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Author Topic: What game are you playing?  (Read 1348947 times)
Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #650 on: 27 July 2008, 03:01:20 »

I also hate TWEWY, but I hate the team responsible for it just as much.
And the art design is #####ing horrible.

'Cause all of the characters look like androgynous, emo metrosexuals?
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #651 on: 27 July 2008, 03:02:35 »

Yeah, Chaos, I gave up for the day. At least you get continues, and unlimited ones at taht! Ha, you don't get those in the original.

...Chron I can understand the hate for TWEWY, because it wasn't fantastic or anything. Pretty much just mediocre but not bad.

...but it is beyond me as to how you can hate a game like DKC2. That game is quite literally platforming perfection. There is not a SINGLE flaw anywhere in that game. The level design is the best in any platforming game to date, and there are more than enough secrets to keep anyone occupied. The music is amazingly atmospheric, and the graphics helped set the mood much better than tons of games even today ever do.
DKC1 and 3 were great, too. But DKC2 was the pinnacle of the platforming-genre. There will never be anything better.

So... you're wrong. Your opinion is just wrong.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #652 on: 27 July 2008, 03:05:14 »

I decided, out of sheer fascination, to beat Sonic 3 and Knuckles again.

Wow, me too. I'm at the Carnival Nite Zone and I've already managed to get all the Chaos Emeralds.

I have a feeling I won't be that lucky when looking for the Super Emeralds.

NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #653 on: 27 July 2008, 03:07:29 »

Huh, I was playing Sonic 2 today. I got to Metropolis zone.

After I beat that I'll be playing S3&K again.
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #654 on: 27 July 2008, 03:11:08 »

Yeah, Chaos, I gave up for the day. At least you get continues, and unlimited ones at taht! Ha, you don't get those in the original.

...Chron I can understand the hate for TWEWY, because it wasn't fantastic or anything. Pretty much just mediocre but not bad.

...but it is beyond me as to how you can hate a game like DKC2. That game is quite literally platforming perfection. There is not a SINGLE flaw anywhere in that game. The level design is the best in any platforming game to date, and there are more than enough secrets to keep anyone occupied. The music is amazingly atmospheric, and the graphics helped set the mood much better than tons of games even today ever do.
DKC1 and 3 were great, too. But DKC2 was the pinnacle of the platforming-genre. There will never be anything better.

So... you're wrong. Your opinion is just wrong.
I hate the very character of Donkey Kong. I always thought he was stupid looking. I had the GB game (which is horrible), and apparently all of the games have that same sloppy control feel too them.

It's so disgustingly loose and slippery. It's like DK just walks around with banana all over his feet, and when you jump you're at the mercy of nature.

Nothing about those games seems smooth or well designed to me.

I decided, out of sheer fascination, to beat Sonic 3 and Knuckles again.

Wow, me too. I'm at the Carnival Nite Zone and I've already managed to get all the Chaos Emeralds.

I have a feeling I won't be that lucky when looking for the Super Emeralds.

You can find all of those within the first two zones of Sonic and Knuckles. In the combo, there are actually eight giant rings in them, so it's easy to get them all.
I can't do the same in Sonic 3; it usually takes me until Hydrocity or Marble Garden to find them all.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #655 on: 27 July 2008, 03:14:11 »

I always pronounced Hydrocity Zone like "High-draw-sitty." Even though I'm pretty sure it's just supposed to be "Hydro City." I might be right, though. Or wrong, depending on how you're looking at it. But you know what I mean.

And Donkey Kong Land 2 and 3 on the Game Boy were awesome and very similar to their SNES counterparts. I ate them up as a kid when the idea of a portable game like that was still exciting, even if they were really similar. Plus those graphics on the original Game Boy were STUNNING. Donkey Kong Land 1 was a seperate game and I never really liked it much.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #656 on: 27 July 2008, 03:17:32 »

You can find all of those within the first two zones of Sonic and Knuckles. In the combo, there are actually eight giant rings in them, so it's easy to get them all.
I can't do the same in Sonic 3; it usually takes me until Hydrocity or Marble Garden to find them all.

