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Author Topic: MegaMan Legends 3  (Read 44331 times)
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« on: 23 July 2010, 11:05:01 »

This article, Inafking talks about MegaMan Universe for a bit. However, towards the end of the presentation...

: The Great Inafking
The Father of Mega Man ended his Comic-Con presentation with another tease, claiming "You haven't heard the last of the Mega Man announcements out there." Inafune said to expect confirmation of an "oft-requested thing that you guys want."

When fans began shouting for Mega Man Legends 3, Inafune just smiled and said "Thank you."

What do you guys think?

I think if the next MegaMan announcement isn't Legends 3, I'm just going to give up on the series altogether.
« Last Edit: 6 January 2011, 23:47:13 by Vinchenz Rock » Logged

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #1 on: 23 July 2010, 13:22:13 »

You share my feelings, Vinch.
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #2 on: 23 July 2010, 16:04:10 »

Legends 3 would be a beautiful thing.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 2297

« Reply #3 on: 23 July 2010, 16:40:32 »

I hope so.  Classic got a revival so anything is possible.
Robot Master
Posts: 577

« Reply #4 on: 23 July 2010, 17:00:56 »

...If Legends 3 is a reality, probly be a party in various MegaMan forums.

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NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #5 on: 23 July 2010, 20:15:35 »

Something that we want...?


Well, when I see it I'll start celebrating.

Posts: 1

« Reply #6 on: 2 September 2010, 06:20:19 »

if a megaman legends 3 is out thier i do hope they get a good story out. last i remember is that megaman is still stuck in outer space and still no mother load lol. unless of course i am leaving out something......
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #7 on: 2 September 2010, 13:16:01 »

No, they found the Mother Lode.  It was a trap.  It's Rolls parents we still haven't totally cleared (even though we know where they are probably).

But Megaman is still on the moon.

By the way, shift key.  Use it.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #8 on: 2 September 2010, 14:20:39 »

I thought the mother load was cyber elf model Z JUST WAITING TO COME BACK TO LIFE TO TAKE OVER FOR TRIGGER AND BE THE HERO.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Robot Master
Posts: 577

« Reply #9 on: 2 September 2010, 17:13:22 »

I find it funny how you can be so creative at times.

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Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #10 on: 2 September 2010, 23:10:51 »

It's called extreme sarcasm, and it's a sport too extreme for your eyes, so look away!
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #11 on: 3 September 2010, 18:39:39 »

No, it's X-TREME sarcasm.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Robot Master
Posts: 577

« Reply #12 on: 3 September 2010, 19:14:35 »

See see, Rez is funny.

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Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #13 on: 3 September 2010, 19:51:57 »


Why do they never believe me?
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #14 on: 29 September 2010, 07:21:06 »

Inafune Promises To Make "That Game"

: From Protodude's  Rockman Corner
Keiji Inafune is no stranger to the blogosophere. The producer behind the Mega Man series occasionally discusses his feelings and thoughts over at his blog on Daletto. Today, he wrote up a rather lengthy post concerning his deep desire to make "that game." He doesn't specifically identify "that game", but it's safe to assume he's referring to the much demanded third entry in the Mega Man Legends series.

Courtesy of The Mega Man Network, here's the message in English:


" There are games I want to make but am unlikely to be able to make. Or perhaps it's that there are less people who can make the games they want to make. Being a game creator, when is the time you feel the greates happiness? Surely it's when you can sell a product you made through great hardships? Or when you make a game that you wanted to make? It varies from person to person, but for me, I like the moments when I'm making a game I want to make. I can't help but enjoy the time I'm thinking “Would it be interesting if I do it like this, or like that?” Of course I'm probably happy from the excitement of a game going to market, but that's the expectation when you reach the end....

"There are works that I love even though they didn't sell. I don't want to erase these from my game making history just because they didn't sell. And even if they don't sell, they're games I made with all my heart. Games that, with all the happiness and excitement [of making them], I'm confident they share those feelings with the player. I have such a game.

I swear I will still make that game one of these days. A game that not just myself, but almost the whole staff swears on. Even in interviews I am so often asked “Supposing you were allowed make a game you've neglected again and again, what game would you make?” I replied without uncertainty, every time. I would make a sequel to that one game. Before I knew it, the fans who share that sentiment multiplied. All of a sudden my feelings have begun to reach out? Why now?

