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1  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Super Mario Maker 2 Level Drop Thread on: 1 July 2019, 13:02:55
To anyone who owns  Super Mario Maker 2, drop your levels here.

I remade Heat Man's Stage from Mega Man 2.
2  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Mega Maker on: 16 July 2017, 10:20:44
I didn't see this topic here, so I'm dropping it for you guys in case you're unaware.

Mega Man has a "Mario Maker" equivalent made by the fans.

Download it. Play it now.

I'm also streaming it on my twitch under my modern name "Lulladin". Me and Fatso were playing it the day of release yesterday. It's pretty good, although a few bugs here and there.
3  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / I don't know the answer to this... on: 27 February 2012, 00:37:11
Please answer this, I don't get it and I must know or else it's going to drive me mad.

I've asked people out of shyness but then they tell me they don't know either! I'm not the only one!

Google won't even answer me! It just gives me tips about how to operate a grill!

Someone please tell me why people find it funny when I ask them if they want their buns toasted!?!
4  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Help me. I wanna play games and Im an idiot on: 21 December 2011, 06:48:27
I wanna play games while recording them and do lets plays. I downloaded a thing for Fraps but it still requires the full software, so I downloaded Camstudio and it won't save my video file, and so I downloaded WeGame and I don't know what the heck I have to do to operate it and now I have to call a Taksi and I JUST DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ANYMORE.

yeah, help? I think some of you guys have done Lets plays. I wanna try doing good quality stuff.

NO DUMB HYPERCAM. I wanna do games on web browsers and softwares.
5  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Epidemic: Friendship is Magic on: 22 June 2011, 00:14:50
Haven't been around a whole lot but I know quite some people who are actually hooked on this show, and I'll proudly spill the beans on this: I'm one of them.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

I want all of you hooked too.

And if you're not willing to cooperate, that's alright, I'll love you anyway.

Basically, I'm gonna lay down these few links here, and the rest of you can discuss.

If you want to view the show, it airs on The Hub, but you can access it easier on the internet through Youtube for example. It's done by the same people who did Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home, so you can already get an idea that this isn't going to be junk.

If you want a video-based summary of the show, here is an Oral Presentation describing the show.

MLP:FiM is also now a meme status:

You can view all the episodes of Season 1 here. You can subscribe to them on Youtube as well. They are currently also planning on a Season 2.
MLP:FiM Episode Channel

As for all the haters out there, here is a recent radio broadcast talking about the popularity. Any male fan of the show is considered a "brony", and you can listen to the ridicule here:

Here is my comment on that video (which has received a lot of thumbs up):
"This whole video is just... ignorance. Just pure ignorance. You judge a book by it's cover, and you can't even say "4Chan" right. Heck, they didn't even know what 4Chan was?

Let's judge and make fun of someone for liking a show that's targeted for little girls without even doing any form of research as to WHY such a large male audience is hooked on it. And let's not even get the courage to watch an episode out of fairness.

I love MLP:FiM & proud to say it. Everything else on TV is crap anyway."

Other popular videos:
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Physics Presentation
My Little Pony: Fighting is Magic - A Fan Game
Equestria Girls and an extended version for the insane

The above fan game I sent to JosephCollins, who's also a brony. His reaction? "I just crit my pants."

EDIT: Fixed 'epidemic'. Gave me eye cancer. ~WS
6  MegaMan Series / X Series / Let's play Mega Man X7 (text version) on: 25 October 2010, 02:50:59
So, I've been NOT playing this game for a long time, for one reason and one reason alone.

Since I know this is such a horrible game, I wanted to turn it into something like what the Nostalgia Critic or AVGN does, and use my misery of playing the game and turn it into a comical effort, as well as review the game. Unlike those two though, I do things that are family friendly, clean, and wholesome. (No potty mouth)

This is me playing a blind run of one of the worst Mega Man games ever to have been born...

As much as I love this series... I played the intro stage alone, and this game is just abysmal. I can fully understand why this is the worst of the series.

So let's.... *sigh*... jump right in. Into this... this... mistake of a "game", if it even still classifies as that. This... is....

A non-video, commentary review
How this works: Since I do not own a real camera to record and edit footage, and I'm unwilling to buy it, you're going to have to make do by either actually PLAYING the game, viewing already recorded footage of the game, or just read along. I'll be pausing the game to make a comment, and as a result, I'll have to stop every now and then to give my comments. This will totally kill my time displayed in "playing the game" but I hope that doesn't affect the gameplay. Here it goes.

Alright, so I put the game in my PS2 and my memory card in. Let's start it off.

Now to be fair, I have played X6 and X8, so I'll be making a lot of comparisons to those games. Seeing as how X8 was actually FUN compared to X6, I'm going to NAIVELY say this will be a step up, but still keep my expectations lower than X8. Let's see what this game does with that. GAME START-O

So here's an intro. As I expected, the graphics are PS2 graphics, but a step down from X8. This game looks like it'll be fun from that intro, but I see it's not all 2D platforming.

We're also introduced to a new character. Axl. He was kinda alright in X8, and this is his debut game. Anyway, pressing start. I do enjoy that the game says "MEGA MAN X7". Reminds me of X4.

So we start with the intro movie. There's a guy who's been given some money, and some reploids are about to break in.

? ? ?: This is it. Ready to rock?
Axl: I'm always ready.

WHAT IS... WHAT IS WITH AXL'S VOICE!? Alright. Okay. Yeah, my expectations of this game just fell. The voice acting doesn't sound that great.

So they break in, and this dude kills this other guy, and this other reploid takes this case of money... or whatever it is, and hides in a closet (assume what you will). There, his partner finds him, and apparently this guy's name is Aluce.

Well, his so called friend decides to backstab and shoot him in the chest. And then we see him... morph into Axl. Aluce then proceeds to be in shock and say "How did you do that?"

