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1  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 17 August 2008, 04:48:40
No kidding.  I want easy access to the Johto starters that doesn't require me having Emerald, thanks.
2  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Mega Man Iris on: 17 August 2008, 03:33:49
He said what Sano was reading sounded horrible.  Meaning Sano may have just been putting a spin on it that made it sound bad.
3  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 17 August 2008, 02:55:27
Ick.  That game takes all the fun out of playing Pokemon.
4  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Mega Man Iris on: 17 August 2008, 02:54:01
Read up to Chapter 3 so far.  I like it.

*sprays anti-Sano in Sano's face*  Don't twist other people's words, it's not nice.
5  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 16 August 2008, 22:47:13
I've leveled out when it comes to the game I'm playing now.  In addition to regularly playing Sonic, I have picked up Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus, after letting it gather dust for awhile, as well as Pokemon Crystal.

As far as PSU is concerned, I will gladly snatch up the third installment whenever it comes out.  (I've heard online mode only offers a partial Ep. 3 story, so there's bound to be a physical game disc at some point.)  I've fallen in love with the Gurhal system.  It's so basic and cliched, for the most part, but I think that's why I like it.  Plus, there's the inherent customization that comes from a create-a-character system.  I might be seen online, someday...

Pokemon: My Igglybuff caught Pokerus after a wild Pokemon fight.  It ran its course with nobody else in the party catching it.  Lame.  At least I got a level off of it.
6  MegaMan Series / Battle Network Series / Re: Reliving the good times on: 16 August 2008, 22:36:36
I still load my BN3 game from time to time.  I mainly use it to beat up Protoman and try to beat my record against him.  If I could re-fight BassGS, I would do that, instead.

I prefer the Bass chip in White over Bass+ in Blue.  Since the Bass chip is always the one taking up my Giga slot from 3 onwards, I don't really care about FolderBack.  ...Assuming I can work up the motivation to fight Bass in 4 or 5.  I only have four or so chips to go in 4, but I just can't bring myself to play it.
7  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: The Old and the New (Not MM) on: 16 August 2008, 22:27:59
Hey, I actually have slightly more time than I anticipated!  Well, here's the introduction for the Archie cast.  And the OC added for gender balance I mentioned earlier.

Chapter 2:

Knuckles recognized almost everyone in the room.  As Princess Sally took her seat at the head of the table, Antoine, a brown coyote in a blue military jacket with golden shoulder decorations sat on her right.  On her left was the team’s inventor, Rotor, a purple walrus in a backwards light orange baseball cap.  Beside Antoine was the person who had to be the team’s best fighter now – Bunnie.  She was a blonde-haired light brown rabbit with a mechanical set of legs and a single robotic arm, glinting silver where the light struck.  Across from her was a person Knuckles didn’t recognize.  She was a red-furred tiger with a purple headband, partially-obscured by a dangling shock of wavy hair, as red as her fur.  Other than that, her hair appeared to be pulled back into a long ponytail.  The arms that rested on the table were adorned with purple wristbands before the traditional white gloves.

“Before I start, there are some introductions to be made,” said Sally.  “Tiga, these are old friends of ours, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles.  Guys, this is Tiga.  She’s our newest recruit.”

“Heard a lot about you guys,” said Tiga, standing and walking around the table, revealing herself to be wearing a black karate belt around her waist.  She shook hands with Tails and Knuckles (not even hesitating when she saw the spikes on his gloves!  She’d been told about them, apparently), but when Sonic offered his hand, she folded her arms and turned away, glaring at him from the corners of her eyes.  Sally looked a bit annoyed, but said nothing about it.  Neither did Sonic, luckily enough, and he sat down next to Bunnie, Tails sitting beside him.  Out of space to sit on that side, Knuckles took a place across from Tails, one space away from Tiga.  She gave him a polite nod, and turned her attention to Sally.

“Everyone, as you know, Robotnik has begun ‘recruiting’ from here again.  The Freedom Fighters need to mobilize, but we couldn’t do that before.  See, whenever we tried, Robotnik’s forces would swarm the area looking for us and we’d be forced to retreat and defeat them so they didn’t find us and go back to Robotnik with our location.  We need people here who can do that.  But we also need four people to go fight Robotnik.  That’s why I’ve asked for your help, you three.  Sonic, Knuckles, I’d like it if you went up against Robotnik with Antoine and Tiga.  Tails, can you stay here and guard this place with Bunnie and me?”

“Um…sure,” said Tails, feeling slightly apprehensive about not going with Sonic.

“I got it,” said Sonic simply.  He was glad she hadn’t asked him to stay.

“Ready to punch Robotnik’s lights out,” said Knuckles with an almost-sadistic grin.  The real reason for his smile was because it was another chance for Sonic to realize his folly.  He could let Amy run their team and stay here where he belonged! (Plus he got to pummel Robotnik!  It couldn’t get much better!)

“Good.  According to Rotor’s radar, the Death Egg was landing in the Aquatic Ruin Zone.  We think it’s going to refuel.  Antoine, I think it was your idea, wasn’t it?”

“Er, yes, Princess,” said Antoine, clearing his throat as he stood.  “I have estimated that the Death Egg takes approximately a week to refuel completely.  I believe that, moving as a group of four and destroying all enemies along the way, we can make it to the Death Egg in time.  Once inside, two of us should try to sabotage the Egg as much as possible, while the other two face off against Robotnik.”

“I don’t see any problem with that,” said Sonic, resting an elbow on the table.  “So when do we leave?”

“Right now.”

