a movie about this junk if I remember right. I'll give it a shot, if its interesting enough I might go back and watch the 70's episodes as well.

Giant Robots spell awesome for me!

Pretty unique art style, looks good. And Casshern looks like a Quick Man Falcon Armor cross.. and sweet Jesus that little girls face scares me.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #793 on: 20 October 2008, 23:11:52 »


Icky eyelashes.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #794 on: 20 October 2008, 23:20:12 »

The animation is really crisp and such, but I have no idea what's going on or care to find out.
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #795 on: 21 October 2008, 02:07:16 »

Me either.

And I got a Star Force vibe for some reason though. That's not a good thing.

[ N ][ M ][ C ]
[ S ][ - ][ E ]
[ J ][ V ][ W ]

Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #796 on: 21 October 2008, 02:09:13 »

Start of Heroes; Called it.

As usual.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #797 on: 21 October 2008, 02:11:16 »

I noticed.
But the whole last bit, "feels good to breathe again" is wow.
Can Adam revive from that?

He's Rogue.[/spoiler]

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #798 on: 21 October 2008, 02:11:27 »

Called what? >_>

Anyway, I'm happy my art class ended an hour before it was supposed to end. :D

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #799 on: 21 October 2008, 02:13:02 »

I'm actually watching it on TV today.

Mike called that
[spoiler]Hiro went back in time or something to set it up so that Ando wasn't killed.[/spoiler]

And what, John?
[spoiler]It's obvious that his power is to just drain other people's "life forces" and get their abilities. Not quite the same as Peter's.[/spoiler]

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