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MegaMan Series => Miscellaneous MegaMan Games => Topic started by: SB on 4 September 2015, 02:34:08

Title: Megaman going to the movie screens courtesy of Fox
Post by: SB on 4 September 2015, 02:34:08

A few gaming sites have latched on and reported it as well already, but hey, best to maybe read it here as well.

No real details at this time, outside of "IT'S HAPPENING!", with the article having a brief description of the Classic series. I could personally see Classic working as a CG movie, but seeing as these are the people that brought us stuff like Planets of the Apes remakes, I could totally dig an X series style movie that looks at the relationship of humanity and sentient robots that sometimes like to kill them after getting porn viruses.

Either way, it is yet another thing from the woods showing Capcom is ready to cash in on all dat sweet Megaman nostalgia, and there exists the possibility that this actually releases before the Metal Gear Solid movie, so that could be a thing to wear as honor?

Title: Re: Megaman going to the movie screens courtesy of Fox
Post by: TheRedPriest on 8 September 2015, 21:49:47
Saw Speed's post on this first, but from what I'd read this is a LIVE ACTION film.  God help us.

I had this to say on Speed's post:
Fox did such a good job on Fantastic Four, how could this NOT be complete #####?

But really, there's no way in HELL this won't be awful, regardless of who does it.  The only question is, HOW awful will it be?  So bad it's good?  Or so bad it's insulting and kills all spin off material for 5 - 10 years?

Title: Re: Megaman going to the movie screens courtesy of Fox
Post by: Mikero on 29 October 2015, 16:43:28
Even if it's CG animated I'd worry that it would work out like the Astro Boy movie from 2009.

Title: Re: Megaman going to the movie screens courtesy of Fox
Post by: TheRedPriest on 3 November 2015, 14:18:34
If it's not live action, it will be CG.  And probably use a horrid "stylized" artstyle that barely resembles the source material.