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1  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Re: Mega Man Wily Wars is part of Sega Classic Mini! on: 7 June 2019, 00:28:14
I check things out periodically.  I just rarely have anything to say.  I've always been the quiet, pacifist type. :P

They did mention that they may add more games soon...  I was surprised not to see more Sonic, though.

And hey, Xero.  Hope all is well!
2  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Re: Mega Man Wily Wars is part of Sega Classic Mini! on: 4 June 2019, 15:24:25
Nice!  I'll probably get it just for the MMWW, although the Sonic games would be fun, too. 
3  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: A Most Humbled Hello.... on: 11 April 2016, 00:02:50
Tell me about it...  I've owned MegaMan 9 and 10 now for a while, and still haven't had time to finish them.  It's sacrilegious!
4  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: A Most Humbled Hello.... on: 1 April 2016, 17:10:59
Where's my apology!?

I'm joking.  I don't care.  In fact, it was probably me that destroyed your message board, not Speed, given that I destroyed those at least once a week back then.  God I was terrible.  I miss terrible me.  Now I'm so ... gentle.
5  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Thank You MMM on: 31 July 2015, 15:39:19
You shouldn't disturb the dead...

I always felt that rule was inefficient.  

14 years ago today, "Delta" was born!  :D  And immediately started breaking rules.

I must say, Abe, that the combination of blue checkers and bright primary colours for the site design have always been inspirational for my own site designs.  Up until now I've had blue math webpages, with thick black borders, as if they were copied from a SNES game.  Good job!
6  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Thank You MMM on: 20 June 2014, 02:26:08
And thus worthless.

At least our debit and credit cards have chips in them!
7  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Thank You MMM on: 1 October 2013, 01:02:46
Strangely enough, this is precisely the place where I learned to be a prick on the internet.
8  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Thank You MMM on: 30 September 2013, 13:32:52
9  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: So I'm here now? I'll try not to.. MESS it up on: 8 May 2013, 16:53:04
Abe only sent me my personal messages, and maybe my posts.  I probably still have them somewhere.  I think I recall him commenting on how unusually large the file was...   But I don't think he ever sent me a backup of the forums themselves: Matrix is his, forums and site, and I wasn't allowed to have them. :P

I probably have records of our AIM conversations, though, Jaap.
10  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: So I'm here now? I'll try not to.. MESS it up on: 29 April 2013, 01:08:39
By the way.
11  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Remember me? on: 13 March 2013, 15:10:06
He probably wrote that himself.

Edit:   That's his website.  It used to have a chat attached.
12  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: What are you watching? on: 11 March 2013, 15:50:57
I refused to watch the last season of Breaking Bad.  As far as I'm concerned, it ended with the fourth (I think) season. 
13  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Remember me? on: 11 March 2013, 15:46:27
I saw him several years ago, somewhere.  I might be able to find him again if I can find some time.  I think he has/had his own website, with a chatroom.
14  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: MMM on: 25 February 2013, 15:18:57
I don't have a facebook account and I will never get one.


I noticed.
15  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: MMM on: 24 February 2013, 18:08:46
Facebook is also good if you read a lot of articles/news online.  Generally, you can't read everything posted on the internet, so you just focus on a few blogs are news sites.  But with Facebook, you can post interesting articles, and your friends will also do the same.  Often times you and some friends will be interested in the same thing, and so you can get a lot of information that way without have to wade through useless crap.

That said, you do get a lot of ##### like game-invitations, ads, people "liking" things when in fact they probably never did (it's just Facebook advertising), etc.  You can control this somewhat with your feed-options; otherwise, you just learn to ignore this and search for the important stuff.
16  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Remember me? on: 21 February 2013, 04:01:41
I don't even know what Slayers is...  I just thought the Red Priest/Rez was a character from some anime.
17  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Remember me? on: 20 February 2013, 15:59:26
This could very well be Voulnet pretending to be Metty, dressed up in a green T-shirt and Met helmet!  But very well...  I don't have the energy anymore to actually check.  It's easier just to believe.

METTY!  HI!  What have you been doing all of these years?
18  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: MMM on: 20 February 2013, 15:55:11
I have a friend who has a phone with a stylus.  The phone is slightly larger than an ordinary smartphone, though.  A Galaxy something-or-other, I think.  She has a purse, so she just carries the phone and stylus around in that.  Imagine.  Purses.  Clearly we all need to be carrying them around.
19  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: What did you get for HOLIDAY? on: 20 February 2013, 02:38:46
My parents can't get me gift cards anymore, because they don't know what stores are in the US, and I won't tell them.  So they're stuck giving me cash.

They couldn't do a Google search for your area and go from there?

