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MegaMan Series => ZX Series => Topic started by: Xero on 3 December 2007, 01:05:22

Title: Did anyone know...
Post by: Xero on 3 December 2007, 01:05:22
That the voices in ZXA are the same voice actors in MEGAMAN X7?

Holy ##### they improved!!!

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: ChaosVortex on 3 December 2007, 01:07:51
Still sounds like suck to me.

... I know what you mean but still...

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: SB on 3 December 2007, 01:08:20
Any proof to this?

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Aresian on 3 December 2007, 01:08:52
I liked the voices. But then I'm insane.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Xero on 3 December 2007, 01:10:08

Albert's voice actor is Zero's actor.  Walter Roberts.

Grey's VA is Peter Von Gomm who did X.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: ChaosVortex on 3 December 2007, 01:11:06
Grey's VA is Peter Von Gomm who did X.

I figured out that part the moment I vomitted.

"A Pseudoroid? Are you in league with Albert!?"

First time I heard him talk.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: SB on 3 December 2007, 01:11:29
Does it have the sheer awesome that is Robert Belgrades, who did Signas in X7, as well as a better than his emo revoiced Alucard role from SOTN?

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Xero on 3 December 2007, 01:12:26

And at least the voice fits Grey.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Chron on 3 December 2007, 01:12:31
I could hear them in the few trailers I saw.
It was... disheartening to say the least.

and alucard is a funny man

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: ChaosVortex on 3 December 2007, 01:15:17

And at least the voice fits Grey.

I detest Grey. He's only good when fighting.

Ashe is a much better character. I only rip off an inch-worth of duct tape when she says "booty".

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Xero on 3 December 2007, 01:22:03
Ashe > Grey

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Chron on 3 December 2007, 01:24:56
I suggest that the following proposition is a fact:
"Female Megaman ZX lead character > Male Megaman ZX lead character" For all games in genre Megaman ZX.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: ASR on 3 December 2007, 01:34:01
I hated Ashe but loved Aile.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Xero on 3 December 2007, 01:36:12
Ashe and her obsession with Booty made me chuckle.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: ASR on 3 December 2007, 01:36:50

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Chron on 3 December 2007, 01:39:27
I almost have to play ZXA because of that.
But I'll stick with Aiiiiileeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ <3

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: ASR on 3 December 2007, 01:45:44
The way they kept saying "booty" pissed me off, really. Ruined it.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Xero on 3 December 2007, 01:48:19
Treasure would have sounded more appropriate.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: ASR on 3 December 2007, 01:53:45
That's ALL I was thinking the WHOLE time. "Can't they just say 'treasure'?!"

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Aresian on 3 December 2007, 03:27:46
Grey > Ashe.

Hell... ZXA Aile > Ashe.

Seriously... Ashe isn't all that grand. Grey is cooler. Besides... clearly there's a lack of loli and Ashe isn't providing.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: ChaosVortex on 3 December 2007, 04:09:38
That's ALL I was thinking the WHOLE time. "Can't they just say 'treasure'?!"

I was thinking of something more on the lines of...

"SHUT THE ##### UP!"

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: SB on 3 December 2007, 04:11:45
But... the Americana People claim that ZXA Aile sounds like a man! How can you rate Chimou over a Pirate Knockoff?!

But Xero got me thinking... The X7 cast had MML Roll as Alia... and ZXA has the X7 cast... So, by default, does this mean that at least some of the ZXA/X7 Cast is the same set of actors that did the Legends games?

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: ASR on 3 December 2007, 04:12:09
That's ALL I was thinking the WHOLE time. "Can't they just say 'treasure'?!"

I was thinking of something more on the lines of...

"SHUT THE ##### UP!"

Yes, but I'm the optimistic type.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Lunchebox on 7 January 2008, 08:39:09
That the voices in ZXA are the same voice actors in MEGAMAN X7?

Holy ##### they improved!!!

Bull#####! I heard those horrible voices in the trailer, it's still as stiff and horrible as ever!

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: preventerWIND on 7 January 2008, 13:01:23
Quite a necro post Luncho. I thought the voices were decent, even though they were horse crap like Lunche said, I really thought they were good, for the X7 cast that is. They really did improve.


Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: The Otaku on 9 March 2008, 04:05:14
I never played a game with voice acting, so right now ZXA is #1 in the voice acting department. For me. This is compared to the cruddy English voice overs from Boktai 2. And note that I've never played ZX before. Yet I consider myself a Megaman fan.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: yuri on 9 March 2008, 19:03:18
The acting was horrible it was the worst I ever saw.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Xero on 10 March 2008, 10:03:15
It beats X7 by a long shot.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: ChaosVortex on 15 March 2008, 03:42:52
For better voice acting, play games voiced by the BlueOcean Group, or whatever they're called. They're good.

... excluding Wily from MMPU of course.

There's also X8. I'm usually tempted to choke Pallete though.

Hell, BN5DS is better than ZXA or X7 anyday.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: ChaosVortex on 7 April 2008, 05:27:47
They sound nothing alike.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: NovaMan XP on 7 April 2008, 21:18:34
I've also never heard Zelda speak outside of yells.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Mikero on 8 April 2008, 02:03:40
Same for Harpuia, I think.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Rama Olendris on 9 April 2008, 00:03:32
Same for Harpuia, I think.

Harpuia speaks in the dramas- he sounds very androgynous- but it could have been worse. He could have sounded like X4's X. 

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Neo Arcadian Hero on 1 June 2008, 05:42:28
Yeah, sometimes i wonder if Harpuia is a girl underneath...