“Really?  Alright!  Let’s go kick Robotnik’s butt!”  Sonic stood so quickly he knocked his chair over.  “C’mon, Knux, let’s go!”

Knuckles nodded and stood, looking over at Tiga as she stood with him.  “Looking forward to fighting with ya.  Don’t disappoint me.”

Tiga folded her arms.  “I don’t wear this belt for nothing.”

“Heh, I guess not.  Let’s get goin’!”

“Good luck, guys!” Tails called after them as they left, Antoine rushing to catch up.

Posted on:  7 August 2008, 14:25:09

Yay, I've got tomorrow off so I can stay up late and post!

...Okay, I know the part I described is from Aquatic Ruin Act 2 and they just reached the Zone, but I just like it too much, and besides, it's AU anyway.

Chapter 3:

Tiga and Antoine were all but left behind as Sonic and Knuckles reached their top speeds, far ahead of them as they tore across Emerald Hill.

Several minutes after the two had vanished from sight, the slower Mobians stopped.

“I’d heard they were fast,” said Tiga.  “But…wow.”

“I had forgotten, myself,” agreed Antoine.

Soon enough, two blurs, one red, one blue, came racing back to them, dust trails high in the air behind them.  Sonic and Knuckles skidded to a halt, spraying their allies in the face with short blades of grass.  Tiga snorted and brushed the offending blades from her face, Antoine grimacing and bearing it.

“Whoops, sorry,” said Sonic.  “…You guys need a lift?”

“Please,” said the two Freedom Fighters simultaneously.

“Alright.”  He turned to Tiga.  “You don’t mind being carried, do you?”

“By you, I do,” said Tiga, folding her arms.

Sonic narrowed his eyes.  “Hey, what’s the big idea?  I don’t know what the princess told you, but if it’s about me leaving the Fighters-”

“It’s not just the Fighters you left,” the tiger cut him off, her tone acidic.

“Stop,” said Antoine.  “We don’t have the time to argue, we only have a week to figure out where in the Aquatic Ruin Zone the Death Egg is, get inside, and complete our mission.  If it bothers you that much Tiga, then Sonic can carry me, and Knuckles can carry you.  Everyone can agree to that?”

“Yeah,” said Sonic slowly.  “Wow, Antoine, you’ve really changed.  You sound a lot more serious.  …Uh, hey Knux, you alright carrying her?”

“Uh-huh… You’ve got no problem lettin’ me carry ya, right?” Knuckles asked Tiga.

Tiga shook her head.

“A’right, then.”  He lifted Tiga off the ground.  “Ready?” he asked Sonic as he picked up Antoine.

“Ready.  Let’s jet!”

Knuckles held tightly to Tiga as he raced alongside Sonic across the grassy hills, a shimmering lakebed below.  His thoughts were occupied with the exchange between Sonic and Tiga, and the newcomer, herself.

Clearly, they shared their views on Sonic, but to differing degrees.  On a level, it hurt him to know there was someone on their side who thought badly of the blue speedster.  She didn’t know him, didn’t know the effect he had on others.  Three members of their squad, Shadow, Rouge, and Silver, had been their adversaries until Sonic had changed them.  Even he had been Sonic’s bitter rival until he’d come to know him.  Sonic wasn’t a bad person – he had just made a mistake.  And even if he continued to refuse to see how badly he’d slipped, it still didn’t change the fact that this was no act of malice.  He hoped he’d be able to show Tiga the truth at some point.

As they ran, the grass gradually became taller, a paler shade of green.  Trees began appearing, sparsely at first, but soon they were overshadowed by a rich, leafy canopy.  There was a mountain looming above them soon enough, and a waterfall cascaded down, into a crystal-clear lake they now stood above on a precipice.  A pair of automated platforms swung above the shimmering waters, still powered by ancient mechanisms long-abandoned, serving as a bridge for a civilization that was no longer there.  On the other side of their course, there was another precipice, leading around the mountain.

Sonic and Knuckles set their passengers down beside a pale marble column.  Awestruck, Tiga and Antoine walked to the edge of the cliff.

“Incredible,” murmured Antoine.  “This place must have been amazing in its time.”

“In its time?” repeated Tiga.  “It’s amazing now!”

Knuckles leaned casually against the column and crossed his arms.  “Wonder what they were like?”

“Well,” said Sonic, “they must’ve been-” he stopped suddenly as he caught a flash of red out of the corner of his eye.  “Knuckles!  Duck!”

Quickly, the echidna obeyed.  A hidden hatch in the column he’d been leaning against opened.  An arrow shot just over his head, heading straight towards the two Freedom Fighters.

“Look out!” Knuckles yelled, scrambling to run towards them.

Antoine threw himself to the ground, throwing his hands over his head protectively as the arrow passed over him.

Tiga’s reaction, however, was to back up.  Her heel knocked some clumped soil loose, and she fought to gain her balance.  Knuckles passed the arrow in a red blur and slammed into Tiga as the platform swung towards them.

The arrow passed over them as they landed on the platform…

…And Knuckles’s momentum caused the pair of them to skid right off the edge.

Panicking as the water’s surface rose to meet them, the echidna tried to right them, tried to get into a position he could glide from.

But it was to no avail.  Their allies’ frustrated cries from above were drowned out as they hit the water and quickly sank, vanishing from sight beneath the leaves of underwater plants.

Posted on: 10 August 2008, 23:46:25

Combined post is long...

Not much here.  Tiga's abilities explained - she can swim.  That's about it.  Chapter length should be increasing any time now.

