The MBoard

Non-MegaMan => Any Other Business? => Topic started by: Machine Man on 7 December 2007, 22:05:16

Title: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Machine Man on 7 December 2007, 22:05:16
Death Note: I like this anime because it's VERY interesting.

Naruto: I like this anime because it amazingly improves with each season......and because I like Ninjas.

Dragon Ball Z: I like this anime because it's so freaking awesome and the battles are so damn epic.

Inuyasha: I like this anime because of it's action and story.

Eureka 7: I have a liking for romance stories (not the old style romances though) and since this is a very well done romance story, and because it ends the way every romance story should end, (the male and the female getting married) I like this anime.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: guitaristjoe on 7 December 2007, 22:10:42
I like a manga called Sgt. Frog, and I'm pretty sure it was turned into an anime.  That has to be the funniest manga I have ever read.

I used to be a DBZ nerd and still am a little bit.  I've never seen such brutal animation on a children's channel until they aired it on Cartoon Network.

I love BLEACH.  Who doesn't of course, but it is huge with all the anime freaks at my school right now.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Xero on 7 December 2007, 22:10:56
Bobobo for the lulz.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 7 December 2007, 22:12:00
I kinda like One Piece, but I don't watch many anime now a days.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Xero on 7 December 2007, 22:13:01
*Grabs Rock at knifepoint*

Do you by chance happen to be refering to the Japanese version, the Funimation version, or the 4kids version?

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 7 December 2007, 22:15:56
The 4Kids version.


No. The Japanese version and the FUNimation version when they release the uncensored DVDs.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Dr. on 7 December 2007, 22:16:27
First two, Xero.

I like Bleach, Black Cat, Naruto, GTO, Death Note, TMNT, Buso Renkin, and D-Gray Man

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Xero on 7 December 2007, 22:18:00
Good answer.  You live.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Machine Man on 7 December 2007, 22:19:41
The 4Kids version.
The 4kids version of One Piece sucks! I mean, the voice acting is TERRIBLE, the main character makes a grin that will disturb you for life, and basically every character looks like they never eat anything, in other words: THEY'RE TO SKINNY.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Dr. on 7 December 2007, 22:21:53
lol u phail spelin much

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Machine Man on 7 December 2007, 22:27:53
Are you talking to me?

If so, I didn't spell anything in that sentence wrong.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Dr. on 7 December 2007, 22:29:12
Yes, you did.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: preventerWIND on 7 December 2007, 22:30:51
They're = They are

There = Over there

Their = Their pudding


Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Machine Man on 7 December 2007, 22:32:54
I fixed it. Happy now?

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Dr. on 7 December 2007, 22:34:15
Wind: Mount you, I must. And yes I will wear a Yoda costume.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Sub Tank on 7 December 2007, 23:11:32
Angel Blade, because it gives me a special feeling in my pants.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Machine Man on 7 December 2007, 23:12:52
Angel Blade, because it gives me a special feeling in my pants.

I know the characters frequently forget to wear a braw, but you realize you're getting horny off of pieces of paper with drawings on them do you?

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: MOX on 7 December 2007, 23:14:59
Recently I've watched this one series called Haibane Renmei, then after that Welcome to the NHK. I end up watching too many episodes in one day though, LOL.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: guitaristjoe on 7 December 2007, 23:16:37
Angel Blade, because it gives me a special feeling in my pants.

I know one of the characters frequently forgets to wear a braw, but you realize you're getting horny off of pieces of paper with drawings on them.

Well, whatever floats his boat.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: NovaMan XP on 7 December 2007, 23:18:37
... >.>



Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 7 December 2007, 23:19:05
The 4Kids One Peice dub was epic.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Machine Man on 7 December 2007, 23:19:42
Damn! I cant say EWWWWW! without someone telling me I'm acting weird, but someone gets horny off of a cartoon, and no one makes a big deal out of it? WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO?

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: BlackMcJack on 7 December 2007, 23:21:18
I've come to find I don't watch as much anime like X and Dr but I count the Boondocks and Azumanga.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: MOX on 7 December 2007, 23:22:01
Damn! I cant say EWWWWW! without someone telling me I'm acting weird, but someone gets horny off of a cartoon, and no one makes a big deal out of it? WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO?

That kind of response is so played.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: guitaristjoe on 7 December 2007, 23:24:15
Well I think with you it was just giving you a hard time.

If he wants to be a sick little bastard, so be it.  We were all mindless horny little freaks at least once.

If you haven't been...



Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 7 December 2007, 23:24:35
Boondocks is made in America, it's not Anime.
Also, Riley's new catchphrase is starting to piss me off.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Machine Man on 7 December 2007, 23:27:52
If you haven't been...
I used to be like that, just never off of a cartoon.

Anyways, the only thing that’s animeish in Boondocks is the eyes of most of the characters, the comic books aren't magnas.......I think.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: BlackMcJack on 7 December 2007, 23:28:18
Boondocks is made in America, it's not Anime.
Also, Riley's new catchphrase is starting to piss me off.

I see Anime as a styling, much like comic books vs manga.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: guitaristjoe on 7 December 2007, 23:32:22
Well in a literal meaning sense, what really defines the difference between comic and manga?

And graphic novel for that matter?

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Dr. on 7 December 2007, 23:32:35
Anime = short for animation. and I do believe boondocks is animated, correct?

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Sub Tank on 7 December 2007, 23:35:53
I know the characters frequently forget to wear a braw, but you realize you're getting horny off of pieces of paper with drawings on them do you?

