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1  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Streaman gaemz on: 4 December 2009, 06:30:05
If any of you are interested, I've got a stream running at [url removed] , or [url removed]. I usually stream later in the night, and have a couple staff members as well. As of this post, one of them is streaming Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance on GBA. I mostly stream anything up to PS1 games myself. I'm still looking for extra streamers for other times in the day though, if any of you are interested in helping.

I'm hoping it's okay I'm posting this here. If not, I'm sure it will be deleted and I'll just go elsewhere.
2  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 17 October 2009, 00:31:59
Days of Ruin is definitely the hardest of the series to me. In fact... I don't think I've finished it yet. What battle are you on? I'm firing up my copy right now to see where I am.

EDIT: Damn, I was on battle 21/26. I guess it's time to finish this ##### up. I love how simple these maps look in the pre-deploy screen. Then you get to them and begin to notice all the little details and potential ambush points, and suddenly you're so much less confident.
3  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 17 October 2009, 00:20:16
Just got Advance Wars: Days of ruin...

Got into the advance wars flow of playing.

[spoiler]Marathon throgh missions until you get to that one damn mission you can't beat, leave it for a few days, then try again until you actually beat it... [/spoiler]

Also got Gunvalky

I always plow through the AW games, until the final battles. Then I see the battlefield and just say "##### this", and let it sit for months. Sturm's CO power in the first one didn't help matters.
4  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Wondering why this hasn't been posted yet... (TVC NEWS) on: 15 October 2009, 23:08:31
Even better is that Megaman Trigger is going to be playable as well, I hear.  The screenshot I saw had Zero and Trigger as a team. I'm overjoyed they're not using the MMZ design for this. I'd take green boob jewels over a fairy in a tiny red vest any day.
5  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 7 October 2009, 09:12:57
Mass Effect was too short for me(there were like only 6 missions you really needed to do sans the side quests, though I did all of the side quests too). I did like ALL of my remaining side quests right before the last mission, lol. The story was amazing at the end though. Now I'm just going to create a few more characters so I'll have more story options when I play ME2.

I'm still not done with it though, my first character was a paragon male, going to make a renegade female (Moxi). Going to try the infiltrator class. [spoiler]A part of me wished I let the council die, though that'll be for my renegade character[/spoiler]

also my character is the greatest

You seen the teasers for ME2? What do you think of them replacing Wrex, and throwing in Subject nooneunderstandsme?
6  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 6 October 2009, 12:40:43
.......The hell -.-", anyways, I find it more... "fun" than H3.

Not that this has anything to do with your post, but I see that you have FNR3. We should play some matches some time. The guy I used to play with doesn't play his Xbox anymore, and I don't have 4 yet.
7  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 26 September 2009, 22:50:00
I've been playing Dragon Quest 8, and Rune Factory, mainly. Though I also still have to finish Xenosaga, and beat the bonus dungeon in DQ5.... But I'm too sucked into Rune Factory. It's really easy if you upgrade your hammer early on and do a lot of mining. I made 10,000 a day in the second dungeon alone, and was able to beat 3/8 of the dungeons in one season. It is a good shot at an RPG/Farman gaemz mixture, and I'm looking forward to picking up the second and third eventually. I don't really have anything to say about DQ8...because it's #####ing Dragon Quest.
8  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Xbox Live gamertags on: 13 July 2009, 22:18:44
Nah, I don't "despise" Halo. I'm just not a fan. Well, send El Penguini a friend request again if you want, and I'll accept this time. Dunno how often I'll be on, and my microphone is #####.
9  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Xbox Live gamertags on: 13 July 2009, 03:20:13
I sent you a message? I don't remember doing that...are you sure it was from El Penguini?
10  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Xbox Live gamertags on: 13 July 2009, 02:51:34
Am going to add everyone too just for the hell of it.

