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1  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / I'm sorry.. on: 13 October 2014, 15:28:25
Hey guys, I know it's been a while and I really don't know if any of you remember me, but I was kind of annoying the last time I was here. I'd like to come back with a new start. Things have changed for me, and I'm not really the same guy I was a few years ago...

...For those you who probably remember me, I probably would have struck you as a pretty brainless dude. I was also somewhat of a rebellious brat, who seemed to view his parents as a burden, rather than truly understanding what parents really are.

Despite being a brat, I've actually improved on my relationship with my parents. And believe it or not, I've actually accumulated more of a brain, since then.

At the time I was on this site, I was making a few mistakes in my life, and I didn't really understand much. I left at that time, and never really got back on, because I was ashamed of the mistakes I had made those few years ago, and all I thought of was talking about those mistakes.

Just for the record, my mistakes I made were being angry at family and friends, and I guess getting with somewhat of a wrong crowd. (No, I didn't drink or do drugs, but they were a very bad influence on my attitude) To tell the truth, what I did wasn't as bad as what most people would've done, but I really hated myself for what I did.

However, I've learned from my many mistakes, and not to brag about it, have improved very much.

... I guess what I'm really trying to say is that I'd just like to be accepted back.
2  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / So, what does your computer run on? on: 27 October 2008, 16:28:27
Just wondering. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.
3  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Sorry, guys on: 27 October 2008, 16:24:04
Um.. Yeah.. I haven't commented here in a long time. So I'm sorry for that. I've been too busy with Shawn's <(My mom's friend) kids now I'm doing extra: picking them up then I've got a longways to walk so by the time I get home I'm too tired to eat dinner. PLUS I'm doing extra with my schoolwork. Can you guys tell me: Have I been gone too long? 
4  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Tell me what depresses you. on: 16 September 2008, 19:31:04
VOILIN MUSIC. I can't even listen to "You make me better [Fabolous&Ne-yo]" without feeling depressed. Also, dark polished wood furniture depresses me. Oh, and hotel and motel rooms.
Art musems, too. Driving by "Walzem Rd." depresses me. I used to live in a trailer park there. I saw alot of Demons there and felt spirits not to mention the nightmares I had at the time. And that's why it depresse me. Well enough about that, I won't get too deep into that crap.

Tell me what depresses you.
5  MegaMan Series / Zero Series / your favorite MMZ character on: 10 September 2008, 20:26:12
My favorite MMZ character is Harpuia. And secondly,Zero.

That's all gooooooooooodbye.  ;)
6  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / What really grosses you out on: 10 September 2008, 20:01:19
Discuss anything that grosses you out in this topic. It can be from bugs to trash to anything! Whatever! Don't be ashamed to admit!

What grosses me out: roaches (a.k.a my worst fear) my body odor,the smell of my hands,
scooping out leftover food, (the smell is really what gets me, I don't know why)[even of the food's not spoiled, it grosses me out] putting the same on clothes after I've worn them yesterday,{shoes don't bother me, of course} picking up a roach (that includes if it's dead, and even if I have toilet paper in my hand) and, the feeling that's left on my teeth after eating.

that's all I can think of
7  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Tatoos? on: 9 September 2008, 20:47:40
Do you have any tatoos? Or plan to get any? If you do, please show them.
Not if they are on your @$$ though. Or in the groin area. <<I know most of you aren't that stupid. But just in case................
I don't have tatoos. Neither do I plan to get 'em. I DON'T consider my body a canvas.
But if you have a different opnion you may put it down.

Bye. m(_ _)m
8  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Do you plan to drink? yes/no. on: 9 September 2008, 20:41:36
It don't really matter, I'm just curious. I myself don't plan to do drugs. By the way, if you have any other answers, feel free to put them down on this poll.

Goodbye.I'm gone.
9  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Pets on: 27 August 2008, 21:07:27
Just talk about what pets you have in this topic.

Right now I have a white dwarf rabbit her eyes aren't red.

By the way, her name is Sara. I got her for an easter present. back in 2006.
10  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / What do you do in your spare time? on: 27 August 2008, 21:04:20
Me? Nothing exiting. I'll Go on YouTube,Myspace,or Megavideo. Or sit around outside.
11  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / favorite anime characters on: 18 August 2008, 22:47:42
Yes, I know we have the "Least favorite anime character" topic, but what are your favorites?