No, I didn't.  I never knew that.  Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Dr. on 7 December 2007, 23:37:37
I know the characters frequently forget to wear a braw, but you realize you're getting horny off of pieces of paper with drawings on them do you?

No, I didn't.  I never knew that.  Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

You still want to ##### them, most likely.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: guitaristjoe on 7 December 2007, 23:37:55
Anime = short for animation. and I do believe boondocks is animated, correct?

Boondocks is also on paper.

I used to read it in the Sunday paper every Sunday.  It was my favorite.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Machine Man on 7 December 2007, 23:38:41
Anime = short for animation. and I do believe boondocks is animated, correct?
Notice the "e" at the end of "anime"? If it was short for animation, it would probably be "anima".

Though I may be wrong.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Dr. on 7 December 2007, 23:41:39
Though, anime is typical for japanese animation, it is also the abbreviation of animation.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: preventerWIND on 7 December 2007, 23:41:45
You probably are, I think it is short for animation.

Edit: What Dr. Said.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Sub Tank on 7 December 2007, 23:42:14
You still want to ##### them, most likely.

No way.  I definitely wouldn't want to number sign number sign number sign number sign number sign them!

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Abominator on 7 December 2007, 23:43:19
I really hoped people would have grown out of anime by now...

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Dr. on 7 December 2007, 23:43:58
Don't number sign number sign number sign number sign number sign with me.

Abe: I watch anime, namely because I got nothing better to do except work.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: guitaristjoe on 7 December 2007, 23:44:16
You still want to ##### them, most likely.

No way.  I definitely wouldn't want to number sign number sign number sign number sign number sign them!

That's just dirty, man.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Edgecrusher on 7 December 2007, 23:48:11
Death Note: I enjoyed the first 2/3s of this show due primarily to its moral ambiguity and relentless cat and mousing.

Elfen Lied: The first episode alone was enough to make me love this show.

Ergo Proxy: This one I wasn't expecting to enjoy, but really did. It doesn't offer too much new stuff in the way of cyberpunk, but it raises #####-loads of interesting philosophical questions.

Full Metal Alchemist: I enjoyed this one for the story more than anything else. Every time I started to get little kid vibes from it, someone died a terrible death or there was some sort of hideous suffering monster. I will say this though: Without the addition of the movie, that ending would have been terrible.

Samurai Champloo: This show had great fight scenes. The story left something to be desired, but it's made up for by badassery.

I'm sure there's more, but this is a good start.

I really hoped people would have grown out of anime by now...

I feel the same way about ICP.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 7 December 2007, 23:56:04
I really hoped people would have grown out of anime by now...

Sadly, humanity has chosen a different route.
More and more of America's youth turn into Weaboos everyday.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: guitaristjoe on 7 December 2007, 23:58:47
Well its either Anime or Marijuana with kids now.

In terms of 8th grade and below.

Not saying you're a retard for liking anime.  I like i too.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Edgecrusher on 8 December 2007, 00:00:20
Well its either Anime or Marijuana with kids now.

I prefer both at once. Samurai Champloo on mushrooms is crazy.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Sub Tank on 8 December 2007, 00:08:09
I really hoped people would have grown out of calling all anime collectively bad and childish.  It's such an easy comment to make, I'm not remotely amused by it.

I don't watch the garbage mentioned in this thread, but there's occasionally something good and fresh out there.  I liked those anime movies like Spirited Away and all that stuff.  There's other things too, I just can't think of them right now.  I haven't tried following an anime series in a very long time.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: guitaristjoe on 8 December 2007, 00:12:52
Well the truth is that if you have a life, it is really hard to make every episode of a series every week.

They have very bad times that they air at.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Machine Man on 8 December 2007, 00:14:15
I liked those anime movies like Spirited Away
I loved Spirited away. Loved it. Though some of the characters are REALY ugly.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 8 December 2007, 00:14:51
Okay just to set things straight, I like Anime.
I don't like the fans though.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Sub Tank on 8 December 2007, 00:16:53
I don't like the fans though.

Like all those people with Lucky Star avatars?

I see them everywhere.  I want to stab them in the face, but my monitor is in the way.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 8 December 2007, 00:17:14
Okay just to set things straight, I like Anime.
I don't like the fans though.


Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Machine Man on 8 December 2007, 00:18:12
Theres nothing realy wrong with anime. Though (man, I say "though" way to much.) some of it is corny.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 8 December 2007, 00:18:28
I don't like the fans though.

Like all those people with Lucky Star avatars?

I see them everywhere.  I want to stab them in the face, but my monitor is in the way.

Exactly, I hate Lucky Star also, but that's asides the point.
Lucky Star Fanboys are the lowest forms of life.
I mean, screw Lucky Star, all it ever did was try and be Haruhi.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Sub Tank on 8 December 2007, 00:26:41
Theres nothing realy wrong with anime. Though (man, I say "though" way to much.) some of it is corny.

Too much of it is all the same.  There's too much talking about retarded philosophies, ridiculous face-offs, and discussing moves instead of fighting.  I can't take it.

Usually when anime breaks away from that, I like it.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Machine Man on 8 December 2007, 00:29:26
Too much of it is all the same.  There's too much talking about retarded philosophies, ridiculous face-offs, and discussing moves instead of fighting.  I can't take it.

