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1  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: So whats going to happen to the X Series? on: 1 September 2011, 09:23:09
If you were to release a "classic" X series sequel then yes, the series at this point has too much plot, and it's fubar, as you all know. Best option would be to make a sequel where sigma comes back, "infects" some new reploids or what have you, and starts a ##### storm in some city forcing the maverick hunters to crack down and kick ass all up and down the street.

But. Honestly? If it were just an X series reboot, that would do well I'm sure. It would probably please those nostalgia seekers I've mentioned. unfortunately it would probably fall through the cracks as just another retro DLC title, and that would suck to see.

Also, the designs are fine, sure, but from that same nostalgic stand-point. Today, though, the X series takes itself too seriously for them not to be ironic. If they were to release a new title, a truly new title under the X banner and have any real hope of it catching on, they wouldn't really work. For example, the Classic series is almost comical in some of the boss and stage designs, not to mention the fact that there's a pink robotic dog. Artwork from that series is so cutesy it's almost chibi. As the X series was Capcom's attempt at a more intense experience, it wouldn't work in this day and age unless, as I've said, it was a retro DLC type thing.

Posted on:  1 September 2011, 08:14:15

The series was released in a day and age where storylines in action games were essentially unheard of. 2D shooters didn't need them, and people weren't used to them. Hell, developers weren't even used to much more story than "these robots are bad, blow them up".

The subject of THIS thread however is what might happen to the X series in the present. Meaning that if it were to be a serious attempt at revival, it would have to be revamped in some way shape or form to appeal to a new generation of gamer. Also, being a fan of the characters and base plot regardless of it's eventual spin out of control, I would really enjoy a fresh take.

I've seen 2D games with story that work, too. Ever play shadow complex? Or any Metroid titles? They've all got a fair bit of story, and it doesn't weigh them down.

Majikn, I'll see what I can do about those concepts. They're mostly hand drawn and my scanner is garbage, but I'l give it a shot. I might even start my own artwork thread in the creation station.
2  MegaMan Series / Zero Series / Re: GENERAL ZERO SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 26 August 2011, 19:07:12
I don't think that changin the visual style made the character's pasts irrelevant. It still felt cool ot have to fight X at the end of the first game, even if he was a copy. I could feel the rivalry, it was pretty intense. I'll admit I didn't like the elf system at all, and the fact that the entire second game revolves around them was a lame idea. Like Carlos said, they were definitely not Megaman enough.

3  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: So whats going to happen to the X Series? on: 26 August 2011, 19:03:43
I wasn't talking about the lame 2D/3D gameplay of Maverick hunter, Carlos. Although yeah I did fail to mention that, so kudos. But I was talking about more of a design reboot than anything else. I've done a few concept sketches of a new X, and even a female Zero.
4  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: What if... Zero was a girl? on: 26 August 2011, 19:01:39
Well, I think that it would have been an interesting change. Think about how Wily created Zero to rival Light's X, and how Zero carried the original virus. She could have been this epic seductress reploid with crazy fighting abilities, until Sigma took the virus into his body.

Not only that, but the idea of Wily making Zero female as a sort of upper hand against X, making it easier for her to destroy him.

Also I would have cared a lot more if X had some sort of feelings for her when she dies.
The dynamic would totally change
5  MegaMan Series / X Series / What if... Zero was a girl? on: 26 August 2011, 08:57:18
Everyone thought it once. Hey, what's with the lady-bot with the luscious locks and sweet laser sword?


That's a Man-bot? Well. Cool hair, anyway.

Even if you haven't been there years ago like I was, you can still probably see how the mistake could be made at first glance in the X series (and ALL the way through the Zero series).

The point of this thread is to hear what you guys think the X series would have been like if Zero actually was a girl! Go for it.
6  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Professor Hazard's Studio on: 26 August 2011, 08:49:39
I like the cut of your jib, Hazard. Also, your drawings. Excellent colour job too, by the way.
7  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: So whats going to happen to the X Series? on: 26 August 2011, 08:40:58
This is an interesting topic. Being an artist, and self titled snobby game critic, I've put a lot of thought into what might happen to the X series if it ever did get a reboot/sequel/prequel/whatever.

