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Author Topic: What game are you playing?  (Read 1348348 times)
Creator of MMM
Posts: 1513

« Reply #1050 on: 2 November 2008, 21:22:01 »

Yes, clearly that is what I am.

I might be ugly... At least I ain't got no money!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1051 on: 2 November 2008, 21:22:43 »

I don't even think he's a person.

Creator of MMM
Posts: 1513

« Reply #1052 on: 2 November 2008, 21:24:28 »

That's more accurate.

I might be ugly... At least I ain't got no money!
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #1053 on: 2 November 2008, 21:29:33 »

He's a monster. An abomination of some sort.

With killer website design skills.


Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #1054 on: 2 November 2008, 21:40:12 »



Creator of MMM
Posts: 1513

« Reply #1055 on: 2 November 2008, 21:49:27 »


Anyway, this week I planned to finish MGS4, but I've been in too bad a mood, so I have played nothing.

I might be ugly... At least I ain't got no money!
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1056 on: 2 November 2008, 22:54:06 »

Every game John listed there other than GH3 is better than any GH.

I don't even think he's a person.

What's the difference between that and a goth kid again?

I played a bit of Pokemon Fire Red today because I'm so damn bored at home. I need a new DS game but I don't know what to get. I can't find the first Phoenix Wright now, so I'm reluctant to get the third just 'cause.

Super Robot
Posts: 1579

« Reply #1057 on: 2 November 2008, 23:07:24 »

If you like Metroidvania games I recommend Order of Ecclesia, I've had lots of fun with it although these days I only ever play DS on the bus to and from school.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #1058 on: 2 November 2008, 23:09:51 »

Yeah, it's a really great game. Dracula's castle is really fun.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1059 on: 2 November 2008, 23:47:22 »




Every game John listed there other than GH3 is better than any GH.

I play Guitar Hero more than anything else.
It's just what I do.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1060 on: 2 November 2008, 23:51:24 »


Posts: 73

« Reply #1061 on: 2 November 2008, 23:54:49 »

Playing Fallout 3 right now, and Kenshiro-ing my way through it. ##### YES, BLOODY MESS IS THE BEST PERK EVER!
Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #1062 on: 3 November 2008, 00:56:46 »

Dracula's castle is really fun.

Dracula's castle is Castlevania.

It was a good game, but I could really have given two #####s about the story. I doubt I'm alone in saying it isn't why I play those games; So, that being said, I would have liked to see less story and more game. This is only exacerbated by the fact that the story seems like it's only there to serve as a transition between areas that shouldn't have been sectioned off in the first place.
PoR did that, and I didn't care for it then either.

It was shorter than I would have liked, and the alternate modes seemed a little stripped down when compared to the last few outings, but all-in-all it was a satisfying title.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Speed Racer
Super Robot
Posts: 1134

« Reply #1063 on: 3 November 2008, 10:34:56 »

I've been playing Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit for the last few days after finding it over at Target for $15. It's a pretty smooth game, although I don't remember how to do everything.

Why I've been playing that, I don't know, because I still have yet to finish Fable 2, Condemned: Criminal Origins, Mercenaries 2: World in Flames, and a ton of other games. Hell, I haven't even started playing Far Cry 2.

I played some Fable 2 tonight. It is a definite improvement over the first, but this whole family thing and getting people to like you is not that great or as easy to do (as in the first one).

Never insult seven people when you only have a six-shooter.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #1064 on: 3 November 2008, 12:59:52 »

Dracula's castle is really fun.

Dracula's castle is Castlevania.

Yes. I know. I'm just saying that certain stage is really fun.

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #1065 on: 3 November 2008, 14:49:25 »

I've been playing Wild Arms 3 again.
Not sure if I already said that, but right. Last time I played it I cheated horribly and had no idea what was going on in the story. For some reason I can never remember the story of an RPG if I cheat through it. It was one of those cases where I found some codes, wanted to try them out and wound up beating the game before I had any idea what was happening.

So this time it's totally clean and I'm trying to pay attention.
... apparently after you get to a certain point you can just sit around and level yourself and your little sandcraft to horrible heights, and that's what I'm doing. I figure that once I have enough stuff to upgrade the sand craft completely I should be 10 levels over par for the next chapter.

I'm slowly starting to like it more than the second game, although the characters in Wild Arms 2 will forever be the best in the series. I'm also missing the poorly translated existential ramblings and philosophical mumbo-jumbo further obfuscated by lost-in-the-translation mishaps...

... but it's still a fun romp through Filgaia.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #1066 on: 6 November 2008, 05:35:50 »

I got Quantum of Solace yesterday, and finally got to play it today because I left my PS3 at my friend's room.