Usually when anime breaks away from that, I like it.
Thats why Death Note is so awesome, they get to the point.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 8 December 2007, 00:37:41
I can name a bunch of Animes that suck!
Strawberry Panic
One Peice
Lucky Star
Any new Gundam series
Legal Drug
Tokyo Mew Mew
Spider Riders
Powerpuff Girls Z
Prince of Tennis

...I can't think of anymore.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Edgecrusher on 8 December 2007, 00:48:35
I can't believe I forgot this one:


"Roses are red
Violets are blue
This show is about panties"

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Machine Man on 8 December 2007, 00:51:27
The Prince of Tennis is REALY stupid. It's basically showing people destroying evil by beating them in a game of tennis.

WooT! 50th post!!

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Sub Tank on 8 December 2007, 00:53:31
Thats why Death Note is so awesome, they get to the point.

I saw the first episode, and that was kind of neat.  But from what I understand, the rest is just a bunch of logic battles. Watching anime characters philosophize about the silliest things in the most dramatic way possible is something I dislike.  I don't mind a villain monologuing for a while or something along those lines, but anything more is too much.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 8 December 2007, 00:55:33
No dude, they do everything in the most Dramatic way, have you seen Light write?

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Edgecrusher on 8 December 2007, 00:56:17
If it doesn't make me think, it's boring.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Machine Man on 8 December 2007, 00:58:59
No dude, they do everything in the most Dramatic way, have you seen Light write?
But he's wrighting in a note book that will cause the death of someone, and that pretty dramatic.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Sub Tank on 8 December 2007, 00:59:37
I like things that make me think too, but anime often makes me ponder stupid things.

I'll have to check Death Note out before I pass judgement on it.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Machine Man on 8 December 2007, 01:01:04
I'll have to check Death Note out before I pass judgement on it.
Thats a smart thing to do.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Dr. on 8 December 2007, 01:07:03
Go back to /b/.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Sub Tank on 8 December 2007, 01:09:29
I prefer /d/, myself.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Machine Man on 8 December 2007, 01:28:08
Where can I find the english dub of Naruto Sippuuden?

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Lunchebox on 8 December 2007, 02:42:31
Couple of fun facts:

- In a survey done a couple years ago in Japan, Tom and Jerry placed number 1 on Japan's top 100 favorite Anime of all Time.

- Anime is actually a French word.

My favorite Japanese comic is probably Lupin the Third. Most of the stories are unrelated, but awesome.

I don't know what my favorite Japanese cartoon is.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Johncarllos on 8 December 2007, 02:43:17
Johnny likes Japanese versions of the following.
1 peace
yoyo hakushow

'nd engrish of G Gundam 'n' DBZ
Yay for being a loser in my post.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Dr. on 8 December 2007, 02:44:11
Where can I find the english dub of Naruto Sippuuden?

You #####ing tool.

And Subby. <334

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Lunchebox on 8 December 2007, 02:49:38
You know what? ##### it. I like Dragon Ball Z. It was a damn good show, until the Namek saga took three years.

It was a fun show. Even the lack luster arcs after Namek had some good points.


The Great Saiya Man
Mr. Satan
Buu (All versions)
Mr. Satan
That one where all the villains team up in Hell
Mr. Satan
That gay guy that Trunks fights at the end of the show
Mr. Satan
Mr. Satan.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Yubi Shines on 8 December 2007, 04:03:31
I have a guilty enjoyment in Magic Knight Rayearth, even though it's a magic girl anime, that ends (sort of) in a giant mecha fight, and with retarded romances all over the place.

It's probably all Mokona's fault. Bastard puffball thing. Or how Umi seems to headbutt everything in the SNES game.

Also, Revolutionary Girl Utena, despite (or because of) it being the most confusing, symbol-packed mindbugger thing ever.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Dr. on 8 December 2007, 04:04:16
Creepy, yubi. Just creepy.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Rahvin on 8 December 2007, 04:30:30
I just recently finished Fate/Stay Night which wasn't bad.... Before that it was Claymore. Though I really like Solty Rei a lot. The biggest reason being: Roy Revant is the Bruce Willis of anime. I'm going to try and pick up Ergo Proxy sometime....but recently the only time I have is later at night when I'm tired and just want to relax and screw around (play Mass Effect right now...great game) a bit before I go to bed and get up early for work... and Ergo Proxy is not an anime to watch when you're as worn out as I am at the time...

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Mikero on 8 December 2007, 04:51:39
Recently I've watched this one series called Haibane Renmei, then after that Welcome to the NHK. I end up watching too many episodes in one day though, LOL.

Haibane rules. It's by ABe [sic] (can't put his last name in, it bleeps) who did my favourite anime;

Serial Experiments Lain.

I don't watch anime anymore though. Well, sort of.

Okay just to set things straight, I like Anime.
I don't like the fans though.


I liked those anime movies like Spirited Away

Miyazaki films are some of the only anime that actually have good animation.

Though, anime is typical for japanese animation, it is also the abbreviation of animation.

No, it isn't. It strictly refers to asian animation.

Anime = short for animation. and I do believe boondocks is animated, correct?

Boondocks is also on paper.

I used to read it in the Sunday paper every Sunday.  It was my favorite.

If it's animated then it's still on paper, dumbass. Even computer animation; Flash or 3D (neither of which apply to Boondocks), has a large portion of the work done on paper.

I feel the same way about ICP.

Faggy 2 Dope and Silent Gay?

Disclaimer: I've never really listened to ICP I just like the nameplay.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Sub Tank on 8 December 2007, 05:04:32
I was waiting for someone to point that out the entire thread.  Who the hell calls Boondocks and TMNT anime?

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Lunchebox on 8 December 2007, 05:13:55
I was waiting for someone to point that out the entire thread.  Who the hell calls Boondocks and TMNT anime?

The kind of people that would be picked off by larger predators in a more Darwinian society?

