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1  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / hey guys you like the megaman right? on: 16 August 2012, 10:22:03
MegaMan X (pronounced 'Is') Over

Because who doesn't love a cross over game with some Social RPG elements and an Autoplay button mirite!?

oh and iOS only :D
2  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Minecraft! on: 3 January 2011, 11:37:14
I figured since it seems to gathered enough popularity in the Avatar topic, might as well make it its own topic!

So yeah, for the sever I want to use a custom skin pack related to the MMM (and MegaMan in general). Anyone have the backgrounds from MChat? I'd like them to reference to.
3  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / I'm a contestant for the Extra Life 24 Hour Charity Event on: 16 October 2010, 13:18:05
Extra Life is doing a charity event where we game for 24 Hours straight and people will donate to us for the cause. I'm personally raising $100 to the Texas Children Hospital.

The event starts on Saturday at 8:00AM and lasts until 8:00AM on the next day, of course. We're going to marathon the Legend of Zelda games, particularly Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, the Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess. During that time I'm going to stream the event. But, I need your guy's help! You guys could either donate or spread the word to everyone! I'd heavily appreciate the help! I really don't know what else to do to spread the word...

And even if you don't help, you can still enjoy the stream.

The link to the stream:

The link to the donation page (you can donate to any contestant):

Please, help us spread the word!

Posted on: 14 October 2010, 17:32:05

Yo dudes, I know you guys don't have too much free time with college and all, but if you can you should all totally watch the stream. Because it starts. Now.
4  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / MegaMan Legends 3 on: 23 July 2010, 11:05:01

This article, Inafking talks about MegaMan Universe for a bit. However, towards the end of the presentation...

: The Great Inafking
The Father of Mega Man ended his Comic-Con presentation with another tease, claiming "You haven't heard the last of the Mega Man announcements out there." Inafune said to expect confirmation of an "oft-requested thing that you guys want."

When fans began shouting for Mega Man Legends 3, Inafune just smiled and said "Thank you."

What do you guys think?

I think if the next MegaMan announcement isn't Legends 3, I'm just going to give up on the series altogether.
5  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Let's Play Super Adventure Rockman on: 12 May 2010, 11:50:56

Thought I'd share this little gem...

This isn't my let's play, but someone made one and translated all of the in game cutscenes that he goes through. And his commentary isn't actually too bad compared to a lot of Let's Plays I've seen (for instance, he never speaks a word during the cutscenes).

For those of you who don't know, Super Adventure Rockman was an FMV Game (like a lot of the games made for the Sega CD) made for the PSX that came out before MM8. Gameplay-wise, it's nothing interesting, just some choices here and there, some time-based inputs, and a shooting game. But story-wise, it's like a Megaman OVA  that was released in game form.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure none of us here has actually played this game, so for those who wanted a chance (or never even heard of it!), this is the closest we'll probably get to it. I know I always wanted to try the game but couldn't.

Anyway, enjoy.
6  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / MegaMan Matrix Comics Community Center on: 21 April 2010, 06:34:36


So, I've been thinking about it... and we as a community haven't done very many fun things recently, just... more or less responding to new posts. And that got me thinking... we're a very artistic community... and we love to draw comics... especially when it makes fun of others.

So! I've decided to make this topic... the MMMCCC topic... where we draw comics of each other doing whatever we want it to be. It can be srsly, or it can be comical. I chose to go comical and then random for the two I drew up (WHAT!? ME DRAWING!?).

Anyway, yeah! Lets do this! Come on guys! WHOO

The first one I thought up of when I was thinking about the MMMCCC... the second one I drew up when I was very tired at 6AM thinking about what the most random thing Snare would do. So enjoy... and post your own!

(if you haven't realized it yet, I'm very tired right now)
7  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / AVGN Reads the MegaMan 2 Novel on: 3 February 2010, 21:06:52

Anyone ever read these Worlds of Power books? I think I actually read the Blaster Master one...

Anyway, I thought I'd share this.
8  MegaMan Series / Zero Series / Zero Collection coming out on DS on: 15 January 2010, 12:42:11
eww i made a topic on the zero forum
9  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / New Megaman game? on: 15 January 2009, 05:06:54

o noez megaman sf 4
10  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Let's Play The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on: 11 October 2008, 01:31:53
Let's see how long you guys stay interested in this one...

