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1  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / PlayStation 5 on: 28 December 2022, 02:12:14
I now have a PS5. It's super swell.

Johncarllos, if anyone wants to add.

I'll tell ya, great and very close to PC experience in game. I'm playing God of War Ragnarok at 4k, with HDR, at 80-90fps. Also messing with Returnal and Ghost of Tsushima, thanks to the Playstation Plus subscription thingy, very worth it. Gonna have to play the Last of Us eventually, too, but this just added like 60+ hours of backlog.
2  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Official PM Thread: Elden Ring, and Bandai-Namco on: 26 February 2022, 02:09:24
I've been following Joel Haver on Youtube for a while. He does some fun collabs and has a sense of humor I really vibe with.

Lo and Behold, I watchd his latest sponsored video about NPCs in Elden Ring and who is second listed when the credits popped?

This is currently #24 on trending, btw.

Alec, I know you haven't been on here in like a year, but hell yeah dude.
3  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Whatcha reading? Current books/manga and recommendations thread! on: 21 June 2020, 02:51:38
Howdy, first new thread in a bit. I've been reading a fair bit lately and I'm looking for recommendations.

Viz media has their $2/month subscription for everything shonen jump ever so I've caught up on My Hero Academia, My Hero Academia Vigilantes, and have been keeping up with the other major ones. Might look into reading original DragonBall. (seriously that subscription is a helluva value, and the app isn't bad, even if the official translations can be.... lame)

I recently read "All You Need is Kill" which was adapted into to the movie "The Edge of Tomorrow" which I enjoyed.

Just now (like half an hour ago) I finished Demon Slayer: KIMETSU NO YAIBA, which I only started because it won some anime of the year awards a few years ago. Little did I know that the manga ended last month, so my timing was perfect. Typical shonen power scaling, but I feel like it ended at a sweet spot before it got too silly. Fun and memorable characters, too.

I've also gotten and read all of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, partway into Part 8. Think I'll wait until part 8 is done to finish it. I agree with many that part 7 is top tier.

Currently listening to the audiobook for "The Stand" by Stephen King (about 30 hours left of 48-ish-- topical considering the pandemic). In the last year I also listened to the Witcher series again (3rd time through, 2nd on audiobooks), and also did The Hobbit/LOTR and Silmarillion last year.

I think most of all I'm looking for new manga recommendations, but I do have some spare audible credits that I'm on the fence about. Didn't think I'd like Stephen King so much, so I'm considering listening through his bestsellers then getting into the Dark Tower series, just to have another year to two worth of content to listen to. I get about 5-10 hours/week of audiobook listening between running/walking and driving. Once I get back to working from the office after labor day (ugh) that'll increase with my commute.

So: Any recommendations based on the above?

Also please share what you've been reading/listening to!
4  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / PC gaming/Modding on: 12 March 2018, 23:51:35
Topic is a place to post/link to PC games and modding.

I really just want to share some screenshots I took in the Witcher 3 using NVidia's new Ansel feature which pauses the game and gives you free camera control for screenshots.

Even just toying around I think I got some decent shots.

Here's the album so far.

It's from a single fight with a Fiend, but I'm trying to better understand how to adjust the depth of field and bokeh effect for more control. Every shot can be filtered and adjusted.
5  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Dragonball FighterZ on: 3 February 2018, 01:46:36
Who else has it?

Anybody on PC wanna play it?

This thread is for game discussion and maybe finding others to play with.

I've been playing it and having some of the best fighting game fights I've ever had online with my friends. The netcode is spectacular.

The story kind of stinks but it at least legitimizes Yamcha and Tien being playable characters (two of my mains).

I haven't completed the rest of the second and third arcs so I'm hoping there is some kind of decent backstory for Android 21.
6  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Hey this place is wonderful (mods plz delete) on: 23 December 2017, 16:35:06
I made a mistake in a post and now I can't delete this post oh god mods help
7  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Discord, for talking while gaming. on: 1 September 2017, 23:40:34
I've recently taken a liking to Discord for comms while gaming, and just made a Matricians server as a hub for any of us if we want to talk and play games together, like 20XX for instance.

Server is here if anyone's interested.
8  MegaMan Series / X Series / 20XX, a modern X style game on: 1 September 2017, 23:34:59
I'm not sure if you guys have heard of of 20XX, but I saw it and figured I'd give it a shot. It was on sale, and only came out a couple of weeks ago, but it's an indie take on X style gameplay that is actually a lot of fun.