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Mikero on 8 December 2007, 05:14:24
People who think a design style defines an animation style and geographical origin.

On that note, Avatar: The Last Airbender is not an anime.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 8 December 2007, 05:19:39
On that note, Martin Mystery and Totally Spies are also not anime.
Neither is Megas XLR or Thunder Cats, trust me, it needs to be said, people have told me Thunder Cats is an anime before.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: KPL on 8 December 2007, 11:56:17
I've started watching about 1,5 years ago, starting with Naruto.

I've seen quite a few.

Death Note, because everybody said I should. Pretty awesome.
Samurai Champloo / Cowboy Bebop, because again I was told they'd be pretty neato. And they were.
Claymore, just because we had seen practically everything. And it's one of the best i've seen, if not THE best i've seen so far.
Full Metal Panic / no Shana, pretty neat.
Code Geass, because the tempo is so fast and the plottwists are... unbelievable.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Kamon on 8 December 2007, 13:34:33
Samurai Champloo - badass fights, need I say more.
Ninja Scroll - The movie is awesome and the series did pretty well trying to match it.
Ghost in the Shell - Love the movies, love the series. Tachikoma rule.
Full Metal Panic - The main series has a good plot, and Fumoffu is just totally nuts.
Guyver - The old school stuff is great, if a little cheesy, and the update is still fairly accurate and enjoyable.
Teknoman - really cheesy, but very similar to Guyver.
King of Bandit Jing - Not really sure how to describe this one.
Chrono Crusade - It has a good plot, even if it does kick you in the teeth at a few points.
Excel Saga - It's just so insane it's fantastic.
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 - babes in battle suits, what's not to love?

I think that covers the basics.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Aresian on 8 December 2007, 13:40:51
Death Note: I like this anime because it's VERY interesting.

Naruto: I like this anime because it amazingly improves with each season......and because I like Ninjas.

Dragon Ball Z: I like this anime because it's so freaking awesome and the battles are so damn epic.

Inuyasha: I like this anime because of it's action and story.

Eureka 7: I have a liking for romance stories (not the old style romances though) and since this is a very well done romance story, and because it ends the way every romance story should end, (the male and the female getting married) I like this anime.

You sound so... generic. I suggest watching something other than what America gives you sometime. Matter of fact, go watch some subbed stuff.


I have quite a list of shows, so I'll dumb it down to five.

Card Captor Sakura: First thing I watched, wish I could unwatch the first time I watched it, due to the horrific dubbing (I'm sorry, but cutting out 1/4 of the episodes and rearranging what order they are in is pathetic). It was a beautiful show with plenty of fun emotions and had an interesting assortment of characters. Not to mention the taboos that were in the story intrigued me alot, especially at that age when I was supposed to be blinded to such things. Fun times were had with this one.

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha (All Seasons): Mmm... The series that revived the magical girl fan in me. I'll have to thank SB personally for this one, of course, since he directed me to the series. It had everything that CCS didn't and then some, it was exciting, explosive, teary eyed fun and of course there was fanservice of a... special variety, especially in the first two seasons.

Gundam SEED/Destiny: Lolololol, those who have seen it, I expect to hear lots of annoyance from you people. Loved it, great animation... even with the reused scenes, awesome robot designs and the most hacked character in any show, Kira "Jesus" Yamato. Between him and Shinn, lulz ensued over the net.

Code Geass: #####, I blame Ben/Saber from RPM over this one. He made me watch it and then I was addicted to the awesomeness that is Zero. Excellent plot twists (as mentioned earlier in topic), excellent animation and art, fun and interesting characters and a twisted storyline. The mechs aren't half bad either.

This last one is hard, but I'll pick Shakugan no Shana this time, instead of FMA.

Shana: It has an interesting world, with equally entertaining characters, a intriguing love triangle and even had some incest, lulz. Action sequences, when they occur, are really nicely done by my opinion and Shana is just one kickass loli.

Chrono Crusade - It has a good plot, even if it does kick you in the teeth at a few points.
Excel Saga - It's just so insane it's fantastic.
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 - babes in battle suits, what's not to love?

Finally, someone else that has actually watched Chrno Crusade and Bubblegum Crisis. Man... I need to watch both of them again. Excel Saga is also delicious. XD

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Kamon on 8 December 2007, 13:47:23
I forgot two for my list. Najica Blitz Tactics. It's like Bond, but with pantieshots out the wazoo. The entire anime may as well be fanservice, and the plot was fairly sound...if you're not too distracted that is.

Mezzo DSA - you have to see this to believe it. It's short, but well worth watching.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Aresian on 8 December 2007, 13:55:29
I forgot two for my list. Najica Blitz Tactics. It's like Bond, but with pantieshots out the wazoo. The entire anime may as well be fanservice, and the plot was fairly sound...if you're not too distracted that is.

Mezzo DSA - you have to see this to believe it. It's short, but well worth watching.

Hmm, never heard of the first one, but Mezzo DSA was good stuff. *nods*

I'll check out this... Najica Blitz Tactics, even if I'm not really that big on fanservice. (unless it's of a... certain variety.)

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Chron on 8 December 2007, 14:32:45
I haven't been into this for a while, but I liked a bunch of the older stuff.
Most recent thing I like is Azumanga Daioh, and even then that was like the last of the last.

Gotta love Outlaw Star and The Slayers.

For anything new that catches my interests...
... maybe Welcome to NHK or Death Note, I suppose.