I'll post the first three videos right now. If anyone shows any interest, I'll continue this thread, if not, I'm still going to make the videos but will close this topic.

Anyway, here we go:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Yes, this is going to be a looooong series of videos.
11  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Let's play Final Fantasy VI (GBA Version)! *Not Dial-Up Friendly* on: 19 August 2008, 02:51:36
Let's Play topics are pretty popular on other forums. I wanted to play a game that most of the Matricians would be interested in...

Yeah, I know. It's an RPG. Yeah, I know, it's Final Fantasy.

But get this: You can rename the 14 characters in this game... and I'm going to name them after Matricians.

Interested now?

I wanted to replay this game for a while now, might as well do it in this fashion!

Any of you guys read a Let's Play topic before? No? Well, I explain my playthrough to you guys in my posts and take pictures in the meantime to further the experience (There are going to be LOTS of pictures).

I might post videos of the boss battles too.

So, who wants to be named in this game? Here are the characters:

Terra - Yubi
Locke - Nova
Edgar - Ayesar
Sabin - John C
Celes - Ikeoko
Shadow - Mikero
Cyan - Cody
Gau - Sano
Setzer - Chaos
Strago - Rez
Relm - Opal
Mog - Wind
Umaro - Abom
Gogo - Saldit

Those who aren't familiar with Final Fantasy VI, then I'll explain the characters...

Terra is a mysterious magic girl, Locke is a, *ahem* a "treasure hunter", Edgar is a king and a mechanic, Sabin is his super strong brother, Celes is another magic girl (though not mysterious), Shadow is a Ninja, Cyan is a knight from a fallen kingdom, Gau is a feral boy, Setzer is the airship owner and a player, Strago is an old man, Relm is his little granddaughter who paints a lot, Mog is... a mog, Umaro is some yeti-thing and Gogo is... Gogo.

Also, their looks (and descriptive profiles) here.

Personally, I can see ASR being Edgar, both love green and have witty personalities and Wind be Sabin (even though he's not super strong). Yubi could be Terra, if only for the green hair, Shadow as Mikero, and Strago as Rez (Hey, they're both old perverted men!)

I don't really see myself as any of these guys... but I'll see what you guys will say. I won't start the game until we get more votes in for the characters (Specifically, from Terra to Shadow). Also, I'll let you guys do all of the major decisions for me in this game.
12  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Solitude Bay - A New RPG on: 30 July 2008, 06:12:53
I've been wanting to make this topic for a while...

This bay is the only thing you have. You felt as if you've suddenly existed on this bay not too long ago, yet you know you've been here for an eternity. You know nothing else about the world. Only this bay exists, and the only thing you own is this bay...

One day, while relaxing in front of a fire, you hear a voice; you've never heard the language before, yet you understand what its saying;

"I am sorry for placing you in this lonely hell, my child. Let me show you the world..."

Some force who is known as, and worshiped as, The Deity, has told you of his mistake of placing you in this place. And now he'll give you the chance to see what the real world is like, to meet real people, to really have friends for the first time in your life...

This is your story, your new life in this new world.

You: You are the main character in this story. You can choose to be male or female and choose four different avatars for each gender. You also name you.
You are the only person in this game that can change class and you have the choice to master the class or not. You can change class whenever you like.

Your Partner: Sometime in the game, The Deity will ask you questions. Depending on how you answer these your partner's stats will be set. You can choose what the only class your partner will have, what gender they are, and what name you would like them to have.

A "bot": Later in the game, you'll have the choice to between three "bots" described as "souless humans with emotions". There are three bots to choose from:

Issac: The power bot. He can equip two weapons at once and has a LOT of attack. Average in every other stat, however, and very low in speed and magic. Will learn very few skills.

Mr. Ken: The defense bot. He's the tank of your team and will take in a lot of damage without going down. High HP and defense, but will only be below-average in everything else.

Lucy: The magic bot. She's weak, has low HP and speed, but will have TONs of magical skills. However, as a jack of all trades, she'll be the master of none.

You can name the bot you choose something else if you prefer.

The battles are your standard turn based battles, but you'll have TONS of customizability with your characters. While the two characters are permanent with their customizing, the highlight of the game is that it IS possible to master all of the classes and learn tons of additional skills for your main character.

