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1  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / MMM on: 5 January 2013, 20:52:46
Ah... I'm pretty sure most of you will remember me, since it wasn't that long ago and I wasn't overly inactive, but I used to be on MMM all the time...

I'm just making this thread because I kind of need to say this somewhere where someone can relate. I really miss the matrix.

I joined when I was much younger, almost a kid, and I didn't know much at all back then (not that I do now...), and the Matrix really taught me a lot of things. For example, before joining MMM, I'd type, as Xero'd say, like a sped, hah...
I also learnt a lot of english, it being my second language.
MMM improved my taste in games, music, humor, and even my taste in people. It made me feel part of something.

Back in the day MMM was about the only important thing on the internet to me. (Then later came porn and after that social networking. Boo.)
I'd literally spend hours on the forum. Every once in a while, I'd even go to Mchat and go around it just to see it (I was never around when Mchat was all the rage, I came a little bit after that). And I actually never found anything similar to Mchat on the internet.

Maybe I'm idealizing it since it was an important part of my childhood (Childhood?) the same way I remember Diablo II graphics as good as Skyrim's... But you guys, and some people who won't read this, are probably going to be forever imprinted in my memories. It sounds kind of silly, but I'm sure when I'm like 60 or whatever, I'll be sitting in some lawnchair and randomly say "Man, MMM was the #####." or something...

I don't know. I'm not sad or anything, I guess the forum died along with the series, and I don't think I'd truly bring it back if I could since it would never be the same... But yeah... That's all.

Thank you all for the good times.
2  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / It's Jake's birthday! on: 12 December 2010, 21:44:01
Happy birthday to that mushroom we all know and love.

Too bad he hasn't been around lately...
3  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Let's try and liven up the MegaMan Matrix on: 16 August 2010, 03:58:12
Dudes, MMM is slowly dying...
Just look at this
12-2007: 9903 posts
 01-2008: 6843
11-2009: 710
12-2009: 603
05-2010: 508.
06-2010: 418.
07-2010: 329.
08-2010: 101...

I know this is noticeable enough without me pointing it out. But still.
Maybe we should lure new blood into the forum, somehow? Making it a gaming in general forum? Adding H? Advertising it? Adding H?

I seriously don't want MMM to be dead. Or to be as inactive as it is nowadays, anyway...
4  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Transformice on: 8 July 2010, 03:41:27
I found out about this game thanks to VGcats. Became addicted to it. It's pretty pointless, but, it keeps me way too entertained.

Here's a link, but that server tends to be full so I'm always on the other one.

Anyway, I'm Slugkid, so you might want to /friend Slugkid when (if) you play.
5  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Another one?! on: 3 September 2009, 22:56:01
If I'm right, and I might be really wrong, today is Rez's 32nd birthday.

So happy birthday to our favorite priest.
6  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / What...? on: 4 January 2009, 06:28:56
This is only happening to me. Right?

7  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / "Sorry, the PalaceServer is unavailable at this time. Please try again later." on: 24 December 2008, 02:54:42
This is the message I get when I try to get into Mchat. It has been like that for a while, so I wondered what happened to it.
8  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Have you started liking something after playing a videogame? on: 14 December 2008, 14:05:58
How much are you affected by videogames?
An example: I started liking coffee after playing Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations. When I drink it, I go all like "Duh duh duh duh DUH. Duh duh. Duh duh duh duh duh duuuh duh duh duh. duhdu duh duh duh duh DUH. Duh duh duh DUH duh duh duh duh DUH duh duh DUh duh. Duh du doo duh duh doo doo doo..."
I know.

Edit: Also Law and Order...
9  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / When did the news thread division dissapear? on: 21 September 2008, 23:30:01
When did it?
Also, I know that whatever was posted in there used to appear on the main page, but, when is MMM going to be back to it's full effect? Abe?
10  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / 479. Ok, that's too much. on: 4 July 2008, 02:14:34
I randomly went to check the stats, when I saw that the most people online ever was 479, and that was today(At least it's still today over here...)
Anybody has got any idea of why the hell many many MANY guests and possibly some members were all on the website at once?
11  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / The random little online game thread! on: 30 December 2007, 02:26:25
Behold! This thread for random online games that aren't worth a topic to themselves.
And here is the first game, Platform Racing
It's multiplayer and all, I am now on the first server.
Also, ignore the page, it's on spanish. Just pay attention to the game.

Posted on: 28-12-2007, 13:24:43

This thread has been ignored... Meh, here's another game. I am not sure but I think it's imposible. Supuzzle
12  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / The AIM/MSN/YIM etc. topic. on: 16 December 2007, 01:50:28
*ponders whether or not to make a topic for funny AIM convos....*
Somebody else do it.
13  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / The Vague Burpy Hiccup of the Matrix on: 6 December 2007, 13:23:23
Yesterday I was in the forums at midnight (Argentina timezone, -3) and I changed topics, but suddenly it gave me a 404. All night up to 5 in the morning it was off, but now it's back...
Why?(Was it gone) And, it wasn't just me, because I asked a friend of mine to check this site and he also got Page Not Found...
14  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Name-copy? on: 4 December 2007, 02:08:42
Did anybody ever notice the likeness in BoulderDash, The little game with the diamonds and stuffs with Legends? Think it Japanese...
Rockman DASH... Boulderdash... Refractors... Little crystals...
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