Chapter 4:

“I…I can’t believe I didn’t do anything,” said Sonic numbly.

“There was nothing you could have done…” said Antoine.  “But they’re certainly not dead.  Tiga is a skilled swimmer.”

“…Yeah, and I’ve got faith in Knux… Let’s keep going.  They’ll meet up with us later, I’m sure of it.  We’ll even walk.  I mean, we’ve got a week, right?”

“Right,” said Antoine.  “Time the platforms carefully…”

“I know.  I’ve been here before, remember?”


Knuckles landed on the lake floor, staring directly at an underwater tunnel that snaked into the depths of shadows, well out of sight.  It probably carried water away from the lake, for those parts of the ancient city that had no access.

Without landing, Tiga had righted herself to swim upwards, and she swiftly did so.  Knuckles’s eyes widened as he watched her swim through the leaves.  She was swimming about as fast as he ran!

The ache of held air in his chest reminded him he was underwater, and he took off running, into the tunnel.  It was faster than swimming, for him, at least.  He knew there was no way to go back up the way they came.  The cliff face was too loose to allow him to climb.  Perhaps if Tails had accompanied them, they might stand a chance of going straight up.

The tunnel seemed to go on forever.  It was much longer than it had seemed, and it was pitch-black.  Knuckles was glad it had been perfectly-straight thus far.

There was sudden movement beside him, and, without slowing, he glanced aside.  His eyes had adjusted to the light as well as they could, but it was enough for him to tell it was Tiga, returned from her own failed route.  Not willing to be outraced by someone who wasn’t even on the ground, Knuckles leaned farther forward into his run, his feet a blur beneath him as he zoomed along the tunnel.

His lungs began to protest, but he held his breath, running flat-out in this impromptu race.

And then he slammed into the wall.  Nose and snout flattened against stone, and his body followed suit.  A good deal of held air escaped from his mouth.  He heard Tiga hit the wall above him, and the scrabbling of her hands and feet as she followed its curve.  The fact that he’d been ahead meant she could avoid slamming into the wall like he had, seeing him do it first.

His lungs were burning, crying for oxygen.  His focus wavered.  He tried to run, but his step faltered.

Tiga felt the disturbance in the water from Knuckles’s thrashing about.  She turned and swam back, her own chest aching.  She reached out, and caught hold of one of the echidna’s flailing arms.  The spike-gloved hand latched desperately onto her arm, Knuckles continuing to writhe in panic.  Pulling him close, she swam with all her might, towards the blue light that marked the end of the tunnel, her body scraping against the floor as the tunnel sloped upwards.

The increasingly-bluer waters around him began to grow dimmer and dimmer in his vision, darkness in his periphery and logic.

Tiga felt air bubbles rise past her, and she knew Knuckles had passed out.  She was starting to drown, herself, her limbs feeling heavier and heavier as she paddled madly for the surface, so close but so far away.  Defying the panicked pounding of her heart, she pushed on.  The both of them would live!

The tiger broke the surface of the water, coughing as she drew grateful gulps of humid air.  “Made it,” she gasped.  “We made it, Knuckles…”  She pulled the echidna’s head onto her shoulder, where it lolled lifelessly against her wet fur.  “Knuckles?  No… No way… C’mon, this isn’t funny… You’re one of Sonic’s closest friends, aren’t you…?  …Can’t die…Wake up…”

She pulled herself and Knuckles out of the water, onto the sun-warmed stone rim of what she now knew was a primitive well.  She lay Knuckles down and held a finger above his snout.  No air warmed it.  Whispering a violent curse, she began compressing his chest, pushing at the spot just below the white ring of fur below his neck.  “You won’t die,” she whispered fiercely.  Sonic will kill me, she added mentally as she took a much deeper breath than her body was ready for.  It hurt, but she knew, from Sally’s description, that Sonic was very capable of murderous rage, and there was no telling whether or not this would trigger it.  It was best not to risk it; letting one of his best friends die was simply not an option.  She breathed into him, and continued compression.  She would do all she could.


It was cold.  Not Icecap cold, but the sort of chill that fur and coats couldn’t protect you from.  It seemed to be so much more than a physical chill, turning any shred of vital essence into ice.

He was the last echidna… And he was messing that up, too.  He had been the last person able to guard the Master Emerald.  But it had been fragmented, and the pieces scattered and lost, becoming more Chaos Emeralds buried throughout Mobius.  He had failed at being the last guardian of the Emerald.  He had failed at correcting his errors.  He had failed to bring Sonic back to Sally (or at least figure out why he’d left her in the first place).  It seemed his life had been composed of failure after failure.  And now he was failing to live at all.  He was failing to keep the race alive.

Give up, he told himself scathingly.  You aren’t worth the planet’s resources.

Faint warmth.  A flicker of life.


More warmth.  Pain.

I’m still…?

Discomfort.  Pain.

I’m still alive?

More discomfort - a burning need.  Air!  Breathe!

Knuckles inhaled.  His collapsed lungs filled painfully with sharp needles of air.  His stomach turned and he coughed, retched, rolling onto his side as his breakfast forced itself out of his body.  He shuddered as he tried, between coughs, to draw breath.  He felt his head lifted off the ground, heard an indistinct female voice above him, and then unconsciousness set in once more.

(Author’s Aside: Some fun CPR facts!  Just so you know I did my research.

1: CPR does not usually revive, but keeps the drowned person in a revivable state until proper revival methods can be used.  Not Used.

2: A rib is usually broken during compression.  Not Used.

