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1  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Uria Banner on: 19 April 2008, 01:09:33
Just something I was expirimenting with in GIMP. I got some comments from my graphics idol, Wolfberserker (Not a member here). He said it was a good try, but the Text part is really screwed up. Anyway, tell me what you think. I don't read GIMP tuts. I'm self taught.

2  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Street Fighter IV on: 19 April 2008, 00:50:29
Anyone getting it? If anyone hasn't seen any thing about the game yet, then here are some Screenshots and Info.



[spoiler]While Street Fighter IV will feature 3D rendered characters and backgrounds, the game will still play in traditional 2D, thus creating a "2.5D" effect. While more concrete details on the game's gameplay have yet to be revealed, producer Ono has stated that he wants to keep the game closer to Street Fighter II than to its sequels, and as such the "parry system" from Street Fighter III has been dropped. A new system temporarily called "Saving" has been introduced, as well as Ultra moves. The traditional six-button control scheme will return, with new features and special moves integrated into the input system, mixing classic gameplay with additional innovations. On December 30, 2007, a gameplay trailer showed how typical gameplay worked, with the 2D plane of fighting shifting and rotating, characters reacting facially to particularly hard blows.

The game has the same feel as Super Street Fighter II Turbo, with several features from Street Fighter III 3rd Strike. Pressing both light attack buttons is still for throwing, and both heavy attack buttons are for the personal action or taunts. Both medium attack buttons are for the saving strike. Dashes and quick standing are also in the game. At the moment, C.Viper is the only character who can perform a high jump.

It is intended that the car-smashing bonus rounds from earlier Street Fighter games will return. Ono has claimed, "They'll be in there if I have to program them myself!" although he noted that there may be problems if the game's vehicles resemble models by real-life manufacturers

I wish MegaMan could make a guest appearance.....there might be some hope right?
3  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / I'm a little scared.... on: 28 February 2008, 13:34:55
Here is the deal.

About 15-16 years ago, my Dad had a bad accident at work that gave him Hernias (Not sure how to spell it). He had to get special surgery to get them removed. The doctor said he would need surgery atleast once a year for the rest of his life. For each surgery that passes, his chances of survival grow thinner and thinner.....

This morning, he went in for his 14th surgery. He put this surgery off for about 2 years because we had a lawsuit against his old company he worked for. If he had gotten the surgery then, we wouldn't have gotten any money for another 2-3 years. Now that we won the lawsuit, he has gone into surgery.....I hope he comes out ok.
4  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / The MegaMan Arcade Games on: 26 February 2008, 22:28:37
Power Battle and Power Fighters. Both of them are 2 of the best Arcade games i've ever played. Anyone like it? How good are you?
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