Hey.  They're still getting used to "cut-and-paste" on a computer!  Besides, I don't want gift-cards.  Why restrict where I can spend money, if I could have more freedom with cash?  It's not like a gift-card is somehow more thoughtful.  At least I don't think it is.
20  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: MMM on: 20 February 2013, 02:28:10
I'm somewhat disappointed with my Nexus 7 for taking hand-written notes.  I find it fairly difficult to get it to detect subtle movement of the stylus.  I'm not sure if the Nexus just isn't good enough for that sort of thing, or if my stylus sucks.  My tablet laptop used to be able to handle my hand-writing, but now the hardware always fails after a few minutes of using a stylus (I will never buy an HP laptop again...).

Anyone else have any thoughts on just simple note-taking on (portable) tablets, like Nexusees or iPads?  This might be something I eventually would like to have.
21  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Remember me? on: 20 February 2013, 02:17:49
Prove that you are whom you claim to be!
22  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: What did you get for HOLIDAY? on: 12 February 2013, 01:29:11
I eat the flesh of students that fail.
23  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricans; what are you drinking? on: 11 February 2013, 16:08:21
Some wines, especially white wines, are fantastic.  Very little alcoholic taste.  And beer does smell bad.  And often tastes bad, too (I'm not a fan of hops).  I drink it for the social effect.
24  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: MMM on: 11 February 2013, 16:03:37
And now I don't think I can ever go back to just one.  At least not when I'm working.
25  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Re: How do you honestly feel about the Mega Man Legends series? on: 11 February 2013, 03:39:22
I love my Legends games.  I sleep with them.  Naked.  When I have bad dreams, and I wake up in terror, I only need to reach out and touch them, caressing their smooth plastic cases, knowing that they are there and all is well.

Actually, this wasn't too far from the truth at one time.  In fact, this guy here is watching me type this [see pic attached].  A gift from an old internet friend.
26  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: MMM on: 11 February 2013, 03:25:37
Here are the pics to prove it!

Edit: huh...  never knew that would happen with a dual screen.
27  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricans; what are you drinking? on: 11 February 2013, 03:15:16
I'm imaging the following:

"Hey...  Hey man.  Do...  Do you...  You...  Do you still love me, man?  Do you love me?  Because I love you.  I love you so much.  We're like.  Best friends.  Significence.  Significent friends.  Do you love me?  Do you even like me?  You stupid ####.  After all I've done.  Do you even...  ####!"

28  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: What did you get for HOLIDAY? on: 10 February 2013, 21:27:12
My parents can't get me gift cards anymore, because they don't know what stores are in the US, and I won't tell them.  So they're stuck giving me cash.
29  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricans; what are you drinking? on: 10 February 2013, 21:24:57
I can get silly depending on the group of people that I'm around, and also depending on what I'm drinking.  Red wine puts me to sleep, but beer (2, in fact), makes me all buzzzzzzzzzzed.

30  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: What did you get for HOLIDAY? on: 10 February 2013, 18:25:02
Got some money with which I used to go and buy some much-needed new pants (boring).  New shirt.  Bluetooth headphones.  Some other nice things, too.  I'm apparently a hard person to buy for, especially when the conversation goes like:

"What do you want for Christmas this year?"

"Nothing.  You don't need to buy me anything.  Seriously."

"No really, what would you like?"

"No really, don't."
31  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricans; what are you drinking? on: 10 February 2013, 18:14:45
I used to not drink.  And then I had some beer once.  The substance was disgusting (it was a bad brand and tasted like stale bread), but my eyes were opened, and I awoke to see a whole new world!

Yesterday I had some red wine (Zinfandel), and put some Capt. Morgan's Spiced Rum in my latte while watching the latest Batman movie.

The night before that I was at a party where I had various beers from Quebec, more red wine, and some Canadian maple whiskey.  It was Canadian night at my friends' place, so we had homemade poutine and nanaimo bars, too.  I have been described as a "fun drunk", whatever that's supposed to mean...

In fact, I feel a slight headache coming on at the moment, and my solution for that is an Advil, and some rum mixed in with coffee.
32  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Mega Man's 25th Anniversary Year Postravaganza!!! on: 23 December 2012, 01:15:25
I might finally bite the bullet of social media when I get a Nexus 7 at christmas but I just hate it...

(Got surprised when I got some Yeahs on my crap drawings in Miiverse though!)

If I ever see you on Facebook, I will donate $100 to a charity of your choice.

I just bought a Nexus 7.  I don't use it much for social media; mainly for a work-related e-reader that has the ability to email.  But it has lots of other things available for it.  Basically a giant smartphone minus the phone.
33  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Welcome to Oldness on: 28 November 2012, 02:38:14
I can't believe I posted this over one year ago.
34  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians, You're looking older... on: 6 November 2012, 16:13:39
Hmm... I'll have to hunt the old ones, unless Delta still has his *ahem* catalog.

Managed to find them in a 2003 backup.
35  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians, You're looking older... on: 9 October 2012, 18:19:26
Me in 2002 (a year after joining Matrix!), then in 2009, then just last night.  I lost my beard.  And later gained some scruff.
36  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Didn't there used to be a "MMM NOSTSALGIA" thead? on: 13 September 2012, 17:16:30
Whatever it was, it was fun. After all, it was the years of Matrix and the net was still a lawless void where you could be whatever you wanted. Residual self-image and #####.