There are 14 regions on this planet (the regions are like countries in our world). Each region has a location or two for you to visit. For example, Greenland will have two locations to visit, Southern Country and Greywood Manor, while Urban Eagle will only have one location to visit, Mothersday.
There may be even a secret location or two available after certain points in the game...

There will be tons of secrets, tons of exploring, tons of fun. There will be mini-games, and post-game things to do. And if you're still not satisfied, have fun learning the 110 skills you can potentially learn. :)

I'll provide screenshots of each location in the game as I make them.

Southern Country

Near a lake

A mountain cave

Talabama, the first town you visit


Battle menu


Is this game done yet?
Not yet...


It's gone FURTHER along than MMMRPG did. Everything data-wise is done except for the monsters. I'm now at the part where I'm actually making the game play: The maps and the events. The monsters are being made as I progress through the maps so that it gives me a better idea on what kind of monsters I need.

I finished one location in one day (Southern Country), and theres about 25 locations... however, Southern Country is meant to be a small location anyway, being the first. With this in mind, I guess that the game MAY be done early September. You never know with me, but I hope it'll be earlier. :)

Until then, use this topic to ask me questions and discuss things, etc.


Phew. *Goes to sleep*
13  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Upcomming Gammes Toppic on: 15 July 2008, 02:51:41
Please use this topic to keep useless topics from being made.

Games coming out:

Animal Crossing: City Folk
Video Conference Video

Captain Rainbow
Videos Scans

Casltevania Judgement
Trailer Gameplay

Chrono Trigger

Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen

Final Fantasy XIII
Off-Screen Video

Guitar Hero 4
Developer's Walkthrough

Kirby's Super Star: Ultra



To read my E3 post, click the spoiler.
We need one to discuss E3 things.

For Microsoft's conference, we learned about Fallout 3, Gears of War 2, Final Fantasy XIII and Mi- I mean, Avatars.

Man, that Avatar idea is sweet! I've never seen anything like it!
Other than that, Microsoft isn't important.

Now Nintendo's conference doesn't start until tomorrow, but we already learned about the Wii Motion Plus which will enhance motion controls to feel very close to 1:1 gameplay.



MY Liveblog on Nintendo's Conference:

-12:00: Just started
(Sorry, I missed stuff between the start of the conference to 12:10)
-12:10: Shaun White talking about Wii Fit
-12:13: Some woman snowboarding... Who is this!? Show me the good stuff!
-12:13: SATURO IWATA!!!
-12:15: Market stuff... boring.
-12:20: Mario Kart Wii was made for Casual gamers and Guitar Hero III is mentioned.
-12:23: Animal Crossing guy comes up...
-12:24: Animal Crossing: City Folk for 2008!
-12:24: Real holidays exist again, and the City is a new place to visit.
-12:25: Sell your items online by auctioning them.
-12:25: Make your character look like your Mii!
-12:25: WII SPEAK
-12:26: Talk to anyone of your friends ALL THE TIME
-12:26: Looks like three other people can visit your town like in the DS version.
-12:28: Looks like the City is a place for Online.
-12:28: REGGIE! W00T
-12:29: Nintendo made over $5+ billion in the US alone.
-12:30: DS Prints money for Nintendo.
-12:31: Pokemon prints money for Nintendo.
-12:33: Wii prints money for Nintendo.
-12:36: Star Wars Fighting game using Wiimotes as Light Sabers.
-12:37: Coming Holiday 2008.
-12:37: Rayman Raving Rabbids: TV Party uses Wii Board.
-12:38: Call of Duty: World at War.
-12:38: FLAMETHROWER. Also, co-op mode.
-12:39: That woman returns...
-12:40: Women like DS lots.
-12:40: Guitar Hero: On Tour sold lots in one week. Also, a sequel is coming.
-12:41: Sequel, called Decades will be able to share games with the older game.
-12:42: Spore Creatures coming out for DS.
-12:42: Share creatures.
-12:43: New Pokemon Rangers game.
-12:44: Grand Theft Auto: China Town Wars for DS announced.
-12:44: Custom gameplay, new characters, same old GTA.
-12:45: DS is being used to... order food?
-12:46: Cooking Navi DS coming out with an English Version... Electronic Cookbook.
-12:47: Reggie comes back.
-12:47: Wii MotionPlus.
-12:48: Wii Sports: Resort will be using MotionPlus.
-12:49: WS:Resort will have 1:1 gameplay. o_o
-12:50: Wave Race game in WS:R.
-12:51: 1:1 Sword game in WS:R.
-12:52: Have swordfights with your friend like Wii Boxing.
-12:54: Wii Sports: Resort will come out next spring.
-12:55: New big name game... what is it!?
-12:55: Oh, it's just Wii Music. >:(
-12:55: ASR might like this... you can play Drums in it, like real life.
-12:56: SHIGERU MIYAMOTO!!! ...He's playing the saxophone.
-12:57: Multiple people can play multiple instruments, it seems.
-12:57: We can also see the Cello and a Xylophone being played.
-12:59: Talking about Wii Music; this is an instrument music game, not a Guitar Hero like game.
-01:01: 50 different instruments... Piano, Violin, Guitar, Bongos... all kinds of instruments.
-01:02: Use the drum by using the Wii Board... there are also drumming lessons.
-01:03: We hurt Shiggy's feelings by calling his orchestra bad two years ago... sorry Shiggy. :(
-01:04: Wii Music can record videos of your playing... create your own music video!
-01:05: Nintendo plays for us... Shiggy plays Cowbell.
-01:06: Sounds a little off, but its still awesome.
-01:06: DO DO DO DO DOO DO DOO!!!
-01:07: Performance ends, the players bow down.
-01:08: Looks like the conference is ending soon...
-01:10: It's over now...

