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1  MegaMan Series / Zero Series / Megaman Zero Info Wars on: 7 February 2018, 18:14:51
I grew up in NeoArcadia, drinking sodium fluoridated water. All the scientific studies show my IQ has been reduced by at least 20 points. The shadow of who I would have been calls out from the grave.

What do you think tap water is? It's a gay bomb, baby. And I'm not saying people didn't naturally have homosexual feelings. I'm not even getting into it, quite frankly. I mean, give me a break. Do you think I'm like, oh, shocked by it, so I'm up here bashing it because I don't like gay people? I don't like 'em putting chemicals in the water that TURN THE FREAKIN' REPLOIDS GAY! Do you understand that? I'm sick of being social engineered, it's not funny!

I'm like a chimpanzee, in a tree, jumping up and down, warning other chimpanzees when I see a big cat coming through the woods... I'm the weirdo? Because I'm sitting in a tree going OOH OOH AAH AAH AAH OOH AAH AAH OOH OOH OOH AAH AAH AAH AAH AAH!?

WE KNOW WE'RE UNDER ATTACK! WE KNOW IT! WE'RE BREAKING THE CONDITIONING! YAAAHHH! RAAAHH! WE'RE COMING FOR YA GLOBALIST. COMING FOR YA! COMING FOR YA! WE KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING! I'm sorry. I just get FIRED UP when I think about what they're doing to us and how I wanna resist them, and how easy they are to defeat.

[spoiler] I'm not sorry in the least [/spoiler]
2  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / ロックマンゼロ on: 7 December 2013, 05:10:13
Way back when, before the MMM crashed in 2007
When we still had birthday topics, new people to introduce themselves, and Mega man Zero was still alive and well...

I found a comic.

a manga, even.

It was bad guys, Even for megaman Zero.

And I've found it again.

[spoiler]I know there was a Recent(?) post about a megaman comic. It inspired me to find this horrible piece of #####.  I wanted to double check and make sure I wasn't posting the same comic, but I can't seem to find that thread.  Whatever, Enjoy zero as being an absolute fembot.[/spoiler]

3  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / "Webcomics" on: 12 May 2013, 02:46:49
Guys, stop talking about Homestruck. Unsounded is better.  (usually mostly SFW. A few rare boob shots.)

A comic so good, I paid money to. (see attachment.)

Also, Webcomics thread.
4  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Matricians: Show your resources! on: 26 April 2013, 21:56:51
I could have SWORN I already made this topic...

With all the liveliness in the Creation station, I think it would be worth our while to share the things that make us draw GEWD. References, books, software, hardware, Inspirations and various other tools.

Personally, I've been reading a lot of books about making comics. The ones that have caught my attention are Understanding Comics, Reinventing Comics, and my favorite of the three Making Comics by Scott McCloud. If you haven't read his books, I suggest at least reading the first one, and the third one is AWESOME if you want to make comics.

Another one that I borrowed from the library and plan to purchase in due time is a book titled Panel One: Comic book strips by top writers Personally the content within is less about the scripts there, and the manner in which they're written.  When it comes to writing your story before illustrating, this book is really enlightening.
5  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Adam Sessler on: 18 April 2013, 19:38:17
Remember that show? X-Play? No? Yeah, I don't blame you.

Well there was this videogame review show called X-Play back when I was a teenager that was super cool and awesome on a little channel called "Tech Tv."

Tech Tv is long gone now, Replaced by some MTV knock off that would rather show shows about drifting cars and #####. X-Play was on this channel for some time, but after a while Adam Sessler (the male of the duo) had resigned.  The show lasted a few years later, but by then I think all the people who cared about the show had moved on... much like Sessler.

But the Sess is back! Now he's on the youtubes, talking about games and reviewing them too. I've kept an eye on his little channel for a while now, and I gotta say that I can really respect the guy's point of view on games.  (My favorite videos are the 'Sessler somethings', Where he addresses several different topics involving the Video Juegos)

Give it a watch.

6  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Capcom survey on: 20 December 2012, 22:56:38
"We are gathering feedback from consumers on projects they would like to see from Capcom in the DIGITAL game space (not retail). There are a few short questions about your buying habits, game preferences and franchise interests. The survey should only take about 10 minutes to complete."