My favorite anime charcters:

Right now:
~Phantom [mmz]
~Zero {leouch} [code geass]
~Light "Kira" yagami

Previous favorites:
~Ruruni kenshin
~Vegeta [dbz]
~Yuskae(Yu Yu Hakusho) [I haven't watched the show in a long time so I don't really know how to spell it]

well 'nuff about me what about you?
12  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Your most hated house chore on: 18 August 2008, 22:39:00
My most hated house chore,making the bed is all I can think of.
13  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Annoying Stuff on: 28 July 2008, 18:26:17
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.... What annoys you?

All I can say is: MY COUSIN. Although, I think everyone is annoyed by their cousin, she annoys me the most. She also annoys my grandma.<< but, my grandma's easily annoyed.
She annoys everyone else. If you met my cousin, you'd want to tear your skin off.

ALSO: The neighbors next door to my dad's apartment. Always banging their door.
It drives you freakin' insane!! just.. Don't get me started!

Anyhow, feel free to put up what annoys you.

and..... I'm gone.
14  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / I NEED HELP NOW!!! on: 21 July 2008, 16:32:32
Atention, atention!

OK, um, I can't go to ant websites I want, thanks to my mom&dad.

1. My mom doesn't have perental control, BUT she checks my website history.

2. My dad DOES have parental control.

 >:(This is so ####-ing lame!! Is there any way I can escape this? If there is, please reply...
QUICKLY.    because i'm going freakin' crazy.

I need results NOW. Like A.S.A.P  .

kingtrickster, over and out.
15  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / scary moments on: 25 June 2008, 19:21:18
Does anyone remember that time when you were a kid and you saw spooky stuff moving around in your living room or bedroom? Or when someone tried to kidnap you? Maybe beat you up? If you do remember, let it all out right here.

My most scary moment was 2 weeks ago, I was spending the night at Phebeon's (my friend) house, also, Sonny, (my other friend who was invited) who was just about to go to bed, Phebeon's dog escaped at 2:00 in the morning! We were still up at the time, also we had to go to last day of basketball camp at 6:00. so this was a real hold back. Anyway, my freinds and I left the house to look for him. We were walking the block, also, some crappy red car circled the block with us. We felt uncomfortable because, the car passed us 7 times. So, we turned around. We didn't know, but the car car turned around, too. We were standing there, and the car was in front of us with it's headlights off. Okay, suddenly, the people driving the car flipped their headlights on, revved up their engine , made their tires screech and headed toward us at 80 mph! Lucky for us, we were beside 4 cars parked at the neighbor's house, so we quickly ran to the cars and took cover. I never ran so fast in my life! I was nearly ahead of everyone! 

That's not the end though. We were still behind the cars, right? We stayed there for 2 minutes. After that, we got out. THEN, The car circled us again. So we took cover at another house. THIS time, at the neighbor's gate. The gate made a deep dark shadow, so we were hiding in it. Guess what we heard. A crackling pop. What was it? A gunshot. We stayed in the shadow for 6 minutes. After that, we ran home.

It was scary, but, badass at the same time.

We thought the apartments looked too nice for even the smallest crime.
I learned that night: never under estimate your surroundings.            
16  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Matricians:What's your most emberassing moment ever? on: 20 May 2008, 17:24:17
MY most emberassing momet was in 2002 or 2003. My friends and I were diong a carwash.
I think it was for money though I can't recall.  anyways, my friends and I had to hold up signs in the front yard so people would know to come there. I was sitting around, there were 3 or 4 girls there. me they were minding their own buisness looking around in different directions, up 'till I farted. They all looked at me, so I tried to pass it off by making a fart noise with my hands. They 
laughed at me and accused me. It was quite emberassing.
17  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / What's your fear? on: 16 May 2008, 02:36:38
What's something you're afraid of? Anything? Confess it all, Right here! Don't say you don't have a fear, or I'll be ticked off. Everyone has a fear. Put it right here!

To break the ice, My fear is cockroaches. <<(UGH!) 
18  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / What's something you used to eat, but now you hate it? on: 5 May 2008, 19:47:53
Can you guys remember anything you used eat,.. or maybe even drink but now can't stomach the thought of it?
Put your feelings about that food,drink,or what ever it was, right here!
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