3: The subject’s initial reaction if it does revive is to vomit.  Used.)

Posted on: 13 August 2008, 12:46:28

I made a mistake in the previous chapter.  Knuckles's crescent-mark is lower on his body than I thought; Tiga should be compressing on it, not below it.  However, the combined post is too long for me to edit, so I can't change it.  So just amend it in your mind, or something.

Anyway, now we get to see the Emerald Hill gang fight.  Because I felt like adding a fight scene here.

Chapter 5:

Rotor rushed hurriedly into main chamber, where Sally was reading a magazine on her throne. “Princess Sally!  My radar’s going crazy!  There must be fifty robots out there looking for us!  You’d better get ready to fight!”

“Get the others, hurry!  The moment one finds us, they’ll all follow!”  Sally dropped the book and sprang from the chair, grabbing the wooden quarterstaff leaning against the right armrest as she rushed to the entrance chamber.

The chipmunk held the staff in the middle, across her body.  She hoped there would be no discovery, but the Badniks were running out of places to look.  It meant they’d find them soon.

But they’d never catch them off-guard.  Rotor’s radar would see to that.  It could even tell him the nature of the creature – robot, Greater Mobian (the humanoids and humans), or Lesser Mobian (the smaller, “true” animals).  Not even Robotnik’s radar system was that good!

Tails and Bunnie soon joined Sally at the entrance, both ready for combat.  “Is this the only entrance?” Tails asked.

“That’s right,” said Bunnie.  “Those robots can’t get in any other way.”

“But we can’t get out any other way!” Tails pointed out frantically.  “What if we need to escape?”

“Don’t worry.  We won’t,” said Sally.  “If things get rough, we can call Antoine back.  He’s got a small receiver on the fur inside his ear.  Rotor can tell him if we need help.”

“If you say so…” Needless to say, the two-tailed fox didn’t sound too comforted.

Rotor’s voice carried through the metal pipe embedded in the hollowed Emerald Hill mountain.  “One of the Badniks is getting a little close.  I hope you’re ready; he’s coming!”

A drilling sound could clearly be heard.  “They’re coming in with a Burrobot!” Sally warned.  “Get ready!”

The robot burst through, the drill that acted as its nose still spinning.  Seeing the Freedom Fighters, its eyes began flashing rapidly.  It was sending a signal to the other Badniks!

“Go!” Sally yelled, charging forward as Buzzbombers flew in to assist the Burrobot.  She ducked under a plasma bullet sent from a Buzzbomber’s stinger, and cut the Burrobot’s transmission short, running it through its neck joint with her staff.  Sparks flew from the widened aperture, the Burrobot’s motions becoming spastic.

Tails had taken to the air behind her, and was now hovering above her, his twin tails spinning like a helicopter’s blades.  “Princess Sally!” he called.

Sally withdrew her staff and jumped, grabbing onto Tails’s outstretched hand.  He lifted her safely away as the Burrobot exploded violently, destroying any Buzzbombers that hadn’t been smart enough to get away.

A trio of the smarter Buzzbombers figured the much-needed equipment and living supplies were farther in, so they decided they should avoid fighting and find those.

“Going somewhere?”  Bunnie’s drawling voice intoned, stopping the trio of Buzzbombers short.  She stood in their path, arms folded.  “Please, stay awhile,” she continued, her robotic arm shooting out to grab the frontmost of the triangle formation.  “Ain’t y’all heard of Southern hospitality?”  On the last two words, she crushed the struggling Buzzbomber she held.  The other two thought this would be a good time to retreat, so they turned and fled.  The bionic rabbit was faster, and the two robots were swiftly disabled with an extended kick and punch.

“No one messes with the Rabbot!” said Tails cheerfully.  “That never changed!”

“Some things just don’t,” said Sally with a small grin, dropping from his grasp and launching into a spinning kick that destroyed a group of Buzzbombers that had decided to attack her as she fell.  She landed staff-first, swung around it, and kicked a second Burrobot as it entered.

Tails swooped down as a trio of Coconuts loped in with sacks full of their namesake ammunition, going vertical and deflecting their thrown projectiles back into them with his tails.  The force knocked him from the air, and he landed heavily on the ground. “Oww… That hurt…” he groaned, looking worriedly at his now-sore natural propeller blades.

“You alright?” Bunnie asked him, standing beside him protectively.  If an ally was down, it was only right to protect him, but with only three people, she hoped he wasn’t down for long.

“Yeah,” said Tails, standing.  “I’m alright.”  He felt the ground tremble slightly beneath them.  “But I won’t be if I stand still!  Move!”  He threw himself into Bunnie, sending them to land on the ground, just as a third Burrobot emerged from the ground right where the rabbit had been standing.  It would have clipped him as well, Tails knew.  These enemies were standard fare for the speedy trio, after all.

“Tails, you should leave the deflecting to me,” said Sally, doing just that with three more Coconuts.  She turned to help Bunnie and Tails with the third Burrobot, but a Caterkiller inched its way in.  She rushed forward to fight it.

Tails took to the air, wincing – those coconuts hit hard!  But he bore the pain and held out his hand to Bunnie.  She reached up with her normal arm, and the flying fox lifted her with both hands, above the perplexed Burrobot.

Logic suddenly set into the Badnik’s mechanical brain, and it looked up as Bunnie extended her right leg down in a powerful stomp attack.  The Badnik was flattened, but Bunnie screamed in pain as its drill bored into her foot.  Startled, Tails dropped her and fell to the ground, himself.  Bunnie’s scream distracted Sally, who turned from her fight with the Caterkiller, and the crafty insectoid lashed out with its spiked tail, catching her across the arm.  The spikes sliced deep, and Sally cried out, dropping her staff.  Another swipe across the legs caused them to buckle, and Sally found herself on the ground.