7  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Matricians, You're looking older... on: 9 August 2012, 08:37:52
##### you and your explanations.

I'm turning 25 this month. In my honor, Go find an old picture, Take/find a recent one. Compare and share the regret here. You know you want to.
8  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Portal 2 on: 27 May 2012, 19:43:16
Discussion and Community testing initiative dump.

The game's a year old, and there's no thread about P2? Well it's an awesome game if you haven't had the chance to play it.

It has at least twice the story mode value of the first game, along with a multiplayer option.  They also recently added a workshop, so that you can make and play custom maps with ease.

The custom maps, at first, didn't interest me.  I thought I'd make a few and be done with it, but when you play a custom map, you get a nice little nugget of new Cave Johnson dialog.  I'm kinda hooked.

Also, here's my dump of the (currently) 2 maps I have made and published:
9  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Tewn*awe*mee on: 4 April 2012, 03:07:18


Did anyone else catch adult swim doing the only awesome thing since 2006?

Currently [AS] is tempting it's fans on the TWITTERS with #BringBackToonami.

I'm not talking about that #####ty Toonami that they ended on, No, I'm talking about TOM 1.0!

10  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Didn't there used to be a "MMM NOSTSALGIA" thead? on: 20 March 2012, 08:02:03
Whatever. I'll just make a new one.

I was telling a #####ed up story of my past to a friend, and I decided, ##### it. I'd just drop some nostalgia bomb here.   Some ##### you might not remember, or haven't thought on in a while.  Since a lot of our past is filled with mundane but lovable things that we all remember, I'll try to make this some of the vaguest ##### that will redeem me in the eyes of Matricans across the board.

That was a joke, You people will never run out of ways to hate me.

So I remember a time where the Mboard and Mchat were separate entities, An Mboard that was unspoiled by Mboard exclusive scum such as my self. I lied, I don't remember a Mboard like that. I remember playing checkers with mets though.

That's right, I just reminded you of Checkers, with mets, With that matrix backdrop with those green numbers and #####.

Joining the Mboard was a bitch. Once Abominator told me to learn to use the Spell check button, or get the ##### out.  Man, those were the days that the BANHAMMER was strong and mighty. A few of us survived, Like protoboy, and his broken glass masturbation,  Or Doctor, ##### no one liked him.

Behind the scenes a few of us were learning the secrets of life, and magic. Because we were stupid delusional kids. Fun stuff, Sad you missed it.

That was a different time, It was a different Internet. I've been stuck in that Internet for a while, so it's still somewhat fresh to me.  Times where 4chan was a dirty word, rather than just a violation of rules 1 and 2. Where "downloading games" was synonymous with piracy. Instant ban. A time before $3.00 steam games, where we were all reliant on bad flash games, with the MMM-Radio playing in the background.

That or we'd entertain ourselves with the original content we had thought up during school.  Well you would, I made that ##### up on the fly.

Speaking of that #####, I'm going to see if i can find any of that still archived here. I'm all out of memories anyway.
11  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Capcom: "U mad yet?" on: 27 January 2012, 03:10:00
SB, you remember SB?

He sent me a link. Something fun that should get you all excited for megaman. I know it sure did for me. I mean, who knew megaman would be put in a title on the PSP vita?!

[spoiler]Mega Man
Middle Aged Hero!

Known as a Digger, a person who digs up relics from the past for research. He is a hot-tempered man, but has a strong sense of justice and is also very polite. His weak point is that he is easily rattled when backed into a corner. He is always running around in a hurry due to the demands of his partner Roll, and this time he's been asked to travel to Antarctica to retrieve a mysterious box.[/spoiler]

Well, I'd like to discuss this further with you all, but I gotta go cremate the hopes and dreams that capcom brutally murdered.
12  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Guys, We gotta talk about Ikeoko... on: 13 February 2010, 23:12:14

or some #####.

It's a #####ing birthday thread, Post #####. Happy birthday related #####, you ####.

Also, Day early thread because It's Valentines day tommorow
or some #####.
So I'll be busy
or some #####.


Happy birthday, I got you a box of crackerjacks.
13  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / What Game AREN'T you playing? on: 19 October 2009, 03:05:31
Alright folks, I'm a big fan of the "What game are you playing?" thread Decided this might be a good topic to make.

