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1  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Battlefield 2142... Do you play eeet? on: 19 December 2007, 04:15:15
Bring 'em on, Nancy, MMM can take you and all your little noob friends.

Yeah okay bye....
2  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Battlefield 2142... Do you play eeet? on: 19 December 2007, 04:13:33
Hahaha, your such a little bitch oh man... OKAY STOP POSTING HERE THIS CONVO IS DONE ITS OVER GOOD DAY SIR.... YOU ##### ASS ##### MOTHER #####ER..... BYE
3  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Battlefield 2142... Do you play eeet? on: 19 December 2007, 04:09:12
lol This topic is being Screenshoted to show how gay this community is and will be posted on MLG and Gamebattle forums for bad publicity and so that massive amount of "FLAMMERS" as you fags call em.... to come in and use their posting ability as WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION MWHAHAHA

Posted on: 19 December 2007, 04:08:24

DJz3ro, keep being a whiny, 4 year old girl, you're just going to get banned anyway.

GOOOOOD ONE..... IM SUCH A 4 YEAR OLD GIRL OH MAN!!! Im crying right now.... I truly am.... I hope I do get banned... ##### MMM...
4  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Battlefield 2142... Do you play eeet? on: 19 December 2007, 04:03:45
Really? Is that really the best you have? Here and I was hoping you'd actually get witty when there was pressure on you.

Clearly, I gave you more credit than you were due.

CLEARLY OH EM GEE you #####ing terd

Posted on: 19 December 2007, 04:03:14

I'm growing bored of this toy.
Is that dildo not big enough for your large asshole?
5  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Battlefield 2142... Do you play eeet? on: 19 December 2007, 04:00:33
*laughs* Internet threats now? Is it possible for you to get any more pathetic?
Dude don't even talk whats more pathetic.... EDGECRUSHER being your name like some #####ing homo Link samurai mother #####er or your retarded #####ing avatar...
6  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Battlefield 2142... Do you play eeet? on: 19 December 2007, 03:58:13
Id be fighting with you guys right now for personal reasons :)

And those would be what, exactly?

None of your #####ing Buisness you ##### mother #####er, I should #####ing GUT you like the #####ING PIG YOU ARE
He only said "I'm the biggest asshole you'll meet" because he dug himself into that particular hole and figured he might as well embrace it and pretend he's acting like this on purpose.


He's so cute.

Wow are you GAY? "Hes so cute." Do you take it in the ass?

Is that an invitation?

7  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Battlefield 2142... Do you play eeet? on: 19 December 2007, 03:56:40
He only said "I'm the biggest asshole you'll meet" because he dug himself into that particular hole and figured he might as well embrace it and pretend he's acting like this on purpose.


He's so cute.

Wow are you GAY? "Hes so cute." Do you take it in the ass?
8  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Battlefield 2142... Do you play eeet? on: 19 December 2007, 03:55:57
.... and Ive been a competitive gamer for..... about 6 years now.

*laughs* I love how you seem to think this is reason for accolade.

Also, I hate to break it to you, but you're not the biggest asshole I've ever met. You're one of the least intelligent, but you certainly don't have what it takes to take the title of biggest asshole.

One last little side note: If you didn't care what we thought of you, you wouldn't be fighting with us right now.

Id be fighting with you guys right now for personal reasons :)
9  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Battlefield 2142... Do you play eeet? on: 19 December 2007, 03:54:52
Ha, you do realize that none of us no what you're talking about when you babble on and on about random team names? Cool, that's awesome, good luck to you man. It truly is a cool thing to make money off playing videogames, but in the end it's not really a living. Making it like Walshy is one-in-a-million, and nobody really hears about you. I only know about him because my little brother is obsessed with Call of Duty 2 (and 4) on XBOX Live, and subsequently whole notion of MLG. He made it a point to show me what he could become if he kept playing as much as he did.

He plays a lot. He's very good at Call of Duty. Trouble is, there are TONS of good players. Breaking the ice is a very hard task to do. Good luck, truly, you'll need it.