Lucky Star tries to be Azumanga and fails.
Naruto is just Dragon Ball Z with ninja, as I've said before.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Aresian on 8 December 2007, 14:45:36
I haven't been into this for a while, but I liked a bunch of the older stuff.
Gotta love Outlaw Star and The Slayers.

Thanks, another show that had to be mentioned.

Slayers, any of em really... I prefer Next simply because it was the one I was most into, even if Philia didn't enter the scene till Try.

Outlaw Star was also decent. It was the "other" Cowboy Bebop, I like to say... even though I think Outlaw Star was made before Cowboy Bebop... not sure.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Chron on 8 December 2007, 15:54:15
Doesn't matter, both are good.

I've only seen The Slayers, out of those, so I have no idea what the others are like.
Although I've heard from a reliable source they are not worth my time.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Aresian on 8 December 2007, 16:29:18
Doesn't matter, both are good.

I've only seen The Slayers, out of those, so I have no idea what the others are like.
Although I've heard from a reliable source they are not worth my time.

Hmm. I beg to differ. Next and Try were fundamentally superior to the first season.

But hey, to each their own, no? Either way, if you get the random chance down the road, give it a shot, you might like what you see.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Dr. on 8 December 2007, 16:50:21
Typical Ares. :)

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Lunchebox on 8 December 2007, 17:08:36
Death Note: I like this anime because it's VERY interesting.

Naruto: I like this anime because it amazingly improves with each season......and because I like Ninjas.

Dragon Ball Z: I like this anime because it's so freaking awesome and the battles are so damn epic.

Inuyasha: I like this anime because of it's action and story.

Eureka 7: I have a liking for romance stories (not the old style romances though) and since this is a very well done romance story, and because it ends the way every romance story should end, (the male and the female getting married) I like this anime.

You sound so... generic. I suggest watching something other than what America gives you sometime. Matter of fact, go watch some subbed stuff.


I have quite a list of shows, so I'll dumb it down to five.

Card Captor Sakura: First thing I watched, wish I could unwatch the first time I watched it, due to the horrific dubbing (I'm sorry, but cutting out 1/4 of the episodes and rearranging what order they are in is pathetic). It was a beautiful show with plenty of fun emotions and had an interesting assortment of characters. Not to mention the taboos that were in the story intrigued me alot, especially at that age when I was supposed to be blinded to such things. Fun times were had with this one.

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha (All Seasons): Mmm... The series that revived the magical girl fan in me. I'll have to thank SB personally for this one, of course, since he directed me to the series. It had everything that CCS didn't and then some, it was exciting, explosive, teary eyed fun and of course there was fanservice of a... special variety, especially in the first two seasons.

Gundam SEED/Destiny: Lolololol, those who have seen it, I expect to hear lots of annoyance from you people. Loved it, great animation... even with the reused scenes, awesome robot designs and the most hacked character in any show, Kira "Jesus" Yamato. Between him and Shinn, lulz ensued over the net.

Code Geass: #####, I blame Ben/Saber from RPM over this one. He made me watch it and then I was addicted to the awesomeness that is Zero. Excellent plot twists (as mentioned earlier in topic), excellent animation and art, fun and interesting characters and a twisted storyline. The mechs aren't half bad either.

This last one is hard, but I'll pick Shakugan no Shana this time, instead of FMA.

Shana: It has an interesting world, with equally entertaining characters, a intriguing love triangle and even had some incest, lulz. Action sequences, when they occur, are really nicely done by my opinion and Shana is just one kickass loli.

Chrono Crusade - It has a good plot, even if it does kick you in the teeth at a few points.
Excel Saga - It's just so insane it's fantastic.
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 - babes in battle suits, what's not to love?

Finally, someone else that has actually watched Chrno Crusade and Bubblegum Crisis. Man... I need to watch both of them again. Excel Saga is also delicious. XD

Protip: Anime sucks.

Nah, I'm just joshing.

I'm still feeling the backlash from my weeaboo phase.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Aresian on 8 December 2007, 17:22:27
Typical Ares. :)

Naturally. I don't change, I evolve. XD

Protip: Anime sucks.

Nah, I'm just joshing.

I'm still feeling the backlash from my weeaboo phase.

It's sad you know. There aren't very many "decent" Anime fans. I think that's what's killing the thing altogether... that and the release after release of rehashed Anime ideas every season. It's sad honestly, that it breeds less and less intelligent fans (Wind) and utter assholes.

Ever so briefly, sometimes I feel ashamed to like Anime, or watch certain shows. Like Gundam SEED for example... good god the fans are such dumbasses.

*shrugs* Alas, it's a moot point honestly.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 8 December 2007, 17:39:10
Ares, your list didn't have Haruhi on it, what's up?

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Aresian on 8 December 2007, 17:47:56
Ares, your list didn't have Haruhi on it, what's up?

As I said. I couldn't be asked to list off every show I like. That'd be retarded, it'd be too long. I just listed five of my favorites that came to mind instantly.

Haruhi is definately on my list of favorites. It touched me in a way only one other show has...

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 8 December 2007, 18:07:26
Do you need one of those courtroom dolls?

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Orange Devil on 8 December 2007, 18:22:39
I used to be way into anime, and the older I get the more I hate it. I want to like it- but I see all these young Naruto DeviantART fans and things like that. It just turns me off so much.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Xearez on 8 December 2007, 20:08:54
I think naruto is o.k the only problem i have with it is they wast too much time talking.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Mikero on 8 December 2007, 20:13:57
Naruto sucks the bag.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Kamon on 8 December 2007, 20:16:35
I watched 2 episodes of the subbed version once. I fell asleep after that, in the middle of the afternoon.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Orange Devil on 8 December 2007, 20:24:28
Anime fans ruin anime for me. I know that sounds lame, but that's how it is.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 8 December 2007, 20:26:42
Anime fans ruin anime for me. I know that sounds lame, but that's how it is.