Noooooooooooow before we get on a debate on how UN-awesome this idea is, Hear me out, This thread will be dedicated to those games you WON'T be buying, renting, Even borrowing from anyone anywhere.

Case in point. A good friend of mine paid for KILLZONE 2.

KZ2 Gives you all the frustration poorly made FPS games with twice the lack of gameplay!
You play (this guy) who is this soldier dude running around killing HELLGAST!!! Your partner, Rico, hates the HELLGAST!!!

"So much for sneaking."

When you play it, you automatically get the feeling that you want to play Metal gear style, avoiding enemies and offing them all quick and quiet like.  Many a mission you are reminded of the threat these HELLGAST!!!s pose. Yet Rico likes to scream "HELLGAST!!!" alerting these foes to your position.

Due to the absurdity of the game and the ironic varying of difficulty between tasks in the mission, My friend decided to begin pistol whipping his foes rather than shooting them.

Ironically this made the game easier and made the game make more sense.

The final boss, when defeated, left you with a feeling of anticipation as you walk past his corpse... It was difficult in that tricky "lodge a grenade at the platform that your invisible foe runs around on yet does nothing with as you are swarmed by no less than twenty stage foes" kind of way.

In the end:

[spoiler]Rico leaves you wanting to kill him more as he ruins what would be an end to the entire war by offing the commander of the army of the world you are invading causing a whole armada to ship off to earth...[/spoiler]

Needless to say it's a game I won't be playing.

And hence the thread. What games do you want to warn others not to play?
14  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / It be talk like a pirate day! on: 19 September 2009, 23:39:44
AR! Maties!

Any of you land lubbers talking like a pirate yet?

Ar! I be saying bootie all day.

15  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Golden Sun DS on: 8 August 2009, 19:43:53
So, I recently heard that Golden Sun is being remade on the Nintendo DS.

For those who don't know, Golden Sun is the best game ever. Isaac can totally kick megaman and sonic's asses. I believe it was the year 2001, though I don't plan to google it to find out, That Camelot games created Golden sun. Golden sun is/was an RPG encompassing four adepts of psi, though they were mislabeled and were really elemental invokers, and their journey across the country to defeat the evil group that were trying to end the world. About a year later, the sequel, Golden Sun 2: The Lost Age was released, causing me to spill my seed.

Again, My pants are wet and sticky due to the announcement of a new Golden Sun game. Fortunately this is a remake of the original Golden Sun, It's not a port. It will be 3d (hurray for polygons), Stylus controlled for movement, and obviously feature two screens to play on.

I recommend that anyone that, because of this news, cannot keep their hands out of their pants view the E3 2009 gameplay video in the following link.
16  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / The "I" is for "amazing" on: 21 April 2009, 04:06:20
Well, I never thought I'd post on the 'ol matrix on a nintendo product... but here I am.

Lacking the convenience of an actual keyboard, Typing can be a bother, but that doesn't detur me from exclaiming my approval.

As for the camera... I'ts an expected "Meh."

Despite this nearly useless addition, I suggest the"i" for all you crazies looking for an awesome upgrade in portable gaming (I didn't mention the downloadable 'wares' in the shop) with a cool little didgetal camera/PDA/web browse attached.

17  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / PRAISE MY ACCOMPLISHMENT! (thread) on: 14 March 2009, 09:09:48
I have accomplished many things, Ranging from the mundane yet remarkable ability to misspell the word Shoe to the grand of getting a family friend to buy me a dress to go to the bar in.

However, Friends, this is not about my odd cross dressing tangents. This is about my successful failure to retire from the internet.

For those who were paying attention, in between porn on the 'chans,  In march of 2006 I said goodbye to the lot of you. You wish me the best and told me you were sad to let me go, as the party preparations began.

 The day of my failed retirement was March 13th 2006. I left the Louisville airport at around 11:00 AM EST, bound to meet, move in with, and annoy the mother of a member I met on this board.

When I met up with this unnamed person, It was 12:30 AM PST March 13th 2006. Three years to today.

Because of this, I feel that I should be celebrated. I demand statues and sacrifices to my glory. Lest the great gods mods smite you for your lack of faith.