Nintendo's Conference Liveblog

Nintendo's Secret Conference Liveblog

Microsoft's Conference Liveblog

Sony's Conference Liveblog
^If you read this one, make sure you read from the bottom up.


News Stories

Wii Music Hands On
Miyamoto talks about New Zelda, Kid Icarus, Wave Race/1080, and Storage Problems.
Dead Rising for Wii

Videos of Various Games

Animal Crossing: City Folk
Animal Crossing: CF Conference Video
CastleVania: Judgement Trailer and Gameplay
Chrono Trigger DS
Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
Final Fantasy XIII
Guitar Hero 4; Tons of Info
Kirby's Super Star: Ultra
14  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Diablo III on: 30 June 2008, 09:17:33

This game is going to be AWESOME.
15  MegaMan Series / StarForce Series / So... MegaMan StarForce 2 just came out. on: 24 June 2008, 16:45:09
Who's buying it?


I'm not.
16  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Noitu Love on: 19 April 2008, 01:25:16
A neat freeware game made some guy who's good at drawing:

It plays kinda simmilar to the classic MegaMan games but the game's more of a beat-em-up. The graphics are pretty awesome for a game made entirely by one guy. I thought you guys would enjoy it so I decided to post it.

I'm on level 3 BTW. The levels are around 10-20 minutes long each (so far). There's also a second Noitu Love game comming out soon, though it's not going to be freeware this time (I can understand why, though, the graphics are close to PSX quality).

Here's a video for those who are interested:
17  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Barkley Shut up and Jam Gaiden (Excellent FREEWARE RPG made in GM7) on: 3 February 2008, 06:02:59
Too lazy too make my own summary, so here's an excellent one found of GameFAQs, courtesy of HyperDragon:

The Great B-Ball Purge of 2041, a day so painful to some that it is referred to only as the "B-Ballnacht". Thousands upon thousands of the world's greatest ballers were massacred in a swath of violence and sports bigotry as the game was outlawed worldwide. The reason: the Chaos Dunk, a jam so powerful its mere existence threatens the balance of chaos and order. Among the few ballers and fans that survived the basketball genocide was Charles Barkley, the man capable of performing the "Verboten Jam"...

Flash forward 12 years to the post-cyberpocalyptic ruins of Neo New York, 2053. A Chaos Dunk rocks the island of Manhattan, killing 15 million. When the finger is put on the aging Charles Barkley, he must evade the capture of the B-Ball Removal Department, led by former friend and baller Michael Jordan, and disappear into the dangerous underground of the post-cyberpocalypse to clear his name and find out the mysterious truth behind the Chaos Dunk. Joined by allies along the way, including his son Hoopz, Barkley must face the dangers of a life he thought he gave up a long time ago and discover the secrets behind the terrorist organization B.L.O.O.D.M.O.S.E.S.