It's true, for the most part.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Orange Devil on 8 December 2007, 20:27:19
The next person I see wearing cat ears IRL is going to get punched.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Kamon on 8 December 2007, 20:27:53
Unless it's an anime convention.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Orange Devil on 8 December 2007, 20:29:18
Well I will NEVAR go to an anime convention, so it shouldn't be an issue.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Kamon on 8 December 2007, 20:31:09
Some fans at conventions don't take showers...

I hate crowds, somebody's not wearing deoderant.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Orange Devil on 8 December 2007, 20:32:12
Some fans at conventions don't take showers and wear cat ears.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Mikero on 8 December 2007, 20:32:24
My boss bout a fox toque, and it has fox ears of course. But it's cool, because it's a grown man and he's a big fat white guy and he's not an anime freak like that. He's awesome.

Conventions suck, anime-wise.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: BlackMcJack on 8 December 2007, 20:50:47
I've always wanted to go to a convention, but between me, Dr, X, and the myriad of our twisted friends they kick us out before we got to the door.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 8 December 2007, 21:07:41
Conventions are only fun if you go around trolling.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: MOX on 8 December 2007, 23:21:46

Haibane rules. It's by ABe [sic] (can't put his last name in, it bleeps) who did my favourite anime;

Serial Experiments Lain.

I saw Lain awhile ago. I liked Lain a lot too, though to be honest (probably just didnt pay attention enough) I had to re-watch one of the episodes to fully understand it, but it was great. I watched Haibane because I heard it was done by the same guy who did Lain.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Yubi Shines on 8 December 2007, 23:47:40
Anime fans ruin anime for me. I know that sounds lame, but that's how it is.

It's true, for the most part.

Tell me about it. It applies to every fandom. Deviantart idiots have ruined Sonic the Hedgehog for me utterly.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Dr. on 8 December 2007, 23:49:21
You can't be #####ing serious.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Yubi Shines on 8 December 2007, 23:51:27
I'd link you to examples, but I think that'd get me banned from everywhere.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Dr. on 8 December 2007, 23:54:23
Please don't. I happen to love sonic.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Orange Devil on 9 December 2007, 00:12:53
It's the same people. Trust me. The sonic furry fans are the same people that wear cat tails to school.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Speed Racer on 9 December 2007, 00:52:00
Akira: For many of us, this movie is where it all began. Akira was my first shot at mature, violent anime, and it's one of those movies that you'll never forget. Crazy how the animation from 1988 STILL looks better than some of the anime coming out today.

Blue Submarine No. 6: The storyline gets weird towards the end, but the designs are cool. But the best part about this series is the music, provided by The Thrill. The band's super-cool jazz music has an ocean feel to it that makes it worth blowing $60 for the two CDs.

Cowboy Bebop: The soundtrack by Yoko Kanno and The Seatbelts are great enough, but the badass characters and storytelling are second to none.

Fist of the North Star: The original movie is where it's at, with people screaming, brains exploding, fists punching at insane speeds, and enough blood pouring out of the main characters to supply any blood bank crisis. Bruce Lee wishes he could have been this good.

Gantz: Nothin' wrong with a bit of the ol' ultra-violence.

Golgo 13: Japan's answer to James Bond, and he's so much more kickass. Lacking any emotion, Golgo 13 is the baddest mother#####er to ever grace the pages of manga. The storylines are always cool (I love how they weave in and out of current events), and the movies are plenty awesome.

Gundam Wing: Looking back, the dubbing was horrendous for the first few episodes and characters act rather out-of-character, but once everything gets grounded and going, the series rocks. Plenty of political intrigue, action, and Gundams to go around.

The Guyver: Ultra-violent and ultra-cool, this alien suit superhero kicks major ass. I couldn't believe what I was seeing the first time that I watched the series, with Gregol getting his neck snapped and a ton of blood gushing out of his mouth. Not a great series (I haven't seen the new one yet), but it's definitely awesome.

Outlaw Star: Happy-go-lucky space action series that has a decent storyline, cool action, and awesome ships.

Shin-chan: I've never seen the Japanese dub, but the American dub is absolutely hilarious. For once, localization works.

Speed Racer: It wasn't until one night that I got sick with the flu and went downstairs to watch some TV at 3:30 AM on Cartoon Network. The title song came on, and I was immediately hooked with my first outing "The Car with a Brain, Part 2". The animation isn't great by today's standards, the dubbing is hilarious because it had to be rewritten and sometimes sped up so it could match the animation, but it's one of the first. Thanks to shows like Speed Racer, Gigantor, Astro Boy and Kimba, we've got the titles that we enjoy today. Know your roots.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Kamon on 9 December 2007, 00:57:33
Shin-chan: I've never seen the Japanese dub, but the American dub is absolutely hilarious. For once, localization works.
I'm a fan of the earlier dubbing, done years before the Funimation version. I don't mind the Funimation version tho, it has some classic moments in it.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 9 December 2007, 01:34:43
Anime fans ruin anime for me. I know that sounds lame, but that's how it is.

It's true, for the most part.

Tell me about it. It applies to every fandom. Deviantart idiots have ruined Sonic the Hedgehog for me utterly.

Sonic's terrible games are what ruined him for me.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Chron on 9 December 2007, 04:18:39
They stopped being good after S3&K.
If you agree with me, Sano, you get Chronopoints.
They are redeemable for air.