Now we're given a brief explanation of what's happening. Mavericks attack, yadda yadda we know this, intro to X and he's such an awesome hun-... oh. He's... leaving the Maverick Hunters. Why? Because he's tired of fighting and doesn't agree with their methods of fighting.

Okay X. So let's do the math. There's at least 8 Mavericks in every game (aside from them reappearing in the final stages), and you've been through 6 games. So after ripping apart over 48 mavericks... NOW you decide that what you've been doing is wrong? Whatever.

So X is leaving the Maverick Hunters.

X: "Why must reploids fight one another? I've had enough violence!"


My gosh... X and Axl... I don't know what's wrong with them, but they don't sound right. They either sound whiny, or just... it's terrible. We're moving on.

So since X left, another organization called Red Alert was born. Apparently that guy from earlier was Red, and they were the ones to hunt down Mavericks. Now Red and Axl are leaving Red Alert, and "this decision will change destiny itself." Thanks game for trying to make this all so dramatic. I really don't care.

So Axl says he'll become a hunter on his own... and it's INTRO STAGE TIME! Finally, that was really long.


So let's get the controls with Axl, who we're playing as. He shoots with Square, Jumps with X, dashes with Circle, and does some special move (probably copy) with Triangle. All L and R buttons do nothing, but that's probably weapon related.

Pressing select when the game tells you will get Axl to monolouge (in text) about hints in the game. In this instance, it's about the laser in front of you.

I also notice that Axl doesn't have rapid fire like he did in X8. You have to mash Square to rapidly shoot. Holding X lets him hover. So basically, he's Falcon Armor X. His running animation is faster than how he runs, which looks... really off. I hate it.

So the R2 button is used to switch your ability to lock-on. And dashing twice while dashing will make you roll. That... might be bad for me.

THESE TEXT EXPLANATIONS TAKE FOREVER. I can't press a single button to scroll through it. They don't get to the point fast enough.

Anyway, Triangle is called A-Trance. You use it to steal abilities. And... I just died. They turned the game into a 3rd person 3D perspective. They threw bombs and killed me... and Axl goes "OOOOOooooooh" and hovers, flashes, and then disappears.

.... WOW. That's... where to begin.

Aside from how poor this animation is, how Axl dies is... it's like he's ENJOYING IT. "Oh I'm dying... I'm OOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooh sweet death! Mmmmmmmmm"

So I stole this robot's ability and he skates around, and again... animation is weird. I bet if I keep commenting on the animation, I'll be typing forever. My energy bar is decreasing, so Im gonna put it to use, but this guy THROWS A BOMB SO SLOW, and you have to stand still while you throw it. If this is all that A-Trance offers, WHAT'S THE POINT OF USING IT? You're better off shooting these things. The A-Trance refills once it's done though, at least they were nice to allow you to reuse your crappy ability. Oh joy. Here's a little something I'm going to refuse to use.

I went into a room with spinning sonars, and there was a room I missed, and with how this game is set up, I killed myself to check it out. The game wouldn't let me go back, so I committed suicide.

If you look past the terrible animation, and just try to play the game at your best... it's a little fun I guess. It's like playing Mega Man Legends, except that'd be more fun and interesting. Anyway, there wasn't a room I missed. The game's graphics played a trick on me I guess. Moving on. Some walls in this game are climable, and others aren't, but you can't tell which ones they are. Keep shooting things, and you get to the security door. You attack it when it's red. Not hard.

Onto part 2. Axl's on a road.

Axl: "Phew! Somebody please tell me I'm through the worst of it."

I think Axl was voiced by some random fat kid off the street. Honestly.

Axl gets attacked, and Zero pops in.

Zero: "I can't believe I'm back here again, What the heck happened? They really made a mess."


Okay so... when I originally heard Zero speak years ago, it sounded like Naraku from Inu-Yasha. NovaMan XP once said he sounds like an old man. But in any case... his voice is terrible. I think the problem is that... he sounds like he DOESN'T CARE. You'd think Zero would be cool and collected and full of energy, but he just sounds like he's tired of this hunting job, and here he goes again. Boy Zero, how enthusiastic.

So now I'm playing as Zero. Finally, something I can enjoy! I think...

Zero can double jump by double tapping X, and he slashes with Square... but they look so slow and delayed... this doesn't sound good. This stage takes place on a road like in X1, complete with those giant bees.

When you slash in mid-air, you can't control where you're moving unlike the past games. Again, not a good thing.

You can KINDA dash jump off of walls, but it's nothing like the past games. This engine is not like the past games at all. This is totally new, and it feels butchered.

If you stay under a bee and just randomly slash, it goes down. Nothing hard. Nothing fun. Just stupid.

I like how Zero can just MOVE THROUGH THE PROPELLER of the destroyed Bee, and be standing inside it, like half of his body just assimilates in the bee. The graphics in this game are just OUTSTANDING. Capcom needs an award.

Random walker enemies from X1 appear. They just... appear. In thin air. You can tell Capcom really tried with this game's graphics. Just keep slashing and they're dead. Again, not hard. Not fun. Another bee. Repeat the process with the earlier bee.

Game switches back to 3D at this point (ugh). Random enemies appear and stuff. I don't really care. Zero can reflect bullet attacks with slashes.

Another Bee, but it's in 3D. And yes, you can just stand under it and slash. Thing is... you're not really exactly standing under it. You're under it yes, but this time, you're also INSIDE it. It doesn't hurt you or anything, it's just poor graphics. Thanks Capcom.

So the bee explodes. I REALLY hate this 3D perspective. I can't see what's up ahead.

Now we teleport into part 3, and it's 2D. We head into a COMPRESSOR COMPRESSOR COMPRESSOR COMPRESSOR... wait, that wasn't hard at all.

Huh. The compressors in X2 were harder and more thrilling than this.