The Caterkiller gave an evil grin and raised its tail over its head, scorpion-like, to drive its tail-spike into the princess’s heart.

Suddenly, Bunnie’s mechanical arm extended over Sally, grabbing the Caterkiller behind its head segment.  A sound like a revving engine sounded through the chamber as Tails, curled up, spun in place, only his tails remaining stationary.  There was a gasp of pain from Bunnie as the trapped Caterkiller drove its spike into her extended wrist instead of Sally’s chest, sending sparks flying from the bionic limb.

At that moment, Tails released his hold on the ground, and he zoomed forward, slamming at high speed into the Caterkiller’s unprotected head.  The Badnik shuddered and fell apart, round segments detached and useless.  Only its tail remained stuck in Bunnie’s arm.  Gritting her teeth, the rabbit retracted her arm as close as she could, and yanked the tail from her wrist.

“I don’t see any more,” said Rotor.  “They’re gone.”

“Are you okay, Princess Sally?” Tails asked, holding out a hand to help her up.

“I’m alright…Thank you,” said Sally shakily as she allowed the young fox to pull her to her feet.  Blood ran down her legs and injured arm, but the cuts weren’t so deep she couldn’t stand.

A mechanical whirring sound, like a stuck gear, drew their attention to Bunnie.  Her robotic arm was still somewhat elongated, stuck at ankle-length, and wisps of smoke were issuing from the back of her right knee.

“Don’t worry about me, y’all,” Bunnie assured them, her pain evident in her voice.  “I’m sure Rotor can fix me up.”

“I’ll help too,” said Tails.

“No, you’d best help Sally cover this hole the Badniks made.  Otherwise, our mountain sticks out like a sore thumb.  Rotor and I’ll join you once I’m all fixed.”

“She’s right, Tails,” said Sally.  “Let’s get to work.  Meet you outside, Bunnie.”

“But you’re hurt, too!” Tails protested.

“Would you rather do it by yourself?  C’mon, let’s go.”
8  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: The Introduction Thread on: 16 August 2008, 22:16:05
That's an oddly-specific denial, there, Ker-plop.  That said, I will swiftly proceed to take your word for it.  Welcome, fellow writer!  Enjoy your stay.
9  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: The Mega Man Collection Topic on: 13 August 2008, 18:51:21
I forgot that, too... Hmm...  *adds*
10  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: MMMAP: An in progress map of MMM on: 12 August 2008, 17:29:52
My writing cave, far from civilization.

11  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Have a MIKEROTIC birthday! on: 11 August 2008, 06:12:34
Hmm...everyone's doing art.  But I can't draw...or sprite...


Oh!  I've got it!

The city was dark.  Artificial light glared harshly against the metal skyscrapers, drowning out the soft silver moonlight.  A white-and-red snake of headlights and taillights traveled the streets below, the flash of a red-light camera illuminating the stoplights every so often as some reckless driver mistimed his brake.

Standing above the bustle of the starlit city, above the chaos and glare and noise, was a lone figure clothed in black, a blue scarf whipping out behind him in the wind, catching the breeze as if it was lighter than spider-silk.  He stood just outside the glare of the lights, just at the edge of the moonlight before it was blocked by another building.  The moon provided a silver edge, defining his bodysuit, marked with a stylized "M" on the chest, and creating a sheen on his white-accented mask.  Barely-glowing amber eyes watched the city passively from the small visible patch of dark tannish skin.  The ninja was laid-back, in no rush.  He had no assassination, no death-defying mission.  There would be no display of acrobatic stealth this night.

Because this was his birthday, and he deserved the break.[/spoiler]

Happy birthday, Mike!  Hope you like it!
12  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: The Mega Man Collection Topic on: 11 August 2008, 05:52:37
Whoops, I forgot to add Tron Bonne for my collection.  And MML2, even though it doesn't technically belong to me, it stays in my house and has a file on my memory card... Which is good enough for me.  *adds*
13  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The Interesting Image thread! (try to avoid memes) on: 7 August 2008, 20:51:11
They're not 'Shopped, trust me.  I'd like to see what makes them so "obvious".

Anyway, eh.  I guess different things just impress different people.
14  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The Interesting Image thread! (try to avoid memes) on: 7 August 2008, 20:15:19
Whoever came up with these deserves a medal or something.

This is the ceiling in a smoker's lounge.

And this is the floor in a bathroom

EDIT: Okay, images were bigger than I thought.  Linked.
15  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: The Mega Man Collection Topic on: 7 August 2008, 04:45:27
Aw crap, I forgot to add it!  *adds*

EDIT: And it's PS2 I have it for...
16  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: The Mega Man Collection Topic on: 7 August 2008, 04:41:36
Um, I'll divide mine by platform.

Megaman Legends 2 (Belongs to my brother but we both play)
Misadventures of Tron Bonne (This one's actually mine!)