Yeah, but, I like to speed through the stages as fast as I could. I just happened to have stumbled into seven rings by Marble Garden Zone.

I might look at a map or something when I get to Mushroom Top (?) Zone for the Super Emeralds, but only because I will be able to actually play the game when I get all of them.

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #657 on: 27 July 2008, 03:23:55 »

It usually takes me longer to go straight through than to hunt for the emeralds in the first stage (but I know a direct route that goes through them all in Mushroom Hill).

They're more strewn about in Sonic 3, but I generally like for them to all be found before Carnival Night (I can find maybe one or two giant rings after that zone).

I always pronounced Hydrocity Zone like "High-draw-sitty." Even though I'm pretty sure it's just supposed to be "Hydro City." I might be right, though. Or wrong, depending on how you're looking at it. But you know what I mean.

And Donkey Kong Land 2 and 3 on the Game Boy were awesome and very similar to their SNES counterparts. I ate them up as a kid when the idea of a portable game like that was still exciting, even if they were really similar. Plus those graphics on the original Game Boy were STUNNING. Donkey Kong Land 1 was a seperate game and I never really liked it much.

I always said it Hydro-city until recently when I noticed that the letters are all together and thus meant to be read your way. I think. Still more fun to say it like that.

How different was DKL1? It's the one I had. I've played bits of the others, but they all feel like pretty much the same game.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #658 on: 27 July 2008, 03:31:29 »

DKL1 was... well, it was really random in that you'd be going from the jungle to the snow to the caves to the ruins at completely random times, there's no themed worlds or anything like that, and it's just really loose and the levels are different and made just for the Game Boy. It's really not anything special.
It also does feel really loose but the next too are only slightly tighter control-wise, but the Game Boy just can't make it perfect so I don't hold anything against them. But DKL1 is definitely pretty screwy.

Seriously, though. Play DKC2, go for a serious run-through and try it. Donkey Kong isn't even in it until the very end. The games have a great sense of humor, too. They're just... zany, that's a good word to describe it.
I'm almost envious because you'll get to play through it and experience it for sorta' the first time. It's an amazing game and if you don't have fun, I'll... well, I guess I won't really do anything but that's fine because you'll have fun regardless.

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #659 on: 27 July 2008, 03:34:35 »

But... ugh... monkeys.
I hate monkeys.

Eh, maybe I'll give it a shot since you say it's the best. At the very least they usually have good music (the one saving grace of DKL1 is that it had excellent music, although I think most of the tunes are in other games).
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #660 on: 27 July 2008, 03:41:22 »

I at least promise you that I've never had as much fun with a videogame as Donkey Kong Country 2. And yeah, the music is fantastic.

Obviously I love MegaMan, and I like the series more than DKC, but there's too much of it to be a super-special experience whenever I play it. The DKC3 is a solid trilogy that's always fun to go back and play and it really means something every time.

Hands-down DKC2 is my choice for greatest game of all time.

Super Robot
Posts: 1579

« Reply #661 on: 27 July 2008, 03:43:40 »

DKC2 has one of the best soundtracks of all time.

I can't call it my favourite game of all time, though, because TIE Fighter is made of so much win.
Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #662 on: 27 July 2008, 03:49:30 »

I love the Kaptain K. Rool boss theme. I just... it's... beautiful.

DKC2 is a masterpiece.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #663 on: 27 July 2008, 03:51:22 »

DKC2 has the best music in the series.

But DKC3 still remains to be my favourite.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #664 on: 27 July 2008, 03:56:14 »

I didn't say it's my favorite. It's a contender, but I don't have a favorite.

It's just hands-down video game perfection and I acknowledge that.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #665 on: 27 July 2008, 03:58:32 »

I choose it as my favorite because it's the best out of the bunch.