Holy crap, I wondering why the hell someone I didn't know sent me a friend request when I hardly touch my Xbox anymore...
11  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Have you started liking something after playing a videogame? on: 30 January 2009, 12:46:06
I'm gradually developing interest in studying the mythology and religions of different cultures after playing a lot of Shin Megami Tensei. WHO WOULDA THOUGHT A GIANT ##### IN A CHARIOT WAS A BUDDHIST SYMBOL OF TEMPTATION?!
12  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Your favorite video game music? on: 16 November 2008, 22:36:56
It's like I'm really 10 again!! Lufia II - For the Saviour

Haven't played this yet but I like the song. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia - Albus Battle

This guy did a cover of Battle Hymn for Everyone's Souls, and I thought he did a great job

13  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Your favorite video game music? on: 4 November 2008, 15:09:28
What songs in your vidya games are the most memorable to you? If any, which ones really stood out to you and have you humming them or listening to them on your mp3 player for months after you finish the game itself? Post youtube links for others to listen to them as well of course.

Persona 3

Battle Hymn for Everyone's Souls -

Burn My Dread Last Battle -

Darkness -

Phantasy Star 4

Ooze -

King of Terrors -

14  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 2 November 2008, 23:54:49
Playing Fallout 3 right now, and Kenshiro-ing my way through it. ##### YES, BLOODY MESS IS THE BEST PERK EVER!
15  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 2 October 2008, 20:22:26
Silent Hill Homecoming.

More on this later.
Looking forward to reading your thoughts on it. I've been thinking of picking it up as well, but just keep hearing so much bitching about it not being made by the regular developers, I don't know what to think. I am going to rent it eventually, once there's a copy available at Blockbuster or the availability becomes high on Gamefly.
16  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 28 September 2008, 00:57:31
Fight Night Round 3 with my badass new lightweight (7 Wins with 7 KOs, oh yeah) , Tales of Vesperia, Persona 3: FES The Answer, and of course, Megaman 9. So what does everyone think of MM9 anyway? Does it satisfy your hunger for a true continuation, or did it disappoint you? Yes I realize it says Non-Megaman games up top, but I just figured I'd ask a simple question.
17  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Xbox Live gamertags on: 14 September 2008, 02:08:59
I don't play TF2 as much as I used to, but when I do I'm at the OCRemix server:

EDIT: Oh durr, you mean the bad version! Sorry, I have the PC version.

Besides the obvious controller=/=keyboard, what's the difference? I find the control difference to not be too bad. Though I must admit I've only really played Half-Life, TFC, and Sauerbraten with keyboard and mouse.
18  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Xbox Live gamertags on: 11 September 2008, 14:14:04
I'm pretty sure the silence is a No.

Ok then, how about a Team Fortress 2 game or two? I just got the Orange Box for 15 dollars the other day and played through Portal quick as hell. Now I want to try some TF2, problem is there's not many people on when I check, and those that are are quite unforgiving to newbies like me who are trying to learn what he's doing...
19  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Xbox Live gamertags on: 28 July 2008, 17:56:28
So..*cough*...6 months later...anyone up for a fight in FNR3?

20  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Games you wish had sequels on: 29 June 2008, 21:29:07
Same here, I have yet to find an Atlus game that doesn't hook me instantly and keep me hooked. But unfortunately I can't afford 40 dollars for a used PS2 game, or any game for that matter. Even if it is hard as hell to find.
21  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show your Avatars! on: 27 June 2008, 06:08:47
That's because you obviously haven't played Trials and Tribulations yet.
Trust me, he's a badass.
22  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Games you wish had sequels on: 27 June 2008, 02:09:50
I just wish games like Devil Summoner and Digital Devil Saga were cheaper and easier to find. I'd love to get my hands on those. I would have added Etrian Odyssey to that earlier post, but they've got that covered.
23  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Games you wish had sequels on: 27 June 2008, 00:37:43
I know it's coming out in Japan, but I'd REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY like Persona 4 to hit US consoles. Though due to the success of P3 and FES, I'm assuming it will.
Also, a Hotel Dusk sequel or style game would be fantastic.
24  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show your Avatars! on: 27 June 2008, 00:20:08
Godot. Pure, unadulterated, badass Godot.
25  MegaMan Series / StarForce Series / Re: So... MegaMan StarForce 2 just came out. on: 27 June 2008, 00:17:12
...Well, at least it's not completely defenseless for the whole no thumbs thing...and the lack of fingers to pull the trigger...and the lack of intelligence to know how to use it...
26  MegaMan Series / StarForce Series / Re: So... MegaMan StarForce 2 just came out. on: 27 June 2008, 00:07:22
Do you still feel like you just punted a defenseless puppy after each boss fight?
27  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Xbox Live gamertags on: 26 June 2008, 23:13:16
So..*cough*...6 months later...anyone up for a fight in FNR3?
28  MegaMan Series / StarForce Series / Re: So... MegaMan StarForce 2 just came out. on: 26 June 2008, 23:04:44
I'll be picking it up soon, just to say I beat it. Is it much better than the first? That one was wayyyyy too easy. Even the final final version of whatever his face at the end was was irritatingly easy.
29  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Re: The Official Mega Man 9 Topic on: 26 June 2008, 22:59:24
Hey, even if it's just the same formula of "Fight 8 robot masters, then go through hell to get to Wily and kick his bald arse", I'll be happy for a new entry into the series. The 8-bit graphics don't bug me. In fact it will add a somewhat nostalgic feeling to a new game, which I think is kind of cool. As long as it retains the quality of the rest of the series, and I have fun playing it,  I'll be happy.