Megaman Anniversary Collection
-Megaman 2
-Megaman 3
-Megaman 4
-Megaman 5
-Megaman 6
-Megaman 7
-Megaman 8
-Megaman Power Battle
-Megaman Power Fighters

Megaman X Collection
-Megaman X
-Megaman X2
-Megaman X3
-Megaman X4
-Megaman X5
-Megaman X6
-Battle and Chase

Megaman X7
Megaman X8
Megaman X Command Mission

Megaman Powered Up
Maverick Hunter X

Dr. Wily's Revenge

Megaman and Bass
Megaman Battle Network
Megaman Battle Network 2
Megaman Battle Network 3 (White)
Megaman Battle Network 4 (Blue Moon)
Megaman Battle Network 4 (Red Sun) (My brother gave me his)
Megaman Battle Network 5 (Protoman)
Megaman Battle Network 6 (Falzer)
Megaman Battle Chip Challenge

Megaman StarForce (Pegasus)
17  MegaMan Series / Battle Network Series / Re: A good series gone bad on: 7 August 2008, 04:34:27
Ha... Yeah, I sorta degenerated into a ranting wall of text starting at 4.
18  MegaMan Series / Battle Network Series / Re: A good series gone bad on: 7 August 2008, 02:51:16
I did a double-take, myself.  I checked the URL to make sure I was on the right site.

Anyway, as long as we're evaluating the games:

1: Setup.  Like all the first games of each Megaman series, there were balance issues.  Way too easy, but fun to play.

2: Excellent.  We get a glimpse of just how evil this Megaverse's Wily can be, and Styles were added.  The Library also saw a much-needed revamp, and the PAs were great.

3: Aw, damn, I already used "excellent".  Well, how about incredible?  Styles are expanded, but not by too much (2, 1 per version), the Navi Customizer is added for even MORE customization.  As for story, we get loads and loads of character development (plus we get to see Lan physically attack someone, which is quite rare).  This game holds my personal favorite final boss and chipset. (Though favorite PA set goes to 2)

4: ...Capcom, what the hell?  Styles traded out for Souls.  Chips NERFED.  I didn't mind the idea of DarkSoul or DarkChips.  I even liked the idea a little, and I think it'd have been great if they'd applied the Karma Meter system to the Style Change system.  (Light WoodShield?  Dark HeatBug?  Neutral ElecCustom?  (insert other random style combo here))  But they didn't.  And the game sucked.  The highlight of the game was (potentially) Raika belting Lan. -_-

5: A step up, but very, very tiny.  Playing as other Navis was a plus, and I enjoyed Liberations, but the chipset was HORRIBLE.  We still had Souls, and DarkChips were messed up (and they came from a messed up game to begin with!).  Due to the horrid chipset, the game's difficulty was ridiculously high, higher even than MM1 once you got post-game.  Again, the highlight for this game is violence involving Lan - he hits Chaud/Baryl. (depending on game version)

6: MAJOR step up, but too little, too late.  Souls replaced with Crosses, which attempt to combine Souls and Styles, but Capcom missed the point - what made Styles great is that they were tailored somewhat to your chip preferences.  Bringing a degree of permanence to the Souls and getting rid of the "sacrifice a chip" rule were good moves, but not good enough.  Chipset showed signs of trying to return to BN2/3 caliber, but ended up with a pathetic version closer to BN1's chipset than anything else.  Oh, and do you want to know what they do to the most evil incarnation of Wily ever?  The Wily that took advantage of an orphan to cover for his return, tricked an environmentalist into thinking he was too, with a stream of toxic waste being dumped into the ocean right outside, played with Bass's mind and succeeded?  They converted him to good!  I have a penchant for turning villains good, but I swore I would never do this for this particular Wily.  And CAPCOM does it!

...In conclusion, Capcom lost their #####ing minds after BN3.
19  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 4 August 2008, 16:26:38
I've been going Sonic-crazy lately due to immersing myself for the sake of my fanfic. *sweatdrop*

Mainly I've been playing the classics but I also have Shadow, Riders, and Heroes.  Oh, and Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (DS), but that's not quite a Sonic game.

They're all fun to play as long as you treat them more as spinoffs than Sonic games proper.
20  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Re: The Official Mega Man 9 Topic on: 4 August 2008, 16:13:33
I had fun with MM8, but the most fun with 7.

Mostly because my brother tends to develop an ego about being better at me in certain types of games (he claimed to be better than me in this, obviously), and then he GAVE UP at MM7's final boss, but I persevered and won.  So MM7 holds a special place in my heart for that.

The last remaining percentage is because it was Bass's first appearance.
21  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Sonic is better on: 4 August 2008, 04:32:55
I've started warming up to post-Genesis Sonic games, but they're still far from equal to the awesomeness that was the era of the Genesis.
22  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: The Introduction Thread on: 4 August 2008, 04:21:47
*crawls out of writing cave*

I'm back.  Hi...
23  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / The Old and the New (Not MM) on: 4 August 2008, 04:20:34
I crawled into a fanfic-writing cave to finish a project, any project.  I'm sorry I was gone so long, but I'm back, and with a Sonic fanfic!

It's AU, VERY AU.  Mostly it's Genesis-era, but with elements of (decreasing importance) Archie, post-genesis, and a single OC added to the Archie cast for gender balance.  Due to the alternate continuity, certain characters (read: all post-Genesis) have been altered to fit.

Anyway, due to real life constraints, I'm slowing down to once-a-week updates.

Without further ado: enjoy.

(Oh, and if I can't post non-MM fanfics, sorry... I wasn't aware.)

Chapter 1:

Through the lush area of Mobius known as Emerald Hill, there was a winding network of dirt roads, cut through the vibrant green grass for ease of travel.  From an overhead view, it looked like a failed cat’s cradle, tiny threads of brown randomly woven across a canvas of green.

From an overhead view, there were three dust trails kicked up high into the air, moving speedily across the roads.

Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles veered from the clear-cut path and began tearing across the grassy knolls, towards some unknown destination.

“Hey, Sonic, you don’t look so good…”  Tails, the farthest behind, had to shout to be heard.  “I thought you’d be glad to see them again!”

The blue hedgehog didn’t answer his friend.  He and his recently-formed crew of rebel fighters had received a message from the last place Sonic wanted to visit, a place he had tried so hard to force to the back of his mind, maybe even out of it entirely.  But he, Tails, and Knuckles were the only ones who knew its location, so he had no choice but to leave the base in Amy’s care, and bring the others to tackle the problem themselves.

It had been a simple message – “Robotnik is recruiting from the north again, and he’s brought the Death Egg.  I’m sorry, but we need your help, Sonic.”

It hadn’t even been signed, but the “blue blur”, as the oppressed public affectionately called him, knew all too well who had sent it and from where.

The side of the mountain they were swiftly approaching slid open, and the trio zoomed inside.  Shortly thereafter, it closed.

The three screeched to a halt at the same time, leaving skid marks across the ground.  They were before a tunnel, one they knew would wind its way deep underground.

They filed in, first Sonic, then Knuckles, then Tails.  Curled up into neat little balls, they rolled their way down the twisting tunnel, emerging in a spacious cavern.  As their eyes adjusted to the meager torchlight, a voice rang out from the shadows, one that made Sonic cringe.

“It’s good to see you again, Sonic,” said the feminine voice.  “I’m glad you came.  We need you.”

Knuckles looked impatiently at Sonic, his arms folded.  He was deep in denial, and the red echidna could sense it.  Though, of the three, he had been one of them for the least amount of time, it had hurt to leave this place, more because of what Sonic was leaving behind than his own reluctance to leave.

Finally, Sonic responded.  It was a statement carefully devoid of feeling, though there was a deep-seated sadness he couldn’t hide.  “I’m glad I could help, Princess.”  He dared not say her name, lest it invoke feelings he’d tried so hard to bury.

The princess stepped forward into the light, one arm loosely grasping the other across her stomach.  She was a pale-brown chipmunk with long brown hair tied into a ponytail.  She wore blue boots and a matching vest.  “I… I’ll take you to the meeting room.  Follow me…”

As the princess silently led them down the corridors, Sonic closed his eyes to avoid the sight of her hair swishing behind her.  Knuckles caught sight of this, and his jaws tightened.  It was bad enough he hadn’t greeted her as the old comrade she was (at the very least), but he couldn’t even bring himself to look at her?

Tails was silent, uncomfortable because of his role model’s discomfort.  He had always liked the princess, and thought she was a great person.  She and Sonic deserved each other, in his opinion.  But, after all this time, why did Sonic leave her?  He had never understood it, and Sonic hadn’t said a word to him.  Which was just as well, since he’d never asked.

Knuckles, on the other hand, had asked, on several occasions.  And he had always been on the receiving end of a slammed door, or a cold, silent stare.  But there was something he had gleaned from those encounters…

As the princess stopped to allow them through the door, Sonic and Tails entered first, and were met by enthusiastic greetings from the people within.  Knuckles stayed behind.

“Princess Sally,” he said quietly, so Sonic wouldn’t overhear.  “Deep-down, he still loves you.”

Sally smiled weakly.  “I know.  I can sense it; it hurts him to look at me…”

“Do you know why he left?”

Sally shook her head.  “I have no idea.  He’s only here now because it’s the Death Egg, that much I know.”

“Yeah… Sorry to bring it up.”

“It’s nothing.  C’mon, let’s get the meeting started.”
24  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: What it Truly is to be a Maverick. on: 3 April 2008, 23:23:04
My theory is that the definition STARTED as "A Reploid infected with the Maverick Virus", but mutated, possibly at the government level, to include "Any Reploid who opposes the current state of things."
25  MegaMan Series / StarForce Series / Re: Starforce 2 on: 2 April 2008, 14:25:24
I enjoyed the first game more than I thought I would, so I might get SF2... But I'm still not sure on that one.
26  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: Who wants an X Command mission 2? on: 1 April 2008, 15:56:13
Actually, you could with immense pressure, but that would be one UGLY diamond!
27  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: TGC on: 26 March 2008, 16:48:18
Eh.  First couple of story arcs were alright.  Arcs beyond that and GX are utter crap, though.
28  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: Who wants an X Command mission 2? on: 26 March 2008, 16:45:55
Seconded by me, too.  (Thirded?)  I don't want any more games that validate the Zero Series made.  That series just needs to die and take all its nasty roots that are choking the life out of the GOOD portions of the franchise with it.
29  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Sonic Unleashed on: 25 March 2008, 22:45:31
Assuming it comes out on a platform I own, I'm still gonna take a look at it.  ...Weird wolf-Sonic or not. <_<
30  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: TGC on: 25 March 2008, 22:42:49
*blink*  Am I missing something?  (Sorry, not thinking about it hard enough, I'm sure... but fill me in all the same.)
31  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Re: MMPU.. Epic comeback! on: 24 March 2008, 03:14:55
But would it ALWAYS be glitchy?  Anyway, same here about the PSP thing.  I mostly pick up my DS to play GBA games, more than anything.
32  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Sonic Unleashed on: 24 March 2008, 03:04:37
I'm very old-school when it comes to Sonic.  My favorites are Sonic 1 - Sonic & Knuckles.  I'm hoping this will be similar to MMX8 in gameplay, too.  I want 2D movement back.

