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Author Topic: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread  (Read 1677694 times)
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1550 on: 30 June 2008, 22:32:09 »

"Barbara, your son is nuking our garden again!"

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1551 on: 30 June 2008, 22:44:47 »


I once ate this really hot pepper (not sure what it was called but it was red) without mixing it in food. It hurt but I loved it.

I'll eat anything spicy and will never regret it.

I bet that was just a chili, you Nancy.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #1552 on: 30 June 2008, 22:51:07 »

I remember eating a spoonful of chili powder at one time. Wasn't hot, just, smokey tasting and.. well, you've all seen the spoonful of cinnamon videos.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #1553 on: 30 June 2008, 22:53:16 »

I bet that was just a chili, you Nancy.

Well, I don't really remember if it was red... I ate it a year ago.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1554 on: 1 July 2008, 02:34:36 »

The elderly act far too much like children for my tastes.

I could gouge my own eyes out if I hear him say "oriental" again.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1555 on: 1 July 2008, 02:59:57 »

HEY ABE, the numbers at the bottom of this page are starting to run rampant.

I just spent about 5 hours with my girlfriend.
It was swell.
We walked around town, then came back and ate spaghetti.
I then showed her some of the wonders of Photoshop.

The WHOLE state had thunderstorms today except for this town, like, it was muggy and we could see all of the thunderclouds in the distance but they never passed OVER us. It was very weird, dark clouds across the horizon in all directions and a hot clear summer day above us.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1556 on: 2 July 2008, 07:34:05 »

This is long. But I think it's a good story anyway.

Canada Day was great. Well, it won't totally sound that way but it was good.

I was woken up early (after going to be late like always) by my family being entirely annoying and inconsiderate and coming downstairs at 8am and making breakfast and talking loudly and not giving any #####ing consideration to the fact that I'm trying to sleep on the couch (since I have to give up my bed for THEM) but they eventually left to go look at Canada Day ##### so I finally got some damn sleep.

I woke up later to get showered and got dressed and everything hoping that I could play some GTA when I was dressed because I haven't been able to do anything with the TV that I want to do since my grandpa has to #####in' control everything like a child. But anyway just as I turn on the shower I hear them come home. Uhf.

So I shower, get dressed, and wait for a friend to arrive. Then we go to leave I take a red sharpie and write "Strong" on the inside of my left forearm, and "Free" on the other one and we head out. We take the bus and they're singing ugly tone deaf girls in not enough clothing on it but it was bearable. We were the first ones there where we were meeting other people at 4PM, and then a couple of my friends finally showed up late and we had to wait a WHILE for the rest to show, while there's #####ing people in red and white everywhere like a candy cane ant infestation. But of course, singing retards and an extremely dangrous amount of drunk/drinking people is what such events bring out.

They finally show up so we head out to try and find a spot at a bar or something. An hour later we got PRIME real estate on the patio at Pub 101. And people game later too. Ate, drank, was good. But it was hot as ##### in the sun where I was, that sucked. But the sun eventually went to bed so it was good. We left after the most annoying time trying to figure out our bills, which the waitress mucked up.

Trekked over to a place between Parliament Hill and the National Gallery of Canada (like the dopest Art Museum, but that's another story) and watched the fireworks. They were good. Not as epic as I wanted but I'm a grown up and fireworks just aren't the same anymore. But they were #####ing awesome none the less and made me feel patriotic. Which is gay sounding, but whatever.

Then we went to this house party that was kind of already partied out even though it was only 10:30, but it was cool because the party was on the roof of the apartment, and the roof of the apartment was on a street with a lot of clubs. One of which was next door and has a rooftop patio sort of thing, so we where actually kind of above all the people dancing and ##### there. So we went up there on a shakey ladder, the type of metal ladder that slides into itself that you'd have in the garage. The ladder mixed with his "fear of heights kicking in" (direct quote) meant the fat man that was pissing us all off the whole night left. Which was cool. But the party was pretty much fizzled out by the time we got there and the people at it where gonna go to a bar or whatever. We didn't want to wait in line for ever to get in a bar (in Ottawa on this day it's almost impossible to get in anywhere at night, and even in the day it's hard as hell to find any spot in the place to sit down-bar or club, doesn't matter-and the lines take like ten years) so we wandered a bit.