In the past, there've been times I was told by my subordinates “Your games are ahead of they're time. You make them too soon.” Then perhaps that [game] is also too soon. But now, the voices calling out for that [game] are the most numerous. What do the fans request of it, and what do they expect of it? No, what do they want to let me do with that [game]? What sort of ways do they want it to evolve from that [game]? Surely they are waiting for that evolution throughout the world, I think.

So, I have to respond. But, I'm not doing this per usual. I am again challenging myself with a game that is ahead of its time. This time it's a challenge at a speed that everyone can follow. The fans’ encouragement has made me inspired, and as long as the fans are there I will not abandon the revival of this work.

Truly I thank you. From here on out this game will be made with the fans."


As Heat Man notes, it definitely sounds as if Inafune is getting mentally prepped to finally make the game. Inafune views this as a challenge because, as well all know, the Legends series has a history of selling not too hot. The games don't fly off store shelves but they aren't total bombs either. Further, he doesn't want to disappoint us, that is evident.

Legends 3 or not, the man is deeply devoted to seeing this through, whatever it may be.

“Supposing you were allowed make a game you've neglected again and again, what game would you make?” I replied without uncertainty, every time. I would make a sequel to that one game.

I would make a sequel to that one game.
“I get asked by the overseas press and fans as to when Mega Man Legends 3 will get released,” he mused. “I've been trying to create Mega Man Legends 3 for a long time now, but I haven't been able to make it a reality yet. I'm making it my dream to create Mega Man Legends 3 before either I die or leave my company. … With the continued support of fans, I hope that the Mega Man series continues to live on, and that we'll get to see its 30th and 40th anniversaries.”

that one game.
“What can I say?” says Inafune. “I love it. And you can bet when I get the chance and more importantly the free time, you WILL be seeing a sequel of this.”

Mega Man Legends 3

Posted on: 29 September 2010, 00:28:36

Mega Man Legends 3 Project Announced - For the Nintendo 3DS


Robot Master
Posts: 577

« Reply #15 on: 29 September 2010, 07:38:01 »

3DS......I figured it would be on PS3......


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Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #16 on: 29 September 2010, 14:45:24 »

Well, now we begin the wait to see if it can possibly satisfy.  I am both joyed and disappointed by this news.  First bit of info about it?  POSSIBLE multi player?  Really?  Jesus Christ.  This is NOT a good sign.

My general philosophy since MMZ and ZX came out has been Legends 3 will probably be shoehorned full of ##### from those games and their "grand" continuity, thus ruining that magic Legends had.  I believe that this game will be bad, but deep down hope that I am proven wrong.

It does have one good thing going for it so far though, it's on a Nintendo system, and the DS successor at that.  I just PRAY we get Tiesel's original Voice Actor back though if it ends up being good.

Not a good time to be computerless, that's for sure.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Robot Master
Posts: 577

« Reply #17 on: 29 September 2010, 15:44:50 »

For once be happy that there's a MML3 you old rut. XD

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Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #18 on: 29 September 2010, 15:56:42 »

Like I said, I AM happy they announced it, but will it suck?  I assume it will until I'm proven wrong.  The less Zero/ZX garbage in the game, the better it will be, and ideally there would be ZERO (ha!) references to other series outside of the tounge and cheek "cameos" like 1 and 2 had.

But I swear to GOD if reverbots are explained to be cyber elf corpses or some other similar bull##### I will fly to Japan by tying balloons to my arms if need be and light a bag of my own excrement on Inafune's porch.

Also, I kind of like the new logo.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #19 on: 29 September 2010, 16:06:20 »

Logo's neat. Now I have yet ANOTHER reason to get a 3DS. Thank God it's not on the #####ing 360 or PS3.

I'm just hoping like Rez that there's absolutely no Zero/ZX references in it.
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #20 on: 29 September 2010, 18:01:19 »


I also just had a mental image of a Balloon Fight hack with Rez.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #21 on: 29 September 2010, 20:07:06 »

I've no qualms with balloons my good man.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 2297

« Reply #22 on: 29 September 2010, 20:53:00 »


I also just had a mental image of a Balloon Fight hack with Rez.