I wonder what systems it'll appear on...
33  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: TGC on: 24 March 2008, 02:59:55
I still keep a Magic and a Yugioh deck, but the latter does not observe the forbidden list - all cards on it, I treat as limited instead.  The former is also not tournament-legal, though it is a few cards short of it.  I just keep them around for... some unknown type of sentimental value.
34  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Re: Proto Man on: 24 March 2008, 02:54:58
The cameos are easily half the entertainment value of the games.  Not that the games are bad, but because the cameos are just that fun.  A Protoman cameo would be neat.  I'd like to see a Dr. Light cameo to balance the Wily one if there isn't already.  Might have missed it if there is.
35  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Re: MMPU.. Epic comeback! on: 24 March 2008, 02:52:58
Neither could I.  For some reason, the stages I made were always one tile higher than it said in construction, or certain tiles wouldn't be there once I saved.
36  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Re: MMPU.. Epic comeback! on: 21 March 2008, 01:19:11
I can't wait to play as the MM2 robot masters!  I'm looking forward to Metalman and Quickman in particular.  ...For no particular reason, now that I think about it.
37  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Re: MMPU.. Epic comeback! on: 20 March 2008, 03:48:00
Yay! ^_^

*starts saving up*
38  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Re: Cheap, Megaman Legends 2 on: 18 March 2008, 15:29:28
*sigh*  Looks like I'll have to find Digimon World 1 and MML on eBay, then...  That sucks, that's some good walking wasted.  I'd much rather be able to find them at a Gamestop.  At least I get a workout walking there. -_-
39  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: Most annoying (hardist) maverick battle on: 18 March 2008, 15:25:57
Six Tails.  I had the hardest time with him, of everyone.  But not, for some reason, Nine Tails.  I found I was able to beat him easily.
40  MegaMan Series / StarForce Series / Re: GENERAL STARFORCE SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 14 March 2008, 17:53:10
Wow, that IS random.  For some reason, I never thought of Vista Point.  I just checked Echo Ridge.  How stupid of me.  *goes to check out secret area*
41  MegaMan Series / StarForce Series / Re: GENERAL STARFORCE SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 14 March 2008, 17:46:38
*kicks topic for temporary revival*

I just beat SF (liked it more than I expected to), and now I can't find any of the post-game stuff.  Where is it?  I've checked everywhere I can think of.
42  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Games you wish had sequels on: 13 March 2008, 17:54:06
The Archie comics cast would fit really well into that Sonic RPG BioWare is making.

Yeah!  I can definitely see that!

...But will Sega do it?

As for Shadow - please.  You don't need to be/wear black with red accents and have amnesia to be cool. 

And that's why Knuckles wins any day - Knuckles is cool in his own right, not because he follows an overused formula.

That doesn't mean I don't like the character - I just don't like Sega's cop-out in the process of creating him.
43  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The Greed Topic - wut u want!? on: 12 March 2008, 17:55:43
I recently found a couple of old Sonic comics that I used to read.  Rereading them made me want the rest of the comic series.  ...That's gonna be a tough goal to meet.
44  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Games you wish had sequels on: 12 March 2008, 17:39:01
There are several games I wish had sequels, particularly an obscure little gem called Dragonseeds.

But then I remember wishing for a sequel to Jade Cocoon (almost equally obscure), and finding that it SUCKED.

So what sequels do I wish for?  ...At the moment, I don't trust the creators of any game to make a decent sequel.

What I want is a Sonic game with a couple of the comic-exclusive characters.  They were much better than what they're coming up with now. I can just barely tolerate that newest hedgehog.  (What's his name, Silver?)  Yeah, just this close to outright not liking him.  Princess Sally, Antoine, and Bunnie Rabbot are so much better.

But I don't think I can trust Sega for that, despite all the great work they've done in the past.  Somehow, I think they'd have done it if they could.  Could be wrong though...
45  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show your Avatars! on: 24 February 2008, 02:36:38
The fact that none of them were shadeless, hot pink, frankensteined with other sprites, or had "badass" ms pain text made them auto lose the "lame recolour" effect.

Mine's just pink and almost shadeless.  Does that count?  (Keeping it for now just because.)
46  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: The best X,Z or A on: 24 February 2008, 02:31:04
My CM party gets switched around a lot.  The team I beat the game with the first time was X, Zero, Cinnamon.  I used Spider a lot when he was accessible, though.  Statistically, he still has the highest battle percentage of the party.

As for the topic's question, not that it matters, I say X.  The powerful pacifist - gotta love him.
47  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Casting call for MegaMan: The Movie on: 21 February 2008, 20:37:10
Thanks, Wind! ^_^

*takes new transparent avy*

And now I, too, am ready to fight.  ZERO RECOLORS, UNITE!

(Random: I accidentally typed "UNTIE" at first.  Let the dyslexia jokes commence.)
48  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Casting call for MegaMan: The Movie on: 21 February 2008, 20:29:28
"It's not over ye- WAIT WHY AM I PINK!?"

And thus I join in, as well.  Though I lack transparency.
49  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Re: Cheap, Megaman Legends 2 on: 19 February 2008, 23:53:13
My brother managed to find our copy at our local GameStop, but that was pure luck, I'm sure.  He paid about $13 for it.
50  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Re: Favorite Classic Mega Man Weapon on: 19 February 2008, 23:50:48
I've gotta say Gemini Laser.  I don't know why, but it's just so much fun to kill the enemy behind you without turning around.  And I liked the Robot Master it came from, too.  That was a fun level, and a fun boss fight.
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