DOWNLOADS: (60 some MB)


- Incredible B.A.B.B.Y. System gives you complete control over your combat actions.

- Get out your easter basket and get ready to go hunting, because there’s Easter eggs galore in BSU&J:G! Prepare for a cavalcade of easter eggs, ranging from the mysterious to the unique.

- One of the first games to fully utilize DirectX 10.

- Game fully playable in both English and Al Bhed.

- Riveting story that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. See the Post-Cyberpocalypse like you’ve never seen it before.

- Beautiful soundtrack composed by none other than Nobuo Uematsu exclusively for BSU&J:G!

- Block paragraphs about basketball monsters.

A tale of zaubers, b-balls, and atonement; brave dangers unheard of, face spectacular challenges that even the greatest ballers could not overcome, and maybe... just maybe... redeem basketball once and for all in:

Tales of Game's Studios Presents Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden
Chapter 1 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa

z - action
x - run and cancel
c - start

You can change the controls in the configuration menu, as well a lot of other things! If you want to play in windowed mode, you should probably play in scaling x2.

It will take a minute when you're starting it up, so wait a second.

Guys, this game is very amazing. It's a definate must play. I haven't beat it yet, but holy hell. It's... too awesome for words.
18  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / NEW MEGAMAN LEGENDS GAME!... on: 2 February 2008, 08:07:00

GOD #####ING DAMN IT! It looks so awesome too. ;-;

For ONCE Capcom does something RIGHT but releases it on the WRONG system. I would've been fine on DS or even PSP but NOOOOOOO!

Posted on:  2 February 2008, 03:02:48

It's subtitled as "Great Five Islands Adventure" BTW.

Here's the post on GameFAQs:

: Dude on GameFAQs
Cell phone savvy Rockman DASH fans in Japan now have something to be excited over, as Rockman DASH: The Great Five Islands Adventure has begun distribution on all 703i and 903i series phones. The game will be released in four installments over the next month and a half, and each of the five islands in the game has seven stages.

Some of the game's features include full 3D animated cut scenes, item development and weapon customization. One of the things we don't really know about now, however, is the storyline (though from a couple screens it appears you have to find parts for the Flutter).
19  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / MegaMan Matrix VS The Eight Elites on: 31 January 2008, 05:50:55
So... I've decided to take a break from MMMRPG (although that break is long past over due >_>) and decided to put my other creative juices into play.

Some of you may remember MMMVS81337s, but most of you probably won't. It was originally a short story involving people from here battling against an organization known as the Eight Elites. The Eight Elites are eight users with abnormal power, and one day they decide to toy with MMM just because we're a small community that no one cares about. Well, oops, bad underestimation on their part, that small community just happens to save the world (in a way) because of their toying.

I've been really wanting to put this story on paper for a long time... I was thinking of making it a short story again (and restart the series) but this time... I put those creative juices onto a paper with a pencil. Yep, this is a comic. A fully drawn one for that matter. Although, I want your guys opinions first though, I have a feeling many of you won't like my art style (partially due to the realism and partially due to that horribleness) so if this doesn't work out, I'll go back to Microsoft Word.

Oh yeah, and this is going to be a dark story. Everyone here is used to the cheesy, humour filled comics... but this is going to be something actually serious, one with blood and death in it (on the internet no less).

Anyway, here are the first few pages (with explanations):
*Note, I'm very sorry for the very bad quality. I currently don't own a scanner and won't have one available until next week. If you can't read it, mention it, so I can type it out*

Page 1:

(Yes, 2007. Those lips are intentional. And also, I know "Is the..." is a grammar error (verb subject agreement to be exact, >_>)

Page 2:

(Again, intentional lips. Noticed those three don't have the same lips? Also, the three of them were meant to have different body shapes. Another, Welcome to... thing is intentional. This is the internet, billboards are just floating letters)

Page 3:

(Finally! The StarMan in a comic! Yes, originally I didn't have the StarMan but I'll be turning into him quite a few times in this story. Yes, I'm the main character for the first chapter of the book, the main character will change for each chapter. The picture will make more sense later on. And yes, the hand was intentionally twisted like that. Can you guess why?)