And if you are too weak to build a statue of my glory, then praise my great accomplishment!

and if you are too lazy to praise me... atleast bump the topic, that way other people will praise me!

Or at least wish us a happy anniversary 8)
18  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / WTF, 2008? on: 31 December 2008, 04:06:21
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... KABOOM

The Us' economy is in dire straits.
George Carlin dies
Dungeons and Dragons Version 4.0 comes out
Megaman 9?

A year in review... #####, Can we call that?
I mean, really. This year was ODD.

I mean... We thought it was over, then SHINY VAMPIRES rose up.


Fortunately The MMM has been up all year
and I'm not talking about "Mikero's Masturbation Marathon"
Since we are an encourage-able lot, Lets talk about 2008...

The little #####er that it is.
19  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Tell me what your feet smell like on: 16 September 2008, 23:11:00
Mine smell like old, sweaty socks after work. When I come home and take off my boots, My girlfreiend is like "WOOH! you stink, Take a bath!" So I do.  Sometimes they smell like old boots if I don't wear socks.

Tell me what your feet smell like.

Seriously, this ##### has to end.
20  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / CLASSIC MMM THREAD: The artpad on: 31 August 2008, 08:17:22

I don't remember who posted it here first, but it was like fire to a dry creation station. The thread was filled of many drawing joyious pictures, then others watching them in fast-forward.

It's just one of those things that I felt that MMM needed to have.

I'll start this sucker off with me getting banned.
21  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / The Diary of Albert Wily on: 15 August 2008, 00:32:47
DO NOT READ! (signed DR. WILY)
_____________________________ ________________________

July 3, 20xx

Dear Diary,

I am so steamed right now! My old friend and coworker, Thomas Light, have been developing our own super cool robot. However, Thomas decided that he should be the spokesman to our new robot company. He says, in japan the Letter "L" does not exist, and with that tidbit his name would be doctor RIGHT. Not only is this the worst idea since his walking toaster, Eddie, But it will totally make our before agreed 50/50 glory share down to 70/30!

It's obvious that Thomas won't let me have creative freedom with this prototype robot. Don't tell him diary, but I'm going to steal the robot, only for a week, that way we can talk about things without the robot getting in the way.

Wish me luck!


        Albert Wily
_____________________________ _____________________________ _______________

More to come soon.
22  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / The Conspiracy Thread. on: 30 July 2008, 01:31:55
Man, The topics here have really gotten boring lately huh?

I mean, I quote rez...
Even lamers these days suck.  Everything sucks now.
Follow me on this one. Maybe, Just maybe, Capcom made all their new portable games to screw with us. Yes, the games screwed with everyone, but I mean in paticular, The members that congregate the Megaman Matrix. To create new traffic, but only that of people who think bass is a cool virus busting Navi.

We must defeat them at their own game, With pure Unfounded BULL#####. With this turd covered rope, we will Enjoy these fool hearty attempts against 'the man' so hard that capcom will have no choice but to bow down to our mighty idiocy.

Let me give you an example of how we are going to pull this off, Post your favourite conspiracy that you have either created in tandom, or that you have heard, and decided to remember. None of these can break the three rules of Robotics Rules of MMM. So no politics or discriminating  remarks.  Then post it.

Lets say, My theory is that Abe is from Scotland and an evil red monster from the pits of hell controlling our internet lives with an addictive yet satisfying forum.

We all know that Abe isn't from Scotland. The whole Idea is just silly. Hence hilarity ensues.

Hopefully Everyone will provide an unique feel that I haven't felt from this forum in a while, and that it won't be closed because someone cannot follow the rules...
Either way, Your turn.
23  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / I PLAY DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS! on: 13 July 2008, 02:55:31
you enter a dark room, The foul stench of mildew emanates from the dungeon walls. You immediately question "where's the mountain dew?!"

I blame my first DSlite Being stolen that sparked the nostalgia of playing DND with my good friend Jon. I mean, I had the dice, I just needed the books. I got them, Started reading up on the rules and found myself Engulfed in the possibilities of game play.

Ive played for a full year now and even recently joined the Rpga, and the newest update to the rules (v4.0) has been released, so I deemed it only appropriate to discuss, or bash, the game here.