Have 2ch get on that.
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #23 on: 30 September 2010, 01:44:32 »

As much as I liked the Legends gameplay, I really wanted Capcom to improve the engine and make something that "runs a little better".

I don't know how to describe it, but I kinda wanna play something like a cross between The Legend of Zelda and Mega Man. MML2 almost got that, except it didn't have enough land exploring for my likes. Plus I can practically kill anything by just running in a circle and spamming buster shots.

With that said, I certainly hope this is what Inafune means when he says he'll be working on it. If it's gonna be something better, I'm ALL for it.

Of course you could also get what Rez said with the chance this could be mediocre or downright stupid.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #24 on: 30 September 2010, 02:02:42 »

To alleviate your fears, they can't use the same engine because they need to code an entirely new one after so much time.  Factor into this the fact that Inafune himself has said the Japanese have a problem where they spend too much time creating a new engine and not enough time creating a game, and you have all the evidence you need to be quite certain the game engine will change.

What you mean is the control scheme and game design.

I'm pretty sure the control scheme will change, and I have no idea what team is going to be working on this.

So it's a complete mystery.
Morgan Guyer
Sniper Joe
Posts: 330

« Reply #25 on: 30 September 2010, 03:00:23 »

Do you think they'll port over Legends 1 and 2 to the 3DS as well?

Also, I would like to something referenced from either Classic, X, Zero, or ZX.

I always thought it was weird that no one ever mentioned Classic Megaman in the X series. He was a champion of the people, and the time gap is only 100 years or so.
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #26 on: 30 September 2010, 13:51:30 »

No, no references.
Separate timelines.


Just no.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #27 on: 30 September 2010, 14:28:35 »

Do you think they'll port over Legends 1 and 2 to the 3DS as well?

That would be quite a treat.

Also, I would like to something referenced from either Classic, X, Zero, or ZX.

I always thought it was weird that no one ever mentioned Classic Megaman in the X series. He was a champion of the people, and the time gap is only 100 years or so.

No.  Nothing outside of easter eggs like the "Mega Man Tv show" on the TV in 2 or the posters and what not on the wall.  If there is ANY direct connection in the actual plot there will be quite a few unhappy people.  Just imagine, once Trigger gets back to Earth he has to fight his way deep into the ground to the core of the old master system which is really BIOMETAL ZX AXL OMG!!!! AND HE'S PROTECTED BY CYBER ELFS ROFFLES!!!  Yeah.  That's the kind of ##### I'M afraid they'll pull.  And quite frankly, Zero/ZX was such trash from the plot stand point that trying to actively include it or even REFERENCE it would be the antithesis of the fun and charming world/scenario Legends pionerred (notice how bad Battle Network got when it moved away from the same feel and tried to go all "evil energy" ##### in the last 3 games?).

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Morgan Guyer
Sniper Joe
Posts: 330

« Reply #28 on: 1 October 2010, 00:08:59 »

Do you think they'll port over Legends 1 and 2 to the 3DS as well?

That would be quite a treat.

Also, I would like to something referenced from either Classic, X, Zero, or ZX.

I always thought it was weird that no one ever mentioned Classic Megaman in the X series. He was a champion of the people, and the time gap is only 100 years or so.

No.  Nothing outside of easter eggs like the "Mega Man Tv show" on the TV in 2 or the posters and what not on the wall.  If there is ANY direct connection in the actual plot there will be quite a few unhappy people.  Just imagine, once Trigger gets back to Earth he has to fight his way deep into the ground to the core of the old master system which is really BIOMETAL ZX AXL OMG!!!! AND HE'S PROTECTED BY CYBER ELFS ROFFLES!!!  Yeah.  That's the kind of ##### I'M afraid they'll pull.  And quite frankly, Zero/ZX was such trash from the plot stand point that trying to actively include it or even REFERENCE it would be the antithesis of the fun and charming world/scenario Legends pionerred (notice how bad Battle Network got when it moved away from the same feel and tried to go all "evil energy" ##### in the last 3 games?).

I stopped playing BN after 2, so I wouldn't know. I've never even tried ZX or Starforce, and have only read about what happened in Zero 3- 4 (played 1 and 2).