Yeah, it was definitely fun.  A lot of it was abundantly idiotic, but laughs were had.  At the expense of others, usually.
37  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians, You're looking older... on: 13 September 2012, 17:07:21
I'm sure I have them on my backup harddisk somewhere.
38  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Didn't there used to be a "MMM NOSTSALGIA" thead? on: 22 August 2012, 17:55:10
And people had online personas.

Yeah, what was with that, anyway?  I always thought it was a bit weird.  Even though I certainly had one, too.  Probably MySpace, Facebook, and so on got rid of that pretty fast.

Delta and Hazard thought I WAS Nall when I joined.  Good times.  I still miss the Mega Man Avatars though.  I was Grenade Man!

That's probably how we started talking in the first place...
39  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: MMM facebook group. on: 17 January 2012, 20:26:38
That's the best kind!
40  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: MMM facebook group. on: 17 January 2012, 18:56:45
Now you get to be exposed to my "controversial" posts about atheism, homosexuality, and casual sex!  :D
41  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: MMM facebook group. on: 17 January 2012, 18:16:42
Well, it wasn't hard to find you given that you asked to join the FB group.  :P
42  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Welcome to Oldness on: 29 November 2011, 05:46:50
I keep looking for the "like" button...
43  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Welcome to Oldness on: 28 November 2011, 01:04:59
Happy 30th, Abe.

Who knew ten years ago that ten years later you would be ten years older.
44  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: MMM facebook group. on: 12 August 2011, 23:28:56
I want nothing to do with it and in no way approve of it.

Never saw that coming...

I don't use facebook so I can't see it, but I'd appreciate it if you'd change the name to have nothing to do with this site.

Okay.  It appears that whoever created the group has changed its name to something no one will ever associate to MegaMan Matrix.  Everyone can live happily ever after.
45  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: MMM facebook group. on: 12 August 2011, 03:41:00
Of course, only those with Facebook accounts can join.  :P
46  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Let's try and liven up the MegaMan Matrix on: 21 May 2011, 19:14:24
Aside from the fact you pretty much go on Facebook as you.

I wouldn't exactly say I'm "me" on Facebook.  In real life I'm not nearly so ... vocal or something?  I'm a lot more considerate of other people's feelings, too.  The arrogance does carry over, though, slightly.

I'm also not as self-absorbed on Facebook and in real life as I am on Matrix.  Somehow that just became part of ... "Delta".  e.g. this very conversation.  Must be the blue checkers. 

My interest in real people is nil, hence my lack of Facebook...

Maybe you should move to a real city and meet new people.

Posted on: 21 May 2011, 18:13:33

Ever since I decided I'm definitely going into the comedy business, I just dropped any handles and just started plastering my actual name wherever I posted. I still use the initials as a handle sometimes, but that's it.

I recall watching one of your acts.  Something about not being able to smell?  It was funny.
47  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Captain N64 on: 21 May 2011, 18:55:23
Ah, Hazard, it's been a while.  How are ye?

Interestingly enough, I did find the other roughly 20 comics on another CD.  I can post them if anyone is in suspense of what happens next!

The newer ones are way better, and yes, are also older than dirt.  Which says as much about me...  I can't even grow a beard anymore; too much grey.
48  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Captain N64 on: 15 May 2011, 07:22:01
So I decided to copy all of my old backup CD's onto an extra hard drive that I have, and I started looking through some of the stuff I had saved.

The following comes from a CD marked Dec. 21, 2001.  It's a comic created by a former member of Matrix named Prof. Hazard.  Most of the characters are based off of former members who have long since disappeared.  I only have the first 29 (or at least, these are the ones I found so far).  They did continue on, though not for very long before Hazard ended the comic.

*Disclaimer: these are not mine (although I did help to make them), so I probably have no right to post them by some stupid moral that someone thinks is true.  I obviously don't care.
49  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Let's try and liven up the MegaMan Matrix on: 15 May 2011, 05:36:01
Delta smells irl.

srs folks. srs.

Yeah, I smell you whenever you're around...  It's awful.  We still need to hang out again, Chods.  I've just been super busy and stressed.  Not that that's ending anytime soon...

So... can we just summon Delta already? That would make this place better by default.

What with my magnetic personality and all.  Haha.  Heh.  eheh.

Abe's right: other sites have replaced message boards, or at least the role they used to play.  Instead of going on the internet to meet weird people from other parts of the world, you go on Facebook and stalk your old schoolmates.  At least that's what I do.  But there will always be the group of people who don't like their local peers and will need a place to go and socialise, so I can't see message board communities dying out completely.
50  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show Yourselves! on: 3 September 2010, 13:27:13
For comparison: me when I was about the same age as Morgan.
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