So Axl runs into Zero, and Zero tells him to wait. Axl asks him if he's stupid and that he's in danger. GOTTA KEEP MOVING ZERO. LISTEN TO HIM HE KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING. Zero asks him if he's connected with the incident (that has yet to be explained. The cars and roads are destroyed, and there's no explanation.) Axl doesn't know what he's talking about, but then he sees "it coming" and leaves.

Giant robot scorpion falls from the sky.

Zero: "What's going on?"

Okay. I know if you read that, it sounds like a question... but he didn't say that. This guy's voice is so terrible, he doesn't really ACT. Again, Zero just makes a statement as if he's uninterested. "What's going on."

I'm hating this game. So you "run" (really walk" because deflecting shots do nothing and the screen moves so slow). You catch up with Axl, and Zero says "You got some explaining to do."


Axl says he'll tell him later after he takes care of things. He also knows who Zero is, and says he can handle it. He says you can call him with the L2 if he needs a hand. First off, this is the equivalent of a CHILD telling a POLICE OFFICER to call him if he needs help. I think Zero can handle things... but I'm guessing this game is going to MAKE me use Axl.

So after Axl says he'd take care of things, he runs off. Thanks for that.

Zero: "Hmph. Well, this has become a real pain. I want a full explanation after this is all over!"

Okay, so Zero said that 3rd sentence with a little extra oomph, like he's upset. The thing is... I don't buy it. This is still terrible voice acting. You can tell he doesn't really care. Also, the game gives a real close up to Zero's face and shows his pixelated mouth not moving while he talks. I wish this game wouldn't exploit it's own flaws. Oh well, I'll let it go because this IS the first Mega Man X PS2 game.

So you fight this scorpion bot for real, as a boss battle. I died because I didn't care, and the game just loads back to the title screen. At first I thought it was turning itself off, but it just loads to the title. No Game over. Nothing.

So I get back to the scorpion boss again. Im so used to real gameplay that actually feels like a Mega Man game like X8, that playing this game feels so off. So yeah, I had to switch to Axl because Zero SUCKS at close combat. Like I said, the game practically MAKES you use Axl. Zero is supposed to be EXCELLENT in close combat, so why is he so terrible in this game?

Anyway, plot time, and there's a load of it. And a load it is indeed...

Axl [in high-tech hexagonal handcuffs]:  "I'm not gonna run off, so could you
take this thing off?  It makes me feel like a criminal..."

Zero:  "FEEL like a criminal?"

Axl:  "Err... OK, maybe what I did was wrong...  But, like, we were a perfect
team, dontcha think?  When we kicked that big dude's butt, I thought, yeah,
we would make a great combo!"

Zero:  ". . . "

Thanks for that response Zero. Although nothing really is explained, I think Axl needs some duct tape across the mouth.

Axl:  "So where's X been lately?  I haven't seen him around."


Zero:  "Sit tight.  He's just beyond this door."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[[ Within Maverick Hunter Headquarters ]]

Zero:  "Here he is."

Signas:  "Nice work, Zero."


X:  "So you're the one who caused all this trouble."

You too X. Stop talking please.

Axl:  "I guess so.  I had no idea they'd sent that kind of gear after us."

X:  "Gear?  Who's after you?"

Axl:  "I left Red Alert.  Believe it or not, I'm a hunter."

Signas:  "Red Alert?  You mean that gang of wannabe vigilantes?"

Shut up.

X:  "Do you realize how much damage your internal bickering has caused?"

Shut up.

Axl:  "I apologize for that.  But I had to leave.  As for what happened as a
result - that's the way it goes."

Shut up.

X:  "That's the way it goes?  Do you have any idea... !!"


Signas:  "X, cool it.  Alright Axl, why don't you start by telling us why you

"Red Alert changed.  They're no better than murderers now.  They used
me.  We used to only attack the bad guys... But not anymore.  I couldn't take

Zero:  "They're going to come for Axl, no doubt."

Good. They can HAVE him. It's not like he's worth anything.

Signas:  "This is our chance.  Red Alert has caused us far too much trouble."

This is never explained but okay.

X:  "How can you say that?!  If we fight, we'll fall right into their hands!
We can't allow this madness to continue."

I'm starting to think everyone here is just mindless. Either that, or this is very poor writing. Very very very poor writing. Or maybe it's both. Probably both.

Axl:  "I know what you mean, X, but we can't talk them out of this.
Sometimes fighting is the only choice."

X:  "That's quite enough!  You need to back off and pay the dues for your

"pay the dues for your crimes!" These voice actors, I tell ya.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Transmission incoming ... ]

X:  "Alia, what happened?!"

Alia: "Unidentified transmission. Feeding to monitor."

Alia sounds bad. No surprise there. I'd also would like to say she sounds like a robot, but then again, you can call me Captain Obvious.

Red:  "You getting this, hunters!?  I am Red, leader of your friends here at
Red Alert.  I never imagined our little friend would end up in your hands,
but in any case, I want Axl back, Now, don't you worry.  I know he won't come
back easily..."

No. That's okay, you can have him. He's yours.

Red: "So how about this?  Like you, we are hunters.  We've trashed
our share of Mavericks.  So how about a duel?"

I left my deck at home. Besides, he's yours. We don't want him.

Red: "A duel to determine who the
real Maverick Hunters are.  I'm sure you won't mind if we use the Mavericks
that we've captured so far."

Uh, dude, why do you wanna fight? We don't want him. He's really just a criminal in our hands at this point (for no reason or any charge I might add), so if you want to negotiate terms, we can not fight and ju-

Red: "So, the last one standing wins!  If we lose,
we'll surrender Axl to you.  And if we win?  Well... We'll leave that to your

... you're not listening are you?

X:  "You've got to be kidding.  Axl has nothing to do with us.  We won't
fight the likes of you for his sake."

Red:  "Well, pretty big talker, for a retiree!  We could care less about
deadbeats like you.  We just want Axl.  He IS there, isn't he?  Now you just
sit tight, my boy.  Ahahahahah!"