TheRedPriest has a lot of good points, and I agree almost all of them. That being said, you might wonder what else I could add.

This is what I think:

As you know, the Megaman X series is essentially a grittier, more badass spin-off of the Classic series, designed to appeal to a slightly, and I say slightly older audience.

Unfortunately, at this point all of the character models that we who grew up with the series have come to love are now outdated and tragically 90's. Not only that, but they all have that classic Anime robot feel to them that will always ALWAYS make them look like toys. Capcom did its best to amp it up for the X series, and at the time it worked perfectly. Some of my favourite character designs of all time are from the X series.

However, the target demographic for a new X title would either be us, the nostalgia seekers, meaning it would be essentially the same thing with maybe a new storyline as the writers desperately backpedal away from the flaming wreckage they have wrought, and some cool new armour.

OR, Capcom might stop and think to themselves, "Hey, hold on. The characters of the X series look sweet, but in 2011, they're cool like an aciton figure I just pulled out of the darkest reaches of my closet. They, along with the story line, need a revamp to match our newfangled post-millenium sensibilities." Knowing Capcom, this will likely NEVER happen. EVER.

For me, though, that idea alone opens up a million and one ways to make a really interesting reboot of the series, learning from the mistakes of the old and such.

Posted on: 26 August 2011, 07:30:11

for example,  just re-creating X1 with a better story arc and more character relationship could fundamentally change the experience. Like, say, when Zero dies. Every time I play that part, even now, it still doesn't mean much. It's always, aw shucks zero died for the first of many times.
Doesn't even matter, you hardly know who he is at that point.

You might think hey, it's just a 2D platformer. It's not supposed to carry any baggage like that...
Well, look at Final Fantasy 7. Grown men still whine about how sad it was when that girl got iced.
And the graphics in that game made it look like like an origami experiment gone horribly wrong, not to mention the fact that turn based RPG's are about as immersive as, oh hey, repeatedly scrolling through a menu and hitting a single button.

I'm just saying, the X series has a very interesting plot concept, and cool characters. With what we know about games today and technology as it is, they could easily make it a relevant series again. Although if they changed it enough for that to be possible they might have to rename it... Making this whole argument fall flat.
8  MegaMan Series / Zero Series / Re: GENERAL ZERO SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 26 August 2011, 08:08:33
Wow, I hadn't realized there was so much hate on the Zero series. I'm a little afraid to admit that I enjoy them, because it looks to to do so seems to earn you the mark of a heretic...

I just skimmed the thread, and I see a lot of points and counter points, some I agree with, and some I don't, but I think the games are very well done, especially for GBA. I mean, I've been a gamer my whole life, I've seen awful, and I've seen X7 awful, I've played nearly every Megaman game save for any Star Force title (because it looks and sounds like a power-rangers spin off in my opinion), and I would never say that the Zero series is by any means terrible. Granted, it's got it's fair share of flaws, but now I'm just curious as to why you all seem to hate it so much.
Can someone give me a list of reasons they hate it so much? Hell, even if I disagree I'd still like to know why others hate it so much.

9  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: The Introduction Thread on: 26 August 2011, 07:44:49
Hey everyone, I'm Architect, and I've been a fan of the series since I was a kid. I've just recently started to appreciate the games for something beyond the fact that you play as a sweet blue robot that blows stuff up with an arm mounted laser cannon, and that is mostly the design and artwork that goes into them. I also have a soft spot for the story lines... Even if they are slightly, shall we say, open to speculation.

Anyway, I've been looking for a place to share some of my own character sketches and ideas surrounding the series, and this looks like a very well moderated forum, so hopefully I'll get some good discussion!

Nice to meet you all!
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