Anyway, it's a pretty fun and solid game. It's a little linear, a little more than GoldenEye linear, but I'm really liking the shoot-out scenes. You can play the game in first person mode, but that will usually get you killed. Its best to take cover and move into third person mode to take down your enemies.

It's very easy to die (takes about 4-6 consecutive hits to die) but if you cover for a bit you can recover (doesn't make sense but whatever).

Anyone who wants some solid Bond gaming, Quantum of Solace is an instant buy. Just a little annoyed because I thought it was both Casino Royale and QoS together but so far it's just QoS. Then again, I've only played the first two levels.

Also can't wait for Quantum of Solace this 14th!

Creator of MMM
Posts: 1513

« Reply #1067 on: 6 November 2008, 21:15:13 »

The QoS game is trash.

The movie was good, but not as good as Casino Royale.

I might be ugly... At least I ain't got no money!
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1068 on: 6 November 2008, 21:37:59 »

Isn't the game basically just a Call Of Duty skin or something?

I heard it was built on that Cod4 engine. That kind of puts me off. But I've mostly enjoyed Bond games so I don't know.

Creator of MMM
Posts: 1513

« Reply #1069 on: 7 November 2008, 00:18:20 »

Only good Bond since GoldenEye was NightFire, or maybe Agent Under Fire because those have too-similar names for my tiny mind.

I might be ugly... At least I ain't got no money!
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #1070 on: 7 November 2008, 03:06:47 »

The CoD4 engine doesn't really effect the Bond moodness of it. You'll be spending half the time shooting in third person mode. But unlike the older Bond games, you do get the choice to play sneakily or go guns a blazing (of course, there are parts where you're forced to do one or the other).

Finally got to the Casino Royale part. I assume that this will be a quick flashback in the movie.

Posted on:  6 November 2008, 19:23:35

I just tried out the Mirror's Edge demo.

Day one purchase. The game is #####ing awesome from the 10 minutes I've played it.

If anyone's interested the game plays like just your average game of le Parkour. With people shooting at you sometimes (the point of the game is to not shoot back but to escape using whatever means).

The game is in first person mode and because there's no HUD, a lot of people get motion sickness from playing. However, I feel fine.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1071 on: 7 November 2008, 03:15:31 »

Technically, it's simulation sickness.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #1072 on: 7 November 2008, 03:17:36 »

Simulated motion sickness?
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1073 on: 7 November 2008, 03:19:45 »

No. Just simulation, because there is no motion. You're sitting in your chair/on your bed, staring at your TV screen.

But nonetheless, I personally think it's cool alone that a game can accomplish that much.

EDIT: Read differently. Yeah, it's simulated motion sickness.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1074 on: 7 November 2008, 03:33:34 »

Yeah, I tried downloading the demo (and the Banjo-Kazooie one) yesterday off XBLA but it wouldn't let me download them yet because they're "currently only available for download by XBLA Gold Members. Check back later for Silver Members."

So, I'll try again tomorrow or something. I'm really excited for BOTH of them and they come out on the same day, so I have to pick one. So the demos are important.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1075 on: 7 November 2008, 06:12:25 »

Only good Bond since GoldenEye was NightFire, or maybe Agent Under Fire because those have too-similar names for my tiny mind.

Agent Under Fire was the best I've played since GoldenEye, so I'm thinking it's that. I don't remember being greatly moved in either direction by NightFire.

But more what I meant was that as someone who doesn't particularly get into any FPS games, I'm usually a lot more into the Bond games when I play them (though they aren't really FPSsy at all...) and actually bother continuing level to level.

Though I dislike stealth missions in any game. Sounds weird coming from me right? Wrong. Because what I mean by stealth missions, is stealth like in Bond, or GTA, or even MGS at times where you don't really have any kind of stealth skills at all other than moving and crouching behind ##### at the right damn time. And you move around like a lummox and just stand in places people don't happen to be looking at.

Because I love games where I have skills I can use to be stealthy. Like using shadows, or good camouflage (the system of it in MGS3 is cool with the percentages and stuff, but the no radar thing and everything/one looking the same doesn't go with me, since if everyone else is camo then I don't know why it's special that I am), or grappling up walls, or sneaking under a guy by hanging on the ledge under him. Cool #####. Not walking around normally and just hoping the guy doesn't turn a corner. That's not stealth tactics at all. That's hide and go seek tag. Except you die or lose or whatever and have to start all over and it's not the least bit fun. At least in GTA SA if you're caught they just a hundred guys in to kill you, which is actually manageable in that somehow... I'm tired of getting frustrated to the point of suicide on certain games.