YOU. CAN. HAVE. HIM. Why did you just assume we'll fight for him? If you want him so bad, why not negotiate? Did ANYONE think of that?

Alia:  "They're already on the move.  Mavericks are showing up across the map!
 I'll check for damage."

Okay, whatever.

Axl:  "I'm sorry... This is all my fault."


Zero:  "Well this is turning into a real mess."

Axl: "X, you said I need to pay my dues, right?  So, make me a
Maverick Hunter!  Me and Zero make a great team, and together we could take
care of Red Alert!"

No. No. No no no no no no no. No. No. Just... no. No. No.





X:  "Are you mad?  You have no business as a hunter!"


Axl:  "I'm serious!  It would be a perfect chance to make up for my


Signas:  "If you had just gone back, the problem would have been solved.  But
I can see that won't be happening."

Yes. Wait. What? He's already in handcuffs. Just tie him up some more and ship him back!

Axl:  "?!"

*sigh* I'm guessing Axl REALLY wants to play and he won't take no for an answer. It's obvious they don't want Axl around. This kid won't get a hint, and this response is just a prime example of how stupid he is.

Zero:  "Right.  These aren't run - of - the - mill criminals.  They won't
listen to reason.  And even if Axl did go back, which he won't, would they
stop their misdeeds?  I don't think so."

"Zero, you're my hero!  Heh... I knew you'd understand!  I always
thought you and X were so cool... I want to fight!  I want to be a
Maverick Hunter!"


X:  "Not just anybody can become a hunter, kid."


Zero:  "We're not getting anywhere with this.  I'm ready to go."

Axl: "No, wait!"

No! Go!

Zero:  "I'm going by myself.  As for you... You can do as you please."

No, don't say th-

Axl:  "Yeah!  X, if I catch all the bounty hunters, you've got to promise me
you'll let me be a Maverick Hunter!

No, please do-

X:  "Talk is cheap.  Prove it to me first."


[ X hands Axl his pistol back ]

X:  "And don't forget this."

Axl:  "OK!  I won't let you down."

... did he just really...

Did... did he just... did he just...


Why X? If you're SO against fighting, why would you let THIS KID go out FIGHTING MAVERICKS. Why would you just randomly let some oddball off the street go out and play cops and robbers with REAL COPS AND ROBBERS? And another thing, if you're against fighting, WHY would you just hand him his gun back? I mean, it makes NO SENSE! This whole thing makes NO SENSE!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

X:  "Another pointless conflict has begun..."


Signas:  "X, don't overthink this.  This time our only choice is to fight."

No. It wasn't. They just want Axl. We could negotiate, but I'm assuming logic has been erased from everybody's programming in this game. I mean seriously...

X:  "We've made this mistake time and time again...  Why must Reploids
continue this accursed cycle of aggression?"

Stop being so whiny X. Seriously, I thought you were much cooler than this. But if I could add to your list of mistakes, you just made the mistake of handing over a gun to a little kid so he can go shoot things. Good job. I hope you feel accomplished.

[[ End scenes between intro stage and the 8 Maverick stages ]]

So yeah, I'm aware that Axl is some type of "skilled" hunter that can hunt Mavericks but be honest. Would you REALLY want him to be a hero? If you say yes, please go see Rez.

I'm saving here, and I'm gonna stop playing, because I'm unentertained and I think this is enough text for now. Until then

7  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Mega Man Universe on: 31 August 2010, 21:34:53

There. Discuss.
8  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / 21 bottles of beer on the wall, 21 bottles of beer... on: 30 August 2010, 23:01:34
Take one down, pass it to me, cause it's my BIRTHDAY.

I'm 21.

In 2 days, John will be 21 too.

Happy birthday to the both of us! (Only one of us will be drinking)
9  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / There's a serious problem going on today guys... on: 2 July 2010, 08:41:15
Vinch has a birthday today, and we haven't been invited to celebrate.

What a jerkface.

happy birthday you jerkface Vinch!
10  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Beating Mega Man 2 on: 21 May 2010, 22:53:20
... On a dance pad.

Wily Stages

From the start
11  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Super Mario Bros. Crossover. on: 29 April 2010, 21:25:07
UPDATE: Version 1.1
12  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / May not be much but... on: 27 April 2010, 02:02:20
This may just be interesting to a few of you.

Mega Man Legends 3, please?
13  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / If you don't check this topic out, your death will come swiftly... on: 10 August 2009, 03:25:06
I know this is 2 hours early, but I'm gonna be busy for the next 48 hours approximately so I'm getting this out now.






Hope you enjoy it man.
14  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Interesting Tidbits Topic on: 5 August 2009, 05:56:06
Post here about anything Mega Man related that you find out.

I was browsing Youtube videos and I came across this:

I'm gonna try it out. Did any of you guys know about this? It looks like fun.

EDIT: Seems this trick might not work on all games (PAL version). Hope that doesn't include mine...

15  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / YUP, IT'S ANOTHER BIRTHDAY on: 3 July 2009, 01:53:24
Been busy, so I figured someone would have made a topic for it. I don't see it, and I missed the period where the cake is in his profile.

16  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Mega Man Challenge List: A time killer on: 18 June 2009, 18:04:36
Only few games I have played at all in the last couple of days have been Mega Man 9 and Mega Man X, and I got a small idea. What if other Mega Man games like MMX had a challenge list like MM9?

Here's the topic for them. This is just for fun and killing time. You don't have to do it, only if you're bored enough. Feel free to make any suggestions (even a better challenge name), and I might add to it below.