DKC1 comes next, and DKC3 last. They're all great games, but DKC3 seemed a little bland here and there. Probably the music. DKC2 is what made me like Dixie, but I hated Kiddy.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #666 on: 27 July 2008, 04:03:13 »

I always hated Kiddy, too. I just think Diddy was too awesome, and they took him away and replaced him right after his amazing adventure in DKC2. Seriously.
DKC3 was REALLY innovative and had tons of really interesting ideas and levels thrown in, and I applaud it for that. It just seemed like too much. DKC2 had the perfect amount of balance.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #667 on: 27 July 2008, 07:01:03 »

I hated almost every Kong there is. I don't care what anyone says though, I like Funky Kong. In the game(s) he was cool. Sure, he was a stereotype and pretty lame in the show, but whatever man. Whatever.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #668 on: 27 July 2008, 07:24:30 »

Funky Kong is what his name implies. He's Funky. No doubt.

I don't understand the hate with Dixie though. I liked Tiny and Dixie because they could FLY with their HAIR. I think Tiny is more hip though.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #669 on: 27 July 2008, 08:01:22 »

Maybe it's 'cause they suck.

Just maybe.

Really though, I thought Dixie was OK until they decided she'd star in a game and completely annoy the #####in' piss out of the planet Earth. Tiny, Lanky, and the others who aren't Donkey, Diddy, Cranky, or Funky, can pretty go to The Island. But I'm forgetting a lot of Kongs, I'm sure, so that list isn't final.

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #670 on: 27 July 2008, 18:08:34 »

I hated almost every Kong there is. I don't care what anyone says though, I like Funky Kong. In the game(s) he was cool. Sure, he was a stereotype and pretty lame in the show, but whatever man. Whatever.

Gonna have to agree with Mike.
Out of all of those snot-faced, fugly monkeys, Funky was the most tolerable to look at.

I played DKC2 for a bit.
How long do I have to play it before it starts being good?
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #671 on: 27 July 2008, 18:19:35 »

It's good immediately.

I can understand difference in opinions, but I can't understand how anyone can think it's not at least a fun game to play, at the very least.

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #672 on: 27 July 2008, 18:46:53 »

It's pretty mediocre.
Not bad, mind you, it just doesn't seem very interesting to me.

Pretty standard run/jump and toss stuff going on with it.
Partner thing is pretty cool, and that's probably what separates it from other platformers.

But on the whole I'd rather be playing Tomba.

... now there's an idea. I think I'll play that.
I've also been on a bit of a work-through of Grandia II, as well. I had forgotten that the battles are nearly the same difficulty as later games.
Sniper Joe
Posts: 361

« Reply #673 on: 27 July 2008, 22:26:31 »

I've never played any of the Grandia games.
Would you recomend them?
Robot Master
Posts: 641

« Reply #674 on: 27 July 2008, 22:35:49 »

I would recommend the first two games.

MMM's pet Tachikoma.
Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #675 on: 27 July 2008, 22:43:11 »

I'm a huge fan of all of them, and I love the combat system, but for most people, listen to Kamon.

Grandia 2 plays slowly due to some conversion issues (unless you have the Dreamcast version), but it's still good times.
I highly suggest the first; one of the best games of all time, and my favorite.

If you wind up liking the battles, play Xtreme.
If you wind up really, really liking the games, play 3. I wouldn't suggest to anyone who has common sense though (but it's still got a better story than every Final Fantasy, but then that's my hatred speaking).
Sniper Joe
Posts: 361

« Reply #676 on: 27 July 2008, 23:07:59 »

Hmm...I'll look into them
In the meantime, though, I think I'll play another game of Chrono Trigger.
I decided to play Metal Max Returns for the SFC/SNES instead.
« Last Edit: 28 July 2008, 01:12:18 by saldite » Logged
Robot Master
Posts: 594

« Reply #677 on: 28 July 2008, 08:38:16 »

Played and finished MGS4. Kinda sick of the hype though, I have a friend who bought MGS4 without ever playing a Metal Gear game because he kept hearing the talk about how its the best game ever made. Now he says its the best game ever and could care less about the other games.  >:(

The game was way more fun than I had imagined. MGS3 and MGS4 are a close tie for me, though the 4th game overall had more options to play stealth-like.
Sniper Joe
Posts: 361

« Reply #678 on: 28 July 2008, 08:50:07 »

That's another game I have yet to play.

