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1  MegaMan Series / X Series / Mega Man X8 SNES Demake on: 20 January 2024, 14:47:06
I'm surprised no one is talking about this.

Looks really good.   I hope they replace the music with X1-X3 style versions of the X8 tracks. 
2  MegaMan Series / X Series / Well this is a thing.... on: 21 February 2023, 23:30:35

Minecraft X Mega Man X.  Also Wily, Light, Roll, Bass, Protoman.  But no Classic Mega Man....
3  MegaMan Series / X Series / Meme Magic is real (Zero/Iris Acrylic Stand) on: 27 November 2022, 21:44:51

It only needs a voice thing where Zero screams the line and I will buy your product.
4  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Mega Man The Wily Wars coming to Nintendo Switch Online Sega Collection! on: 1 July 2022, 02:42:56
First Battle Network Collection, now this.  Pretty neat.
5  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Let's get some kind of debate going. on: 29 August 2020, 00:16:30
I've been playing a lot of the Classic Mega Man games recently and I've been thinking.

Rush Jet.  Is there any real use for this power?  I liked the way it was handed in Mega Man 3 since you could move it all your own.  But the later games only see some practical use.  Was Rush Jet actually necessary in the later games?  Could it have been handled differently?  I will add that I though the idea of MM8's use of Rush Jet as a Gradius/R-TYPE shooter.  What are your thoughts?
6  MegaMan Series / X Series / Something about Mega Man X Animation on: 19 July 2020, 13:12:39

LOL.  Also Lucas is reprising his role as Zero.  (Put close caption on)
7  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / MEGA MAN 11 SELLS 1 MILLION COPIES! on: 7 November 2019, 09:49:17

We did it bros!  :D :D :D
8  MegaMan Series / X Series / Mega Man X Dive on: 31 August 2019, 01:45:15

For a mobile game it actually looks somewhat interesting.  It's made by Capcom of Taiwan.

Also *Skips towards Rico like a happy chao*

9  MegaMan Series / ZX Series / Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection announced! on: 29 August 2019, 14:41:08

Not sure if want.  I'll play the ZX games again, but ##### the zero series (Unless they fix the ranking system, then I might give it a shot)

Anyway discuss, rant, whatever.  (Feels good to see the board back :D)
10  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Capcom "Project Battle" on: 27 June 2019, 12:43:16
Well this looks somewhat interesting....

It's a capcom card battle game with a lot of material from the X series.

But that design.  That design of X.  No.  Just no.  Why?  Why is it a thing?

Edit:  Oh snap!  My post count is the same as current year 2019!  :D :D :D
11  MegaMan Series / StarForce Series / So Mega Man Star Force 4 was going to be a thing... on: 15 June 2019, 13:08:47

Game would have revolved about "Hacking" and Geo being a criminal of some kind.  And the LOL SO EDGEY dude is actually a descendant of Lan Hakari.

So...discuss I guess?
12  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Mega Man Wily Wars is part of Sega Classic Mini! on: 16 May 2019, 18:33:32

13  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Happy Birthday Abe! (And Metty!) on: 28 November 2018, 12:50:28
Don't know if you are around but Happy Birthday Abominator!

(Metty too!)
14  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Super Smash Bros Ultimate on: 11 July 2018, 13:48:56
Cause our boy Mega Man's in it of course.

Anyways  new remix confirmed:  Mega Man 4 Medley (Dive Man/Skull Man)

Anyways, what are your hopes for characters, stages, items, music, etc.

The only other character I want is King K. Rool, if only to get more DK representation. 
15  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / The Offical Mega Man Legacy Collection Thread on: 23 May 2018, 00:59:23
So Mega Man Legacy Collection now out for the Switch.  Already got my purchase. 

The Rewind feature is pretty #####ing neat.

