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1  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Plant Art on: 6 November 2021, 22:07:22
So like, my whole schtick of being the plant guy has kind of persisted over the past 20 years. Well beside just storying vasts amount of plant knowledge in my brain, I've begun to create what some might describe as "art" with bits and pieces of still living/dead plant matter, in fact that's a major part of my job.

The bread and butter of the plant-crafts.

Dried Stuff
this type of stuff is really popular with folks these days. I blame horrible sites like pinterest. Wanna dry your own flowers? just put them like. upside down.

These are roses I made using these pearlescent seed capsules from a plant called Lunaria. I haven't seen anything like them on the internet yet, so I guess these are my original characters.

Some wreaths I made.

Preserved roses make lovely gifts for moms and stuff.

2  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Matricians: Post your houseplants! on: 5 July 2021, 15:28:33
I'm sure some of you have plants. I have around 50 in my small apartment.

a very very small portion of my collection:

Monstera adansonii cutting.

These next two are both in the same genus but look so different.

This lady flowers for me once a year, which is impressive because I don't have the most light available in my apartment.
3  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / MChat v2.0 on: 10 June 2021, 13:33:53
4  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / MMMQuest 199X - a CYOA "RPG" on: 2 December 2017, 07:16:58
That's right. I'm just that bored with my life these days and I just can't stop thinking of you guys. Surely something like this would have done much better during the Mboard's golden age but maybe, just maybe if people just drop in now and then we can get this thing going. Maybe have a few laughs while we're at it, find some treasure, rescue upwards of one princess and perhaps more.

I have a loose idea when it comes to plot. Really freaking loose but as long as I have bits and pieces thought up, the rest should just flow. Plus all y'all will be pitching in suggestions on where to go or what to touch with your gross unwashed hands. I may be the DM so to speak but I don't wanna be a railroader you know? No one's hopping on THAT train while Snarey is on DM duty (BM doody). Yes I'm planning on having combat and I have the dice situation covered. There's going to be stats and junk maybe. Probably maps maybe and inventories perhaps.

I still don't have a computer so I'm drawing things with whatever I have on hand. Crayons, chalk, paint, scrap paper, good paper, expensive rare imported thousand times folded japanese paper, q-tips, feathers, rocks, walls whatever I find. Bugs.


We should get started.


Although before we can get SUPER started we should probably pick a guy.

[spoiler= Our lovely cast OOC DUH]

:"Pick me because I'm a NINJA which means I can sneak around easily and breathe water like all NINJAs"

Mikero the Ninja is a good choice. His higher SKILL in areas like speed and dexterity helps him dodge attacks and spank back with critical hits. He can also learn a variety of water and frost skills and has access to some shadowy artes. Mikero also has a higher charisma stat.

:"Pick me because I'm a MAGE and not actually a priest like my name says. Although I still dress in priestly regalia. You are not allowed to question me and all dissenters will be sent to the tent for a mauling"

Oh Rez! Rez is a magic user, naturally. He has more of a focus on destructive spells, so uh, don't expect too much of that whole white magic stuff. He also has a summon ability in Nibbles. His higher SENSE, like his magic and knowledge stats will certainly come in handy but keep in mind those lower BODY stats.

:"Pick me cause I'm a LUMBERJACK. My superior strength and vitality stats will let me hack through my problems easily. Also I'm a biologist too."

Or will we pick John? Less skill and magic oriented and more of a raw damage kind of guy. Although he has lower SENSE stats in his magic and charisma, his knowledge is quite high, earning him those delicious knowledge check rolls with ease. His bio knowledge might earn him additional damage points against BEAST and PLANT creatures.

Alright, so pick a guy and let's get this show on the road.
5  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Force me (or eachother) to draw Robot Masters/Mavericks! New: Munition Mallard on: 9 September 2017, 02:34:26
Righto, just as it says. Suggest a random robot master or maverick. Be as logical or as stupid as you wish. Ideas? I dunno. Gold Man, Spiral Man, Pasta Woman, Titan Gnat, Molten Mandrake, Pasta Bear. It's easy!

Anyone who wants to should join in and draw too.

Here's Gold Man. His extensive use of business jargon will have his associates as malleable as his namesake. He shoots giant coins from the slot on his left arm thinger.  8)

look i didnt say it had to be good ok?
6  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / A megaman "joke" (WARNING: contents might be a liiiittle bit MATURE) on: 30 August 2017, 00:33:18
*megaman finishes torching the hell out of plant man who is burnt, sizzling and robo-dead)
megaman: oh yeah thats how i like my weeds, i like them smoked.

Protoman: PPFFFTTT HAAHahahHahahaha do u even no what u JUST said???

Reply if you "got it" don't reply if you haven't read it yet

Posted on: 29 August 2017, 18:31:44

Should i report this to the mods its a bit risqué

7  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Okay folks, we're going to play a forum game. on: 16 June 2009, 04:43:45
Here's a traditional game that many message boards have enjoyed for so long. I'm gonna tell you what we're gonna do. We're gonna make ALBUMS, yes, you read me, albums.

"BUT HURRRRRF THIS IS DUMB I DONT KNOW HOW TO MAKE AN ALBUM FAAART" is what you're thinking probably, but don't be silly, we're going to use the INTERNET to help us.

FIRST. Pick an artist name or band name by going to Wikipedia and then click on random article.

SECOND. We need an album title! Go here. And scroll to the bottom, use the last two to five words of the final quotation as your title.

THIRD. We need art! So go here. Now where I pulled this game from, they said to use the third image no matter what. Since I'm nice, I'll let you choose which you want.

FOURTH. Using Photoshop or anything similar, combine the three and share. <3

Here's what I made.
8  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / The dreadred band geek thread! on: 1 August 2008, 05:24:01
Surely my fellow matricians have some musical prowess..! Do you play AN INSTRUMENT?

I really do enjoy playing music sad thing is I'm really not that good (I started it late, shut up.).
I got stuck playing the Baritone/Euphonium, much to my dismay...I don't know I got used to it eventually...

I might will be investing in a new instrument...And you will see who's the musical genius!
9  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Snare's remixed tunes ("An original composition from ME. LISTEN PLOX") on: 11 December 2007, 00:46:02
I just recently got a music sequencing program and Garritan Personal Orchestra (A collection of high quality orchestral instrument samples...).

Now since I'm still not all that musically adept, all I really do at this stage is import midi files into the program and edit them, though the results are fairly nice I'd consider this to be what recoloring is to spriting, still I'd like to share what I've made so far.

The first song is Windman's theme, I replaced the main track with Piccolo and Flute while the bass line was moved up a few octaves and is now played on the harp. Uh, I guess it sounds pretty...pretty.

as for the BEST song I've remade, it's from Final Fantasy 6 (3?) I've never played the game but I heard this song and I liked it, it's from an Opera Scene in the game and it's called "Aria di Mezzo Caratterre" give it a listen. I've made so many changes from the original midi, I can't even list them all.
10  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / That ol' Sprite Thread on: 2 December 2007, 20:54:41
That's right, what's MMM without the biggest thread ever? You DO remember it, don't you? Anyway, I'll kick things off with some stuff I've done recently.

Yeah, Pokemon is awesome again due to nostalgia, so here's a fake evolution of Pinsir I've made.

And next is some fully functional headgears for Ragnarok Online servers that I've made.

Drooping Kobold

Music Ring

Rose Ring

Snowflake Ring
11  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / The Super Special PBnJ Adventure Cartoon Thread on: 2 December 2007, 20:36:16

New comics will be posted in this thread. 8D
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