...And, sadly, I'll probably never have the chance to.
I really enjoyed the other games, though.
Creator of MMM
Posts: 1513

« Reply #679 on: 4 August 2008, 15:10:53 »

So, due to not being able to find MGS3's disc, Is stuck MGS4 in for a few hours...

I honestly think that its the best game ever made.

It's too much for me...  I'm actually astonished by it so much that I'm gonna wait til my newly ordered copy of Subsistence comes through and play that first since I'm too overwhelmed by 4.


I also ordered all the PSP games, and I await the N-Gage (platform) midquel (set between 1 and 2) with baited breath...




I might be ugly... At least I ain't got no money!
Posts: 60

« Reply #680 on: 4 August 2008, 15:39:41 »

Right now I'm playing GTA 4, and I must say that I liked the other GTA games a lot better for some reason.
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #681 on: 4 August 2008, 15:49:55 »

There aren't as many cheats.
The cheats made the games tons o fun.

Like sitting on the second floor of a building in San Andreas and using the destroy all cars cheat over and over again.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Creator of MMM
Posts: 1513

« Reply #682 on: 4 August 2008, 16:18:11 »

GTA4 really ain't much cop at all.

I might be ugly... At least I ain't got no money!
Posts: 85

« Reply #683 on: 4 August 2008, 16:26:38 »

I've been going Sonic-crazy lately due to immersing myself for the sake of my fanfic. *sweatdrop*

Mainly I've been playing the classics but I also have Shadow, Riders, and Heroes.  Oh, and Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (DS), but that's not quite a Sonic game.

They're all fun to play as long as you treat them more as spinoffs than Sonic games proper.

A global catastrophe has hit, and you are among the casualties.
But it is not the end.

Sonic Afterlife
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #684 on: 4 August 2008, 18:26:13 »

You can't cheat in GTA4 anyway because "it ruins achievements and you can't do missions" which is why I don't get to try out any of the cheats at my friend's. I don't cheat much once I have the weapons I want in GTA games anyway, maybe sometimes to get body armor.

Last night I had to put on flying cars because I'd just modded a pimp car into a mad Grove Street pimp car with nitrous and green flames and ##### and then it got stuck in some thing and I needed to pull it out with the flying cars cheat, then I  deactivated it right after and drove the car to a garage in one of my properties.

I'm in the last leg of San Andreas now, so if I finish it tonight I'll probably be starting MGS3, as Soul Calibur 3 got a bit boring.

NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #685 on: 4 August 2008, 19:15:09 »

The achievement blocking thing is only temporary, and it doesn't stop missions. Once you start up the game again, the achievements aren't blocked anymore. Though the cheats are pretty crap, there's only health, ammo, vehicle spawn, and I think that's it.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #686 on: 4 August 2008, 19:24:09 »

Well flying cars would just be annoying will all the overpasses and bridges. You keep your weapons when you die or get busted so there's no need for a cheat like that. But my friend said if you save with the cheats on it blocks that stuff, and the game autosaves so...

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #687 on: 13 August 2008, 07:10:01 »

Well, yesterday I picked up Guilty Gear X2 Midnight Carnival Reload or something for 5 bucks.
It's fun I guess, it's missing a lot of things I expect in a fighter, like how your characters colors are randomly chosen and you get no say in anything.
I also love how there's a time limit to pick your character in arcade mode, ya know, the game mode most people start out on. Yeah, 'cause normally I like a minute or two to look at all the characters and randomly choose one on appearance alone.
Another thing, the characters all feel really unbalanced.
I just use Jam and play with a mixture of random button mashing and from time to time attempting to do the instant kill attack.
Why is there an instant kill attack!?
I think it's really unfair that a fight can start and I can just randomly get lucky and actually pull it off.
Also, what the hell? Bridgette's a dude.
It's fun I guess, for 5 bucks.

Aaand, I've also been playing Final Fantasy 4 for awhile now.
I'm on the moon!~ ^_^

Posted on:  6 August 2008, 01:55:53

Now I'm playing GTA:SA too.
It makes me feel like such a dirty girl.
Sniper Joe
Posts: 238

« Reply #688 on: 13 August 2008, 15:55:00 »

You dudes are missing out on Bionic Commando: Rearmed!