In the end, none of us here at the Matrix really give a ##### at all.

Either way, no one is going to miss you.

Thats nice and thanks, Im glad no one will miss me cause everyone here is a Sorry ##### straight up, WHERES XERO!!! Is that ##### ass bitch still here.... What about that sell out DJsonic.... Where are you guys ya stupid #####s....

10  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Battlefield 2142... Do you play eeet? on: 19 December 2007, 03:51:01
Who the hell are you again and who asked for your opinion?

Actually, I'm pretty sure that you're the one who asked for my opinion. You're posting on a public forum. I may not fully follow your (what you clearly believe to be) logic, but I'm pretty sure the reason anyone posts here is so their posts get read, and a conversation ensues. There are no private conversations on a board. That's what #####ing PMs are for. I responded in kind.

Vinchenz advised you not talk back to me, but you clearly missed WHY.

Let me sum it up for you:

You're behaving like an asshole, and it should be pointed out to you. Every time you try and argue that this isn't the case, you just make yourself look like a bigger ass than you did before.

Of course, I'm trying to be civil here. For all I care, you can keep digging your hole and just get banned.

Either way, no one is going to miss you.

Newsflash... I don't give two #####s.... I dont give a flying ##### about the MMM, and I am the biggest asshole you'll ever meet.... and I hope you and everyone else here at the MMM Dies.... and Ive been a competitive gamer for..... about 6 years now.
11  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Battlefield 2142... Do you play eeet? on: 19 December 2007, 03:48:32
Ive played Halo 2 with Team Carbon (The entire Team.... I went to the medow land event where I went to play in the open divison with ghandi's GF uga babi ;)  ) Ogre1, and Lunch box from 5K.... and No im not living like walshy yet... Key word is yet.... Obviously my plan is to finish college then compete in the MLG to be like walshy comeon seriously... You guys are freakin morons... I hope one day youll randomly be on the MLG site me my name all over it then youll be like HOLY ##### AHFKALGFAFKNBF NO WAI I was acting like the biggest scrub infront of this dude on the MMM FORUM NO WAI
12  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Battlefield 2142... Do you play eeet? on: 19 December 2007, 03:43:39
Sorry that I play with Infinity, LGD Green (I havent played with the red division in awhile), TLR (Vnam and cloud are freakin halarious) and N3 and there various "refugees" as there known as" and various top Gamebattles and MLG clans >_>

You freakin trashy random, die in hell..... Die a painful slow death.
13  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Battlefield 2142... Do you play eeet? on: 19 December 2007, 03:38:54
Entire post


It wasn't meant to be offensive you freaking moron...
He calls us pathetic, christ, I've heard that too many times before.

Dead forum? This place made like, 5000 posts in the first 3 days.

Now, I'm gonna rap with ya son, as a former Lamer extraordinaire, I feel it is my duty to tell you that people don't stay here 24 hours a day making FWENDS like you describe it. You phail.

... Thats because this "place" is old and already had dedicated members... *Correction* Certain people DO SIT HERE 24 HOURS A DAY Posting and MAKING FRIENDS...
14  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Battlefield 2142... Do you play eeet? on: 19 December 2007, 03:33:22
You guys are pathetic seriously lol what the hell is wrong with you people, I came back to this forum to remind myself what sorry people come here... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. I didn't come here to make friends or have a good time on this dead forum... I used to come here years ago when I was younger... Thats besides the point, the point is you guys suck, plain and simple. The people I mostly feel sorry for are SB and TLO... Oh and Mikero, I don't know how I could forget him... Freakin losers every single one of you.... Seriously I can do nothing but only but laugh....
15  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Battlefield 2142... Do you play eeet? on: 19 December 2007, 03:20:59
*Talks back to Edgecrusher then slowly puts my shotgun in his behind and keeps pulling the trigger till all I hear is CLICK*
16  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Battlefield 2142... Do you play eeet? on: 19 December 2007, 03:18:46
This is interesting because you don't seem like the usual type who goes off and starts  a flamewar. It seems like you're forcing it. And like Slug said, I didn't whine. Grow up.

