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Author Topic: Upcomming Gammes Toppic  (Read 430920 times)
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #100 on: 16 July 2008, 17:48:43 »

He's lucky we don't know what he looks like. We'd mess him up we would.

You lucked out MegaMan 9 voice guy..

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #101 on: 16 July 2008, 18:00:15 »

Dead Rising confirmed for Wii (news posted on the first post).

I think I'll keep this thread for new games that have been announced and stuff after E3's done.

NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #102 on: 16 July 2008, 18:01:00 »

I really can't believe he said HardMan though.

That Dr. Light is obviously a fake.
« Last Edit: 22 July 2008, 03:15:41 by NovaMan XP » Logged
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #103 on: 16 July 2008, 18:10:40 »

We need some Phoenix Wright up in here.

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #104 on: 16 July 2008, 18:37:40 »

Protip: He's never played Megaman.

Why am I the only one here who LIKES the charge shot?
It looks cool and it's tactically advantageous.

Why the hate?
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #105 on: 16 July 2008, 19:19:48 »

I never liked the charge shot in the Classic series. In X and so on, it's great.

But I loved the slide and I don't want to have to unlock that.

Matrix Marine
Posts: 2297

« Reply #106 on: 16 July 2008, 19:20:19 »

The charge shot makes it too easy.

It's good for the X series and beyond but uneeded in the classic games.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #107 on: 16 July 2008, 19:21:22 »

Jynx, you owe me a soda!

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #108 on: 16 July 2008, 19:24:43 »

Too easy?
It gives you the tool you need to survive in the games you have it in.

Oh, well.
You can have your opinion. (I'll agree that it works better in MMX)
Matrix Marine
Posts: 2297

« Reply #109 on: 16 July 2008, 20:02:02 »

I think rapid fire makes it even easier than charged shot.
Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #110 on: 16 July 2008, 20:09:01 »

My thoughts on E3 so far.

FF13 on 360: Uh... Who cares?
Animal Crossing on the Wii: Yay! ^_^
GTA on the DS: WTF?
New Wii Sports: Meh... I'll probably get it if not just for that little add on.
Miyamoto on cowbell: E3 needs more of that.
Dead Rising on the Wii: Excellent.
LoZ: Yay.
Kid Icarus: Yay.
MadWorld: Yay! ^_^
Kirby: Yay! ^_^
Sony's Press Conference: LIES AND FALSE PROMISES!
« Last Edit: 16 July 2008, 20:17:56 by Captain Sanoguchi » Logged
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #111 on: 16 July 2008, 20:48:37 »

I think rapid fire makes it even easier than charged shot.

But it looks nowhere NEAR as cool.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #112 on: 16 July 2008, 21:25:33 »

Is Dead Rising for Wii just a direct port? I'm sure they're adding some motion-control nonsense. Anyway, that was a great game, but even though I don't really care for Achievements on XBOX360, those were a very important part of the game. I don't know how it'll work on the Wii.

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #113 on: 16 July 2008, 23:39:53 »

... why do people struggle to unlock achievements when they don't DO anything?
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #114 on: 17 July 2008, 00:12:24 »

I couldn't care less about achievements myself... unless you unlocked stuff in-game for getting them of course. But I think I've seen only one game that's done that.
« Last Edit: 6 April 2018, 02:22:31 by NovaMan XP » Logged
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #115 on: 17 July 2008, 00:13:54 »

Like I said, I don't care for Achievements, but for Dead Rising, they were literally part of the game. All the stuff you could unlock in-game had to do with Achievements, like the Mega Buster.
It just seemed to be a part of the game.

I think it's the only 360 game where I ever opened up the Achievements menu.

Creator of MMM
Posts: 1513

« Reply #116 on: 17 July 2008, 00:17:05 »

But it could work just with a checklist rather than actually being part of one's gaming account, so to speak.

I might be ugly... At least I ain't got no money!
Sniper Joe
Posts: 238

« Reply #117 on: 17 July 2008, 00:21:09 »

Wait, where's this LoZ and Kid Icarus stuff that Sano speaks of?

Also, HURRAY! New Red Faction game! BOOYAH!

Shape the world you live in, instead of letting others define it for you. Stop being reactive and become proactive, and leave a legacy worth remembering, since only you personally decide the limits of your greatness.
Speed Racer
Super Robot
Posts: 1134

« Reply #118 on: 17 July 2008, 00:34:05 »

Holy ##### the Too Human demo rocks! IT'S SO AWESOME!

My prediction of "Advent Rising on steroids" was pretty spot-on...I LOVE THIS GAME!


Never insult seven people when you only have a six-shooter.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #119 on: 17 July 2008, 02:10:18 »

But it could work just with a checklist rather than actually being part of one's gaming account, so to speak.

True. They might take that approach, they might not. Either way, it's cool that people who didn't get to play it before will have the chance to do so on the Wii, it was a fun game.

Also, yeah, what's this about Kid Icarus?

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #120 on: 17 July 2008, 03:26:07 »

I HOPE it's not a remake of the first.

Holy ##### the Too Human demo rocks! IT'S SO AWESOME!

My prediction of "Advent Rising on steroids" was pretty spot-on...I LOVE THIS GAME!


I... I wanted to work with those guys ):
They never responded.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #121 on: 17 July 2008, 06:15:12 »

Also, yeah, what's this about Kid Icarus?

