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Non-MegaMan => Non-MegaMan Games => Topic started by: Mikero on 20 July 2009, 08:28:42

Title: William and Sly
Post by: Mikero on 20 July 2009, 08:28:42

This is like Ecco the Dolphin..
...If Ecco the Dolphin wasn't insanely frustrating.

Title: Re: William and Sly
Post by: NovaMan XP on 20 July 2009, 08:47:39
Played it a bit.

I might actually try playing this some more later.

Title: Re: William and Sly
Post by: Mikero on 20 July 2009, 09:41:41
I liked it 'nuff. It's not hard or complicated but it's well made and a decent distraction.

Title: Re: William and Sly
Post by: Johncarllos on 20 July 2009, 23:59:42
I played it and beat it.

Fun game.

I'm surprised it took me so long to figure out the pattern of the boss. durr.

Title: Re: William and Sly
Post by: Mikero on 21 July 2009, 00:55:37
I guess if you move around too much it would take a while to figure out...
... I don't know. It was pretty simple. But apparently it was a lot harder to figure out originally and the author had to update the game.

Title: Re: William and Sly
Post by: Johncarllos on 21 July 2009, 02:03:38
I did read that.

I was moving a LOT.

Title: Re: William and Sly
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 21 July 2009, 06:02:07
It also made me think of Fable 2 for some reason.

Title: Re: William and Sly
Post by: ChaosVortex on 22 July 2009, 00:35:32
Yeah, took me a while to realize the pattern. I was like, "Geeze, this boss is kinda smart..." until I realized it.

That was fun and well designed. I like these kind of games.

Title: Re: William and Sly
Post by: ASR on 22 July 2009, 01:07:21
I hated it because I hate things sometimes.

Title: Re: William and Sly
Post by: Johncarllos on 22 July 2009, 01:21:50
The boss is so darned easy once you figure it out though.

Title: Re: William and Sly
Post by: ASR on 22 July 2009, 01:57:05
I kind of want to play it just to see what the hell the boss is, but I got so bored that I don't want to play it just as much as I want to, which is resulting in some odd sort of limbo where the first option is winning and thus it's not really a limbo.

Title: Re: William and Sly
Post by: Johncarllos on 22 July 2009, 02:13:04
Just run to the right. Non stop.


Title: Re: William and Sly
Post by: Mikero on 22 July 2009, 05:09:17
I don't see how it's THAT boring, it's not even long enough for me to actually get bored and you end up passing by stuff at the start that you'll be able to get to later when you hit certain switches and get wings.

I figure if you think it's boring you either have the brain of a 2 year old or you're ASR.

Title: Re: William and Sly
Post by: Johncarllos on 22 July 2009, 05:12:45
I love the wings.

Title: Re: William and Sly
Post by: ASR on 22 July 2009, 15:43:23
I think I just don't like foxes that take so long to land after a jump.

Title: Re: William and Sly
Post by: Mikero on 22 July 2009, 21:40:09
I had to change to a newer computer to play it, because it was way to slow on this one.