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1  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / PORTAL FOR FREE on: 12 May 2010, 21:49:19

They're giving away Portal for free on Steam platform untill May 24th GOGETIT >:( >:( >:( >:(
2  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Show your Steam IDs on: 20 December 2009, 06:52:38
Post your steam account names. The only multiplayer game I have at the moment though is Counter Strike: Source.

Steam ID: Mox
3  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Site coding advice on: 24 November 2009, 08:17:02
I'm trying to help make a website for my parents' business. I'm sure some of you guys here are proficient in coding sites which would be a great help because I'm a wannabe web designer.

I don't know any html or css, so what I've been doing is making creating the website design in photoshop, slicing it up, and editing it in dreamweaver.

For me to be able to type on a particular part of the design, what I do is remove the an image from the cell, put a table in its cell, and then put back the image as a table background so then I can type over the image. If you know a better method I'm open to hear.

What I want to do is add a vertical scroll bar in that table so that when I type, the text will automatically go down a line rather than stretching the table and ruining the site layout.

This is the table I want the put the scrollbar in:

<td width="567" height="286" colspan="3" valign="top" background="images/CONTENT.jpg">&nbsp;This is some text.</td>

I tried my hand at putting the scrollbar in, but it intead of the text going down a line, it stays on the same line and a horizontal scrollbar pops up instead.

<td width="567" height="286" colspan="3" valign="top" background="images/CONTENT.jpg"><div style=" width:567px; height:286px; overflow-y:scroll ">&nbsp;This is some text.</div></td>
4  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / HDTV advice on: 14 March 2009, 05:44:26
Since my 24 yr old CRT isn't doing so well for my eyes (with the picture shaking constanty and color temp going on and off) I decided to get a HDTV. I have $250 on me so I'm looking for a 22 inch HDTV around this range (my room isn't that big so 22 inch will be perfect for space and my wallet). Anyone here who has experience with HDTVs knows any good ones?



Ones I found so far, the coby is the cheapest but it has no reviews so I think I'll probably end up getting the Sylvania one. Then again these are both unknown brands to me. What are your guys' thoughts?
5  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / About charging Wii controllers on: 28 February 2009, 04:23:07
My sister just got  a Wii and wants to get a charging station for her controller. By default the controls are powered by two AA batteries. You guys suggest any good charging stations for the price?

How exactly do they work also?

Do the charging stations come with rechargeable batteries for the controller and you charge via usb with the charging dock?
6  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Arcade stick or D-pad? on: 20 February 2009, 00:33:05
(mostly for fighting games)Which do you guys prefer?

I haven't played at an arcade for years so I'm not really sure which I'm better with, but I remember fighting games being really fun with them. My friend is building his own arcade stick and I kinda want to buy an arcade stick. Currently I still play Street Fighter II with my SNES controller a lot.

edit: i think i should've made the topic in the gaming forum
7  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / File storage sites on: 1 January 2009, 21:35:23
Besides Rapidshare, do you guys know any good free file storage sites to use? I have a few big files I want to store online.
8  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Nintendo DS Lite Hinge on: 12 July 2008, 20:56:05
I'm planning on selling my Regular DS to a friend for 30$ since he really wanted a ds for awhile. I'm thinking of buying a DS Lite since I really wanted one for awhile but I've seen A LOT of messages on the internet of people saying the hinge breaks easily.

What are your guys' thoughts on this? Anyone have a DS Lite hinge cracking? I've had my Regular DS for about two years and abused the hinge like no other but I've gotten no signs of damage at all on it.
9  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Line Flyer on: 11 June 2008, 02:38:55

I think most of you have heard/played this. My friend at school showed me this game, I've been addicted to it recently. You draw the course out with your mouse and watch your guy ride. Don't use the undo tool though, there's a glitch with it that causes your rider to fall off the line.
10  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Phoenix Wright/Apollo Justice on: 2 April 2008, 07:38:15
I know several people here play it so I thought we should have a topic.

I was kinda repelled by the fact that the main protagonist wasn't phoenix in the new Apollo Justice game but I ended up enjoying the game a lot and the characters as well. I've played the last three Phoenix Wright games as well so I can say i'm addicted to the series now.
11  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Advance Wars: Days of Ruin on: 25 January 2008, 04:08:37
This is the first AW game I've played, I never played the other ones before. Maybe it's just that I'm bad, but this game is really hard, I usually have to sacrifice some of my units to finish the later missions. The game isn't difficult in a way you want to quit the game though, it's difficult in a fun way, using a lot of thinking before you make your moves. I'm about on the 5th mission right now.
12  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / XPAntivirus on: 28 December 2007, 07:17:28
My friend stupidly sent me a file with this fake spy ware detector (dont ask, long story). And it constantly creates pop up messages saying my comp is at risk unless I buy their scam software.

I went to safe mode and deleted the Xpantivirus folder from program files but I still have the same messages popping up. There's some sites online that explain how to remove it but most of them involve installing different software to remove it, which makes me nervous/paranoid that it's probably more scam software. Anyone had a problem like this before and have any advice on removing it? Thanks.
13  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / MoX's Art Thread on: 4 December 2007, 02:05:09
These are all stuff I did while MMM was down, these are pretty old. Lately though I think I got worse at drawing because I kept thinking about my future (boring I know >_>) and that my stuff looked like I was just copying from anime or something, so I really wanted to do something more realistic like but it ended up making my style look a lot worse, I think this is my fault for drawing nothing but robots and megaman stuff these years, I thought I could eventualy learn how to do more realistic stuff on my own but it's frusterating really so I'll have to look for drawing classes, I think hopefuly it'll make me better. ok i'm done LOL

These are from oldest to newestest.

'rest I'll just post links since too many images will lag the page, still in order from oldest to newest from the past images.
first practice since middle school on drawing something without mech armor LOL
Thief class from RO
concept sketch I did before that boss like sprite I posted in the sprite thread.

After all of this it just went downhill. LOL Hopefully I can draw something I like that looks good as my last stuff in the future.

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