Not sure I like the switch controls.  Hopefully it will grow on me.  I know it will be easier with the later games since you can charge since I'm used to SNES style controls.
16  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / MOVED: Is this place still alive? on: 2 May 2018, 12:06:20
This topic has been moved to MMM General Forum.
17  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Limited release Mega Man 2 for NES (And Mega Man X for SNES) on: 1 May 2018, 16:43:08

So this is a thing....
18  MegaMan Series / X Series / *Figdgets gleefully* on: 3 December 2016, 19:06:20



19  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / H*R is not dead....I'm so glad H*R is not dead.... on: 1 April 2014, 23:57:17

Pretty clever of the Brothers chaps pulling an April Fools Joke but updating the site on the day we would never expect them to update on after so long.
20  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Project X Zone on: 30 June 2013, 02:16:06
So I got this game and have been playing it a lot.  It's a lot of fun to be honest.  Anyone else have it yet? 
21  MegaMan Series / X Series / Slowpoking here but... on: 2 July 2012, 10:31:51
X2 is out on the Wii virtual console in the US.  I know Japan got it WAY before us and Europe got it before us too, but now we have it. (Woo)

Any ideas when (IF AT ALL) We'll get X3?
22  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Rockman 10 Image Soundtrack on: 3 May 2010, 22:10:34
Remember the huge pile of fail that was Rockman 9:  Arranged Soundtrack?

Well you don't have to worry about THAT happenning with this.

Get it.  You will NOT be dissapointed.
23  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Mega Man 4 out on Wii Virtual console on: 20 April 2010, 00:00:15
In case anyone didn't know.  I got mine.  *Plays it*
24  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Rockman Zero Collection gives insight on Classic and X series (Spoilers and Rage on: 9 April 2010, 13:22:05

(Taken from translation of Rockman Zero Collection site)

[spoiler]Reploids… those are robots made a time long ago who were near human and had limitless potential… Given individuality by means of advanced technology, the Reploids worked for humans and were meant to be the greatest ally to walk alongside mankind… However, trouble silently built up among the gears between humans and Reploids that beneath these peaceful times… Having limitless potential and being near human, it was only a matter of time before the Reploids would oppose humans. These kinds of dangerous Reploids the humans fearfully called Mavericks… Reploids that became Mavericks were disposed of by there own Reploid brethren… This was the response humans devised… For the Reploids trying to protect their human masters, there was no room for choice. Thus a violent war between the Reploids that seemed to have no end erupted… Numerous battles accumulated… time went on… and even with the creation of the human utopia protected by Reploids, Neo Arcadia, the struggles haven’t ended…

At least 200 years ago
The birth of X

When an incident occured where an unknown computer virus came from space and causes robots to become violent and riotous, Dr. Light completed the battle robot “X” worrying about the future of Earth. Hypothesizing X could battle robots infected by viruses, he gave X the perfect virus counter-measure. Meanwhile Dr. Light developed a great number of armors, but this presented the possibility of X becoming a threat to mankind. To confirm the safety of X’s cognition program, Dr. Light sealed away X in an analysis capsule.

1XX years ago
The birth of Zero

Zero was produced by Dr. Wily, who schemed at taking over the world. But he contained a flaw in his cognitive program that made him violent and unwilling to obey instructions, so Dr. Wily himself sealed Zero in a capsule.

1XX years ago
X is discovered

X is discovered by Dr. Cain, having been buried underground for 100 years.

1XX years ago
The birth of Reploids

Dr. Cain carried out his research of X, and using this created highly advanced robots called “Reploids.”

1XX years ago
The Sigma Virus outbreak

A subspecies of the terrible computer virus from long ago is generated, and begins driving robots mad locally. The human leadership acknowledges these infected robots as Mavericks, and orders them to be disposed of. The source was found to be an unknown computer virus that had prevailed over 100 years ago emerging from the capsule Zero slumbered in. Later, this virus was named the Sigma Virus, after the Reploid “Sigma” who led a revolt against the human leadership.

1XX years ago
Formation of the Maverick Hunters

Following through with the disposal of Mavericks, the human leadership decides to have Mavericks exterminated by Reploids, and forms the Maverick Hunters. Ironically, the leader of the first generation of Maverick Hunters is Sigma.