So let's do.
24  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / If you have plans to update your liveJournal... on: 4 July 2008, 21:38:50
Beware of salmon.

Apparently an application will run when you post while signed on to AIM, Cloaking both your SN, and a random user who also posted giving you a chat with "____________salmon"

Here is my most recent encounter, With a few privacy related alterations.

Forgive the text wall.

[spoiler]Friday, July 04, 2008
DisastrousSalmon (1:15:05 PM):   It's Canada day!
WrrrTw (1:15:21 PM):   However it's not.
DisastrousSalmon (1:15:34 PM):   i know it's not................who are you sir?
WrrrTw (1:15:52 PM):   <.< Unless the un-united states have aligned with canada.
WrrrTw (1:16:01 PM):   I have no clue myself.
DisastrousSalmon (1:16:11 PM):   i am kind of confused right now.
WrrrTw (1:16:20 PM):   That makes two of us.
DisastrousSalmon (1:16:25 PM):   do i know you?
WrrrTw (1:16:35 PM):   ... I wouldn't doubt it.
WrrrTw (1:16:48 PM):   Mind you, you sent me a message first.
DisastrousSalmon (1:16:57 PM):   I did?
DisastrousSalmon (1:17:00 PM):   When?
WrrrTw (1:17:14 PM):       Do you know this person?  Report IM Spam DisastrousSalmon (1:15:05 PM): It's Canada day!
WrrrTw (1:15:21 PM): However it's not.
DisastrousSalmon (1:17:20 PM):   Probably during my Okcupid days.
WrrrTw (1:17:35 PM):   Are you in your OKcupid days now?
DisastrousSalmon (1:17:41 PM):   no.
DisastrousSalmon (1:17:51 PM):   when did i send you a message?
WrrrTw (1:17:51 PM):   ... then this gets more confusing by the moment.
DisastrousSalmon (1:18:02 PM):   ooo
WrrrTw (1:18:12 PM):   Aproximately 1:15:05 On july 04 2008
DisastrousSalmon (1:18:13 PM):   i just got a message from you at 3:12 pm sayin "it's canada day!"
WrrrTw (1:18:22 PM):   ...
DisastrousSalmon (1:18:34 PM):   weird.
WrrrTw (1:18:37 PM):   quite.
DisastrousSalmon (1:18:50 PM):   what did i allegedly say to you?
WrrrTw (1:18:59 PM):   Possibly an AIM stent?
DisastrousSalmon (1:19:20 PM):   maybe.
DisastrousSalmon (1:19:27 PM):   do you live in texas?
WrrrTw (1:19:31 PM):   Make new freinds from awkward converstaions we force you into...

DisastrousSalmon (1:19:41 PM):   hahahah
WrrrTw (1:19:44 PM):   Naw. I live up in washington state.
WrrrTw (1:19:52 PM):   Used to live in kentucky though.
DisastrousSalmon (1:19:55 PM):   but seriously, if you got a message from me earlier, what did it say?
DisastrousSalmon (1:20:15 PM):   cause maybe i'm having blackouts or something.
WrrrTw (1:20:18 PM):   The first message I received from you was "it's canada day"
WrrrTw (1:20:25 PM):   ... about five minutes ago.
DisastrousSalmon (1:20:25 PM):   WEIRD
DisastrousSalmon (1:20:31 PM):   that's what i received from you
WrrrTw (1:20:46 PM):   <.< Curse you AIM.
DisastrousSalmon (1:20:49 PM):   MoroseSalmon (3:12:08 PM): It's Canada day!
GenericRename (3:12:28 PM): who are you?
MoroseSalmon (3:15:27 PM): However it's not.
GenericRename (3:15:39 PM): i know it's not................who are you sir?
DisastrousSalmon (1:21:03 PM):   weird.
WrrrTw (1:21:05 PM):   ...
WrrrTw (1:21:07 PM):   QUITE
WrrrTw (1:21:11 PM):   What's your SN?
DisastrousSalmon (1:21:18 PM):   GenericRename
DisastrousSalmon (1:21:22 PM):   what's yours?
WrrrTw (1:21:26 PM):   WRRRTW.
DisastrousSalmon (1:21:30 PM):   it's not moreosesalmon?
DisastrousSalmon (1:21:36 PM):   morose^

Choosing to make this a little more... Respectful...