For now, here's what I've got for MMX:

Mega Man X
1 ) Anti-Demolition - Clear the Intro Stage without letting Crushers damage the road.
2 ) No Dip - Clear the Intro Stage without wall climbing.
3 ) Classic Blue Bomber - Defeat a boss without wall climbing or dashing.
4 ) Trusty Sidearm - Clear the game using only the X-buster
5 ) No Charging - Clear the game without charging your X-buster.
6 ) Untouchable - Clear the game without getting damaged (Vile Carrier battles excluded).
7 ) Invincible - Clear the game without dying.
8 ) Almost Invincible - Clear the game without continuing (Dying and returning to the Stage Select screen).
9 ) Supportless - Clear the game without using any Sub Tanks.
10 ) Full Potential - Obtain all four Capsule Upgrades, all 8 Heart Tanks, and all 4 Sub Tanks.
11 ) Fully Suited - Obtain all four Capsule Upgrades.
12 ) Healthy Explorer - Obtain all 8 Heart Tanks.
13 ) Backup Support - Obtain all 4 Sub Tanks.
14 ) Dying Wish Fulfilled - Obtain Zero's buster and clear the game with a max charged shot.
15 ) Maverick Hunter - Defeat all 8 bosses using only the X-Buster.
16 ) Maverick Slaughter - Defeat all 8 bosses using only their weakness weapon (The first 8 Maverick boss battles may be excluded).
17 ) No Fooling Around - Defeat all bosses with only their weakness weapon (The first 8 Maverick boss battles may be excluded).
18 ) Xtra Hard Rock - Reach a Boss' room without getting damaged.
19 ) Xtra Heavy Metal - Reach a Boss' room without shooting.
20 ) Nine Lives - Accumulate 9 lives.
21 ) Marathon Fight - Fight a Boss for 10 minutes.
22 ) Marathon War - Fight all 8 bosses for 10 minutes each.
23 ) Futile Resistance - Last 3 Minutes in a battle against Vile in his carrier.
24 ) Fail at Life - Clear the Intro Stage
25 ) Failure to Protect - Defeat Vile.
26 ) Glitch: Through the Roof! - Lose a life by falling into a hole in Flame Mammoth's stage.
27 ) Hero - Clear the game without any Heart Tanks.
28 ) Legendary - Clear the game without any Heart Tanks or armor upgrade.
29 ) Legendary Hero - Clear the game without any Heart Tanks, Sub Tanks, or armor upgrade.
30 ) Hadoken! - Defeat a boss in one hit
-Bonus Challenges-
A ) Mission Impossible - Clear the game without any upgrades in general.
B ) Xtreme! - Clear the game by playing only the Sigma stages after the input of this password:

17  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / MegaPhilX's fan made Mega Man game on: 29 May 2009, 05:28:41

The following fan made video game project is made by a user known as MegaPhilX. The game was previously known as "Mega Man 10", until Nintendo Power revealed Capcom is making their own official Mega Man 10 on December 9th, 2009. Please be aware that everything in this topic is NOT the official game, as it's all fan made BASED off of Capcom's Mega Man titles. For information on the official Mega Man 10, please click here.


... not really. It's fan made.

Still, the intro looked pretty darn good, but good LORD those bosses and sprites look ugly. I don't like the concepts with Glue, Nail, Rainbow, and Yo-Yo.

And the Stage Select screen is meh. That MegaMan head is outdated, it needs to MM6+ one, and those windows are just "okay".

But Tank Man's stage looks pretty interesting. New enemy design and stage concept, it's not bland like other fan crap I've seen.

But yeah, those bosses need work...

I'm REALLY likin' that weapon get screen though!

Discuss about this and anything related.

(I'm unaware what type of game this is however. If it's a "you-know-what", expect this thread to be either deleted or locked).
18  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Famicom remakes - Rockman 7 & Rockman 8 on: 20 March 2009, 02:58:46
I think we needed a topic like this to discuss the remakes of MM7 and soon coming, MM8.

I know this is pretty old, but I went ahead and downloaded Rockman 7 FC to give it a shot, out of boredom. It's nice, familiar, and yet totally different at the same time. I can tell that the engine is closer to Mega Man 9, which is a good thing. But playing this game made me realize the difference in all these Mega Man games. In my hours of playing Mega Man Powered Up lead me to assume that Mega Man can jump 4 horizontal block gaps and 1 vertical block upward (If that description is weak, I'm sorry). However, the engine is different, and can only jump 4 blocks across, not 4x1, although in both games Mega Man can jump a 3x3 gap, it's much easier on MMPU.

I used to do some weird jump in Freeze Man's stage in the SNES version, where while shifting screens, I'd land on the top platform in the next screen, to make the run much faster. I can't do this in this version.

Jumping gaps in this game are much easier in SNES version, but I guess that's because Mega Man is a little bigger. Maybe that explains why I died so much during Cloud Man's stage playing this NES remake...

Or maybe it's the fact that I'm playing on a keyboard.

... I need a game pad.

Anyway, discuss.

Rockman 7 FC / Mega Man 7 NES.
19  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Apocalypse less than five years away? on: 11 March 2009, 18:03:34
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five

The sixth part isn't available, but this is definitely something to think about.
20  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Today is a special day! on: 14 February 2009, 05:23:27
Today is Valentine's Day.

Yeah, it is. Believe it.

But it's much more than that, because there's something else goin' on today.

Check it.

That's right. Happy Birthday Ikeoko!

Let's use this thread to talk about our Valentine's and things that happened today, while celebrating Annie's B-Day.

Now, before I continue, I gotta share some of my posts made about this day last year:

This is my "Scrooge" Holiday.

I've received the same thing. Candy, and pieces of paper that say "You're #1", "Be mine", "I love you", "Be my Valentine", etc. It's boring. It makes me feel no different or special whatsoever when I get them. They're just filler for the trash can.

It's the same thing. Every year. The only way it'll ever change is if you actually DO have someone you love or a secret admirer who really shows it. Heck, roses are a nice change of pace, or maybe a hand-written letter... not some bag of cards you bought at Wal-Mart. Now that I mention it, I should've kept some of the cards got. Maybe somewhere on it, it says "Made in China".