Went and waited for someone outside this place called Mavericks that I often pass when I'm downtown. I can only assume this place is some kind of gay rave AND faux metal/punk club because all the patrons I ever see it have is like those really stereotypical kids who are emo that think they are punk and/or metal, and weirdo ravers with Pokemon or Sesame Street backpacks, eight thousand turbobright colour necklaces and wristbands and #####, bright yellow, orange, and other flamboyant coloured clothes and that whole bit.

 I saw a Cookie Monster backpack, and a Pikachu backpack. I saw this emotive kid get in a fight with her emotive boyfriend who looked just like her and she ran away, and then later I saw them hug and make up (AWWWWWW). But best of all, while outside this place, I saw a guy with long hair, eye makeup, and to top it all off he was wearing some short metalhead jacket (which admittedly, was a cool jacket except for it's shortness and who was wearing it) with NO SHIRT ON UNDERNEATH LIKE SOME SCAZ! Seriously what is with people? I thought I wasn't in 1983 for a second but then I remembered that if you remember metal in the 80's; You weren't there. Really though. What a chud. He was like a poser eye-makeupped version of one of these metalhead guys from Haggard. And I kept making fun of him in that metal-voice Brandon Dicamillio uses when he goes up and talks to them in that clip. Like seriously... "Rudido dooh I'm so metal, ladies a waoh did dodoodohdoh!"


Anyway turned out that place was gonna be stupid (obviously) and there was a large cover so we ended up getting some water at a pizza place and then eventually making our way to the busses. HOLD UP, my story ain't done. This is the part where I get pissed off.

I'm walking and over in the middle of the sea of people in the street on the left some dude is firing off fireworks. Which is rather stupid, but all the drunk people eating McDonald's think it's the #####ing limit even though they are actually kind of in danger. I'm thinking whatever, so we all keep walking and then on my left some guy runs by pushing people of his way and kind of laughing. I look and I see the cops chasing him. I'm like "Fuuuck. That was the guy." and I had recently passed his friends on my right, so as soon as I think that one of the guys I passed rushed by me and body checks the first cop chasing that guy who was shooting off the fireworks. But it doesn't matter, there's like 2 more cops who keep chasing the guy.

The whole mass of people erupts and everyone on the road, and some on the sidewalk (where we were, and where the guy's friends where) start running in the direction the cops are chasing that guy. Clearly, people think they want to see someone take a night stick to the face. Trust me, no you don't. Anyway that happened to be the direction we were going to, 'cause my friend Sonia needed to hit the bank so she could get a cab. As we get under the bridge though, as everyone is #####ing running up, Sonia asks "Did he get away from them?" since we can't see him anymore. I said "Maybe. But no. 'Cause look at that..." and I pointed up to the end of the street where a massive line of cops was standing and moving in our direction, and some cops were running at where that guy would be. It was strange, now that I think back to it, it looked like a movie or something and we were getting quarantined because of some zombie/rage-ie virus. But anyway we kept walking and then cops were like "Go that way" in the #####ing rudest manner they didn't need to do, as we were just walking, minding ourselves.

We headed back but I was really pissed off about it, admist all the people yelling
"##### the police!" as if they knew anything about NWA, I even said something like "We're supposed to be celebrating a free country and I can't #####ing walk down a street if I want to, and it's NOT even for a good reason" to my friends. And then the cops had the stairs to the Mackenzie King Bridge closed off, which was where the bus was going to stop. So we went under the bridge and around the other but ON the bridge they wouldn't let us go our respective bus stops and just told us to pretty much ##### off and one of them literally said, and I am not exaggerating, "We can cancel Canada Day if you want." I held myself from telling her to go get #####ed. The people keeping pedestrians off the bridge weren't real cops anyway, they were at best a couple rent-a-cops and what I suspect were volunteers. But what a bitch. Canada Day was over anyway. I did however loudly say that the police can't cancel our country's birthday and that it was stupid and such as we were leaving.

As we walked however an actually nice one of these volunteer ladies told us we'd have to go to the Laurier stop at Ottawa University. Which we knew, but she tried to help and I appreciated someone actually acting like we were people just trying to get home. While waiting at an intersection my bus went by. I would've caught it   on the bridge if they hadn't been stupid about it. And before anyone says anything; Yes, it was a completely arbitrary barricade, and they didn't try to direct us or explain, just yelled at us like cattle.

The police in this city frequently abuse their power.