WrrrTw (1:21:52 PM): No, I am no salmon.
WrrrTw (1:22:05 PM): and neither are you for that matter "Disasterous Salmon"
GenericRename (1:22:06 PM): WHAT
GenericRename (1:22:10 PM): this is weird
GenericRename (1:22:23 PM): my sn says disasterous salmon?
GenericRename (1:22:23 PM): dude
WrrrTw (1:22:36 PM): DisastrousSalmon (1:21:22 PM): what's yours?
WrrrTw (1:21:26 PM): WRRRTW.
DisastrousSalmon (1:21:30 PM): it's not moreosesalmon?
DisastrousSalmon (1:21:36 PM): morose^
GenericRename (1:22:55 PM): i'm kinda scared for my computer.
WrrrTw (1:23:10 PM): I'm sure it's a stupid AIM stent.
GenericRename (1:23:40 PM): weird.
GenericRename (1:23:48 PM): but why would they say it's canada day?
WrrrTw (1:23:54 PM): probilby even noted "the jumping of the salmon"
GenericRename (1:23:55 PM): and what's with the salmon? i'm kinda hungry now.
GenericRename (1:23:58 PM): hahaha
WrrrTw (1:24:01 PM): Canada day was on the first.
WrrrTw (1:24:05 PM): It may just be late
GenericRename (1:24:06 PM): exactly.
GenericRename (1:24:11 PM): hmmmmmmmm
GenericRename (1:24:25 PM): ok well
WrrrTw (1:24:30 PM): Yep.
WrrrTw (1:24:34 PM): We are not alone
GenericRename (1:24:56 PM): *twilight zone theme*
WrrrTw (1:25:09 PM):
WrrrTw (1:25:29 PM):
GenericRename (1:25:32 PM): whoa
GenericRename (1:25:36 PM): i just updated livejournal
WrrrTw (1:25:41 PM): ...
WrrrTw (1:25:44 PM): SO DID I
GenericRename (1:25:47 PM): AHHHH
WrrrTw (1:25:50 PM): <.< Curses
WrrrTw (1:26:02 PM): It's what they say is a "bot reflector
WrrrTw (1:26:04 PM):
GenericRename (1:26:10 PM): is this your lj?
WrrrTw (1:26:15 PM): No.
WrrrTw (1:26:27 PM): Mine currently has an antireligious rant and a half.
WrrrTw (1:26:40 PM): <.<; and this would be the first "salmon"
GenericRename (1:27:03 PM): ahhhhhhhh
WrrrTw (1:27:13 PM): I have recieved
WrrrTw (1:27:51 PM): ... well that was fun.
GenericRename (1:27:54 PM): this is kind of cool i guess.
GenericRename (1:28:02 PM): as long as it's not a virus or something.
WrrrTw (1:28:14 PM): Nope, Just an LJ stent to get people to talk.
GenericRename (1:28:33 PM): i guess it worked.
WrrrTw (1:28:39 PM): It figures. Fist thing one would do, is blog about it, getting another log.
GenericRename (1:28:55 PM): hahahahhaa. i was just about to do that.
GenericRename (1:29:00 PM): IT'S TAKING OVER!
WrrrTw (1:29:05 PM): Heh heh.
WrrrTw (1:29:11 PM): Well I'll leave you be
GenericRename (1:29:53 PM): it's cool... nice to meet you... non-salmon person...
WrrrTw (1:30:08 PM): Heh heh.
WrrrTw (1:30:17 PM): atleast I'm no bot.
GenericRename (1:33:10 PM): thank goodness.
WrrrTw (1:33:53 PM): Click HERE For free, hawt gorilla action![/spoiler]

... Beware of the salmon.
25  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Webpage desiARGH! on: 8 June 2008, 22:30:16
I need a bit of help... And my shrink is out today... So I'm going to bug you jerkwads.

My current host, Smackjeeves, Is a web community like any other, You have, amoungst those who wish to give construcitve criticism, Flamers and trolls, /b/tards, And my stalker ex girlfreind leaving nasty comments.