1XX years ago
Zero awakens

Receiving information of Zero awakening from his capsule and causing violence, the Maverick Hunter Sigma finds and intercepts him. during this incident, Sigma is infected by the unknown computer virus leaking out from Zero’s capsule, but at the same time Zero, having his armor damaged in the battle with Sigma, also becomes infected with the virus. Due to this, Zero’s personality completely changed, and he would turn to working as a Maverick Hunter.

1XX years ago
The Maverick Wars begin

Infected by the unknown computer virus, Sigma defects to the side of the Mavericks and leads a revolt against human leadership. The wars between the Mavericks and the Maverick Hunters for the future of humanity begins.

1XX years ago
Fall of the colony “Eurasia”

Under Sigma’s orders, the Reploid mercenary Dynamo causes an obsolete space colony “Eurasia” to crash into Earth. Along with recognizing the threat of the Mavericks anew, the human leadership professes its aim of eradicating all Mavericks. The site that became a contamination zone is dubbed Area Zero, and for the next 100 years would be barred from entry.

1XX years ago
The Nightmare Incident

“The Nightmare Incident” occurs, an event where a subspecies of the Sigma Virus that attracts attention as the Nightmare Virus spreads throughout the world. The fact was proven that Zero was it source, as he was a carrier of the Sigma Virus, and was contagious to his surroundings as he worked across the world as a Hunter. In finding this, the human leadership decides for Zero to be sealed away, but due to the influence of scientists studying the Sigma Virus, his cognitive program was removed from his body so the two could be researched separately.

1XX years ago
The birth of the Mother Elf

A Reploid researcher of this time (Dr. Ciel’s great-grandmother) studies Zero’s cognitive program and discovers an antibody to the Sigma Virus. She completes the Mother Elf, a program lifeform that can rewrite and erase the Sigma Virus. Afterwards, the scientists in the field of researching the Sigma Virus make researching Cyber Elves their focus.

1XX years ago
The Elf Wars rise from the Maverick Wars

There are many historians who define the end of the Maverick Wars as the period when the number of Mavericks dropped significantly due to X’s using the Mother Elf. In actuality there is no enduring the conflict, and afterwards the latter period of the Maverick Wars came to be known as the Elf Wars.

1XX years ago
The proposal of Project Elpizo

A member of the humans researching Cyber Elves proposes “Project Elpizo,” an operation to create a Reploid that’s a perfect ruler using the Mother Elf’s program rewriting ability. X opposed this operation, but out of fear of a long-lasting war support begins for complete control of Reploids. The confrontation of X’s “philosophy of coexistence” and the human leadership’s “philosophy of rule” begins.

25  MegaMan Series / X Series / MOVED: does any one know when a new series could come ? here are my thoughts. on: 3 April 2010, 14:16:15
This topic has been moved to Miscellaneous MegaMan Games.
26  MegaMan Series / Battle Network Series / Get ready to rage... on: 21 June 2009, 13:39:53
Today, at the World Hobby Fair, Capcom officially announced "Rockman.EXE Operator Shooting Star" for the Nintendo DS scheduled to release in 2009.

##### you Capcom.  ##### you.
27  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / ... on: 4 June 2009, 20:35:33

I'm just gonna leave that here. 

Make of it how you will.
28  MegaMan Series / X Series / Beautiful Mega Man X remixes on: 19 March 2009, 23:29:02
Chill Penguin

Bubble Crab/Duff Mcwhalen

I fidgeted upon hearing these.
29  MegaMan Series / X Series / I'll just leave this here... on: 14 January 2009, 16:07:43

30  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Oh Snap! MM3 is out for the VC. on: 10 November 2008, 23:31:00
Yeah.  Got it.  Anyone else have it now?
31  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / OMG Roll playabe in TvC on: 9 October 2008, 12:38:57
I'll just leave this here...
32  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / I'm dissapointed in the lot of you. on: 9 October 2008, 09:18:03
It was my Birthday and no one remembered. ;-;  :P
33  MegaMan Series / X Series / Mega Man X CD Database Game on: 27 September 2008, 00:20:11
Hay guise let's play a game!!!