Anyway I got to the bus stop and my friend and I got on our bus a bit later. The bus is free anytime after 10pm (when the fireworks are SUPPOSED to happen) on Canada Day. On the bus someone tried to smoke a cigarette and a guy cussed him out, got up, and took and put the cigarette out himself. Then some dorkus white kid in a Cleavelan Cavaliers hat (so you know he's an idiot) was 'freestyle' diss rapping on some guy and everyone around him (his idiot friends) were going "OHHHHHH!", like they do, everytime he did a good line. Here's the rub; He didn't DO any good lines. He said "dick" every too seconds, and half of the time he didn't even diss with a rhyme. I think his best rhyme was the word 'Orleans' and 'morphine'. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. I also don't even think it was freestyle, it was bad, but it also sounded thoroughly prepared.

It got me into a whole spin of talking about today's hip hop and eventually my friend, a bunch of random teens who don't know anything, and I were talking about the Ice T vs. Soulja Boy thing. They Soulja Boy made a good point later on in the video, saying Ice T should be congradulating him and also said that yes, he can't rap, but he's making lots of money.  Instead of saying "What. The. #####. Are you talking about, you #####ing retard?" I was like "... Right." and stopped talking to them. They got off the bus a second later anyway.

The guy who tried to smoke on the bus tried again and this really hot chick yelled at him and said she was pregnant and if he smoked on the bus she'd go over there and put it out in his face. I don't think she was pregnant, as she said nothing the last time he lit up. Plus I don't want to believe she was pregnant like that, as she was sooooooooooo good looking and too young to be married or like... Ready for that and #####. I don't know her, so of course she could be totally ready. But, you get it.

Anyway I finally got off the bus and away from rapping gaylord and I just ranted to my friend about how crap and artless and passionless everything is today like an old man on the walk home from the bus.

And now I'm gonna go to bed.

All in all, it was actually really good. I had more fun last year, I think, but I did more this year. Of course, last year at this time my life was as good as it had ever been in all aspects, and this year it's equally worse. So that helps. But it was good.

Sleep now, because at 8am the family will come down and rudely wake me up. #####.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #1557 on: 2 July 2008, 07:40:32 »

I worked all day today.


I get payed a little extra, though...

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1558 on: 2 July 2008, 08:00:51 »

If I didn't live in Ottawa, I'd work the day too. Time and half is good. C-Day in Ottawa is better.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1559 on: 2 July 2008, 15:20:02 »

Mike, I read all of that.
Sounds like a pretty basic/fun day.

I spent yesterday with my girlfriend, which was swell.
Today is a busy day. Lots of paperwork for college.

Posted on: July 02, 2008, 10:00:20 AM

Had a can of Moxie for breakfast.
Good day so far.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1560 on: 2 July 2008, 17:44:18 »

I read all of Mike's post, too. Dunno why. Sounds like one of those days that is more fun to look back on after it's over.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #1561 on: 3 July 2008, 05:33:34 »

I spent my birthday today (yesterday) playing Zack and Wiki for a few hours... and then my friend's mom hosted a surprise birthday party at her house. She baked delicious cake.

I got tons of money now... going to buy a new DS for college and keep the rest for other things. Also got a new sketch book.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1562 on: 3 July 2008, 06:33:46 »

I read all of Mike's post, too. Dunno why. Sounds like one of those days that is more fun to look back on after it's over.

Pretty much.

I really hate the police in this city though. They often go out of their way to start fights and ##### because we have a relatively low crime rate for our size (I think) and they don't see as much action as they want to. Their supposed to spot out these kinds of characters when they're recruits but every cop I've met in this city except one (who I talked to when I was actually IN trouble) is on a complete power trip. Men and women. I know it's true because I'm not the only person who's said it recently.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1563 on: 3 July 2008, 15:58:11 »

Sucks. I've had mixed experiences with cops.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1564 on: 3 July 2008, 21:20:59 »

I was watching Four Brothers with my dad once and he said the police in Detroit are huge. Made sense to me.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #1565 on: 3 July 2008, 23:40:24 »

Went to the mall to simply drop off my broked DS, shippin' it back to Nintendo. I took a different route to the Purolator place and found a Game Stop. I thought we only had EB in Canada.. So I checked it out, and found a MegaMan & Bass for 5 bucks. So I gotted it.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1566 on: 4 July 2008, 00:27:50 »

Damn you.
I never find cheap Megaman games.
The store down the hill is selling Megaman 2 for about 35 bucks.
And the original Super Smash Brothers for SIXTY FIVE.

Lots of other great deals though.