Miyamoto pretty much confirmed it when IGN asked about it. It's in the first post, under "News Stories."

Anyways, there was a secret conference hosted by Nintendo. It was pretty much just more detailed information about Animal Crossing, Wii Sports Resort, and Wii Music.

Animal Crossing sounds even more awesome now, and you can visit your town from Wild World and vise versa, by the sounds of it. Not sure if you can port items, though because Kodam said "No", Joystik said, "Yes", and IGN didn't even say anything about it.

Wii Sports Resort looks pretty good with the Wii MotionPlus, and the Jet Skiing game is said to surpass the Wave Race games.

Wii Music... is pretty much one of those toys were you press the button and it plays the note of that song until the song is done... except with 60+ instruments. Only the drum set is a real instrument simulation, but you need the Wii Board for that...

I posted the link with this information in the first post if anyone's interested.

Also, Pikmin 3 was announced there, right before it finished. No other information, though.

Posted on: 16 July 2008, 22:56:19

Updated first post with CastleVania: Judgement videos and Guitar Hero 4 videos.

For Guitar Hero 4, the videos play one by one. Just let it play until the last video is played.

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #122 on: 17 July 2008, 13:44:52 »

That Castlevania thing?
It looks awful in play. Horribly awful.

Just as I suspected.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #123 on: 17 July 2008, 19:18:11 »

But-But... 99 HIT COMBO!

Sniper Joe
Posts: 266

« Reply #124 on: 17 July 2008, 19:27:41 »

I'm sorry, but that's failure.

Because it's not OVER 9000!!!!!!

Ramen Noodles!
Super Robot
Posts: 1235

« Reply #125 on: 18 July 2008, 01:50:00 »

... why do people struggle to unlock achievements when they don't DO anything?

It's more that the game is setting goals, that's all.

Like how in olden days people would brag about getting through a game without dying, or getting every item, or beating it in X amount of time.

Basically, stuff like that.
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #126 on: 18 July 2008, 02:07:15 »

But you don't get anything.
Sniper Joe
Posts: 266

« Reply #127 on: 18 July 2008, 02:46:47 »

You get bragging rights.  But meh, that's overlooked in society today.  No one believes you unless you have proof, most notably a vid on YouTube of you doing it.

Ramen Noodles!
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #128 on: 18 July 2008, 06:17:35 »

I find achievements to be completely... Not "dumb" but... Like.. Well you get it.

I understand them, but it's not for me. It makes playing GTA4 with my friend annoying, because he's JUST dork enough to have a facebook app that shows when he gets new achievements and stupid BS like that. Gaytown.

Protip: He's never played Megaman.

Why am I the only one here who LIKES the charge shot?
It looks cool and it's tactically advantageous.

Why the hate?

It's my favourite kind of shot.

Better than liquid cocaine.

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #129 on: 18 July 2008, 14:17:13 »

... now I have the origin story for the charge shot.

Light: "Oh, hey Cossack ol' buddy ol' pal. Wanna help me throw back a few shots?"
Cossack: "Why sure, comrade. We shall throw shots. Lots of shots! Big Russian shots!"
Light: "Hahahaha... ha... hmm."
Cossack: "... hmm."

And then they got drunk and created the charge shot, and after drinking that then they created the one they jammed on Megaman.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #130 on: 20 July 2008, 01:03:07 »

So, um, er... Wii gets an exclusive Sonic game?

Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #131 on: 20 July 2008, 01:09:38 »

god #####ing dammit
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #132 on: 20 July 2008, 01:11:11 »


I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Posts: 40

« Reply #133 on: 20 July 2008, 01:17:46 »

Robot Master
Posts: 594

« Reply #134 on: 20 July 2008, 01:18:34 »

WTF  >:(
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #135 on: 20 July 2008, 18:16:04 »

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #136 on: 20 July 2008, 18:18:19 »

Black Knight..

So I guess he goes back in time. What will they think of next?..

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #137 on: 20 July 2008, 18:21:08 »

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #138 on: 20 July 2008, 18:21:59 »

Sonic already did that. It's called Sonic CD.

At least the sword looks cool...

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #139 on: 20 July 2008, 19:57:46 »

I wonder how long THIS game will be "exclusive" to Wii before they announce it on the other consoles.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #140 on: 20 July 2008, 19:59:31 »

hey man motion controls maek dis exclusiv to wii lol

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #141 on: 22 July 2008, 17:55:37 »

Ahahaha I sat through this whole thing! This is the official trailer for the Duke Nukem Trilogy. Yes. Official.

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #142 on: 22 July 2008, 18:45:32 »

I love all of the name shouting in that thing.
It's still more Duke than you'll ever see.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #143 on: 23 July 2008, 00:35:11 »

Balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls ballllllllllllls of steel!

Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #144 on: 23 July 2008, 16:02:11 »

That went on for WAY too long, considering it was just logo's presented in a fashion any YouTube user could have put together.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #145 on: 23 July 2008, 16:07:57 »

(that was the point)*
It's no different from the rest of their asshattery.

*I know you know that.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #146 on: 23 July 2008, 23:49:56 »

I actually didn't even watch it. Maybe another time. Not likely.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #147 on: 24 July 2008, 03:21:58 »

There's nothing really to "watch".

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #148 on: 24 July 2008, 03:30:25 »

Yeah, you're literally not missing anything.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #149 on: 24 July 2008, 04:42:32 »

It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of guumm.

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