You know how in Mega Man and Bass each character had a CD card which gave a good point, bad point, like and dislike.  Well why don't we make up our own for the characters in the X series.  You can pick any character and what they like, dislike as well as their good and bad points. 

I'll start us off.


Good point:  suave
Bad point:  Show off
Likes:  Curry
Dislikes:  cats
34  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / I'm looking for a short Mega Man Comic. on: 18 September 2008, 21:47:29
Where Megaman is talking to Capcom and Capcom just blows him off then Megaman "Gets equipped" with big #####ing stick, then beats the ##### out of some guy with it.
35  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / OMG. Megaman Voulnutt playable in TVC. on: 22 August 2008, 19:29:26
36  MegaMan Series / X Series / Mega Man X9 question. on: 1 July 2008, 12:21:00
Well would you?
37  MegaMan Series / Zero Series / I'm sure no one cares.... on: 16 May 2008, 15:56:20
But that complete works book is apparently coming out in the US May 28th.

38  MegaMan Series / StarForce Series / GEE!!! WHY AM I NOT #####ING SURPRISED!? on: 17 April 2008, 11:27:02
Taken from Atomic-Fire

Star Force 3 on the Horizon

I haven't seen this myself so far, but word has it that a Ryuusei no Rockman boss character contest has begun in the latest issue of CoroCoro Comics, which would seem to indicate that a third title (and however many versions of it) is in the works. Somewhat sadly, aside from the Gigamix album the future of the ZX series is still up in the air.

It's official.  Capcom and Megaman can go ##### themselves.  If this is the only thing that the Rockman 20th anniversary has to show then I am done with Megaman for good.
39  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / OMG WILYWARE....well not really. on: 7 January 2008, 11:15:30

It works like Wario Ware apparently.  Just look at the pretty pictures.
40  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Best Mario Game on: 5 January 2008, 11:13:15
You knew this was coming.

Super Mario Brothers 3
Super Mario World
Super Mario 64
Super Mario Galaxy.
New Super Mario Brothers
41  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / 20th Anniversary Techno Arrange Album on: 20 December 2007, 11:42:23
It's officially out now, so for those who have listened to it already, I put this question to you: Do you think TEAM Entertainment delivered on your expectations?

It's been awhile since an official arrange album was released, and I have to say, I find it to be quite well done. I'm especially fond of Dr.Wily MM2, Boss Select Meldey, Snake Man and Flame Man. Those tracks I found to be excellent, the others range from good to great.
42  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / I seriously fear Mega Man's future. on: 4 December 2007, 22:08:36
Right.  Listen up and listen well.

As you know the most recent games we had so far are Mega Man Star Force and Mega Man ZX.

With ZX:  Advent out and everything all we have left to look forward now is Star Force 2.

Now what's going to happen beyond that?  According to Inti and Capcom, if ZXA didn't sell enough, they weren't going to bother with a 3rd ZX game.  Now this leaves us with only Star Force which in my opinion is horrible.  So if all we have left in Mega Man's future is nothing but Star Force, does this mean that soon the blue bomber will be nothing but a memory?

What can Capcom do to preserve Mega Man's glory?  Is there a way Capcom can actually save the franchise and restore it to the days of Classic and X?  Will there ever be a Classic, X, or Legends game again?

What do you think will happen to Mega Man's future?  Do you think it will slowly rebuild itself to it's former glory, and slowly sink into a rubble of fail that ends his franchise with a whimper?

43  MegaMan Series / ZX Series / Highway Stage + Bifrost = lulz. on: 3 December 2007, 11:21:37
Seriously try it.  It's tons of fun.

There are lots of fun things to do in ZXA using the different psudoroids.  What's yours?

I also like using Buckfire for the challenge. 
44  MegaMan Series / X Series / Favorite Stage Enemy. on: 3 December 2007, 10:13:11
What is your favorite stage enemies?

Her are mine.

Bee Blader
Metall C-15
Planty and Iworm
Pararoid V-13
45  MegaMan Series / ZX Series / Did anyone know... on: 3 December 2007, 01:05:22
That the voices in ZXA are the same voice actors in MEGAMAN X7?

Holy ##### they improved!!!
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