...if it's real....
30  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Re: Tango on: 9 February 2008, 04:40:35
Xero became ban hero.

Haha...I get it. I actually have to compliment you on that one, it was pretty obscure, save for certain people...
31  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Xbox Live gamertags on: 21 January 2008, 08:26:55
Just curious as to if anyone has Fight Night Round 3. I just got it and am having a blast with it. Wanted to play online against some good people who won't call me 35 different variations of a homosexual person if I win. Send me a FR if you want to play.
32  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The MOVIE Thread on: 7 January 2008, 08:18:25

Seriously, why?
Well...there goes another fond childhood memory down the bowels of Hollywood...
33  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Video share topic on: 7 January 2008, 01:47:52
I liked his Sylvester Stallone one...XD

EDIT: His Beavis and Butthead imitations were kind of crappy...though Mr.McVickers wasn't bad.
34  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Rahvin's Youtube Channel on: 7 January 2008, 01:40:26
Well in that case, here is the link to my  movie of the Tales of the Abyss pre-title opening scene. Let me know what you think, and be sure to leave ratings. Thanks.
35  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: The future of DS gaming: 3rd party publishers taking it more seriously? on: 7 January 2008, 01:32:53
I'll see how many DS RPG's I can name off the topic of my head without including Star Force, a disgrace all on its own:

- Final Fantasy 3
- Pokemon Diamond/Pearl
- Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings
- Children of Mana
- Lunar Knights
- Digimon World DS (a bunch of them)
- Lost in Blue (is it an RPG?)
- Dragon Quest Monsters Joker
- Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time

There's gotta' be a few more.
Etrian Odyssey
Rune Factory
That crappy Lunar game
That's all I can think of really...
36  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Video share topic on: 7 January 2008, 01:21:26
Oh man...I loved a lot of that crap when I was a kid...Beetle Borgs, both series. Power Rangers, Voltron, Thundercats, G-Force/Battle of the Planets/Gatchaman, VR Troopers...the Super Mario Bros. Super show... I could go on, lol. But yeah, fond childhood memories of my friends and I back in 1st grade fighting over who got to be the white ranger...XD
OH! Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog was another one I remember. Also, does anyone remember a show called the Masked Rider? [/nerdism]
37  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show your Tube! on: 7 January 2008, 01:13:56
Here's my channel, as I'm sure some of you saw in the topic I posted. I apologize again for not looking hard enough for this topic. Would you kindly view a couple of them and let me know what you think? Constructive criticism. Not "u suxx". Though I believe most, if not all of you here are above that kind of crap. It would be greatly appreciated.
38  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Rahvin's Youtube Channel on: 7 January 2008, 01:08:32
Hey, sorry about that. I should have looked for a topic like that. I just didn't think there was one. Though if it's okay, I'd like to occasionally post a video here. Is that possible or should I not do that?
39  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Rahvin's Youtube Channel on: 6 January 2008, 09:01:53
Seeing as this is the Creation station, I figure no one will mind me posting my Youtube channel URL here. A new hobby of mine is to play through various games, record the footage of things like cutscenes, boss battles, and just random gameplay, and upload it onto Youtube. If anyone is interested please check out my channel. All constructive criticism is very welcome, and would help me improve my videos. Looking forward to hearing what you guys think.