Page 4:

(Finally, page 4 XD. Anyway, here are actual MMM people. Their official "names" will be Sano, Wind, Jake, and Rock (and the occasional Hunter) for me. For some parts, Wind will be referred to as Preventer and I'll be referred to as Vinchenz. Also, those guys at the door are the "boys" Honcho mentioned).

So there you have it... like it or hate it? Stick to drawing or return to Microsoft Word? If I continue drawing I'll eventually have a scanner available to use, so don't worry about the bad quality. If I go to Microsoft Word... well, you're going to have to IMAGINE the things. :P
20  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Anyone own Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne and willing to part with it? on: 28 January 2008, 01:20:31
I've looked everywhere in the city and I could not find it. Video game shops, Shops with electronic sections, pawn shops, etc, not one of them had it. It was a little expected because of it being an Atlus game and being released in 2005... But I really want this game, damn it! It sells for $150~ on eBay... I'm NOT going to pay that much for it.

If anyone owns this game and doesn't play it/want it anymore, mind sending it to Ontario, Canada? I'll pay, of course, for the price you got it for. If you want it for more, we'll have to talk about it.

If nobody owns it/played it before, then I'll just close this topic.
21  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Syobon Action on: 30 December 2007, 23:07:39
Anyone remember that flash game that was similar to MegaMan? The one with all the ASCII? Yeah, remember how hard that was? Well, I don't think its nearly as hard as this game:

Syobon Action

I beat it with -235 lives... no seriously, I died that many times. Plus the two lives you start with. Yes, it may seem like the hardest game you'll ever play and hell, even impossible to beat... but I DID beat it. And it's only four levels, folks.

All I have to say is that the designer of this game is either very cruel or very imaginative, especially what you need to do to beat the last level.
22  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Started a new game again... on: 13 December 2007, 03:35:38
Today, while failing at MegaMan ZX, I had the sudden urge to play MegaMan Legends again, and I remembered all the memories.

The last time I played this game was five years ago.

I couldn't believe that I still remembered that you get 1000 Zenny for kicking the can into the bakery...

And I also can't believe... how easy the game is. I could've sworn I had a lot more trouble when I was younger. And yet... I got to fight that giant robot with Tiesel and beat him easily.

I plan on beating this game again, and then I'll start playing MegaMan Legends 2. I started a playthrough for that game three years ago but never finished. I remembered I got to the last boss though, but found him too hard to beat... I'm sure I'll beat him with ease this time. :P

So... do you guys have any fond memories of these two gems? I do remember when I first joined this site, I was afraid everyone would hate me for liking these games. Boy was I wrong. XD
23  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Matricians: What are YOU getting for Christmas? on: 6 December 2007, 16:22:03
Hey, since it's less than 20 days until Christmas, I've decided to make a thread about what you're wishing for Christmas. Short and simple, eh?

So anyway, I'm thinking of getting a used PSP for Christmas... Why used? Thats for me to know and... it should be obvious anyway. <_< But that isn't final, I'm still not sure if I should get it or not.

I'm also hoping to get a new wallet and new slippers. Both of my old ones are past due. And if I don't get a PSP I'm definitely getting a Wii or DS game.

So, what are you guys getting?
24  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / MegaMan Matrix: VIRUS Attack!! (Development Topic) on: 3 December 2007, 05:34:52
MegaMan Matrix: VIRUS Attack!! is an RPG made on RPG Maker XP using a few custom scripts and sprites that look nothing like the RTP (which most RPG Maker XP games look like). The game will involve eight members of the community as they strive to save the Internet World from the chaos and destruction of the anti-virus corporation: VIRUS (Virii Institute of Research and UnderStanding).

There is a current release date which I hope to release the game by... but by any indication, it'll probably be pushed... none-of-the-less, the release date will (hopefully) be June 15h, 2008.

It's June 15th, 2008. It's a normal day on MegaMan Matrix... kind of. Today, a great WiFi DS Tournament is being hosted by none other than Abominator to be taken place in Club Mega. Sixteen contestants will enter, only one will come out victorious. Unfortunately, that contestant will have a short victory... for viruses will attack the 'Matrix! These viruses seem to be controlled by three strange users named Sandman, DarkPhoenix1337 and Oblivious. The three of them came looking for something... but what?