When the mods go on raids against flamers, they seem to just randomly fire into a crowd and kill off anyone they can, innocent or not.

So I'm jumping to a freewebs host, a plact that has yet been effected by the "connect with your freinds online" fad.

So I started with my awesome below par HTML skills, using what I knew, and looking a tutorails for what I didn't know... and at that point I hit a big BIG hurdle


When you have a webcomic site, People enjoy when you have (<< < > >>) Navagation buttons. All I can figure, is making clone pages, and editing the image, then linking all the other pages to it via the LAST button.

If I had 100 pages already uploaded, that would truely be a bitch.

Ive been told to learn PHP, Java, CMS, Or CCS for these things, but all I want to do is link my comic.

So my question is to you guys, Is there anyone who knows how  I can resolve this problem of mine?

I have two ideal ways of doing it.

1) The "last" image on each page consults an outside code (on another page), and that code would allow me to only edit one URL.

2) A way to have a stationary table, where the buttons change the image viewed in it.

So... Can you help me?
26  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Random MChat Moments on: 14 May 2008, 08:00:06
We're back BAYBEE!

You know the rules, and if you don't you should be shot, and if not, you should learn the rules.

27  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / No speed NO! on: 11 May 2008, 23:19:42
So after seeing all I wanted to... Just from the trailers and the actor bios... I really feel violated.

NO means NO.

the graphics look like horrible hot wheels versions of the vehicles looping around without true from or physics. The fan reviews (or at least those televised) were "OMG GRAPHIC AWESOMNEZ!) But then again, those were the ones shown. Through the youtubing I did, I found only one thing that made my inner fangirl swoon, And that was a true to live mach 5 car.

so my question, did anyone dare to leave their homes to watch this large pile of dookie?

I plan to wait until the movie comes out on DVD where I can rent it for a dollar... because that's all I feel it'll be worth.
28  MegaMan Series / Battle Network Series / Reliving the good times on: 3 May 2008, 22:42:24
So, Opal got a gamecube about a month ago, And I recently decided it would be a good idea to get the gameboy player for it.

I plugged it up, and to test it, I grabbed my trusty Megaman Battlenetwork 3: White.

I spent a good hour from the beginning reveling in the fun I once had, and still am able to enjoy with BN's early years. How I missed Dex, Yai, and Mayl. How I needed to pull out my chip folder and start virus busting again.

I must be getting old.

Anyone else whip out MMBN1-3 for fun anymore?

Or Has 4-6 really made you that bitter?

I think I'm going to play it through again for old times sake...
29  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / I... I don't know what to say... on: 23 April 2008, 06:18:57
I pride myself on finding little mega man gems on the internet from time to time...

Usually they are things already addressed by xero, but I can say I found them on my  own as well.

This time is not one of those wondrous times.


This time, I give you all something to complain about. Something to curse to your deity of choice before you go to bed.

We all know of the recent horror that we all call starforce...
 We all know of the little hellspawn created by this monster...
   However, I have found that the little creatons have begun to evolve...

 They have become creative, and have started to create more than just horrible Bob and george spin offs, They have learned to use a pencil...

Feel free to read through the fifteen pages of horror. H.P. Lovecraft could have never created such an atrocity. Even cthulhu hides in fear of this.

I have no clue how to stop this advancing threat. I fear, that megaman is not only dead, but re-animated as a flesh eating being with the power to charge a mega shot right into our hearts.

Why Capcom...?

Why did you forsake us...?
30  MegaMan Series / X Series / The *ahem* collection on: 2 March 2008, 03:14:44
Ripping into x5 for sadness states, I still just can't get into the X series past X2.

there is no X-collection topic. lets whine about it here.
31  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / As the WINDuh blows on: 17 February 2008, 20:50:33
As wind though the windmill, so are the days of our lives.

Starring THE winged Warrior as.... Wingeh


Preventer Wind as Winduh

Co-starring Ron Jeremy as................ Ds Lite.

This is.... As the wind blows. (a wind-and-wings production/collab)
32  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / MMMTCC: subtitle on: 15 February 2008, 23:47:45
Back in the day, I created a comic Called Techno the minicomic.

Laucorn had Techno the comic already.

It was three pages of pure unadulterated #####!