There's a whole area in Bully, where you sneak into this asylum or whatever, where you can't be seen. It would almost have been fun if not for this part that was ludicrous hard. Basically there's a guard at a window who keeps looking left and right. You have to go from the door (which by rights he should be able to see you waiting in), crouched, and move to the wall in front of him when he glances away from you. And then out the door on the other side when he looks the direction you came. It doesn't sound hard but was the only hard part in the game. He looks to your left and swings to the right so fast it takes an assload of tries (and you have to rebreak into the asylum and move around not getting caught in it every time, since when caught you get thrown back outside the gates and all) before you get under him there at the wall. When he looks right, he looks a bit longer so getting out of the room is more simplified but it's still easy to get caught. It was frustrating to the point where things weren't fun for that part. I hate that.

Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #1076 on: 7 November 2008, 06:19:48 »

Tell me about it, I'm playing Super Mario Bros. Lost Levels on Wii VC. I'm almost an expert at the first three worlds.

Granted I don't have to retry from the beginning of the game every single time I get a game over, but it adds to the score. So far I have gotten as far as 4-3. I was doing so well, then I got to 4-1 and I died three times in a row at the same spot. Ugh. Made it through that level and the next on one life, and then something stupid happened and it was over.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1077 on: 7 November 2008, 06:22:15 »

That's how I lost Coin Bird (a Super Mario Hack) at world 8-6. I was mad because the whole time I just wanted to see what they replaced Bowser and the Princess with from Coin Bird stuff.

Super Robot
Posts: 1235

« Reply #1078 on: 7 November 2008, 08:11:11 »

Last week, I became the last man in existence to pick up Phoenix Wright.

I'm somewhere, I assume half way, into case 5.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #1079 on: 7 November 2008, 13:11:54 »

Last week, I became the last man in existence to pick up Phoenix Wright.

That game on the shelf was waiting for you; waiting for the day that you would come, pick it up and buy it. It was your destiny, you know. Mm-hmm.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1080 on: 7 November 2008, 19:21:39 »

Okay, so I found out that game demos on XBLA are available to Silver Members a week after they go up, which meant I was able to download the demos for Mirror's Edge and Banjo-Kazooie 3.

Since both games are coming out at the same time, and I only have enough money for one, the choice is very clear.

Banjo-Kazooie 3 by FAAAAAAAAAR.

Mirror's Edge is fun and its a novel concept and since I played it first, I thought it was so good that I'd probably like it better than BK3, but I'll be damned if the BK3 demo wasn't the most fun I've had playing a videogame in YEARS.

I mean, the Mirror's Edge demo was short and sweet, fun to play but very empty and not too gripping.

BK3's demo is HUUUUUGE and it's intimidatingly large, but oddly for me, I LOVE that it's huge. So much to do, the graphics are beautifully cartoony, and the controls are spot-on.

I LOVE the vehichle mechanics, Mike would eat this game alive. SO much customization possible, even in the demo I've had some crazy fun. It's very easy to tell that when you collect a lot of parts, you'll be able to build some insanely crazy vehicles. And it doesn't take as long as you'd think, either.

My only problem... is actually a HUGE one. You can hardly read any of the text on my screen. Which is a big problem for a Banjo-Kazooie game what with all the funny dialogue, especially this one with all these parts and menus.

It's a real strain on the eyes, and since sometimes the text just flows along without letting you wait to read it, I've missed quite a bit on instructions. The important stuff seems to let you wait until you press "A", so I'm fine.

It just sucks that I need to buy a #####ing HDTV or some ##### to play this game the right way. I tolerated small text with Dead Rising because it wasn't too important.

But... god.

It's like, I finally get a godsend of a game and they screw me over with small text that I can't even read.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1081 on: 7 November 2008, 19:25:57 »

So, BK3 ain't to bad eh? I need to borrow someone's 360 then.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1082 on: 7 November 2008, 19:40:40 »

It's different from the originals, but they really just made it flat-out freeform fun.

When you unlock the first world and go in, you're going to flip out if you've played the old games.

It's called BanjoLand and it's a conglomerate of all the most memorable worlds from the first games all crammed together into one level. Like, Gobi's Pyramid and the Snowman's Scarf and Clanker himself! And the music is a fantastic medley of all the main themes from those games all rolled into one in a sort of mechanical factory style.

My face lit up and I smiled uncontrollably when I heard the Freezeezy Peaks music start playing AS I first caught a glimpse of the Snowman's giant scarf.

The game looks like it's pretty huge and there's a ton to do. And with all the customization and pure fun you could have by just spending time doing nothing in particular, it looks like it's going to be amazing.

I mean, while I was playing the demo, I couldn't find any real limitations or boundaries, and even though I saw a red barrier wall that seemed to be blocking off some other areas, I never even had the urge to go over there because of how much other stuff there was to do.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #1083 on: 7 November 2008, 19:52:31 »

There's a glitch to bypass that barrier, allowing you to visit everywhere else in Showdown Town and see things you shouldn't see in the demo.