Vinchenz - Psionic Persons: The magically skilled user of the team, Vinchenz can use a wide variety of elemental abilities and has a few healing abilities as well.
Digital Element: Earth, Self Element: Psy

Snare - Natural Naturalist: Average in stats but strong in skills, Snare can use all of nature's finest to damage his foes.
Digital Element: Earth, Self Element: Nature

Mikero - Nostalgic Ninja: The fastest user alive, Mikero can quickly attack the enemy while also using some useful stat boosting abilities for the team.
Digital Element: Wind, Self Element: Ninja

NovaMan - Burning Brigade: Although he may seem useless at first, NovaMan's usefulness comes once he starts learning the abilities of his enemies.
Digital Element: Fire, Self Element: Flare

Opal - Seductive Summoner: This cute summoner has great attack for a magic user. Although she's a little slow, Opal can summon a few Matricians and some strange programs to aid the battle.
Digital Element: Water, Self Element: Icicle

Majikn - Sniper Supreme: Has great accuracy and great evade as well. Although a little lame with his sniper alone, Majikn has many great status effecting abilities as well.
Digital Element: Wind, Self Element: Sniping

Lunchebox - Strangling Specialist: The strongest user in the game, Lunchebox has very few skills but with enough power to lift a mountain I'm sure he'll be fine without them.
Digital Element: Fire, Self Element: Strangle

Cherry - Charismatic Cleric: Although weak and has low health, as the best healer in the game Cherry is very useful and vital to the team.
Digital Element: Water, Self Element: Healing

-Pokemon overworld sprites! Come on, who can hate these?
-Characters are MegaMan edits, viruses are from a wide variety of RPGs
-Almost all of the music is from MegaMan games
-Using the classic Conditional Timer Battle Systems of ye olde RPGs (Such as Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy for the NES)
-A text battled system similar to EarthBound
-Fourteen different battle songs randomly chosen before each battle! Three different boss songs as well
-Massive Caterpillar system where ALL eight of the characters are with you all the time
-Two overworlds: The Stream and one spoilerish to the plot to mention
-Around twenty hours of a normal playthrough and thirty hours with sidequests
-Over 100 skills (enemies and characters), 50 normal items, 50 weapons, 80 armors (auras and extras), and 100 battle animations
-...Pokemon overworld sprites!

More Matricians! This time in Club Mega.:

What is this? What's going on!? You'll find out soon enough...

I'll show two images at a time, new images whenever I feel like it.

MegaMan Matrix: Gameplay Video
MMM:VA New Script
MMM:VA Presents... Catapillar System!
Storytime for MMM

Every video I make for this game will end up here.

Demo 2
Needed DLL file

-Use the floating "H" for health when you need it
-Level up to level 7 on the home page before continueing on
-Stock up on items; you start off with 1000 Dollars
-BeastMan Recolour drops Iron Fist at 5%, a weapon for Vinchenz
-Un-"X"able Pop-Up drops Bootlegged Shield at 1%, better armour for both
-Be at least level 12 before exiting GFAQs with Snare

What's needed:
-More sprites for more Matricians on MMM
I want as many Matricians possible in the RPG. I want you all to be included.
-Sprites for the villains
-Better battle sprites for Vinchenz and Dizzy
-Better Title screen
-Decolourizations for everyone except NovaMan
-Custom battle sprites for some monsters (especially the final boss)

Here are the current stats on how far the game is going:

Animation Graphics: 100%
Character Graphics: 85%
Tileset Graphics: 45%
Other Graphics: 90%
Music: 80%
Data Base: 50%
Scripting: 99.50%

Please note, this does not include maps, in-game development or game completion. This is merely side stuff for preparations for that stuff.

And that's that. I hope you enjoyed this. I just want everyone to know that I'll NEVER quit making this game. This game has already taken up a lot of my life and I want this to be released to the masses, epic or not. As long as it gets out and at least one person truly likes it, I'll be fine. Till then, I'll be using this topic for new updates that I think are worth mentioning. You all can also discuss things with me in this topic, discuss things about the game, or just do whatever, as long as it has something to do with the game.

For those who want something specific, such as a request or want to make me sprites or something, please send me a private message.

That'll be all. Enjoy.
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