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1  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / I wish there was a Dash 3... on: 14 October 2008, 21:58:16
I know this may likely never happen, but I wish that Capcom would make a MegaMan Legends 3. I still have my old legends 1 and 2 games, i wish they'd make a third, even if it was just for #####s and giggles. Who knows, it may be interesting to see what happened after 2, like if life just goes on or does a whole new dynamic plot occur...I haven't play Misadventures of Tron Bonne, so I'm not sure if its before or after 2....oh well, i might as well be dreaming on i guess, right?
2  MegaMan Series / X Series / Who is "Return X"? on: 14 October 2008, 21:04:04
I was looking on a website for MegaMan model kits a while back (more like a year ago.) and I saw an armor from X3 I hadn't seen in the game. It was a picture of a snarling X type, with turquoise/ greenish armor. I read further on it and said that it was called Return X and that it was a clone of X (i know, how the hell did that happen?). The picture on the website said that he was from X3, but never saw or even picked up hints of this guy in X3...How the hell did this guy get in the equation?
3  MegaMan Series / X Series / So whats going to happen to the X Series? on: 14 October 2008, 20:42:41
This is a question that has been bothering me a bit, but no, I haven't lost any sleep over it. i was wondering where the X series will be going in the story or to which platform system it will go to for good. Yeah, I know there are the MHX games on PSP, but I'm more worried about what's supposed to happen after X8... After I beat X8 and saw the endings, I was somewhat starving for more. Any ideas or hints as to what might happen next for the X series storyline or are we doomed to remakes from here on out?
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