The steam page is Here.

I'm done a couple of playthroughs and the concept is fun, it's like a rougelike MMX clone with VERY similar gameplay and procedural generation.

The best part? Local AND Online co-op that is smooth as butter.

This biggest turnoff for me is the art style and how sloppy the protagonist's sprites are. All wiggly and crap. But if you're like me and stop looking at your character and just focus on jumpan and shootan, it's pretty sweet.

Also, normal mode only gives you one life, you die and it's over.

My steam name is Johncarllos if you don't have me added already. Worth picking up as a simple $15 throwback to the X formula with some co-op.

ALSO worth noting is that I've dealt with no glitches or serious impediments to gameplay at all. Controls are tight, and everything feels RIGHT.
9  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Titanfall! on: 13 March 2014, 15:27:30
Giant robots.

Arena shooter.


Anybody playing on PC?

I'm Johncarllos on Origin.
10  MegaMan Series / X Series / The Game Grumps are playing X7 on: 4 April 2013, 23:08:42
I'm excited to see their reactions to it.

Everybody knows the Game Grumps, right?
11  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Matricans; what are you drinking? on: 9 February 2013, 04:27:44
Beer. More beer.

Love you all. You're one of the few places I felt kind of accepted at in my mid teenage years.

I bragged about how awesome this place is to people. You're all so great, everyone seems to be awesome right now IRL too. I'll not achieve things like some of you have.

I did make the front page of Reddit once though. Screw you ASR :-P.
12  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Path of Exile on: 26 January 2013, 00:03:29
Excellent free to play game that people say is like Diablo II meets WoW.

Items are the currency, trading is huge, instances are random, 27 character slots.

I'm level 19 on my first charact3er, a marauder, add me: johncarllos.

It just entered open beta this week, and it's the best beta I've ever played. It is free to play for all time and will never be pay to win.

Join me.
Next reroll is the witch, maxing the raise undead options.
13  MegaMan Series / X Series / What is your favorite X game? on: 7 January 2013, 15:35:06
X1 is my favorite.

X7 is poop.

Command mission was boring as hell.
14  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Megaman x Street Fighter FREE on PC on: 9 December 2012, 05:47:39

I'm excited for some classic mega man action with some Street Fighter abilities! imma go pew pew pew pow hadouken n ##### ##### im drunk this should be cool tho
15  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / ASR the Reddit Superstar on: 14 September 2012, 03:31:48
ASR is pursuing comedy.

Some may know, some may not.

He's right up there on reddit, currently. I'm impressed and glad to have met him here.

Good work Alec.
16  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / The "Under the Influence of Alcohol" Thread. on: 11 November 2011, 05:45:52
I will probably post here a lot.

2-3 gallons of beer a week, lately.

Senior year of college, seem to be an epidemic around me.

Posted on: November 10, 2011, 11:28:06 PM

I want DZX9 back. This would be his but I have inherited it.

Posted on: November 10, 2011, 11:36:01 PM

Drunken hiccups are kicking in.
17  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / MMM facebook group. on: 12 August 2011, 01:44:39
Join it.
We have existed for 15 minutes and are already extremely active.
18  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Amnesia: The Dark Descent on: 11 April 2011, 03:11:58
This game terrifies me to my core. Every fiber of my being tells me not to continue playing it.

I keep going. It's near torture, but I keep going. I can feel my heart race and body shake when that damned monster is upon me.

Amnesia is a first person adventure game where you play as Daniel, a man who has purposely erased his own memory. Trying to figure out why he has done it through his old journals leads him deeper into castle Brennenburg where the man responsible awaits.

I recommend this game to anyone. I have just a few hours left before I complete it and it continues to get scarier.
It's currently $10 on Steam and worth every penny. Get the demo if you doubt me.

It may not be the best LOOKING game, but it's atmospheric, to say the least. It runs on OpenGL instead of DirectX, so there are some definite peculiarities with the game's visuals, and the occasional glitch, but nothing game breaking.

Get it, you'll cry.
19  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Corrupt Wish Thread! on: 4 April 2010, 17:49:33
Increased post rates are good, in my opinion. This place has been fairly dead, even though I check it like 25 times a day.