Air is a priceless commodity, since most people need air to breathe.
There are some people who don't need air to breathe.
These people are either dead or breathe water, but I don't think there are people who breathe water, except for mermaids, but they aren't real.

If mermaids were real, and we're talking about the Disney sort, I would totally hit Ariel like the fist of an angry god.
They aren't real though, so I guess that's not happening.

I forgot to mention Dragon Half earlier. That is beauty beyond compare.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Lunchebox on 9 December 2007, 04:33:41
Typical Ares. :)

Naturally. I don't change, I evolve. XD

Protip: Anime sucks.

Nah, I'm just joshing.

I'm still feeling the backlash from my weeaboo phase.

It's sad you know. There aren't very many "decent" Anime fans. I think that's what's killing the thing altogether... that and the release after release of rehashed Anime ideas every season. It's sad honestly, that it breeds less and less intelligent fans (Wind) and utter assholes.

Ever so briefly, sometimes I feel ashamed to like Anime, or watch certain shows. Like Gundam SEED for example... good god the fans are such dumbasses.

*shrugs* Alas, it's a moot point honestly.

I think what's killing Anime for me is that some of them either are way too short, or go on much longer than they should. There have been few times where I've watched a show and go "That left me satisfied".

And Gundam SEED is terrible.

G Gundam all the way.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: ChaosVortex on 9 December 2007, 05:31:15
I think what's killing Anime for me is that some of them either are way too short, or go on much longer than they should.

Two of my favorite animes fall into that category. The Dragon Ball series and Yu-Gi-Oh! series.

For DBZ, it ended perfectly and should have never spawned GT.

Yu-Gi-Oh! should've ended a little after Battle City, but we got the whole "seal of orichalcos" ##### to deal with and a bunch of other unneccessary fillers (Not to mention the steaming pile that is GX).

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Lunchebox on 9 December 2007, 06:02:29
I think what's killing Anime for me is that some of them either are way too short, or go on much longer than they should.

Two of my favorite animes fall into that category. The Dragon Ball series and Yu-Gi-Oh! series.

For DBZ, it ended perfectly and should have never spawned GT.

Yu-Gi-Oh! should've ended a little after Battle City, but we got the whole "seal of orichalcos" ##### to deal with and a bunch of other unneccessary fillers (Not to mention the steaming pile that is GX).

Toriyama WAS going to end the series after the Namek/Freiza saga (Hence why it was so OVER THE TOP AND HOLY ##### WHAT THE HELL). Then he was pressured into doing more arcs, which I felt were a bit forced and boring, with elements of win here and there.

When Yu-Gi-Oh became all about those gay little cards, that's when I stopped caring.

There used to be a variety of games, and dark Yugi used to #####ing kill people.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Kamon on 9 December 2007, 13:58:18
I forgot to mention Dragon Half earlier. That is beauty beyond compare.

I wish they'd made more than 2 episodes.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: ChaosVortex on 9 December 2007, 14:29:10
Toriyama WAS going to end the series after the Namek/Freiza saga (Hence why it was so OVER THE TOP AND HOLY ##### WHAT THE HELL). Then he was pressured into doing more arcs, which I felt were a bit forced and boring, with elements of win here and there.

When Yu-Gi-Oh became all about those gay little cards, that's when I stopped caring.

There used to be a variety of games, and dark Yugi used to #####ing kill people.

I wanted more out of DBZ after Namek, and I kinda expected it to end with Cell. It kept going and although sometimes to an extreme (A villan that turns others into candy), the Buu saga kept my attention as well. After that, I really didn't want to see anything get topped over that and so the series ended. GT then was released and held no interest what-so-ever.

There's still guns and ##### in some of the Japanese episodes, but the whole story behind Yu-Gi-Oh! was for the Pharaoh to find out his hidden past which was SUPPOSED to take place after he defeated Marik in Battle City, but a bunch of random ##### happened and we had more random villans popping out of nowhere. Even AFTER the stupid orichalcos bit, they finally started working on revealing Yami Yugi's past but it dragged on for so long.

And I did watch the earlier Yu-Gi-Oh! series. It's alright when it's not card-related. Yami is cooler in that series, and Kaiba has green hair!

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Chron on 9 December 2007, 15:03:59
I forgot to mention Dragon Half earlier. That is beauty beyond compare.

I wish they'd made more than 2 episodes.

What great episodes they were, though.
I think there's a manga. No idea what it's like though.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Kamon on 9 December 2007, 15:05:54
There is a manga, and from what I hear it's every bit as insane as the anime. Worse even.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: KPL on 10 December 2007, 20:46:52
Akira: For many of us, this movie is where it all began. Akira was my first shot at mature, violent anime, and it's one of those movies that you'll never forget. Crazy how the animation from 1988 STILL looks better than some of the anime coming out today.

Cowboy Bebop: The soundtrack by Yoko Kanno and The Seatbelts are great enough, but the badass characters and storytelling are second to none.

Shin-chan: I've never seen the Japanese dub, but the American dub is absolutely hilarious. For once, localization works.

I have to slap myself for not mentioning these beauties of anime's.. I'm sorry.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Johncarllos on 11 December 2007, 02:49:29
I add to my list:
The Guyver: good fights and alien suits and crap (thanks Speed Racer)
Betterman: Watched it late at night on Tech TV for months, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
FLCL: duh
Golden Boy: piss your pants funny.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Xzeemo on 11 December 2007, 02:57:26


>.> Now that that's out of the way. I actually do like the Naruto manga, it's alright at times. Otherwise I like Buso Renkin, Kenshin, D. N. Angel, Trigun, Shaman King. I stop by my bookstore every now and then to read some. Haven't had time lately though :( I'm still trying to find more that I'd like.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: TheOnly on 15 December 2007, 06:52:20
GTO (the live action is cool too), Naruto Shippuden, Bleach, and RahXephon.