Also, I'll give you an example of what I'm talking about. In the first Issue of Spiderman 2099 (which takes place 107 years after the "Heroic Age"), the original Spiderman is briefly mentioned within the first few pages as a Vigilante hero of the people, but he doesn't necessarily make an appearance of any sort. I'm not saying you need to have a complete series cross over, but it would be neat to have someone acknowledge events of the past (because, like it or not, there is a timeline, and I don't think Capcom does a very good job of linking each series together). You see some of what I'm talking about between the X series with the mentioning of Dr. Wily and Dr. Light. But Where is the statue of Classic Megaman? There is no talk about the war between robot masters or anything of the like. It's as if no one knew what had happened, and the time it takes to get from one series to another isn't that grand.

I would personally like it if something like this happened more often.
Super Robot
Posts: 1579

« Reply #29 on: 1 October 2010, 00:16:15 »

Rez is arguing that such references would be negative because the games referenced are extremely stupid from a storytelling perspective.
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #30 on: 1 October 2010, 04:37:14 »

Do you think they'll port over Legends 1 and 2 to the 3DS as well?

That would be quite a treat.

Indeed, but it's now on a Nintendo console. Could they really put a Sony game on there?

I'm unfortunately thinking no, but then again... we DID have Mega Man 64.

Also, I would like to something referenced from either Classic, X, Zero, or ZX.

I always thought it was weird that no one ever mentioned Classic Megaman in the X series. He was a champion of the people, and the time gap is only 100 years or so.

No.  Nothing outside of easter eggs like the "Mega Man Tv show" on the TV in 2 or the posters and what not on the wall.  If there is ANY direct connection in the actual plot there will be quite a few unhappy people.  Just imagine, once Trigger gets back to Earth he has to fight his way deep into the ground to the core of the old master system which is really BIOMETAL ZX AXL OMG!!!! AND HE'S PROTECTED BY CYBER ELFS ROFFLES!!!  Yeah.  That's the kind of ##### I'M afraid they'll pull.  And quite frankly, Zero/ZX was such trash from the plot stand point that trying to actively include it or even REFERENCE it would be the antithesis of the fun and charming world/scenario Legends pionerred (notice how bad Battle Network got when it moved away from the same feel and tried to go all "evil energy" ##### in the last 3 games?).

From what I can tell, Elysium is something I'm guessing X originally made for peace. Aside from that, here's the connection I want from ZX storyline.

ZX: Humans and Reploids fight again. Humans (really, kids) get the power to fight, transform, and merge into other robots. Defeat villans over and over again, fight Rita and Zedd, insert something tragic, humans and reploids die (preferably from a great flood), and... that's it.

Anything a digger finds should can be technology from ZX or something I guess, but nothing like a model or ANYTHING. Direct references to some of the old plot should be buried and remain buried, and Legends should just move forward. It's done fine with that.

Heck, I originally thought Legends was a separate reality to begin with, so with that in mind, it should keep that in tact. Having a "Wily" in the game is funny, but if they find something like digging up Zero's corpse...

no. just no.

Posted on:  1 October 2010, 03:30:41

Just to add to why I mean by "remain buried", I'm not just talking about models and items specific to a past series. Cyber elves, Elf wars, or anything like that should either remain extremely vague if mentioned or not mentioned at all. Legends starts off with this feeling that you're living in a world with a huge history to it but nobody knows what it is. I'd like to see that stay, even if they're about to end the series. If they have to explain something, keeping something vague isn't hard and may not be bad at all.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #31 on: 1 October 2010, 04:51:33 »

Legends was supposed to be an entirely separate series. Friggin ZX is the connector.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #32 on: 1 October 2010, 04:55:29 »

Sony had nothing to do with Legends as far as I know, other than the fact the games were on the Playstation, so we can definitely see Legends 1 and 2 on the 3DS.

And yeah, Legends used to be an entirely separate universe... until ZX.
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #33 on: 1 October 2010, 05:11:53 »

Yeah, I'm FINE with it connecting to ZX (it can explain a few things), as long as it keeps that vague feeling Legends already has. I knew it was originally separate.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Morgan Guyer
Sniper Joe
Posts: 330

« Reply #34 on: 1 October 2010, 05:22:02 »

You're all missing my point...