Basically, you make a wish, the next poster finds some way to corrupt it and then makes their own wish.

Person 1: I wish for a T-Rex.
Person 2: Your wish is granted, except he's fossilized.
                I wish for a bowl of macaroni and cheese.

Person 1, or anyone else can then corrupt that wish.

Ready GO!

I wish for a new computer.
20  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Formspring on: 28 March 2010, 23:53:35

This is my formspring.

Alec has one too. It's fun.

Posted on: March 28, 2010, 06:52:42 PM

FYI, ask me anything, I'll answer it.
21  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / MUFFIN BIRTHDAY. on: 20 March 2010, 04:09:02
Happy birthday Mr. Muffin Man.

I know it doesn't start for like 51 minutes in Texas, but it's the 20th where I am!

Have a good birthday.
22  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Feliz Cumple SlugKid! on: 17 March 2010, 22:26:46
Yeah, Happy Birthday you Argentinian kid you.
23  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / TIME ANOMALY! on: 17 March 2010, 20:58:06
Make sure to log back in on this new server.
I'll delete this topic in like 1 day.
24  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Penguinny day! on: 25 September 2009, 06:31:46
Today is Opal's birthday!

Happy Birthday!
25  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / IT'S A HAPPY DAY FOR THAT PLANT WE LOVE! on: 20 September 2009, 14:39:19
Happy birthday Snare!
Change that darned signature.
It's depressing.
26  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / PS3 Slim and Price cut. on: 18 August 2009, 20:43:10

I might actually get one now.
27  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Voulnetastical day. on: 13 July 2009, 05:16:12
It's Voulnet's birthday today.

I know from Facebook.

Happy Birthday.
28  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Now here's some BS. on: 9 July 2009, 02:46:18
: Facebook Group Page
Eric Frimpong recently got accepted to the M.L.S. (Major League Soccer) and then he was accused of rape. When it came time to analyze the evidence, there really wasn't anything against him. There was no traces of his semen on the "victim", the semen found was closer the white male that was involved with the case. And so were the bite marks! And here is the kicker: the accuser had a dangerously high level of alcohol in her system. But his jury was his peers at his school (all white) and the judge (also white). Now I'm not being rascist, but if the evidence didn't point to him, then why is he guilty?

It's BS.
Check the ESPN article.

And Digg it.

The Phillip DeFranco video with his take on it.
29  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / The Interesting Stuff thread! on: 23 June 2009, 21:04:56
Because WIND is a dink and locked his topic.

All stories, pictures, or websites can be posted here for the masses.

To start things off, I think this is interesting.
30  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Megaman Box Artist recommissioned to make Bungie box art on: 9 May 2009, 21:05:38

31  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / AM Labs Tone Matrix. on: 6 April 2009, 16:07:35

Really cool program, makes synth sounds and stuff.
32  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Pressing "Back" now removes 'New' on: 20 March 2009, 02:38:35
Until now, every time I press the back button I still had all the 'new' things on the page which took me to the newest post I hadn't read yet.

There were cons to this, if I didn't remember which topic I'd just read, I could accidentally re-click it and waste my precious time.

Now, if I click "back", the page updates to show me only topics I haven't read yet.

It's nice.

I'm not sure if it's a new feature in the browser, to refresh pages I've backed up to instead of re-loading them entirely from memory, or if it's something Abe did.

Please, discuss.
33  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / How many words per minute can you type? on: 11 February 2009, 00:19:17
Take it a few times, some things are harder than others.

I'm currently challenging my girlfriend.
She types using the home row method, and has a 36WPM at the moment.

I chicken peck, 2 fingers for all letters, and the apostrophe and space.

Posted on: February 10, 2009, 07:14:26 PM

56WMP, 2 mistakes.

GF got 52, 9 mistakes.
34  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Peta strikes again! on: 18 January 2009, 23:45:35
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) wants to ban fishing, and rename fish "Sea Kittens"

This must be some elaborate hoax.

35  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Man trampled to death at a Wal-Mart on Black Friday. on: 28 November 2008, 17:13:19

And a pregnant lady got run over too.
36  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / MMX is beating Mario, Zelda, and Mudkip in the gamefaqs character battle. on: 23 October 2008, 13:48:27
Holy crap Holy crap Holy crap Holy crap Holy crap Holy crap Holy crap Holy crap Holy crap Holy crap Holy crap Holy crap Holy crap Holy crap Holy crap

This is awesome.
37  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Penguinnish Day! on: 26 September 2008, 01:13:34
Hey everyone, it's Opal's (alexthepenguin) birthday today!

