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1  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: I... I don't know what to say... on: 23 April 2008, 17:44:47
Rainbow babies.
2  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Happy Thread on: 21 April 2008, 04:47:08
When the fantasy feels real.

When the fantasy is real.

Mmm, divinity.
3  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: NATURE! as seen by me... on: 20 April 2008, 21:13:57
That's so weird that you haven't ridden on a train. I ride trains all the time, we take the Metra to Chicago and then ride the "L" to get around the city. So yeah, lots of trainage.

The "L" is a noisey noisey mess of a train. That thing sounds like it's going to crumble every time you crawl inside it, and thus I walk. The Metra is sweet, though, but it's far surpassed by the California Zephyr.

On the topic of clouds: I once saw an amazing set of clouds that looked like wings spreading outward from the horizon, it was the kind of thing I wanted a painter to capture.
4  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Art of the Depths on: 20 April 2008, 17:12:09
A link...

Posted on:  4 April 2008, 01:41:50

Alright, I know it's not good to revive dead threads or to double post for that matter, but I wanted to post this up here and I really didn't think it was worth starting a new topic over. So, my apologies for the inconvenience, and I hope you enjoy.

I needed an avatar and this is what came out.
5  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Comic Book talk (I.E. Marvel, DC, Image and the rest) Spoilers ahead on: 5 April 2008, 05:07:18
I knew they were the same, I was just saying that design owned the silver, blue and red one. Woah, the villain thing surprised me, but I guess I can see it happening, he has a habit of complaining how all the popular heroes like Superman kept getting all the credti, and that he was just shoved under the rug. He's kind of bitter.
6  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Comic Book talk (I.E. Marvel, DC, Image and the rest) Spoilers ahead on: 4 April 2008, 02:02:47
Anyone every read Captain Atom: Armageddon? It was actually a pretty sweet mini series, that was a nice break from the standard DC and Marvel universes. Plus the Wildstorm Captain Atom rocks what DC's looks like.
7  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Delectible Foods are a Fun Eat on: 4 April 2008, 01:39:43
You know what makes me feel like a glutton? When my American drink is too big to fit in my Japanese car's cup holders.  There's always that moment of, "Wow, we're fat."
8  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Dreams on: 4 April 2008, 01:36:59
I don't dream much at all, every couple years or so, so when they stick they're pretty haunting. I'd probably think it was fabricated if I didn't have it.
9  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Dreams on: 4 April 2008, 01:14:43

Says the flower to the orange...

I had an incredibly long dream where they accused this girl of being a witch, and ended up dissecting her while she was completely awake. They picked her up from her village in a horse drawn carriage and told her they were taking her away to protect her from the people. They ended getting attacked out in the woods by people with crossbows, both of the drivers got wounded, and when she walked out of the carriage to go see them  they noticed she was untouched. One of the drivers then grabbed a crossbow and shot her in her right shoulder, then they both laughed at her. They called for a rest, so she wandered off with a book and sat against a tree, reading, eating an apple, and bleeding.

They end up back on the path, until there's a small clearing in the forest with a square stone building in the middle. She realized this wasn't safety as they shoved inside and brought her down into the basement. They shoved her naked on to a table, strapped her down, then decided they'd try to figure her out. They cut horizontally across her chest, and her lower stomach. Then vertically down the torso. She was awake for all of this. Screaming in pain she yelled something about the village, my dream then jumped back to the village where apparently she had cursed them or something because people had swarms of tiny black beetles bursting from their eyes and mouths.

Odd thing is that the girl was my girlfriend...

Anyways that's part one of the dream, it had this weird flash forward thing where the something along the same lines ended up happening in the future. I'll post it if you guys honestly feel like listening to my endless blabbering.
10  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Art of the Depths on: 27 March 2008, 02:16:45
Yeah, I'll second the design part. Just trying out some new skills with the marker, I think it turned out ok. I was going to be much more ambitious, but really I just wanted to doodle. Thanks for the input.
11  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Art of the Depths on: 26 March 2008, 21:26:00
Well, I've been following other people's artwork, and I figured that I'd give my hand a try. SO here's the first piece of fan work I've done in a long time, I must apologize for being brief but work is calling yet again.
12  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread on: 25 March 2008, 02:25:40
It's been well, I ... hung out with the girl. I'm teaching her to drive a stick shift. It was a great day, as they tend to be if you let them.
13  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Robot Evolution on: 19 March 2008, 19:23:35
Must be a different book because mine definitely says 2005 by the copyright. I don't think that changes its irrelevance, though.
14  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Robot Evolution on: 19 March 2008, 17:01:21
Well, dear God, we're all boned. I'm just happy I have "How to Survive a Robot Uprising".
15  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Guyer Gallery. on: 18 March 2008, 04:45:56
So, uh, about the art. I love the style, smooth and clean. It gives it a precise feel, a sense of definition that can't be ignored. Interesting character design too. You either have amazing talent, or a lot of training under your belt. I commend you, good sir.
16  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The Greed Topic - wut u want!? on: 18 March 2008, 04:13:19
I can't imagine 'the Amsterdam' stuff and driving being a safe combination. Doesn't it just mess with you?
17  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show Yourselves! on: 16 March 2008, 19:04:13
Here am I. I'm old news, you've all seen me before, and, yes, this is all I'm giving you.
18  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The Greed Topic - wut u want!? on: 15 March 2008, 18:53:48
I would like a cigarette. Excuse me.
19  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: The Introduction Thread on: 14 March 2008, 21:24:09
Good evening, all. I'd make my introduction more profound, but alas, I have work to attend.
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