Today, I revive that dream with MMM teh Minicomic!

Our plot may feel familiar to you.

big images are big.

It WILL be finished SOON.
33  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / TCG on: 14 February 2008, 06:50:52
... You clicked that...?

Megaman the Trading card game, You may have seen it at the book store, or at your local hobby shop while looking for DnD figs. You stand there for a second... And you wonder... "should I get it?"

Your first inclination should be "hell no, It's based off of battle network"

Some of us, and Rez will back me up on this one, Are incapible of that level of thought, and so we buy it.

I was freash off of the BN3 high, playing it though and unlocking everything, I baught the NT warrior DVD (1), Due to my intoxication, I thought this was an alright show... wighing in both it's good and bad points, it had more good than bad.

It had an add for the card-game in the special features...


Sent me to the official website. Download 15 cards per deck (2 decks) to print out and play with your freinds.

Downloaded, printed, played with my brothers.
... Insufficient testing... had to get the decks.

twenty bucks later, I read the FULL rules.

I can't go into discribing the pain it is to play...

Check the official upperdeck site if you really are interested...

but the thing is... Don't get it.

34  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Ghost story jam. on: 11 February 2008, 04:37:55
Last time on 'the comic jam chronicles'...

Winged Warrior: I'm going to start my own jam and none of you are invited!

Now back to our story.

The following is the ghost story jam. A jam where we tell ghost stories.

There ARE rules

1: Maximum 5 characters per story. (If there are more, you must kill one off to add one)
2: if your character dies, it dies... no revivals.
3: a definable ending must be in the story before a new one begins.

So who's next 'round the campfire?
35  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Away on: 10 December 2007, 03:05:31
As much as I wanted to post this in the general forum, I thought it better to be down here.

I am homeless.

The person I was bunking with kicked me out this after noon without prior notice saying he wanted his space. Seeing as I didn't actually live there, and that I have been since november first, I couldn't actually save myself from this fate...

I am currently at O-chan's place and hoping to be here until I get a place, The place we are looking at opens the first of the month, but that could be a problem, getting there.

I won't be online here until then, and possibly some time afterwards...

Feel free to pray for me/sacrifice children, goats, Ares, or what have you to tip the tides for me to keep well and I will talk to you guys soon...

-Ray, W.W.
36  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / The request thread! on: 4 December 2007, 01:08:06
Have extra time?
Know how to draw?
Want to make some new freinds?
Welcome artists to the request thread, where you whore out your artwork to other members in sakes of working your skills and making a portfolio!

Have extra time?
Don't know how to draw?
Want to pretend you're someone's friend?
Welcome shameless beggars to the request thread, where asking someone to animate a sprite, or make a pencil/paper/photoshop version of your own *cough* original characters are born!

The request thread has, in the past anyway, had rules you should abide by.
1) If  you post a request, Don't bug anyone to draw it, it's up to the artist's preference.
2) requestees should post an alternate image or an articulate discription of their image.
3) Ares owns all the sheep

Also. all character rights are to the owner, but as if it were fan-art, the image itself is the artist's.

By requesting or taking a request, you are agreeing to share THAT IMAGE. For the sake of portfolios or what not.

I might jump in eventually.

37  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / WW's Art or whatever on: 3 December 2007, 07:32:42

So, of all the artstuffs I have created this summer, I have mostly worked on my comics...

(which instead of whoring out here, will be in my signature staring at you all soon enough)

I decided to show you some of my favorite works.

So far... so fun.
38  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Coming out of retirement on: 3 December 2007, 07:20:22
Well, As any retiree as realized, it's too ****ing boring sitting on your fat behind soaking up government money...
So I, the winged warrior, and my pet laptop 'cactaur' have returned to the internet. Far more eccentric than before, with better spelling and catchpraises.

Along with my new catchy internet slang, I have made a successful internet failure of myself and I am returning with old school internets in hand.

Far be it from me, an old fart, to get in your kids way. I know my time has passed, but let this old fool mispell (sp) again in the forum pretending to be 'hip' with all you young ones playing on the M-chat...

speaking of M-chat. I remember when we had to register up hill both ways to join the chat. AND WE LICKED IT!!!

So yeah, I'm back, and crazier than ever.
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