According to Facebook.

Show her some birthday love.
38  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Reploid collaboration. on: 4 August 2008, 22:24:36
Basically, One person will draw each part of a reploid in a certain order.
First, we need to decide type and whether it's human or animal.

The order:
Additional Weapons.

Nothing needs color or any certain media, and nothing has to be amazing.
Then one person will draw the thing as a whole. They have creative license to pull all the pieces together.

As I'm starting it, I say it's humanoid, and water based.

I'll start by posting a helmet in a bit.
39  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Magic Pen. on: 21 June 2008, 18:56:35
It's a fun little puzzle game where you have to get a circle from point A to point B, using shapes that you draw. It's got good physics, and it's a good challenge. I've beaten every level using less than 40 shapes.

First time I beat it I jumped in at level 4 when my girlfriend's sister couldn't beat it, I didn't know you could make circles.
There are so many ways to finish every level, but building teeter totters to launch the ball is my favorite.
40  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / FireFox 3 on: 17 June 2008, 07:03:28
Well, it's supposed to release today. It's early right now, 2:00AM here. I want to see what all the hype is about.

Also, it's supposed to set a guiness world record with the most downloads of a program in one day.
41  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / You Know You're Addicted to MMM when... on: 11 June 2008, 19:21:10
You have people from the site as friends on Facebook and Myspace.

Post one or two things in this topic that would prove an addiction to this site.
42  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / OMGNOVA'SBIRTHDAY on: 6 June 2008, 20:35:12
Indeed here he is
Our matrican who
is never likely to
win awards, THE
Novaman XP, in all his glory
and now he has a
thread, so he
can be a
43  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Gamefaqs poll: Surprised me. on: 30 May 2008, 13:56:36

As it stands, in the poll for 'which series needs to be retired most,' Megaman has the least votes.
People would rather be rid of Final Fantasy, Madden, Mario, Pokemon and the Sims before Megaman.

I voted for the Sims.
How about you?
44  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / PicLens viewer on: 27 May 2008, 22:57:52
Basically, this does for videos and picture what the iTouch did with album viewing.
Take a look here.

It takes any galleries (facebook, myspace, google images) and put them into a huge scrolling gallery left to right in 3D.
It allows you to watch Youtube videos with it as well.
I just got it, it's only 1.7MB, and I love it.
It works with IE, Firefox, and Safari, on Windows and Mac.

Try it out, you won't regret it.
45  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / The Nintendo Channel on: 8 May 2008, 03:48:21


Posted on: May 07, 2008, 10:39:09 PM

I'm downloading DS demos.
I watching streaming quality videos.

Posted on: May 07, 2008, 10:45:16 PM

46  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Aw, the damn Wind blew out the candles..... on: 4 May 2008, 05:17:05
Because it's his freakin' BIRTHDAY!!!!

Yeah, I'll do a haiku and an arrow later.
47  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe on: 21 April 2008, 00:42:29
Check it out (Youtube)

Not a fan of recent MK games, but this looks like it could be interesting.

I'm a little turned away at the shot of Batman beating Jax's face in after jumping out a castle wall, as it looks fairly un-natural.
48  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Today We Set a New Board Record on: 25 March 2008, 01:35:08
53 people online at the same time.

About an hour ago.
Did some noob make 50 accounts or something?
Especially since we only have 138 registered members.
49  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Portal (Massive Spoilers) on: 4 March 2008, 04:34:39
[spoiler]After you maim GLaDOS and end up at the front gate to Aperature Science, what is with the the red and black blocks around the edge of the scenery?
Was it my deathly low settings?
Or was all of Portal a test in itself, with everything being created in a virtual environment?

If anyone knows or can direct me to the answer, I would be pleased.[/spoiler]
50  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / What Programs are Must Haves? on: 21 February 2008, 16:41:33
Post favorite programs and such here.

I have a PC for the first time in years and I need to know what I need to have.

Posted on: February 21, 2008, 11:03:11 AM

Especially right now a nice video capture program, I can't find anything worth a crap.
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