Yeah, you get what I'm saying. Nothing special. It's just a regular day, same old thing.

That's why it's my "Scrooge" day. I don't hate it downright, but the fact that someone who doesn't know me at all suddenly hands me a random card means nothing to me, therefore, I yell "BAH HUMBUG!"

Now here's the best part: Even though Scrooge hated Christmas, he loved it in the end. Funny, because now I love this day.  ;)

Alright, I'm done being mushy for now. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
21  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Trip Down Memory Lane! on: 3 October 2008, 04:05:24
Post all your old junk you used to play, watch, or experience in your childhood so we can all remember all that good stuff and whatnot.

Games. Movies. Old shows. I don't care, just do it.

I was at work tonight and I was instructing someone on how to properly run the grill, arguing what the proper size of a burger was and stuff no one really cares about but it's my job so stfu.

Someone mentions "Good Burger", and although I admitted to the sin of never watching it, I mentioned that I missed Kenan and Kel.

And we both quoted the line together at the same time:

"Who loves orange soda!?"
"Kel loves orange soda."
"Is it truuuuue?"
"Mm-hmm... I do, I do, I DO-oooooo!"

I couldn't stop laughing.

God, I miss this show.
22  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / The Mega Man Collection Topic on: 7 August 2008, 04:11:53
Yeah, just thought I'd bring this old topic back. If you feel like it, post all of your Mega Man games (and/or collectibles) that you own.

Classic Series
-- Mega Man | NES
-- Mega Man 2 | NES
-- Mega Man 3 | NES
-- Mega Man 6 | NES
-- Mega Man 9 | Wii
-- Mega Man 10 | Wii
-- Mega Man & Bass | GBA
-- Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge | GB
-- Mega Man II | GB
-- Mega Man III | GB
-- Mega Man: Powered Up | PSP
-- Mega Man Anniversary Collection | GCN

X Series
-- Mega Man X | SNES
-- Mega Man X2 | SNES
-- Mega Man X7 | PS2
-- Mega Man X8 | PS2
-- Mega Man X Command Mission | GCN
-- Mega Man Xtreme | GBC
-- Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X | PSP
-- Mega Man X Collection | GCN

Zero Series
-- None.

ZX Series
-- Mega Man ZX | NDS
-- Mega Man ZX Advent | NDS

Legends Series
-- Mega Man Legends | PS1
-- Mega Man Legends 2 | PS1
-- The Misadventures of Tron Bonne | PS1

Battle Network Series
-- Mega Man Battle Network | GBA
-- Mega Man Battle Network 2 | GBA
-- Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue | GBA
-- Mega Man Battle Network 4: Red Sun | GBA
-- Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team DS | NDS
-- Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Falzar | GBA

Starforce Series
-- Mega Man Starforce: Pegasus | NDS

Other Games
-- Tatsunoko VS Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars | Wii

-- Mega Man 8-bit Shirt
-- Mega Man 8-bit Stage Select Shirt
-- Mega Man 9 Press Kit
-- Mega Man 9 T-Shirt
-- Mega Man 20th Anniversary Poster Side A Side B

Newest Additions
-- Mega Man 6 | NES (10/09/10)
-- Mega Man 2 | NES (07/01/10)
-- Mega Man 3 | NES (06/30/10)
-- Mega Man III | GB (06/29/10)
-- Mega Man X2 | SNES (06/23/10)
23  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Computer Problems & Assistance on: 22 June 2008, 01:23:35
This thread can be used if there's a problem on the computer and someone is unsure or knows how to solve it.

Anyway, as I've stated before, I have unwanted wares on my computer that I need to get rid of. I'm STILL getting pop-ups like mad.

I'm paranoid and unsure what to trust. I'm constantly getting responses from a program called "AntiSpywareMaster" (I don't know if it was originally with my computer or not). I've now updated Norton Internet security and persuaded my parents to give me administration privledges.

Here's some screens of the problem. I just got these seconds ago. When these pop-ups come and I minimize them, they just pop right back up.

The 3rd one, aacpu3 is a random pop-up. I did NOT go to the site, and freewebs never gives me pop-ups.

EDIT: Does anybody know if these wares/viruses actually exist on my computer? Or is this a scheme to download something?
24  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / So, I went to go send a Personal Message... on: 2 April 2008, 04:23:57
And lo and behold, a certain image that appears once a year laid before me.

25  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Action Replay Help on: 28 February 2008, 02:49:52
I turned on my Action Replay DS and put Animal Crossing in and it doesn't recognize it like it used to. All the codes in the database have been wiped clean somehow. I typed in the Game ID it displays and what this says and I get a funky blue and red lines on my DS with the AR frozen. I bought my AR used, so I don't have the USB or whatever comes with it.

What's wrong with it?
26  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / The History of Video Games on: 26 February 2008, 02:31:19
I'm telling a speech about in Speech class. I need to compile as much info as I can. Anyone wanting to contribute, please post here along with citations of course, and I'll improve the research. I need as much as I can by Sunday, since we'll be starting on them Monday.

I'll compile as much as I've collected here in the meantime.

Objection Image:

Wii + PS3 Sales graph:

Objection SFX:

Other game SFX: (Thanks, Edgecrusher!)


What I'll be saying in a nutshell:
[spoiler]Arcade gaming begins with Jukeboxes dating in the 1930s, and Pinball machines in 1954. Computer games were being developed after universities got ahold of computers of their own and game software emerged in the 1950s. Simple programs consisted on games like Tic-Tac-Toe and Tennis with pixelated graphics.

True video games arrived in 1970s. The first video game to date was Spacewar!, created by Steve Russell.

"If I hadn't done it, someone would've done something equally exciting if not better in the next six months. I just happened to get there first."

