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1  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Pokemon Go? on: 3 June 2022, 12:20:09
No idea if anyone is still playing, but:

1952 5889 9530
2  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Cool like Protomen! on: 8 November 2011, 17:57:40
I felt like reminding people of my existence my posting about my new favourite thing in the world:

MegaMan + Cyberpunk + Rock Opera = My life is complete.

Their entire stuff is on youtube, but as they're an indy thing and no huge money grabbing corp of evilness, you should be so kind to buy their albums from iTunes or somewhere if you enjoy them.
3  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / The best computer ever. on: 25 April 2011, 20:59:48

I want that. Seriously, that's awesome. Would be more awesome if it came with better hardware though.
4  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / So... Homestuck. on: 25 March 2011, 00:40:53

Was wondering, if I am the only one around here reading this.

It's pretty cool. Needs some time to take off and sometimes it's #####ing weird. But I like it. Thoughts?
5  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / I need help for the greatest creation ever... on: 17 October 2010, 22:28:57
You see, I have these two pictures. Courtesy of:

I'd like them in a GIF changing every few seconds. Bonus points if whoever feels up to the task adds a lens flare or another dramatic manga effect.

You will be paid in internets.
6  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Star Trek Online on: 14 July 2010, 00:59:00
Little hope here, but I thought I'd give it a shot:

I'm looking for a STO trial key, so I can check the game out. There's two ways to get them: Referral by another player or as a freebie in gaming magazines and whatnot.

I doubt there's much of the first kind here, but maybe one of you bought something that came with a free code you don't want.
7  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Lost on: 11 February 2010, 14:33:48
In the way I usually jump on bandwagons once they have circled the planet twice already, I recently started to watch lost and I must say, some drama and duh!-moments aside, I really like it so far. I'm in the middle of season 3 now. So far: Sawyer is a sexy beast, Jack needs to shut the hell up, Locke is badass and Hurley is a crowd-pleaser.

8  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Dog Tag on: 19 March 2009, 10:40:21
So eventually I got tired of wearing blank dog tags and want something coined on them. I just can't make my mind up what I'd like on them. So far there's "Organ Donor", "Unique", "Property of Black Mesa" and "Slave" on my list. But as none of these seems to strike quite the right chord I figured: what the hell: let's ask the Internet!

Only limit is that of space.

1st line 15 symbols,
2nd, 3rd and 4th lines 16 symbols,
5th line 15 symbols again. Alpha-numeric, naturally.

Looking forward to your suggestions. Feel free to point movie prop dog tags and similar ideas to me aswell.
9  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Escape the Vision on: 19 January 2009, 08:54:52
I've played a number of these games, but this one is the best:

Put walkthrough details in spoilertags and good luck.
10  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / The End Of The World As We Know It on: 2 October 2008, 21:40:32
Sometimes push comes to shove. And should the hardest push come to the strongest shove, things will go over the edge. That what's growing in the shards afterwards is what we like to call post-apocalyptic. Now have many authors come up with their own version of the end of the world, but some basic ideas always come up again.

Provided the right outfit and a reasonable amount of ammo, in what kind of post-apocalyptic world would you like to live?

Personally, I believe I'll go with the classic Mad Max/Fallout scenario of leather jackets, road-warriors, pump guns and anarchists. There's almost nothing not to like about it. And should that not work, I'll take the successful cocktail of zombie holocaust and totalitarian government that is the Half-Life universe.

11  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / So, what the hell was wrong with me? on: 1 October 2008, 18:26:29
As you may have noticed, I've been kinda absent for some time now.

Well, some stuff happened. Among other things it's last few days here at home before I am finally moving out. Most important stuff is at the new place already, 'cept for the PC and a working internet connection. But finding this apartment took some time and work. Same goes for the job I've had for the last 2 months. And of course WoW. As soon as I finally get done packing and ordering a new internet access though, this will all over with, leaving me only with WoW and regular university ##### to waste my time on, so I'll probly be around more often.

I've even missed some of you.
12  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / So. Guitar Hero. Seriously. on: 8 January 2008, 13:55:07
Ever since I finally got around to buying a Playstation Two for this Christmas, I've come to the conclusion that with great power comes great responsibility. Read: Spending. There are some must have titles outthere for the old machine and lacking them would probly feel like having the Mona Lisa in your room framed in one of these newfangled things that isn't really a picture frame but a sheet of glass clamped to pressboard. Now before I get caught up in a ZeroPunctuation like monolog (which is probly the best game reviewer ever) or a drawn-out rant about old and new art and style, I'll cut to the chase and ask you guys:

Is Guitar Hero 1, 2 or 3 worth shelling out 90 euro moneys which is about 132 yankee bucks?
13  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Matricians: Show your Avatars! on: 3 December 2007, 00:55:45
I know we used to have one like this.

Right now, I'm sporting the Black Mesa logo until I find something better. Still looking for something fancy like a really nice barcode or a graffiti like in V for Vendetta or a gasmask or something similarly cyber- or dieselpunk.
14  MegaMan Series / X Series / Greatest Maverick on: 2 December 2007, 22:11:24
Of course this thread is silly. We all know it's Sting Chameleon.
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