I spent a lot of time with my girlfriend today (took her to Hancock [jokes ensue]). Then we went to panera bread and got a bagel.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #1567 on: 4 July 2008, 01:03:17 »

I wont even play the thing, but for 5 bucks I might as well have bought it, just for the sake of having it.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1568 on: 4 July 2008, 01:49:00 »

I own the cartridges for MegaMan 2 and 3 but I don't own an NES. A friend of mine gave them to me since he was never even able to make it to any of the Robot Masters and was too frustrated to ever play again.

I found out they're actually worth quite a pretty penny later, especially MM3.

I've kept it a secret from him ever since.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1569 on: 4 July 2008, 02:13:47 »

An ex-friend lent me MM1 on GB. I never gave it back.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1570 on: 4 July 2008, 02:16:22 »

Good choice.

Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1571 on: 4 July 2008, 16:53:02 »

I forgot about the parade.


I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1572 on: 6 July 2008, 00:18:36 »

Family and friends rode our boat to Traverse City and floated in the bay for a few hours to watch a cool air show. Awesome stuff.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #1573 on: 6 July 2008, 04:44:55 »

I worked for nine hours today. Hurt my ankle so much that I was limping all day.

But it was OK because I was working with my favourite co-workers.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1574 on: 6 July 2008, 08:28:05 »

Lazy Saturday, woke up in the late afternoon.

Was supposed to go to Carifesta in Montreal today. Didn't go. Stayed up late to finish the cover of Mittens And Crumplehorn so I did not feel like driving into Montreal on as many hours of sleep as the drive there is (2 hours).

Was supposed to go see The Happening tonight with Jess. Didn't go. She had a family thing she forgot about.

Was then supposed to go see Wall-E with friends. Didn't go. Almost everyone bailed for different reasons, myself included.

Almost everyone got back on to seeing a movie as their plans either ended early or fell through like mine. Went to see Hancock. Was almost late. Wasn't late. Saw movie. Was really dope.

Then went clubbing for a few hours at The Drink to bail a friend out of an awkward sitch. Hadn't been there before. Was really dope. Have to go back.

Good day.

Supposed to go see Snoop Dogg and Infected Mushroom at the Bluesfest tomorrow. We'll see.

Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #1575 on: 7 July 2008, 05:54:28 »

I went to Thunder Bay today.

I wanted to watch Hancock, but my schedule didn't allow it...

However, I bought Watchmen (all 12 comics into one volume, new) and a new, sexy Crimson/Black DS Lite with my Birthday money. Mmmm...

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1576 on: 7 July 2008, 06:32:43 »

You could just say you bought Watchmen. Few people that have bought it DON'T actually have it in the collection, really.

Anyway, I had a another long and dumb day.

I woke up and my mom had turned my cellphone off, which pissed me off because I was expecting a call from a friend. So later on I called him and he said he'd call me 40 minutes before he was leaving for Bluesfest.

Then he didn't call and it was past the time Infected Mushroom started playing so I left because I wanted to see the Snoop Dogg show. My bus was mega-late, and mega-packed, and mega-slow so I got down there and Snoop's show was already half over and my friend still hadn't called. I was BEYOND pissed off and considered going home, but I decided to stick around and watch the Snoop Dogg concert from outside (the Bluesfest event is outdoors, with many stages and simultaneous concerts) because there was no #####ing way I was going to pay for a ticket to go stand alone at a concert that's half over.

Snoop was awesome. Like the best I've heard from him in like 10 years. Even his newer songs that I don't really like were great live. He's just great live. In that time I got to see him take a drag off the biggest blunt I've ever seen in real life (he got it from a guy in the audience, no less, after stopping in the middle of a song to say he smelled chronic. Specifically "I smell chronic... Yeah... This is that whiteboy chronic #####" or some such thing). I also so a dalmatian with the biggest dog balls ever by the fence near me. But yeah, Snoop Dogg was pretty sick and I wish I hadn't been TOTALLY pissed off beyond all recognition (POBAR?) because I could have enjoyed it. It was the only show I really wanted to see, too.

Anyway during Snoop's last song I got a call from Nash saying he thought I was with our other friend Collin (who left before I got there, the gaylord) because he thought he heard me in the background when he called him, and thus didn't call me.

I wasn't pleased but decided to go buy a ticket anyway (tickets are for the day or whatever, and we were gonna watch more concerts). I waited in line a long time, bought my ticket, and was still pissed off. I was going to be REALLY mad if I wasted 39$ on a ticket if I didn't like any other acts, since Snoop was done and we missed Infected Mushroom completely.

