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1  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Ongoing Issues on: 17 August 2023, 18:57:19
I couldn't really find a good thread for this. I know these things aren't the priority, especially since MMM is more a place for us old heads to hang out and pretend there's anything Mega Man left to talk about, but just in terms of making the board run decently again it makes sense we have to place to mention when things go awry.

One thing I'd like personally is to be able to edit my profile again. For instance I don't really want my old personal e-mail attached to it anymore but I can't get rid of that.

I'm sure there's a few other things people have noticed that are still bugging out. I'm not expecting every QoL feature to return like the quick reply or anything, just wanted to mention the profile thing since it's a little more important for some users.
2  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Heartbreak High made by our own ASR! on: 22 May 2018, 18:31:01
Hey guys, I know some you have heard but our pal ASR (Alec Robbins) made a new game that just released on Steam! It's called:

Heartbreak High: A Break-Up Simulator

I'm gonna be playing when I'm home tonight, but I just wanted pass this along since this is one of our own making stuff! Over years I've been pretty damn excited to see people from this community grow and create like this. Who know that coming here as snot-nosed kids to talk about games would lead to snot-nosed adults that actually MAKE games.

He's doing these all on his own, and I'm pretty proud of him, so kick him a dime if you can. And if you haven't played his Malcolm In The Middle game then you've already missed a couple laughs.
3  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / William and Sly on: 20 July 2009, 08:28:42

This is like Ecco the Dolphin..
...If Ecco the Dolphin wasn't insanely frustrating.
4  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Spewer on: 6 July 2009, 21:08:07
A fun little puzzler about throwing up.
5  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / What... on: 19 June 2009, 06:21:02
... is this? I don't get my game news from anywhere else but here really, so can anyone explain what this is?

I don't get it. It sounds STUPID and I've heard nothing about it until my friend sent me this link yesterday.
6  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Cowpoke muffin day! on: 20 March 2009, 13:10:23
I really have to get outta here a few minutes ago so I'm gonna make this quick and serve up a

I'll post something better later, I promise.
Actually I can't guarantee that.
7  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Happy Boxday on: 21 February 2009, 21:09:48
Guess what, today is Max Lunche's birthday! So take off all your clothes (not you Sano).

8  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Let's talk flags, yeah? on: 10 December 2008, 23:02:49
This is not about cigarettes or homosexuals. It says FLAGS, you dork. OK so a mixture of different events today prompted this, but I was thinking of flags. Obviously for a Canadian, you grow up with the Canadian and U.S.A. flags plastered all over your life, as well as the Union Jack, which I think are all very iconic and recognizable flags and are also just plain cool designs. But beyond those, what do you guys like in flag? Beyond "this is my country's flag so it rule hyah" crap, I mean. Feel free to post the meanings of the flags/why you think it's good. Also go ahead and say what flags suck out loud (I think Poland has a criminally mundane flag).

It's not that I'm part Bajan (but it helps) that I love the flag of Barbados; It's awesome in design just aesthetically but also it's meaning is cool too. The trident represents Neptune, god of the sea, as well the government (it's three points being a democracy for, of, and by the people), and also the "broken" sides of it represent Barbados' independence (breaking away from it's former ties as a British colony). The gold signifies the country's sand, and the blue represents the ocean and sky on each side.

Also I really like the flags of Israel, Nepal (whose people actually decided to think outside the box), Switzerland, Brazil (helps that it's my favourite soccer team), South Korea (SO so badass, and has been throughout it's few changes), and North Korea, aesthetically as I don't know anything about their significance really. These are flags you can look at and know what country that is.

I much prefer Japan's old rising sun flag to it's current one. The rising sun is one of my favourite flags ever, and I love putting similar concepts into my art (see: Mittens and Crumplehorn, etc.), it's current one (which isn't at all new) is iconic, sure, but it doesn't have that same "we're #####ing Japan" gusto.

Getting away from country flags, Canada's provincial flags are pretty boring to me. Many have a Union Jack in them, which is a far cooler symbol when it's alone and not pressed with something people don't know the meaning of. Others, that don't have Union Jack's sometimes adopt other countries' flags (Nova Scotia uses a bit of Scotland for example) but are still often yawnful.The exception to this is the Quebec flag. As much I dislike the separatist connotation of the fleur de lis, the Quebec flag is pretty bitchin'.

