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The MBoard  |  Non-MegaMan  |  Any Other Business?  |  : The "I'll be gone for _______" topic.
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Author Topic: The "I'll be gone for _______" topic.  (Read 110018 times)
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #350 on: 17 December 2010, 00:13:48 »

This is unrelated to all the spam bots recently, but I have to make this announcement.

I'm moving on, and I'm leaving. Probably permanantly, if not I might check up very rarely.

Basically, I'm pretty much done with video games, my past life, and I want to do something better with it. I can't handle what's going on right now, because literally my life has gone down the tubes and it needs fixing. I would say "I'll be on facebook", but I've decided to deactivate it because of my own personal problems. I'll probably activate it sometime in the long far future.

I still plan on finishing my Mega Man X7 playthrough (I've already beaten it, I just have to add my commentary), but as soon as that's done, consider that my silent adios.

Besides, as much as Mega Man is a childhood character for me, I need to act more like an adult now. Inafune left Capcom, so as of right now, there's no need to really be a fan anymore. I can put my money elsewhere that's more worthwhile.

So yeah. When the time comes, this is me saying "later".

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #351 on: 17 December 2010, 00:34:51 »

Wait. Stop.

Don't go.
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #352 on: 17 December 2010, 02:58:21 »

... I love you too.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #353 on: 17 December 2010, 02:58:57 »

Bye bye. We'll miss you.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #354 on: 17 December 2010, 04:40:39 »

After a drinking party you woke up naked next to a weird guy in a Mega Man costume.

That's pretty much your hit-bottom breaking point. "I gotta fix my life," and all that. Your mind is so disgusted with your actions that you could not possibly regurgitate the same thought processes that have brought you to this horrible conclusion. The change is instant. It is almost miraculous. You're a different person now. You need to show them who you are.

Go get gone, then. I don't care. At all. Bye.

*hides in a corner and weeps*

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #355 on: 17 December 2010, 07:42:13 »

Aw, Chaos! It's already pretty empty here now... don't make it emptier!

Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #356 on: 17 December 2010, 19:44:13 »

There's nothing left.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #357 on: 17 December 2010, 20:00:41 »

Hope it all works out for you son, but in regards to one thing, enjoying something you liked when a child doesn't keep you from being an adult, and conversely disassociating yourself from it doesn't make you an adult.


Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Robot Master
Posts: 796

« Reply #358 on: 17 December 2010, 23:13:13 »

Aww. We'll miss you.
Take care!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #359 on: 18 December 2010, 00:00:37 »

To be completely honest, I actually think that going out of your way to distance yourself from things you enjoyed as a child... is actually a very immature thing to do.

But this is MMM! We're not ones to pass judgment on anything!

Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #360 on: 18 December 2010, 00:25:16 »

As much as that's true, he's not "going out of his way" exactly. It's just part of the road. You don't say "I'm done with video games but I'm gonna keep my Mega Mans." Sometimes people need that change. It's not immature if you're getting rid of something that may be negatively affecting your life.

It's true that people still drink alcohol, and learn to do so in moderation, but someone coming back from an addiction might never WANT to have another drink ever again. And that's okay, because there's so many different ways to enjoy life.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #361 on: 18 December 2010, 03:42:01 »

So you're saying that he was addicted to Megaman.

I mean I know what all this is about and I'm OK with the fact that he's trying to get away from things.


... but seriously you guys chaos has gone bananas to the extreme
Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #362 on: 18 December 2010, 04:05:12 »

I'm saying I think we're all pretty much addicted to something, so I don't see it as a hugely bad thing unless it's having a negative effect on your life. I brought in that angle from my own experience, so it's not a judgemental thing I'm spewing. It does happen to people.

It's not really a huge leap when hearing "I want to fix my life" and "I'm abandoning these things" to think that they're connected. If I was wrong I'm sorry.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #363 on: 18 December 2010, 04:12:58 »

I'm addicted to loving you guys.

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #364 on: 18 December 2010, 05:24:48 »

I'm saying I think we're all pretty much addicted to something, so I don't see it as a hugely bad thing unless it's having a negative effect on your life. I brought in that angle from my own experience, so it's not a judgemental thing I'm spewing. It does happen to people.

It's not really a huge leap when hearing "I want to fix my life" and "I'm abandoning these things" to think that they're connected. If I was wrong I'm sorry.

Oh no, I think what you had to say was quite nice, and definitely has a not of truth in many instances.

I'm saying that from my personal point of view it doesn't really apply here.  (To chaos I'm sure it does... complete POV thing)
But then I'm a professional asshat so take that as you will.
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #365 on: 18 December 2010, 07:03:22 »

Chaos isn't going to read these comments for years, guys.

Until he breaks down and visits the site out of habit in like 2 seconds.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #366 on: 18 December 2010, 08:50:07 »

Like I said, I still want to finish my MMX7 Let's play just for the sake of completion and then I just want to break out.

Pretty much, what Majikn said was spot on. I've defined myself into a person who in the long run, I don't really like and I want to change that for the better. I might post something in the Creation Station or something if I ever feel like it, but my involvement in some things just isn't building me up into someone I want to be.

I don't want to get into much detail about it, but I'll just say for the longest time, I've wanted to break out and be more mature and productive with my life. I was just too stubborn to actually do anything about it, because it's much easier to enjoy what you've got than to actually work on anything. I'm backed into a point in my life now where everything I used to enjoy I either enjoy it drastically less or not at all anymore. The things I WANT to do are either unavailable or inaccessible and it just feels I have nowhere to go. Too be perfectly blunt, I feel like I have absolutely no worth or value at all.

If you haven't guessed it, yeah, I'm depressed. It's something that I could have fixed long ago, but I wanted other people or other resources to either substitute or fix it themselves. The Matrix is unfortunately one of those things. I've spent way too much on this website and related things that I now consider "a huge waste of time". I'm probably not going to be around much when the time comes, and if I ever stop by, it might be a post in my creation topic but I wouldn't count on it, it's just a thought.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Creator of MMM
Posts: 1513

« Reply #367 on: 9 July 2011, 07:04:44 »

I was away in Tenerife for 2 weeks, but I'm back now...!

I might be ugly... At least I ain't got no money!
White Shadow
Matrix Marine
Posts: 412

« Reply #368 on: 9 July 2011, 08:16:07 »

Tenerife is nice. Or it was 10ish years ago. 'cept for the cockroaches in the street.

White Shadow
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #369 on: 4 August 2011, 16:57:14 »

Did you go because their flag is almost the same as yours?

I've used up 99% of my Tenerife knowledge right there.

Posted on:  9 July 2011, 17:56:48

I was away in Barbados for a week, but I'm back now...!

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #370 on: 4 August 2011, 18:11:42 »

That belongs in the "I was gone for ______" topic.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #371 on: 4 August 2011, 19:11:04 »

Yeah, ABE!

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #372 on: 4 August 2011, 22:53:44 »

Whoa whoa whoa, I made this topic.
I could always make a new one :D

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
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