So I got in and waited in line for a while to get a bottle of water and a lemonade as I was beyond thirsty. 5.75$ later and I was looking for my friends. I didn't know what stage I was supposed to go to (we were seeing Primus by the way) and the guy at the guy didn't know who was playing at what stage (OK I realize he's there all day and there's a LOT of bands in a day and there's only 4 stages, but come on. Give them a map with a schedule or something) so after figuring out what stage I was to be at (ON MY OWN), I played phone tag with my friends to try and find them in the crowd. Still completely pissed off I wandered through the crowd and mosh pit and half of the Primus show later I found them.

For whatever reason, once I found them I ceased being pissed at them. I don't know why but it was like instantly I just wasn't mad anymore. Maybe I was being stupid earlier and when I saw them I knew it was an honest mistake, I don't know. Watched the rest of the concert with them. Primus is #####ing awesome. It was a wicked show. I didn't know of the band before, apparently they were big in the early 90's (when I was listening pretty much only to reggae and some hip hop) so I'm going to have to get some Primus tracks soon. They were incredible.

After Primus we waited around a bit then went to meet up with people and went over to another stage to see The Wailers. The Wailers! I knew they were playing Bluesfest this year but I didn't know it was the same day! I grew up on Bob Marley and The Wailers! That's like my roots! That said, I'm not sure which "The Wailers" it was.

Obviously it was not the rock band, but there was "The Wailers" that was a band Bob Marley was IN, and then later there was "Wailers Band" who backed Bob Marley, being "Bob Marley and The Wailers". However, the program said The Wailers, not Wailers Band, and a song they played later lead me to believe it was a reuniting of the original, minus Bob of course. But I just checked on the Bluesfest website and it seems Wailers Band is just calling themselves The Wailers now, as the members of the band on the site only sync up with the members of Wailers Band. Weird.

So we chilled there for a while. That stage was right by the water and it looked great. But friends were tired (uhf) and wanted The Wailers to play songs they did with Bob Marley, but they were basically only playing their stuff without him. After a while at that stage we went to the fourth stage-just around the corner-where The Weakerthans were playing. As we were going though, The Wailers started playing "Stir It Up"! Like ##### my #####ing friends, they started to leave at the best time! But whatever...

I'd heard The Weakerthans on MTV Live before, but they weren't playing I knew and they were just OK. People wanted to go so we left Bluesfest then walked across the bridge into Quebec (ew!) and looked for a club because for whatever reason Adam wanted to grind on jailbait young girls. Nothing was open anymore so we went to a pizza place and ate a bit, then walked back over the bridge into Ontario (yay!) then to the bus stop, and then parted ways.

Now, I'm very tired. But even though I was pissed off half the time, it was a good day in the end.
« Last Edit: 7 July 2008, 21:01:04 by Mikero » Logged

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1577 on: 7 July 2008, 07:24:36 »

I was reading all that but then you IM'd me and I realized I didn't care so, yeah, rock on and whatever!

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1578 on: 7 July 2008, 07:26:31 »


Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1579 on: 8 July 2008, 06:26:15 »

My dad and I rode home from our new condo up in northern Michigan today. It's about a 4-hour ride.

So, I'm watching Seinfeld on my portable DVD player, and we're moving really slow in some tight traffic. Eventually I look out the window and there's this cute girl to the RIGHT of me on the side of the road, standing on her cell phone and looking frantic.

Sure, where she was standing in the road was weird, and she looked frantic and stuff, but the only reason I really looked up was because she was cute.

And then I sort of NOTICED she was frantic.

So, I sort of turned my head to the left and looked past my dad, who was also staring out the window, and saw a completely flipped over car, and one totally torn apart one, and a rescue team trying to pull some guy out from under the flipped car, and a handful of people running about.

It was the worst accident I've ever seen.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #1580 on: 8 July 2008, 06:58:30 »

Standing on her cell phone? Well thats not very good at all, that'd only break the darn thing..

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1581 on: 8 July 2008, 07:15:56 »

She wasn't in the best state of mind.

Actually, let's not joke about this.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1582 on: 9 July 2008, 03:56:00 »


I want to see a car flip over.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1583 on: 9 July 2008, 04:03:23 »

We drove past it pretty quickly overall but the image stuck in my mind and I was trying to picture the accident in my head. My dad and I were talking about it most of the ride home.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if there was a death. An upside down car means it was thrown around a bit, plus it's upside down, and the other car was literally permanently damaged, it looked like a trash compactor was having its way and stopped halfway through.