You should grow up, and I do this cause um I hate you. :)

The pinnacle of maturity, right there.

He's got quite the point. Everything about you smacks of self-important attention whore.
Look at your signature.
Look at your avatar.
#####; look at your user name.

Who the hell are you again and who asked for your opinion?
17  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: So I'm going to try out WoW... on: 16 December 2007, 03:25:53
Look, now you are trying to troll and not doing it right.
I don't know how can you possibly make ANY money profit from videogaming, unless you develop games. Which you sound like not capable of.
If anybody where to have any kind of battle with you, even a slug (slugs FTW!) would win.
...What you say at the last part of your post... Meet it before talking about it.

Dude im going to school majoring in Game Development... -_-;; and For that stupid post above Mr Slug mofo Sorry.... Excuse me for having a typo friggin sue me
18  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Battlefield 2142... Do you play eeet? on: 16 December 2007, 03:16:31
This is interesting because you don't seem like the usual type who goes off and starts  a flamewar. It seems like you're forcing it. And like Slug said, I didn't whine. Grow up.

You should grow up, and I do this cause um I hate you. :)
19  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: So I'm going to try out WoW... on: 16 December 2007, 03:15:42
Mike. I'm laughing so hard.

I think I'm about to die of embarrassment for "DJ"z3ro.

Alright let's play your game, since you seem so fond of it.

a) I live upstairs.
b) Divide 35 by 2 and you might get my age. Unfortunately, seeing as your head is so far up your ass you might not even be able to do THAT.
c) I have a high metabolism so it doesn't matter what I force down my throat, I always end up SKINNY.
d) Here's the truth. There are thousands of other little "hotshots" like you who think they are good enough to play videogames for a living. You are, unfortunately, one of them. No, you will never be able to play videogames for a living. No, showing off to people who don't care won't help your chance. And no, changing your avatar and your signatures to reflect your "wish" to become a pro gamer doesn't help your chances either.

This is the TLDR part;

You need to get a job, relatively soon so that when you figure out you're an idiot you have enough money buy some alcohol and drink your sorrows away.

edit: you're avatar? whoops

Your retarded man.... I could go pro and makea living off of GoW when I graduate in 6 months... I have clan scrimages with inifnity (The best Gears of War clan in North America) Hitman from N3 would laugh his ass off if he read what you just said about me are you kidding haha oh man what ever I don't care for this petty thread nonsense. I love how Mikero cant  fight his own battles and people have to jump in... I also love how you cant quote my name correctly. Anyway I'm out my girlfriend needs me now (Oh mikero if you didn't know what a girlfriend is since you probably don't have one its that girl in your life who most likely cares for you and helps you release that white substance at night)
20  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: So I'm going to try out WoW... on: 16 December 2007, 03:03:24
I don't remember talking about your grammar at all. If I did, I've already forgotten.

And no I was never beat up in high school, and have loads of friends in college, so I have no idea what you're on about.

I find that hard to believe cause your more annoying than fat chicks trying to wear two piece bathing suits.... Also if you've forgetten about talking about my grammar what does that tell you? Your a grammar Nazi, for that you should be chainsawed.
21  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Battlefield 2142... Do you play eeet? on: 16 December 2007, 03:00:54
Well first, I think you're trying to make everyone think you're all that. Won't work that way. Also, I think you should change your sig since animated sigs aren't allowed here. Other than that, I don't play any of those games you mentioned, and have never played some of them, so even though I'm sure you are in fact better than I am at them I can't really care since I don't play them. I have nothing to feel inferior about, as if I would if there was anything there.

It seems as if you have nothing better to do with your life than to whine and complain about EVERYTHING.... you done yet?
22  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Battlefield 2142... Do you play eeet? on: 16 December 2007, 02:51:46
1) It means in nearly all your posts you've been chatting up about how you're so good at Gears of War and how you're such a pro at all these games. It's almost as annoying as how Kanye West acts like he's such hot ##### and so deserving when he isn't. Almost as annoying, but not as annoying.

