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Non-MegaMan => Any Other Business? => Topic started by: Dopefish on 18 January 2008, 01:53:45

Title: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: Dopefish on 18 January 2008, 01:53:45
So what is this thread about?

^^Read the title silly.^^

So what is your favorite online Video game store?

All I have to say is: estarland ( ROCKS!

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: preventerWIND on 18 January 2008, 01:55:11
Did you just call me silly? ##### you #####head!!!

Anyways, I'll check it out.

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: Edgecrusher on 18 January 2008, 02:43:49
I don't usually buy games online since I work for a Gamestop...

Though when I'm after something I can't otherwise find, I just use Amazon.

I'll check out that site though. Perhaps for my next import?

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: ASR on 18 January 2008, 03:11:06
I bought Digimon World 4 on used for a friend's birthday (a bunch of people pitched in for it), and when he got it, the disc didn't work.

Pretty disappointing, especially since the guy who got the package in the mail threw away the whole box with the return info, if there even was any.

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: Edgecrusher on 18 January 2008, 03:14:00
That's why I would never use our website. I've SEEN some of the discs that pass under the radar, and I'm an unholy bastard when it comes to being retentive about my discs.

If I can't see the disc firsthand before buying it used, I probably won't.

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: ASR on 18 January 2008, 03:15:15
I never would've done it, but we called every store around the area and nobody had it, and we decided was a safer bet than eBay.


Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: Edgecrusher on 18 January 2008, 03:17:58
Yeah. I've seen discs get traded in that I'm fairly certain had been in someones ass.

Granted, I've watched most discs that were fairly bad get sent off for refurbishing.

I've also worked with some serious idiots, so it's pretty much a crap shoot.

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: Johncarllos on 18 January 2008, 03:18:50
Guy, nobody on eBay wants bad cred; especially if they have a high satisfaction rating.

It's where I got my DS, from some dude named Barry in Canada.

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: ASR on 18 January 2008, 03:22:12
I have an application for GameStop sitting in my room, because they just built one down the street from me. I'm debating on whether or not I should bother, because I don't particularly need a job at this exact point of time, as I've built up some good savings from my last few summer jobs.
It seems like it'd be a real easy place to get annoyed.

I was there with a friend once when we were trading in games, and he was trading in a GCN game called "Disney Extreme Skateboarding" or something, and apparently it wasn't in the system. The employee was being really sarcastic about it, and even went so far as to say "Look, we have 'Disney Princesses,' your favorite game, want us to put it in as that?"
Well, I actually found that funny, but my friend was pretty ticked off.

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: Edgecrusher on 18 January 2008, 04:42:47
Yeah, I think they do urine tests for levels of smug in your system before they hire you.

They pay is complete ##### if you're not management. On the plus side, You'll get %20 off games, %30 off at Barnes and Noble, and you can check out any used games from the store whenever you want.

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: Dopefish on 18 January 2008, 14:41:31
Estarland is kindof picky in what they will take for trade-ins, I've never got games that were scratched...Of course they probably re-surface them. Most of what I buy there is NES games anyway, and they are always clean.

Of course I'm psycho about keeping games scratch-free...So nothing they got from me was scratched!!

You'll get %20 off games, %30 off at Barnes and Noble

Thats pretty cool, I would buy from Gamestop, but the nearest store is in a Mall...Which is a long drive away.

Guy, nobody on eBay wants bad cred; especially if they have a high satisfaction rating.

The trick is: don't order off anyone with bad feedback...This same rule applies to Amazon sellers(which I happen to be one, 100% positive feedback  ;) ).

I've gotten tons of things off ebay, Floppy disks, Cds, games and Laptops...All good.

My Dad ripped off once though....on a 50$ guitar amp...It died in 5 minutes. No response to e-mail. :(

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: Edgecrusher on 18 January 2008, 16:22:45
I just don't trust people enough to use eBay.

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: Kamon on 18 January 2008, 16:24:31
If I buy games online, I use Amazon.