Why: They are animes that I've always loved.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Aeon on 15 December 2007, 07:27:41
People have told me Thunder Cats is an anime before.

I remember that. =/

Anyways, list:

Haruhi Suzumiya
Elfen Lied
Girl Meets Girl

In that order.

Why? Because they're both cute and awesome/sadistic.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 15 December 2007, 23:18:13
Can you try not to remember stuff from MG, and stop bringing up things from MG, and maybe go back to MG.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Wizkid on 15 December 2007, 23:23:37
Mine is Naruto and then comes digimon savers. :)

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Mikero on 16 December 2007, 02:37:29
*sigh* Children...

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 16 December 2007, 06:01:23
Where? I hate Children? I want to stomp on their heads!

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: preventerWIND on 16 December 2007, 06:05:44
Higurashi is damn stupid, it's all about torture and some girls who never know when to SHUT THE ##### UP. Seriously, the laugh is annoying.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 16 December 2007, 06:08:22
Yeah, Higurashi is pretty much just like School Days.
Lots of boring violence, lots of blood, lots of stupid.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: orclev on 16 December 2007, 06:25:57
I like Sailormoon...but only in the original, uncut Japanese.  The dub changes SO MUCH -- even their personalities sometimes.  It's really good as a series though, because if you watch the whole thing through, you can see just how much Usagi (and the others, but mainly Usagi) grows up.  <3

I also like Yoroiden Samurai Troopers, otherwise known as Ronin Warriors.  I have no real preference between dubbed and subbed, because there are some things I like better in both, although I do think the Japanese version is much prettier, because sometimes in the English dub version it's like they just don't know when to shut up. (Like if there was originally a scene that was just dead silence to set a mood....they'll add talking to it.  Boo.)

I also really enjoyed Gundam Wing, but I haven't seen it in a really, really long time!!  And I've only ever seen it in English...I really wonder what it's like in Japanese.  O.o

I sort of have an interest in getting into Full Metal Panic! as well, because I've seen the first five or so episodes of that, and it was pretty interesting...

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Mikero on 16 December 2007, 06:30:03
I liked Sailor Moon when I a kid, I admit. And it was the dub. And I didn't know it was different. And it was only the Queen Beril first series stuff. And I never cared, it was good anyway.

Full Metal Panic is pretty cool. I only saw one ep though.

Gundam Wing is the best Gundam, I think. Of the ones I've seen anyway. It's the only one I can take seriously. SEED was OK but I've ever seen it on TV here and the dub is horrible, and the show seems boring. It seems a lot more of a drama than Wing.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 16 December 2007, 06:37:37
Did anybody not like Sailor Moon when they were a kid, seriously? I think most of us can admit to that sin.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Mikero on 16 December 2007, 06:41:45
No boys here did, publically anyway. It was "for girls". Years later I'd find out that most of us secretly watched it.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: preventerWIND on 16 December 2007, 06:42:42
I admit watching a bit, didn't appeal to me, but my babysiters kid was a maniac for it, as in he had the dolls and the little moon wands and crap..

wait a minute..

That kid still has my Ninjor toy....

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Mikero on 16 December 2007, 06:52:32
That kid needs a strong male figure in his life. Is the babysitter hot?

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: preventerWIND on 16 December 2007, 06:57:19

It was a family.. and she was 40 back then.

Whatever Mike, do what you want, but try and get my Ninjor toy back k?

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 16 December 2007, 07:10:24
I admit watching a bit, didn't appeal to me, but my babysiters kid was a maniac for it, as in he had the dolls and the little moon wands and crap..

Is this kid by chance gay?

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: preventerWIND on 16 December 2007, 07:17:20
He was 4, I don't know.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Mikero on 16 December 2007, 07:30:56

It was a family.. and she was 40 back then.

Whatever Mike, do what you want, but try and get my Ninjor toy back k?

All you said was the babysitter's kid was nutty for SailorStuff. That tells me two things;

A) The kid needs a man to look up to in his life. And,
B) The babysitter puts out.

So, if you said she was hot I'd think about going over there.

These days you never know how old a girl is just because she has a baby.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: MOX on 16 December 2007, 07:59:25
There was a 17 year old in my school who has a baby..LOL.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Mikero on 16 December 2007, 08:07:58
That's not funny at all, man.

At best, either the mother or the kid is gonna have a suck life for like another 15 years. Or they both will.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Yubi Shines on 16 December 2007, 08:57:34
Is she just pregnant, or does she actually have a kid already?

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: CM on 16 December 2007, 09:21:05
Death Note

Because it's about killing people. The protagonist in the story is the bad guy. And the story is so gripping you're held till the next episode begging for more.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: KPL on 16 December 2007, 13:54:45
If killing people is what you like about an anime, check Code Geass. There are quite a few people that will lose they're lives, and Lelouche is a pretty damn smart guy, too.

Title: Re: Your favorite animes, and why you like them
Post by: Speed Racer on 16 December 2007, 14:32:53
Did anybody not like Sailor Moon when they were a kid, seriously? I think most of us can admit to that sin.

I watched a couple of episodes and thought that it was complete crap. There were better things to be watching before I went off to middle school like Dragon Ball Z.

...and Pokemon. T_T