Any flag from anywhere of any type that is just stripes doesn't do it for me. Although I like Scotland's X-thing. Russia's flag was better when it was Soviet (sorry capitalism, it's true). Cuba's is kind of neat, and it's closeness to the U.S.'s (in aesthetic theme) makes me laugh about how much they hate each other.

No doubt this thread will sink into oblivion. I don't know. I dig flags.
9  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / The Happy Happy PlantBday And Jubilation Thread! on: 20 September 2008, 05:00:25
OK it's midnight!


For your birthday I'm copying you avatar! Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and I'm feeling very flatterly!
10  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / MMM's MegaMan Meme Thread Challenge Wildtime Surprise! on: 13 September 2008, 21:39:51
I saw this on DeviantART, basically it's one of those meme things but I thought it might be fun to do here, and this is really the only appropriate place on the whole internet for anything MM related anyway. Here's the creator's example. Get on this people, I'll get on my own soon enough!
11  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Random MMM Comics! on: 1 September 2008, 04:07:22
This is it, this is what you've been waiting for!
Random MMM Comics!

OK I've been sitting on this idea for a while, waiting for the time when I had the time to take the time to make an example. Well, that's really not gonna happen, so I figured I'd make the damn topic before someone came along and pinched the idea and glory from right under my little tanned nose. So here's the idea;

This is Random MMM Comics, and as the name suggests this is THE place to post random short little comics about MMM.


That's right, these comics don't follow each other, and don't follow a story. Better yet (best yet!) the magic of this is that ANYONE can post without worry of ruining anything!

And there are few rules;
  • I gotta insist that there's at least ONE established MMM character.
  • Try to allow a bit of time between comics so people can post, but don't worry about it if you have a good idea.
  • You don't need reserve spots or anything as no comic should ever have to follow the story of a previous one (although that can be bent, I guess).
  • Keep it short and funny! Think pbfcomics, or even PBnJ! But not Dr. McNinja.
  • Go nuts.

I don't have an example riiight now, but I'm sure someone understands the idea and get the ball rolling.
12  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Facebook/MySpace virus on: 9 August 2008, 02:00:28
If you haven't heard anything about this virus/trojan/whatever, there's an article here;

First off, no I did not fall for this. It is clearly bull##### when it tries to send itself to you. I got the message on my Mac once, could tell it was BS, and went on with my life.

But my mother did fall for it, on our PC which is already pretty crap anyway. She got it last night and didn't bother telling me until tonight (which I do NOT appreciate since I was up and could have been alerted of this). So we have the virus on her account, and I think I actually accidentally let it bleed onto my account when I was checking it out.

I want to try and hit an old system restore point (and I probably don't have any anyway) but I don't think any of the other two accounts actually have administrative privileges. Also, my anti-virus on that computer is a piece of trash that hasn't been right since we bought the damn thing.

That whole computer pisses me off and is a bitch to work with when a trokan isn't trying to ##### me, and it's also in my real bedroom (I don't actually sleep in there anymore), which is the warmest room in the house when there isn't any appliances running, so I'd like to spend as little time as possible trying to take care of this. And there's little chance I'm gonna bother taking in the computer again since last time I did that they totally #####ed it over for weird ##### like my sound drivers (which are not fixable at all) and other jargon.

If anyone knows a way to get rid of this thing, give me a shout. Luckily, it's not the computer I use or even care about but it is very #####ing annoying.

I'm just. So damn pissed off right now.
13  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Spider-Man: Web Of Shadows on: 18 April 2008, 06:05:00

Wow. That looks #####ing ace. I hope it's not only on one system. If it is it will probably be 360, and I might cave and get one then.
14  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Birthdayesar! on: 12 April 2008, 22:45:00
Happy birthday ASR, you space case.
15  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Bully: Scholarship Edition on: 5 March 2008, 03:18:18
I had Global News from British Columbia on by accident (my mom was time shifting to watch today's Coronation Street) and they had a story about this new version of the PS2 game "Bully" and how people (parents) in BC are trying to get it banned or some crap because they think it will make kids be more like bullies.