My friend did it and is afraid of how monstrositly big Showdown Town is.

Yes, I know monstrositly isn't a word.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1084 on: 7 November 2008, 20:07:51 »

But "monstrously" is and you could've easily used that.

Anyway, yeah, it looks huge and limitless in a way that I actually LIKE.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #1085 on: 7 November 2008, 20:17:23 »

Yes, I could have use monstrously but I forgot that word was the one I was looking for.

But anyway, I'm probably going to buy BK3 and play it on my friend's Xbox 360.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1086 on: 7 November 2008, 20:20:42 »

I just found out that BK3 is only going to be $40.

This just keeps getting better.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1087 on: 8 November 2008, 01:47:13 »

Everything sounds good except for the lack of a 360 on my end.

But that shouldn't be a problem. I can probably mooch off of a friend.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1088 on: 8 November 2008, 01:58:24 »

Started the demo again and realized that it didn't save and that I had to start over. Which was fine because it was just as fun as the first time, and I understood things a bit better.

I found a way to make the text more reasonable: mess with the contrast. It helps.

I beat the demo, and now I can't wait for the game.

So, Vinch, what's the glitch to get out of the barriers in Showdown Town?

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1089 on: 8 November 2008, 02:14:35 »

Badass. I didn't really play any of the games that weren't the first one, but if I get a 360 (which I might 'cause they're into a price range I can accept now) I might pick that game up.

Sniper Joe
Posts: 361

« Reply #1090 on: 8 November 2008, 02:16:16 »

Glitch to get out of Showdown Town.
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1091 on: 8 November 2008, 02:42:41 »

DUDE. That's friggen sick. The world is HUGE.

... Wow, that text really is small...

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1092 on: 8 November 2008, 02:55:24 »

That text is a joke. I'm not getting an HDTV anytime soon. Mine is clear and great and I'm very happy with it even though it's not high-def or widescreen.

But the game is pretty. Though sometimes Banjo looks like a turd. I guess he always did, though.

I hate any Youtube video that says "watch in high quality" at the bottom. 1) If I wanted HQ I wouldn't be on Youtube. 2) Why is it still #####ing slow and ##### when I don't put it on HQ? 3) Gay.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #1093 on: 8 November 2008, 02:57:00 »

I don't see the point with having text that small.

I mean... c'mon.

They should fix it by the time the game's finished or something.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #1094 on: 8 November 2008, 02:59:13 »

I have a Greasemonkey script that always plays the videos in HQ. I've not noticed much slowdown in streaming, and it's always worth it.

And HDTV + XBox 360 or PS3 = beauty. Since the technical achievement is graphics, it's nice to see that they look even better in HD.

The Wii gets all pixellated though.

I never liked Banjo Kazooie games, but that does look fun to at least roam around in vehicles.

(PS, if you can't see that text you need glasses)
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1095 on: 8 November 2008, 02:59:29 »

Yeah, Mike, trust me on this. And don't worry about not having played the others. The two N64 ones are the only ones that count anyway, so you've only missed out on one. And the gameplay has changed QUITE a bit so it doesn't even matter, aside from all the cameos and homages that I've seen in Banjo Land, and that just seems to be a place where they're trying to fit all of that sort of stuff in at once.

But yeah, just with the limited parts they gave me in the demo, I've already created a ton of crazy machines. I like how you can use the propellors to fly or to go steer underwater.

I'm about to start the demo again so I can make a fun one I just thought of where it's Banjo on a pillar with one wheel. Or at least try to make unicycle or something and see how that works.

Also to try the glitch.

As for the text, I've gotten used to it. At first it will drive you #####ing insane, it almost caused me to not want to bother buying the game. But you DO get used to it if you fix the contrast a bit.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1096 on: 8 November 2008, 03:05:26 »

I played a bit of Tooie. Wasn't impressed.
Hated the name too.

I have a Greasemonkey script that always plays the videos in HQ. I've not noticed much slowdown in streaming, and it's always worth it.

Aging 12" laptop. It's like if I'm doing anything other than watching those videos it's super choppy. And I can't not be doing multiple things on the computer. I can't not.


Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #1097 on: 8 November 2008, 03:07:15 »

Uh, there's an option to have video always play on High Quality, guys.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1098 on: 8 November 2008, 03:14:35 »

That is NOT the problem we're discussing. I'm mentioning that any video that gives me the option, is still choppy and slow when I DON'T let it do high quality (which it must want to do and is punishing me).

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #1099 on: 8 November 2008, 03:20:50 »

Uh, there's an option to have video always play on High Quality, guys.

They finally implemented that?

Oh, well.
I'd rather use the Greasemonkey thing since it's 100% hassle free.
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