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The MBoard  |  Non-MegaMan  |  Any Other Business?  |  : If you could hear the exact date of your death, would you?
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Author Topic: If you could hear the exact date of your death, would you?  (Read 12314 times)
Neo Arcadian Hero
Sniper Joe
Posts: 155

« on: 25 June 2008, 04:43:12 »

I wouldent

Id want it to be a surprise

The question is... are YOU ready?
Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #1 on: 25 June 2008, 04:46:06 »

Most folks that have an estimated date of death end up wasting a lot of time fearing it's approach, rather than making the most out of what time they have left.

Personally, I'm happy not knowing. Not that I'm in denial, but I'd like to think that I already live my life like I could die the next day.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #2 on: 25 June 2008, 05:59:47 »

First of all only stuff from BEYOND would ever be able to tell you that, and that's a SERIES of huuuuuuuuuuge ifs. And even then, it would be jackassly to try and find out. You could ONLY find like a super wicked full life if your deathdate was really far away. At least then by the time the bodysnatchers come to take you, you could have ensured you lived to your fullest.

But if you found out you going to be hit by milk truck (if those even exist anymore) in like 5 minutes and die instantly, you'd spend that time pissing and moaning instead of living blissfully unaware.

No THANK you.

Creator of MMM
Posts: 1513

« Reply #3 on: 25 June 2008, 07:04:05 »

I wouldent

Id want it to be a surprise

You clearly wouldn't waste any time learning to spell or punctuate.

Anyway, the time of one's death is pretty irrelevant, in my opinion...

It's the way you die that matters!

I'd like to dissolve.

I might be ugly... At least I ain't got no money!
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #4 on: 25 June 2008, 07:49:56 »

Wonderful. Another death related topic.

[ N ][ M ][ C ]
[ S ][ - ][ E ]
[ J ][ V ][ W ]

Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #5 on: 25 June 2008, 15:13:17 »

Yeah, aren't these topics great?

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #6 on: 25 June 2008, 16:16:40 »

I live by the last line in my sig.

Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #7 on: 25 June 2008, 21:44:05 »

I no longer fear death. I'm at peace with the idea. I don't fear the day, But that my projects and aspirations, my love and my friends. I fear what I'd leave behind unfinished.

Then again, most of us are in our teens and twenties. The only one old enough to need to fear his death date is Rez... and he's immortal.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #8 on: 25 June 2008, 22:25:37 »

Rez isn't THAT old.

Speed Racer
Super Robot
Posts: 1134

« Reply #9 on: 26 June 2008, 17:40:29 »

I currently only have two things left on my bucket list, so I'm more or less set.

Sure, I wouldn't mind knowing when I was going to die.

Never insult seven people when you only have a six-shooter.
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #10 on: 26 June 2008, 19:47:16 »

I don't believe events are predestined, myself. Every choice someone makes somehow effects the course of history, whether directly or via "butterfly effect". It's arguable that humans just make decisions based on past experience, but there's enough imagination and such out there that I think there are some true spontaneous choices made.

If not, then why live? Destiny is just a master people give themselves to avoid thinking too much, but if you don't think you really aren't living, in my opinion.

I feel exactly the same way about this; so no, I wouldn't want to know.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #11 on: 26 June 2008, 19:50:16 »

I'd rather listen to my death instead. It'd be like a fun game, you guess and guess what those sounds were and when it finally happens you won't know if you won or lost! BECUZ UR DED

Sniper Joe
Posts: 131

« Reply #12 on: 26 June 2008, 19:55:38 »

Nah, I don't want to know.  Surprise me!

And anyway, if I knew, I'd end up thinking about it all the time.  I mean, what if it turned out I was going to die from being hit by a car two weeks from now?  That would suck.  I'd rather not know that!

"Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you’re kind, amazing things will happen." -Conan O'Brien
Sniper Joe
Posts: 363

« Reply #13 on: 27 June 2008, 09:38:41 »

Well, IF, IF, you could hear things from the great beyond, all you would hear is your approx. date of death at the time. Once you make a decision after finding out, the approx. date just changed. Every decision that one would make could extend or shorten ones life span. If choice A is made, it has consequences B,C,D,E, etc. Whether or not those consequences are any good or not who knows, they change constantly anyways as new decisions are being made. It could be as little as choosing between a hotdog and a hamburger, it has some different effect than the other would have had. Now granted some decisions have larger consequences due to a larger decision, but, you know.  I believe what I am explaining is the strings theory, if not, I have no idea. XD But anyways, I think that I could die at any given moment, so I don't even think about my death really, it's something pretty trivial in the long run. So I don't waste my time on it.

In the end we are naught but shadows and dust...
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #14 on: 27 June 2008, 14:44:41 »

Anyone who says death is trivial is stupid.

Matrix Marine
Posts: 3407

« Reply #15 on: 27 June 2008, 18:43:31 »

It's the way you die that matters!


Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #16 on: 27 June 2008, 19:24:49 »

I'll accept death whenever it comes.
I'd fight death a lot harder if it's a crappy way to die. Like, breaking a leg in the woods and starving/freezing to death. Screw that.
Quick death is the way to go, quick and heroic!
I'd like to dissolve.

Abe wants to Quantum Divide.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #17 on: 27 June 2008, 19:50:27 »

Hey. Why don't you and me have a giant robot battle to the death when it's time?
Winner gets to self-destruct~
Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #18 on: 27 June 2008, 19:57:01 »

I'm in it just for the short amount of time piloting a giant robot.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #19 on: 28 June 2008, 01:53:50 »

I plan to melvin Death and bail. It worked in Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey, and everything in that is realistic.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #20 on: 28 June 2008, 02:07:50 »

It certainly isn't bogus!

Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #21 on: 28 June 2008, 02:15:57 »

It's so non non non hanus.

Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #22 on: 29 June 2008, 01:53:02 »

I don't believe events are predestined, myself. Every choice someone makes somehow effects the course of history, whether directly or via "butterfly effect".
I feel exactly the same way about this; so no, I wouldn't want to know.

But... If you did know you would create a paradox of avoiding your death, because every time you avoided your death, the predicted death date, If correct, would change, and you wouldn't have avoided your death on that specific date, not making it change, making it where you avoided your death!
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #23 on: 29 June 2008, 02:09:38 »

Not sure what that has to do with my post.
And no, there wouldn't be a paradox, because it doesn't actually cause any logical loopholes to burst open, and nobody explodes into LCL.
Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #24 on: 29 June 2008, 02:51:50 »

Knowing your death date would, for most people, cause the overwhelming fear of death to the point that they try to avoid it.

If you avoided your death, and we say that the prediction of you death date, and way you die, are predicted accurately as if a fortune. And If you do avoid dying that way, then the prediction would be wrong. The prediction, Having to be right in the past, would consider you avoiding your death, and place a new death date for you, At the next time you would die.

Not knowing the prediction of the death date you would avoid if you knew it, would then be unavoidable, simply because you would not be expecting it, Creating a loop like paradox that could only be solved by noting it "wrong."

That would be in the same category of the classic time machine and fixing a mistake you made paradox.

As for what it has to do with the post, I would expect you to want to destroy the earth simply by trying to avoid your own death. Irony and all that.
Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #25 on: 29 June 2008, 03:07:20 »

Screw space time paradoxes, knowing this said death would be impossible to avoid as being told it in the first place would give the prediction no choice but to be right at the right time in the right way.
If you weren't told, you'd have died at 32 getting hit by a car.
Since knowing that would cause you to take extra precautions, you'd avoid it, or if was just a date, you'd over protect yourself on said date.
I dunno, it's complex but you WOULD die whenever it was predicted to happen and how it would. Guaranteed.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #26 on: 29 June 2008, 04:04:19 »

It's pointless to argue because such a thing will never happen. So let's just stick to the good old-fashioned innocent fun of "what if?"

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #27 on: 29 June 2008, 05:15:02 »

Ooh ooh! Has anybody played the what if game? The one where you write down question and answers on a piece of paper? Awesome fun.

Sniper Joe
Posts: 363

« Reply #28 on: 29 June 2008, 06:08:51 »

Anyone who says death is trivial is stupid.

I know this is from a bit back further in the thread. But ASR, that was a stupid remark. I know that my beliefs are different than yours, but to me, death is of no consequence, I honestly could not care. But that's because of my religion and I am assured in where I am going, thus I have no fear of it. I could die at any time and not be worried, so to me, death is trivial in the grander scheme of things. Death is but a second, eternity is forever.

In the end we are naught but shadows and dust...
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #29 on: 29 June 2008, 14:47:22 »

Death isn't trivial no matter how much faith you have.

You're stupid.

Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #30 on: 29 June 2008, 21:46:04 »

He's 17. Seventeen year-olds often feel invincible and/or that dying young would be just fine. It's a lack of wisdom/experience combined with pubertous idiocy.

Death is only the beginning. But so was the Big Bang, and the Word, and let there be light. And all of those were a big #####in' deal.

Super Robot
Posts: 1371

« Reply #31 on: 29 June 2008, 21:53:06 »

I have a hard time buying into any religion that lacks a sense of reverence for death.

No more pencils, No more books
I built a city out' one brick, it had a Mayor and a Crook
I made the Crook stab the Mayor, then slay himself in the guilt
I stole the brick back and migrated east, now let's build.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #32 on: 29 June 2008, 21:54:27 »


Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #33 on: 29 June 2008, 21:58:57 »

It's just that... no matter what you believe, nobody knows for sure, and I feel that even if you have unlimited faith in your religion and its promise of afterlife, you should cherish the life you have now with all your might.

Because death is a big deal, regardless of what happens after. So what, you go to heaven and live happily for eternity? You get a billion virgins and an unlimited supply of wine? You get reincarnated and get to live again as a dog? That's all fine and dandy, but don't disrespect your current life by saying you don't care if you die.