Super Robot
Posts: 6423

« Reply #1584 on: 9 July 2008, 04:05:13 »


I want to see a car flip over.

Here you go, Mike.

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1585 on: 9 July 2008, 04:06:14 »

I didn't say "a car flipped over"!

We drove past it pretty quickly overall but the image stuck in my mind and I was trying to picture the accident in my head. My dad and I were talking about it most of the ride home.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if there was a death. An upside down car means it was thrown around a bit, plus it's upside down, and the other car was literally permanently damaged, it looked like a trash compactor was having its way and stopped halfway through.

You did NOT just put forward the imagery of a trash compator banging a car...

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1586 on: 9 July 2008, 04:07:55 »

I'm still trying to picture the kids.

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #1587 on: 9 July 2008, 15:24:00 »

Just look at a Scion XB.
It's a trashy compact.

Robot Master
Posts: 736

« Reply #1588 on: 9 July 2008, 15:43:54 »

Oh Chron, you drive me bonkers! Ahahahaha!

Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1589 on: 9 July 2008, 22:34:10 »

Today I started my second job at the government. The rest is classified.

Hellboy 2 soon! I can't wait!

Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #1590 on: 11 July 2008, 02:04:28 »

Well, today was average.
Now for important stuff.
My weekend is going to be awesome.
I'm going to see Hellboy. (With Irradiated.)
Then Saturday I'm going to Video Games Live. (Also with Irradiated.)
Sadly I haven't gotten a call back from somebody about if they want to go or not. :'(
Super Robot
Posts: 6811

« Reply #1591 on: 11 July 2008, 04:26:20 »

I woke up at 6.
Earliest in weeks.
Went to some friend of a friend's mom's house to get paid to remove dirt from her basement.
But it wasn't dirt.
It was 2-5 inches of clay over 2 layers of brick.
Which was over clay as far down as we dug.
Wet clay.
We aren't done yet, but when finished, the top 2 feet of soil and junk will have been removed.
We're half done.
We load the dirt into 5 gallon buckets (about 20 liters), and lug it up stairs and dump it in a trailer. $8 each hour.

I'm pretty dead.

I can skin anything smaller than a bobcat in 30 seconds.
Super Robot
Posts: 11985

« Reply #1592 on: 11 July 2008, 04:39:56 »

You know... That's less than minimum wage here.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1593 on: 11 July 2008, 05:06:18 »

We were talking about minimum wage last night but now I can't for the life of me remember the exact number.
$7.40 sounds about right, though.

What's cool is that I work for my dad now. He's an engineer and he works out of our basement, he set up an office down there. Basically I just do all of his filing and go out and buy him supplies and help him with the computer and stuff. It's great.

So, today... well, I have swimmer's ear. And my ear is KILLING me. Like, some of the worst pain I've had since my kidney stone a decade ago. Which they say is equivalent to giving birth. I can vouch.
So, all day it's been killing me. I can't stand much more of it. I'm practically deaf out my left ear and anytime I move pain shoots through it.

But misery loves company, so I hung out with my friend who has poison ivy all over her face. We basically just sat and complained at each other.

Robot Master
Posts: 736

« Reply #1594 on: 11 July 2008, 05:16:49 »

That sounds both pitiful and beautiful. You should write a children's book about that.

Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1595 on: 11 July 2008, 05:20:58 »

She wouldn't come out of her house and she hadn't been out for a while, so I convinced her to come over finally.

When she rang the doorbell, I opened the front door and pretended to back up in horror and I shouted "WHAT IS THAT, IT'S HIDEOUS, OH GOD" and covered my eyes.

She got mad, but it was so worth it.

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #1596 on: 11 July 2008, 13:19:20 »

It always is, even if you get physically injured afterward.

Swimmer's ear is a horrible affliction. I had one case that was bad enough to turn into an ear infection once... if you think THAT horrible constant pain is bad...
... oh man.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1597 on: 11 July 2008, 15:13:43 »

Ugh, I can't stand this. I have to get to a doctor.

Super Robot
Posts: 2790

« Reply #1598 on: 11 July 2008, 15:19:19 »

Good. Not going to the doctor is how it gets infected.
Or something.

I'm not sure.
Better to handle it now.
Super Robot
Posts: 10911

« Reply #1599 on: 11 July 2008, 15:20:11 »

I've waited a really long time anyway because I thought it would just go away, but it just keeps getting worse. I'm trying to get an appointment.

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