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Pages: 1
1  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Streaman gaemz on: 4 December 2009, 06:30:05
If any of you are interested, I've got a stream running at [url removed] , or [url removed]. I usually stream later in the night, and have a couple staff members as well. As of this post, one of them is streaming Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance on GBA. I mostly stream anything up to PS1 games myself. I'm still looking for extra streamers for other times in the day though, if any of you are interested in helping.

I'm hoping it's okay I'm posting this here. If not, I'm sure it will be deleted and I'll just go elsewhere.
2  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Your favorite video game music? on: 4 November 2008, 15:09:28
What songs in your vidya games are the most memorable to you? If any, which ones really stood out to you and have you humming them or listening to them on your mp3 player for months after you finish the game itself? Post youtube links for others to listen to them as well of course.

Persona 3

Battle Hymn for Everyone's Souls -

Burn My Dread Last Battle -

Darkness -

Phantasy Star 4

Ooze -

King of Terrors -

3  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Rahvin's Youtube Channel on: 6 January 2008, 09:01:53
Seeing as this is the Creation station, I figure no one will mind me posting my Youtube channel URL here. A new hobby of mine is to play through various games, record the footage of things like cutscenes, boss battles, and just random gameplay, and upload it onto Youtube. If anyone is interested please check out my channel. All constructive criticism is very welcome, and would help me improve my videos. Looking forward to hearing what you guys think.

4  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Anyone knowledgable about video editing programs? on: 25 December 2007, 06:30:25
Specifically Windows Movie Maker? I'm having a very odd issue with it right now... If anyone is willing to give me a hand in figuring out what the cause of the problem is, and fixing it, I would greatly appreciate it. Just send me a message in one of the messenger services listed in my profile.
5  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Merry Christmas! on: 24 December 2007, 23:55:37
Just wanted to come on and say Merry Christmas to everybody here. I also came to let you all know to make sure and print out a legal indemnification form so if Santa gets sick from those cookies you left him, he won't sue you!
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