Except that they are clearly idiots.

The game is rated T, so the kids can't get it unless their parents plain buy it FOR them. The T rating is for TEENS. Anyone older than 13 with half a brain knows better than to emulate a video game in their real life. If someone goes off, it's not the game that made them bat##### crazy, it was just a trigger or an excuse. Sometimes it's a way. But a trigger, excuse, and way can come from anything. Would they ban a book of the same material? No. It's like thinking that your kid listening to Eminem is going to make him kill that Kim bitch.

What do you guys think? I think it falls on the parents to keep the game out of the hands of their little kids, it's not Rockstar Games' responsibility after they clearly state that the game isn't intended for children. It's the same thing they do everytime a GTA comes out, but there's new heat this time because you're playing as a kid who becomes a kingpin (in kid terms, I guess).

I think it's important that kids don't play games like San Andreas, sure, but it's not going to make them criminals if they do. Frankly, as #####ing brilliant as they can be, kids are still dumbasses and are ignorant and wouldn't understand what's really going on. Even if they did, human development doesn't work on "this one thing made you act/think this way" and it would have to be a combination of things to make a child go crooked (like you #####ing up as a parent).

I think today's parents are #####ing lazy as hell and want to blame anyone but themselves when something goes wrong, but they don't want to make the effort to actually prevent things from going wrong. It's pretty interesting that they'd rather protest the game to the end that it isn't made, instead of just saying "No you can't have that game." Or maybe parents are so detached from their kids these days that they don't want to deny them anything. Only stupid people are breeding.

I'mma try it for Wii when I can. Came out today.
16  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / The new badass MMORPG on: 15 February 2008, 04:02:29
#####ing A. MMORPGs are like totally only for serious mature gamers, son.

17  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Robot Evolution on: 25 January 2008, 00:29:17

I'm glad they've learned how to die before learning how to conquer. It means we have 2 chances.

The second chance is John Connor.
18  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Soul Calibur IV, I am your New Challenger! on: 11 January 2008, 01:34:37

Weird... But kinda cool.
19  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Mikero's Artflows on: 6 December 2007, 22:24:22
The thread formerly knowns as Mikero's Junkland.
Back In Black.

Just getting this going before I get home 'cause I can transfer what I posted on Zetasphere directly here on campus. So here's an update on my stylings lately.

OBLIGATORY CLAIMER/DISCLAIMER/DISCLOSURE FORCLOSURE FOR CLOSURE: I'm a student animator in my [as of fall 2007] second year of Animation at Algonquin College. I draw and breathe (although I don't believe in it) and look at stuff and have hairs and other such marvels to astound and bewilder.

ANYway here's some new stuff since school started again and since the triple M house was in reno.

^New DeviantArt ID.

Lebel Ladies' Weekend 07 Monkey
^A monkey logo/emblem/thinger that I designed for my mother's annual Ladies' getaway.

Goofy Head Rotation
^Goofy Head rotation, 2nd Animation assignment of the year. 'Goofy is the hardest character [we] will ever animate.'

Two Person Dialogue - Micky and Goofy
^ Leica reel for my 3rd Storyboarding assignment this year. The sound is some of my professors...

Run cycle animation
^ Run cycle.


The new Indo. We had a discussion about it at Zeta, so I'm just going to reiterate here that; A) She's not fat, turn up your brightness and/or look closely. But she have cheeks. B) She's not emo, I just drew thick eyelashes because I felt like it and she doesn't wear loads of mascara or anything. C) Because of issues I had with the outline (which you might not see but I can) her nose is kind of faint/subtle and I accept that it might make you think her face is wonky.

Essentially I just felt it was time to grow her up from that old picture I did of her which has fangorious anatomy problems. If you know the character then that's good, if you weren't around for her; Her design isn't up for debate.

I will be posting a breakdown of different stages of this, including the sketch, just the flat colours, and such.

»» Later tonight; More animation(s) PLUS a storyboarding assignment leica reel of a fight between Wolverine and Sabretooth!!
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