40  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 3 January 2008, 07:03:03
I'm playing through Rogue Galaxy again (and posting footage on youtube if anyone is interested). If I had to say, I'd say this RPG beats the pants off of Final Fantasy 12... I believe Final Fantasy stopped being a true quality series after 6. Though I did like 9, so that's somewhat of an exception. Rogue Galaxy is another game that deserves a sequel, if I didn't say that already in the other topic.
41  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 2 January 2008, 03:58:59
I was at my friends house last night and her brother was playing some XBox 360 game, a first-person shooter of course, and it looked pretty good. Grapically, I mean. The gameplay looked standard but solid. Anyway I didn't ask but I'd like to know what game it is just for reference.

The last levels seem to first have about 6 minutes until a bomb or something goes off and you're in some kind of bunker or something. You know, big metal walls and all that. Pretty big place and guys are all over the place shooting. Then you're outside and like on the back of a vehicle shooting rockets at a helicopter that is chasing you. After that seems like another combat level but you're outside and you can take cover behind other military vehicles and stuff. Pretty standard. An ending video and after all the credits roll you're playing again, in an airplane and again you and your men are against a crap load of guys (flash grenades help) and you have to get some VIP guy. Then you have to get off the plane (sometimes you can end up blowing out a wall of the plane, sometimes that helps you and sometimes not, depends on when it happens) and that's like it.

We were watching movies on the TV next to the one he was playing on so I only took in some of this game. The bad guys were all human looking commando types, if that helps. I couldn't really tell who was a bad guy and who was an ally. When you get shot or something the screen will have red around the sides and veins going towards the center of the screen as if looking through a bloodshot eye, if that helps too.

Seemed cool 'nuff.
If you haven't found out already, that was Call of Duty 4.  Great game, and definitely worth picking up if you have a 360.
42  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: modding(LEGALLY) on: 31 December 2007, 03:08:00
You do know you started the whole thing, right? Just saying....
43  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 31 December 2007, 01:32:52
Call of Duty 4's campaign is amazing. The multiplayer was a blast too. But then everyone I knew just went back to gears. Though if you want to play, send me an invite if you can catch me online. I'll also do Halo 3 campaign with anyone if they want as well. No multiplayer though...I'd like to stick with the games that aren't filled with bitchy, loud-mouthed children, that act tough over the internet.
44  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Games you wish had sequels on: 30 December 2007, 04:10:49
I want a Crackdown sequel...
Not to mention the next Elder Scrolls... but that will be a long time from now...
45  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 30 December 2007, 04:06:29
I'm playing Super Mario Galaxy, Oblvion (again...I play the hell out of it, put it down for a months or two, then pick it up again and can't put it down for a long time again...) Just beat the Mage's Guild in that... I also started up Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass. That one definitely lives up to my expectations. Once I have all these damned bills out of the way I hope to get Guitar Hero 3 for the 360 soon. I've been dying to play "Through the Fire and the Flames" and "Stricken"...
46  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Anyone knowledgable about video editing programs? on: 26 December 2007, 05:31:44
See though, it's only game videos that do that. I edited and saved an 11 minute recording of me and some friends screwing around and saved it just fine at the default quality level. But it goes all wonky with a 5 minute gameplay video...
47  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Anyone knowledgable about video editing programs? on: 26 December 2007, 02:10:50
The only thing it let me do was make my file into an MKV file. No editing or anything as far as I could see... I may have missed something but as far as I could see there was no editor part. Besides, isn't mkv a container format or whatever the hell they're called?
48  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Anyone knowledgable about video editing programs? on: 25 December 2007, 21:24:16
I could see if it's a giant file...but it's a 5-10 minute game footage video....that shouldn't take that long to save. Should it? I mean I could understand 30 minutes....but 20,000?
49  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Anyone knowledgable about video editing programs? on: 25 December 2007, 08:24:35
Sorry, I'm not feeling well and just being lazy. Let me post a screen shot of the problem... but first where do I get final Cut Pro and what does it cost? I can't buy any expensive programs right now...thus why I am going with what I have for free on here...

50  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Games you wish had sequels on: 25 December 2007, 07:10:12
I'd like

1. Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 3
2. A good Phantasy Star 3 remake with all the stuff they cut out due to time restraints put back in...
3. Dead Rising 2
4. The Darkness 2
5. A Rogue Galaxy sequel
6. A brand new Kessen game
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