It was a popular hit in the 1970s. It has undergone several different names since then, such as "Galaxy Game", "Computer Space", and "Space Wars". The game consisted of playing as a space ship shooting another player's ship while avoiding plummeting into the sun. A Honolulu-based company in 1940 called Standard Games branched off into Japan, known as Service Games of Japan (SEGA). They produced coin operated games such as the Periscope after merging with Rosen Enterprises. It was a submarine simulator that became a worldwide hit. In 1972, The Magnavox Oddysey is the first home video game console. It uses white and black pixelated graphics, knobs and switches, and no sound. Since the technology wasn't advanced enough, games came with overlays, cards, chips, and dice. One of the most popular games of the console was "Table Tennis", a basic game that develops with your electronic coordination. The console sold well, but would've sold better if customers weren't confused about the fact that the console didn't have to run on a Magnavox TV. Atari releases Pong in arcades in 1973. In 1974, Home Pong was released. However, Magnavox files a lawsuit against Atari and wins, arguing Table Tennis is the original over Pong. This is the first video game lawsuit in history. Magnavox also continues to win lawsuits over different game companies such as Nintendo, Mattel, and Activision for copyright infringement. In 1976, Steve Jobs creates a single-player Pong game called "Breakout". Midway produces Space Invaders, the first arcade game to involve a high score. In 1977, there's a crash in the market and many game developers go bankrupt. Even then, Atari releases a cartridge based console in 1977 called the VCS, later dubbed the Atari 2600.
A jukebox and repair business named Konami joins the market, as well as Namco who also used to be a machanical rocking horse manufacturer. Space Invaders becomes redistrubuted under Namco as Galaxian in 1978. Later, a colorful improved version known as Galaga one year later. However, Namco stops making military-esc games and looks for a game that appeals to both sexes. Puck-Man is released in Japan, and dubbed Pac-Man in the US to avoid vandalism. It is the most popular arcade machine to date. Nintendo pops into the scene, from making cards, to toys, to electronic games. Nintendo clones Space Invaders and makes "Radar Scope". The game wouldn't sell, and Nintendo was left with 2,000 unsold units in a warehouse. To quickly stay in business and salvage their loss, Shigeru Miyamoto was placed in charge of developing a new game using the unsold units. The result was the 1981 release of Donkey Kong, starring Jumpman. When it came to dubbing names in the states, Jumpman's name was argued over when the landlord of the warehouse, Mario Segale, demanded overdue rent payment. The staff renamed Jumpman "Mario", after he left. Nintendo uses Mario in many games, including the Game & Watch handheld series. The Game & Watch handheld games were liquid crystal display games, a concept that Tiger Handheld games use to this day. In 1982, the market crashes again when little games are bought and retail stores are flooded with games on the shelves.
The Atari ST enters the 16-bit era in 1985. In this same year, the Famicon (Dubbed in the US, NES) is bundled with Super Mario Bros. and becomes a great hit. The Sega Master system is also released. Sega's main market character was Alex Kidd, who was later replaced by Sonic The Hedgehog. Nintendo and SEGA became rivals.
In 1989, Nintendo releases the Gameboy handheld system. SEGA releases the Game Gear, and Atari releases Lynx. SEGA produces the Sega Genesis. In 1991, Sonic The Hedgheog is released on the Sega Genesis and becomes a popular hit. Nintendo works with Sony to create their new console, but depart ways. The SNES is released in 1991 without help from Sony. 1994-1995, The Sega Saturn and Sony Playstation is released. The Playstation becomes the best selling game console, entering the 32-64 bit era. A year later, Nintendo releases the Nintendo 64 with the populat title, Super Mario 64. In 1998, PokeMon becomes popular. The Gameboy Color is released. SEGA releases the Sega Dreamcast. In 2000, the Playstation 2 hits the market. 2001 - The Nintendo Gamecube, Gameboy Advance, and Xbox release. Halo becomes popular, and Sega discontinues the Dreamcast and becomes a 3rd party developer.
2003, The Gameboy Advance SP is released. Nokia creates the N-Gage. 2004 - Halo 2 is released, along with the Nintendo DS, and PSP.
2006, Nintendo DS Lite. PS3 is released, and chaos ensues. Nintendo Wii is released.
2007 - Sony discontinues the 20 GB version of the PS3, and reduces their console price to $499 USD. Halo 3 is released and becomes a wide craze worldwide.
Present Day: Super Smash Bros. Brawl[/spoiler]

Work Cited:

Note: This research was for the purpose of just a grade therefore some of the information displayed may be innaccurate due to rush.
27  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Let's talk cars! on: 8 February 2008, 00:03:42
Aight. My parents are now thinking about taking me to the dealership for a car.

I know little to nothing about them. This should be a good topic to discuss automobiles.

I need something that doesn't guzzle down gas and my money, easy to maintain, and any other good stuff I'm forgetting. I'm thinking about a Toyota. Help?
28  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Chaos Creations on: 2 February 2008, 20:26:28
My topic hath been reborn. Thou shalt be overjoyed with ecstasy and enrich thine carpets with urination.

Let's see, I gots this sexy Epson scanner/printer a year or so ago so maybe I'll produce more drawings. I'm slow on spriting, but I do what I can. You know the dealio.

If anyone has some of my artwork, send it to me plz. Otherwise, I'll have to search through the depths of my computer for it, or it may not exist anymore.

Here's a gallery of my good artwork. More will come, and I will update this page as much as I can.

--Metall Man
--Balloon Man
--Comic Jam: MJam - Comic #11 "My Sock!"
--Story Jam: The New Mushroom Order - Comic #10 "Let's Grow!"
--"Abominator - Creator of the Matrix" Card

Gimme a moment durnit!

