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Non-MegaMan => Non-MegaMan Games => Topic started by: Slugkid on 8 July 2010, 03:41:27

Title: Transformice
Post by: Slugkid on 8 July 2010, 03:41:27
I found out about this game thanks to VGcats. Became addicted to it. It's pretty pointless, but, it keeps me way too entertained.

Here ('s a link, but that server tends to be full so I'm always on the other one (

Anyway, I'm Slugkid, so you might want to /friend Slugkid when (if) you play.

Title: Re: Transformice
Post by: MOX on 9 July 2010, 02:29:27
My friend told me about this; it looks hilarious when there's dozens of mice on screen and everyone literally doesnt know what the ##### they're doing till' they get devastated by one disaster after another. I made an account but havent played yet, i'm Moxmox.

Title: Re: Transformice
Post by: Majikn on 9 July 2010, 03:29:22
What does this mean? It's so bright and so vivid.

Title: Re: Transformice
Post by: MOX on 9 July 2010, 03:40:46
I'm not completely sure but from the video i saw I think the objective is to find some way to get the cheese (objective) and bring it back to your hole with your mice bretheren.

Title: Re: Transformice
Post by: Majikn on 9 July 2010, 04:10:25
 I'm supposed to summon things for the other mice
 I summoned a bridge that flung me into the abyss

Title: Re: Transformice
Post by: Johncarllos on 9 July 2010, 11:45:05
A shaman is chosen when the last one dies or leaves. anyone can be the shaman.
The shaman can either help all of his mice brothers, or troll.

Title: Re: Transformice
Post by: Slugkid on 10 July 2010, 14:44:13
Not really anyone. There's a list to the right of the chat, showing players and their odds for Shaman election. When you get a cheese, you get 10 points, if you are the first one to gather it, I think you get 10 extra points, 6 if you are second and 2 if you are third.