I'll #####ing bet you that if someone popped out of your computer right now and shot you in the heart, you wouldn't be "accepting death" as you bleed to it in your chair.

Plus, take into account everyone in your lives who would be affected by your death. Don't be selfish by saying you don't care about them at all. Especially at a young age. It's very hard for families to move past a child's death, and if you had real friends, it's going to be tough for them, too.

Life is sacred.

Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #34 on: 29 June 2008, 22:14:35 »

You know what you have after you go through a billion virgins? A billion girlfriends, chick drama, and broken junk.

No thanks.

Yubi Shines
Robot Master
Posts: 505

« Reply #35 on: 30 June 2008, 04:44:42 »

Here we have a conflict.

Now me, personally, I'm not very afraid of death. I would like to live more, and if there's some kind of afterlife, that'd be neat, but if there isn't and my spirit or identity or soul just vanishes, well, I'm not going to be there to be pissed about it. So to me, you could say it doesn't have spiritual consequence, even though I don't worship anything.

But to say my death wouldn't have any consequence to anyone would be pretty idiotic.

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
"By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe."
Robot Master
Posts: 594

« Reply #36 on: 30 June 2008, 05:22:27 »

i dont have to worry about death since im searching for the fruit of immortality
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #37 on: 30 June 2008, 05:26:54 »

it doesnt exist mocks i alredy ate it
Sniper Joe
Posts: 363

« Reply #38 on: 30 June 2008, 10:15:56 »

You guys always take what I say the wrong way, it never fails.

I never meant that if I died, right now, I would go unnoticed, it's a party, etc. It's not that I want to die, I mean I do want to live longer, do stuff, etc. But if for some reason I do die tomorrow, I'm o.k. with it, I know what's going to happen and it's all good. It's not that I'm like "Death means nothing, I don't care about my family/friends blah blah blah" Of course I'd feel bad for them, unlike what you have unfairly called me, I am not selfish, I am probably one of the most unselfish people in the world. All I was trying to say is that when I die, whenever that is, it will not be too much of a pass for myself, I won't regret stuff. It will be better on the other side, so why would I care? But that doesn't mean that I'm going to go get myself killed. I care about my family too much. So all I was trying to say was that I'm OK with death and it doesn't worry me. Everything that is here will be there as well..... save for some things of course.

And another thing, I am not your typical teenager, you don't even know me so don't degrade me like that. I have more wisdom than many people that are much older than me. Age does not equal how wise someone is. I did not just make up the way I feel about things on a whim, I have thought them out, what has made you so much better? A few extra years of life? I have experienced things that some people won't encounter throughout their entire life, so I don't look down on me like I'm some idiot going through puberty that has no clue about life and is lost in some "invincibility".

In the end we are naught but shadows and dust...
Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #39 on: 30 June 2008, 16:13:34 »

I told my mom that if I ever died to go on all my bookmarked sites and tell everybody what happened.
So if I die, you guys will know.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #40 on: 30 June 2008, 16:18:01 »

What about the naughty places in your bookmarks?..

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #41 on: 30 June 2008, 16:29:50 »

I don't think anybody on 4chan will care if you died.

Super Robot
Posts: 6806

« Reply #42 on: 30 June 2008, 16:37:40 »

I do not bookmark those places.
I just have 1 letter keywords that I throw in the address bar and hit enter.
Like b, or x.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Yubi Shines
Robot Master
Posts: 505

« Reply #43 on: 30 June 2008, 16:44:57 »

I'm leery of posting death news online. Especially if it means some family member has to trawl through all the boards I go to to post them. If nothing else, so many assfaces fake deaths online for attention that that sort of behavior is suspicious now.

If I did assign someone to inform people I'm gone, it'd likely just be on my livejournal, with instructions to link to or scan my obituary (or, if it was a car crash or some accident that made the news, a link to the article). It's sad that that kind of proof is needed, but there you go.

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
"By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe."
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #44 on: 30 June 2008, 17:02:33 »

I'm confident enough that if I die, you'll all hear about it on the news because I'll be famous by the time I die.

Creator of MMM
Posts: 1513

« Reply #45 on: 30 June 2008, 17:39:10 »

so many assfaces fake deaths online

SOMEONE faked my death online!

I might be ugly... At least I ain't got no money!
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #46 on: 30 June 2008, 17:43:46 »

Bahaha! I can't believe nobody mentioned that until now.

Super Robot
Posts: 1235

« Reply #47 on: 30 June 2008, 18:01:35 »

so many assfaces fake deaths online

SOMEONE faked my death online!

That's what you get for holding back on us for a year.
Creator of MMM
Posts: 1513

« Reply #48 on: 30 June 2008, 18:04:34 »

It wasn't a WHOLE year...

I might be ugly... At least I ain't got no money!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #49 on: 30 June 2008, 18:19:18 »

Let's just say next time, it won't be fake.

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