I'm not saying Diggers should find biometals, or the hollow shell of Mega Man himself. In that aspect, there should never be a crossover. What I'm saying is, It would be neat if characters actually acknowledged events that had happened in the past (the official time line). If Zero came up in conversation (Like how we reference warriors of mythology, i.e. Hercules). or someone found a book written by Dr. Cain or Light.

Just little things like that to tie everything together.
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #35 on: 1 October 2010, 07:24:14 »

I get what you're saying but I don't want a tie-in, so to me, that's pushing it a little.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Matrix Marine
Posts: 2297

« Reply #36 on: 1 October 2010, 09:22:45 »

How about you find artifacts and relics from previous games that you can sell for Zenny.  (ALA Kirby's Great Cave Offensive)
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3413

« Reply #37 on: 1 October 2010, 14:23:45 »

Legends is suppose to be SO far in the future it would be absolutely ridiculous to even TRY to even casually mention anything on past series.  The "connections" to Legends from the rest of the games should stay from their end, pointing to Legends (utter stupidity in my opinion) and Legends "obviously" a result but being so far ahead of everything never EVER mentioning past series.

I get what Morgan is saying.  But even Capcom wouldn't be so subtle to do it that way.  They WOULD put in ACTUAL biometals, cyber elfs or Wily's skull just to be ham fisted.

Legends has such a beautiful feel and direction that I really don't want to see it screwed with just to have some forced "series time line" or other bull##### that ruined X and spawned Zero/ZX.

Sadly, at this point all we can do is speculate as to what will happen, but I think we all can agree Capcom can do a LOT of different things to screw this game up, and 10 years worth of expectations don't help.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #38 on: 1 October 2010, 16:10:58 »

You already find joke items from the older games, anyway.

Hell, the X Buster is an important item used to create the Shining Laser in both games, if I recall.  At least in the first.

Is it the actual one?  Hell if I know or care.
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #39 on: 1 October 2010, 21:44:20 »

I'm also thinking about that stuff you find in ZXA, like the pinwheel.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #40 on: 2 October 2010, 01:26:13 »

I never played ZXA.

I had decided that I was never going to play it when it was ZXA instead of ZX2.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #41 on: 2 October 2010, 02:05:51 »

ZXA was bad.
Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #42 on: 2 October 2010, 04:33:07 »

2000 years into the future, I'm pretty sure there will still be people quoting the Bible and Shakespeare and stuff like that. Dr. Light and MegaMan would probably make it into the historical books. In fact as the years go on we'll only be better equipped to document more things historically. We no longer need massive libraries to store information.

It might not be MENTIONED in game, but I'm sure there's at least a few people knowing their history. Since the dawn of robots I can imagine there's plenty of people who even lived through all of it.

I haven't actually played Legends though.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #43 on: 2 October 2010, 13:18:10 »

It shows.  It really, really shows.  These aren't people who share our cultural continuum.  The closest thing anyone has to memories of those times will probably be one in of the Mother system units or possibly something in the Elder system.  Which are robots.  Significantly advanced robots that have self awareness and are pretty much indistinguishable from the "humans" in Legends, but robots nonetheless.

When they say it's post apocalyptic, they mean the whole of humanity and its culture are gone.
Super Robot
Posts: 2357

« Reply #44 on: 2 October 2010, 21:22:25 »

I wasn't talking about humans, I was talking about the robots.

But yeah I get you.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #45 on: 7 January 2011, 00:05:41 »

More contests for you all!

We get to give backgrounds to a few different NPCs, and the other one is lines some NPCs get to say.

There's also a promo video (but no in-game footage)!

Edit: oh yeah also voting for new female mc name
« Last Edit: 7 January 2011, 00:10:47 by Vinchenz Rock » Logged

NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #46 on: 7 January 2011, 03:38:44 »

Aero/Sephira poll is over already, it's been decided she'll be called Aero in the west.

Man, I just want to see at least ONE screenshot of gameplay, just one.
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #47 on: 7 January 2011, 04:50:37 »

Why would they show you how bad the secret sucks?
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #48 on: 21 April 2011, 17:24:07 »

First bit of gameplay and a "Prototype" version to be released in the eShop!

So it seems like MegaMan won't be playable at first, not until he gets down from the moon at least.

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #49 on: 21 April 2011, 17:30:14 »

I'm not playing this game.
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