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Mikero on 1 June 2008, 10:18:48
Everyone in MMZ and ZX is a hermaphrodite.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Neo Arcadian Hero on 1 June 2008, 19:37:41
Not what i had in mind... but yeah, it could be a plausable theory... (More like a chaos theory...)

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Mikero on 2 June 2008, 03:36:48
It's not a theory, it's a fact.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: ASR on 2 June 2008, 03:37:34
Says so in page 14 of the MMZ3 instruction manual and page 8 of the MMZX manual.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Mikero on 2 June 2008, 03:40:48
And Rockman Zero Incomplete Works vol 2.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: ASR on 2 June 2008, 03:41:19
Which page? I don't see it.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Mikero on 2 June 2008, 04:35:22
(746)r-498007=898/3248 + r(√343x37).

But I'll let you FIND r.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: ASR on 2 June 2008, 09:27:18
...I'll ... I'll take your word for it.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: ChaosVortex on 2 June 2008, 16:37:10
C'mon ASR, it's just a little pre-calculus math. Math never did hurt anyone.

Multiply both sides by (3248 + r(√(343)37). That cancels out the right side. (790r - 498007)(3248 + r(√(343)37).
Distribute. It's simply 507084.6963r² - 340752007.7r - 1617526736 = 3248.
Subtract from both sides. 507084.6963r² - 340752007.7r - 1617523488 = 0
Quadratic Formula! 340752007.7 +/- √(340752007.7²-(4)(507084.6963r)(1617523488))/1014168.393

And then you...



Actually, forget what I said, it's a good idea never to take the chance with math.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Mikero on 2 June 2008, 22:23:25
Your problems start right away. You incorrectly cancelled out the right side;

Multiply both sides by (3248 + r(√(343)37). That cancels out the right side.

When you need to multiply by;
898/3248 + r(√343x37)

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: ASR on 2 June 2008, 22:38:12

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Mikero on 2 June 2008, 23:41:18
GOOD THING THIS IS PRE-CALC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: ASR on 2 June 2008, 23:50:48

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Mikero on 3 June 2008, 00:00:20

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: ChaosVortex on 3 June 2008, 00:32:05
Your problems start right away. You incorrectly cancelled out the right side;

Multiply both sides by (3248 + r(√(343)37). That cancels out the right side.

When you need to multiply by;
898/3248 + r(√343x37)

Easy mistake.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Neo Arcadian Hero on 5 June 2008, 03:24:02
Woah... Careful, someone may overload with all those numbers floating about.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Mikero on 5 June 2008, 04:11:05
No. We're not crappy androids from Neo Arcardia. We don't overload, and we aren't 12 year old looking hermaphs in the newest line from Speedo.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: TheRedPriest on 5 June 2008, 18:49:46
Sigma was right!

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Neo Arcadian Hero on 7 June 2008, 05:04:15
No. We're not crappy androids from Neo Arcardia. We don't overload, and we aren't 12 year old looking hermaphs in the newest line from Speedo.

I really hope your not insinuating im some 12 year old little douchebag

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: preventerWIND on 7 June 2008, 05:05:21
He was insulting MMZ, everyone there looks like that.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Neo Arcadian Hero on 7 June 2008, 05:06:47
Good good...

Yeah playing MMZ was really a mistake wasnt it?

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: preventerWIND on 7 June 2008, 05:09:46
I don't mind playing it, I'm one of the few that enjoy it. But the series really left the classic MM's bum sore.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Neo Arcadian Hero on 7 June 2008, 05:12:04
The character designs leave alot to be said.

I only liked Zero 2, the rest can go in the purning pile with Starforce, BN 4-6 and ZX

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Johncarllos on 8 June 2008, 02:11:12
ZX doesn't belong in the purning pile.
It's okay, maybe MMX6 quality?

Zero is playable, barely.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Winged Warrior on 8 June 2008, 07:38:02
I'm still not impressed.

He keeps repeating "DEES GAMEZ SUCK"

Almost like he thinks he'll fit in by using the opinions of everyone else.

Not impressed.

But back on topic...

Did anyone know... #####, what's the topic again?

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: NovaMan XP on 8 June 2008, 12:31:23
This topic was about how the voices in this game were the same from X7 for some reason.

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: preventerWIND on 8 June 2008, 14:59:24

-topic over

Title: Re: ZXA Voice Acting
Post by: ChaosVortex on 8 June 2008, 20:24:50
Maybe if the topic title was changed, we wouldn't have to read the first post to know what the topic is.

Like so. *points up*

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: preventerWIND on 8 June 2008, 20:32:39
But now it's back to normal. You don't hold the power CV, the MegaMan power that is.

Title: WIND's a douche
Post by: ChaosVortex on 8 June 2008, 20:34:47
Really? You don't say.

Post by: preventerWIND on 8 June 2008, 20:40:08

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Winged Warrior on 8 June 2008, 21:33:55

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: preventerWIND on 8 June 2008, 21:40:55
It's all good now.

The last metroid is in captivity.

The galaxy is at peace.....

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: SB on 8 June 2008, 22:05:47
Didn't the same company that did the voice acting for ZXA, who did the voice acting for X7, also have a hand in the LEGENDARY Resident Evil, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, as well as the Legends games?

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: NovaMan XP on 8 June 2008, 23:03:39
I'm not sure, but if that's true, then what the ##### happened when they were voicing X7?

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: Mikero on 8 June 2008, 23:30:22
Wow, Capcom hires voice actors MORE than once?!

Shocking news. ::)

Title: Re: Did anyone know...
Post by: ChaosVortex on 9 June 2008, 01:24:34
I'm not sure, but if that's true, then what the ##### happened when they were voicing X7?

Capcom beats their staff members.

Both ways.