Speeking of which...*rushes off to put through order for Legends/Legends 2*

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 18 January 2008, 16:38:27
I use eBay for buying games online.

I've used Play-Asia once to import MOTHER3... for $15 NEW, it was quite a steal.

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: ASR on 18 January 2008, 22:45:22
I just don't trust people enough to use eBay.

The first time I ever used eBay, it was to order MegaMan X1, 2, and 3 for SNES since my old copies were destroyed. I ended up recieving the cartridges for X1 and X3, and the empty game box for X2.

I was pissed, but after the seller instructed me to look closer, there was a line in very tiny print that did, indeed, say that it was only the BOX for X2. Everywhere else on the auction, he was calling it a bid for "MegaMan X1, 2, and 3." Blargh.

My dad's an eBay-holic but he's pretty smart with it, and never runs into trouble. Plus, he makes a fortune off selling his old stuff. He actually took most of my old GameCube games and sold them without my permission once, it pissed me off but in the end he gave me the money from them.

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: Edgecrusher on 18 January 2008, 22:58:51
That's exactly my point. If a big corporation screws you over, you can at least try and shrug it off by bitterly attributing the maleficence to the fact that it IS a big evil corporation.

When it's just one person doing it, it's a far more personal matter.

If I'm interacting with someone one on one like that, I much prefer it be in person.

That way, if they stiff you, you can hurt them.

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: Dopefish on 18 January 2008, 23:20:07
I was pissed, but after the seller instructed me to look closer, there was a line in very tiny print that did, indeed, say that it was only the BOX for X2.

Hehe, reminds me of the time that I bidded on a Hockey Jersey...Turned out out be a Hockey Jersey CARD.

The moral of the story is: READ ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING on the page....The same thing applies when signing contracts to people in dark backstreets on the bad side of town.

I use ebay to buy some stuff, but the whole idea of an auction drives me nuts...The new ebay Countdown thing helps with this...But its still very nerve-racking to me.


Been there, not doing that....unless ebay is the only place I can get a certain item.

But if its a simple game? I'd rather calmly go to, pop in my cart, and wait for it to arrive. Even if its slightly more money, its not worth losing my sanity for a couple of bucks.

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: ChaosVortex on 19 January 2008, 04:59:42
My parents have only used eBay for me twice. I've never personally used it.

One was for some DragonBall Z figures years ago (I got figures of Buu and stuff before the Cell saga was even dubbed).

The other was a bid for Tales of Symphonia. My mom won the bid, but there was some arguement regarding on how to pay so she refused to. I was kinda PO'd, but I have a friend who just literally gave me both game disks anyway, so whatever.

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: preventerWIND on 19 January 2008, 05:32:31
Speaking of online game buying, V just got the copy of Digimon World I wanted, now he's sending it here! WHOOP!

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 19 January 2008, 05:53:57
moar leik already sent!

With the best shipping possible too. $8.45 extra. >_>

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: preventerWIND on 19 January 2008, 05:55:32
Wait.. what!? How long would it usually take?

And I'm sending you the shipping price as a thank you, as well as the 99 cents.

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 19 January 2008, 06:24:48
I dunno. It IS express mail, though...

And you honestly don't have to pay me for the shipping... that was a decision I made.

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: Johncarllos on 19 January 2008, 17:42:28
Vinchenz, you are such a kind man.
I MIGHT have to buy all my videogame stuff off of you from now on.
If you are willing to part with it.
Though I plan on no big purchases except Brawl and NMH.

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 19 January 2008, 18:05:24
Mmm... well, I ordered the game from eBay for him because I had money on my paypal account that I didn't need.

My huge collection of stuff? I plan on keeping it until the very end.

If I ever have money in Paypal again and you're interested in something... let me know. :)

Title: Re: Favorite Online Video Game Seller?
Post by: Johncarllos on 19 January 2008, 19:18:24
Oh, I will.