Super Smash Bros. Brawl:
--Windhill Mills - Chaos' Stage: Fight on top of one of the vast windmills of Windhill town, a town famous for their production of electricity through wind-powered technology. (LAST EDIT: 04/18/08)
--Control Tower: A stage similar to Boomer Kuwanger's stage from Mega Man X that adds unique twists to fighting. Launch opponents through the roof and use the elevator as a hideout. (LAST EDIT: 06/24/08)
--STORM HQ: A stage meant for items turned on. The fight will most of the time consist at the very bottom, but at any time you are launched upward, grab an item or two to make a comeback on your way back down. (LAST EDIT: 07/05/08)
--Chaos Haven: In another realm where the universe can be seen, a fight to the death insues. This sanctuary - once known to protect - becomes a dangerous battleground. (LAST EDIT: 06/30/08)
--Club Mega: Although Lenny is absent, this club still proves to be a great hangout among many Matricians, complete with even the top of the tree. (LAST EDIT: 06/03/08)
--Vegas Night: An attempt to a casino style stage. I'd say it's fairly well done. (LAST EDIT: 07/04/08)
--Nightmare Hole: A sloped stage with an endless pit. My best advice is to stay away from the hole, unless you're attempting to throw someone in it. (LAST EDIT: 07/07/08)
--Death Prison: Trapped in a tiny room, the only way to KO a foe is down. If your opponent hides at the top while you're stuck, don't give up... there IS a way to get back up there. (LAST EDIT: 07/10/08)
--Lookout Cliff: An interesting room with many areas to fight, hide, or knock players around. If you rely on the the cliff's ledge to recover, you'll end up disappointed. (LAST EDIT: 07/10/08)

**NOTE: To request a stage, you must have my Wii Address Code and Brawl Friend Code (listed at the bottom of this post). Register these and send me both of your said codes via PM. I'll confirm when I've registered both codes. Upon request, I'll send the stage when available if possible. Request either via PM or by posting in this topic.

--Din Sprite - Mega Man 7 Style

--The Mega Man Matrix - Babysitting Comic (No permanant title yet. Yet to launch. Possibly a Comic Jam?)
--The Mega Man Matrix - Battle Network Story (No permanant title yet. Project on hold)
--The Mega Man Matrix - Yu-Gi-Oh! Story Card sets
--The Mega Man Matrix - Phoenix Wright Story comic. (No permanant title yet. Yet to launch)
--Chaos Theory (Yet to launch)
--Random Parodies (Animal Crossing. Resident Evil 4. Just an idea as of now)

Wii Address Code: 7767 - 5443 - 6765 - 5593
Super Smash Bros. Brawl: 1504 - 5438 - 6710
29  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / The Comedy Thread on: 15 January 2008, 00:33:37
Yeah, that's right. This is the topic that was missing. How could you all forget? YOU'RE JUST A BUNCH OF SORRY F-


Anyway, tell jokes 'n #####.

For starters, read this:

EDIT: Oh yeah, make sure to spoiler tag certain punchlines if possible, so people don't accidentally ruin the joke.

Edit by Xero:  No jokes of the bigot persuasion please.
30  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Good news and bad news on: 6 January 2008, 04:56:41
First of all, I'd like to give credit to Someguy for finding this information and sending it to me in a PM.

These are rumors, as Someguy says, but if true this is the good news:

  • "Capcom is planning an “EPIC” reinvention of the Rockman in the form of a “cinematic style” videogame that would “reboot” the franchise, disregarding everything from the past. The Game is set to release on next-gen consoles. SG did remark that she hasn't heard any news concerning this rumor in quite a while (months), so she personally doesn't believe it to be true."
  • Capcom has a series of 20th Anniversary related announcements to be made throughout the new year (2008) regarding new games and other misc. items of interest.
  • Some announcements are "big surprises"
  • Capcom is apparently going to continue to remake some of the “older” Rockman games. No specifics. (Could this mean more Powered Up and Maverick Hunter?)

  • The long delayed “MegaMan Zero Official Complete Works” will finally release in mid February.
  • The upcoming “Rockman and X Complete Works” artbook/sourcebook will reveal the “truth” behind the events that took place between the Original and X series.

(Hopefully, it will put an end to the Zero cataclysm theory once and for all)

  • Capcom of America is planning a commemorative 20th Anniversary soundtrack to be released in the spring.
  • Capcom is currently searching for a producer and director for an unannounced game.
  • The Wii Rockman title will revive a "retired" series that was not concluded. Which series though, is unknown, but it has to be either Original, X or DASH. (PLEASE BE DASH! PLEASE BE DASH!)

    The Bad News:

  • Rockman will not be in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
  • Capcom is currently discussing the future of the ZX Series. (i.e, if ZX3 will see the light of day) It's fate will be revealed to the fan base directly. No news is good news.
  • Ryuusei no Rockman 3 has entered production. (No surprise there) First bits of news will appear in late May or early June. (WHAT THE #####!?)

    That's it. The bolded statements are my comments on the subject.
31  MegaMan Series / Battle Network Series / A good series gone bad on: 3 January 2008, 05:14:56
Discuss or rant on how the series went downward from your point of view.

I'm currently listening to MRadio, and it was playing the Netopia Streets theme from Battle Network 2.

As you know, the Battle Network series made a drastic fall when it reached BN4. Although it slowly creeped back up the slope from the pit of trash it had become, it still doesn't match how great BN1-3 was.

But only now did I realize the music was also at it's peak at BN3.

All my favorite EXE tunes originate from BN1-3. There are some good ones in the later games, but BN1-3 wins with the music, not to mention other things as well. Better graphics, better music, better stories, better gameplay, etc. Only now do I realize this after hearing a tune that produced such great memories.

What the hell went wrong!?
32  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / The "How Was Your Day?" Thread on: 3 December 2007, 21:13:10
Topic is self-explainatory.

If I could explain my day using a comic, this would be it.

Twas like someone shanked my gut.

Note to sell: When your mother feeds you an orange colored fruit salad... RUN. AWAY.
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