The quality is actually a bit better than I thought it would be, though I still got a ways to go before I get to the end to see if Hitler's exploding head is still in. Hacking into the enemy's communications is now an interesting 3D puzzle, so that's pretty nifty. Seeing the enemies say ROFL in the hacked communications wasn't what I was expecting to see, though...

Shape the world you live in, instead of letting others define it for you. Stop being reactive and become proactive, and leave a legacy worth remembering, since only you personally decide the limits of your greatness.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #689 on: 16 August 2008, 02:48:04 »

Almost done San Andreas. I'm in the last missions but I took a break from missions to kick every rival gang out of the main part of Los Santos.

I still have to kick the Ballas out of their two other regions (one of them being whatever Long Beach is called in SA) and I can't find the secret Vagos territory north of San Fierro but whatever, the main chunk of LS belongs to the Grove. GSF4Life.

My boss at the store found a Nintendo DS game just in a campfire pit while on his vacation, and he gave it to me. It's some Pokemon game called "Pokemon Ranger" and it's in perfect condition. I haven't bothered to try it yet.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #690 on: 16 August 2008, 05:54:34 »

I`m still playing Final Fantasy IV on DS...

But now I`m also playing all of the MegaMan games, from MegaMan to MegaMan and Bass before MegaMan 9 comes out.

I`ve beat MegaMan and MegaMan 2 (WILY 1 STAGE MUSIC FTMFW) today... and I swear, both games used to be a little harder when I was little... and MegaMan 2 seems a lot shorter too.

Tomorrow I`ll start MegaMan 3.

Super Robot
Posts: 5638

« Reply #691 on: 16 August 2008, 05:57:01 »

So far, I've been fiddling with Mega Man Powered Up and Brawl. I don't feel like touching anything else right now.

I wish my birthday would just hurry up. I want some Legends 2.

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Mega Man and Yu-Gi-Oh! fanatic!
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #692 on: 16 August 2008, 05:59:52 »

I had my full MegaMan marathon less than a month ago, but I started with MegaMan & Bass and worked backwards to shake things up a bit. I play through the entire classic series about once a year, sometimes more. Usually more, actually.

I've been debating whether or not I should re-buy MMPU, because I really miss it, but I really just don't like the PSP and don't feel like ever touching it again.

Posts: 85

« Reply #693 on: 16 August 2008, 22:47:13 »

I've leveled out when it comes to the game I'm playing now.  In addition to regularly playing Sonic, I have picked up Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus, after letting it gather dust for awhile, as well as Pokemon Crystal.

As far as PSU is concerned, I will gladly snatch up the third installment whenever it comes out.  (I've heard online mode only offers a partial Ep. 3 story, so there's bound to be a physical game disc at some point.)  I've fallen in love with the Gurhal system.  It's so basic and cliched, for the most part, but I think that's why I like it.  Plus, there's the inherent customization that comes from a create-a-character system.  I might be seen online, someday...

Pokemon: My Igglybuff caught Pokerus after a wild Pokemon fight.  It ran its course with nobody else in the party catching it.  Lame.  At least I got a level off of it.

A global catastrophe has hit, and you are among the casualties.
But it is not the end.

Sonic Afterlife
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #694 on: 16 August 2008, 23:51:57 »

That Pokemon game my boss found. It's not bad. I wouldn't BUY it though.

It's kind of interesting I guess. You're not a Pokemon Trainer, you're a Pokemon Ranger. Which is almost completely different.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #695 on: 17 August 2008, 00:06:49 »

Ew. That game.

Posts: 85

« Reply #696 on: 17 August 2008, 02:55:27 »

Ick.  That game takes all the fun out of playing Pokemon.

A global catastrophe has hit, and you are among the casualties.
But it is not the end.

Sonic Afterlife
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #697 on: 17 August 2008, 03:31:50 »

Every Pokemon game that doesn't stick to the original one is crap.

Platinum looks pretty good though, it'll be out this fall.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #698 on: 17 August 2008, 04:17:22 »

I can't wait for Pokemon Bismuth and Plutonium!

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #699 on: 17 August 2008, 04:19:46 »


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