2) Did I say anything about your grammar here?

3) I do listen to Death Metal. And Hip Hop. And Rock. And all sorts of other music. Deal with it.

Seems as if you feel inferrior to my posts Mikero. Why dont you tell me how you really feel.
23  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: So I'm going to try out WoW... on: 16 December 2007, 02:50:19
Sensitive about what, exactly?

Sensitive about how much of an insecure grammar Nazi you are... Oh man if you think that was bragging you have problems...

Question: Were you beat up in high school?
Question: Did you have friends in college?

Why do I get this sudden sense of skepticism

Ha ha "skepticism?" About what? My leetness in World of Warcraft? Don't make me laugh. I would have conversations with sven (Warrior that made the famous 2K DPS video) on the EU World of Warcraft forums about PVE raid DPS all the time... I was the best warrior on my server and I also understand World of Warcraft raid mechanics to its fullest.... Don't doubt my knowledge on World of Warcraft.

I'm just gonna go ahead and say you're a flaming idiot.

Good day, sir.

All I'm going to say is that at least I'm not some fat 35 year old living in his moms basement working at walmart thanks :D Good Day FAT BOY
24  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Who should be in Brawl? (you saw this coming) on: 16 December 2007, 02:41:29
You think the Joker should be in your underpants.

Play me in Gears of War or Quake 4 lol you'll know what I mean :P One of my life goals is to become a Pro Gamer. Therefore after I graduate from college I will be competing in the MLG for Gears of War unless something changes down the road meaning some league comes out for warhammer or something. The two main games ill be playing in 08 is for sure Gears of War and Warhammer. Don't get me wrong... I will play other games too but most of the time I'll be playing Warhammer and Gears of War.


::Shoots Mikero dead on with my Boom Shot::
25  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: So I'm going to try out WoW... on: 16 December 2007, 02:39:01
Even if you are that internet cool, WoW is stupid and no one cares for bragging.

AWWW Mikero don't cry its okay... I forgot that your sensitive.
26  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Battlefield 2142... Do you play eeet? on: 16 December 2007, 02:37:21
You talk yourself up more than Kanye West.

1)What is that supposed to even mean?
2)Your a grammar nazi, and always have been...
3)Rap is horrible... Listen to real music... DEATH METAL

Try your friendly death metal bands such as "Job For a Cow Boy" and "As Blood Runs Black"
27  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: So I'm going to try out WoW... on: 16 December 2007, 01:27:44
Why do I get this sudden sense of skepticism

Haha "skepticism?" About what? My leetness in World of Warcraft? Dont make me laugh. I would have conversations with sven (Warrior that made the famous 2K DPS video) on the EU World of Warcraft forums about PVE raid DPS all the time... I was the best warrior on my server and I also understand World of Warcraft raid mechanics to its fullest.... Dont doubt my knowledge on World of Warcraft.
28  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Who should be in Brawl? (you saw this coming) on: 16 December 2007, 00:44:04
How can you not like Super Smash Bros? >_>

I never said I don't like it, I just am not a die hard core fan of it. I'm all about competition games man... Play me in Gears of War or Quake 4 lol you'll know what I mean :P One of my life goals is to become a Pro Gamer. Therefore after I graduate from college I will be competing in the MLG for Gears of War unless something changes down the road meaning some league comes out for warhammer or something. The two main games ill be playing in 08 is for sure Gears of War and Warhammer. Don't get me wrong... I will play other games too but most of the time I'll be playing Warhammer and Gears of War.
29  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Who should be in Brawl? (you saw this coming) on: 16 December 2007, 00:15:15
I think Sonic, and Protoman should be in brawl.

Sonic's in Brawl already, dude. Get with the times.

THEY PUT FRIGIN Snake from metal gear solid in there.... WTF

Konami and Nintendo are good friends, and they "practically begged" for Snake to be in.

Really? I had no idea sonic was in Brawl... I'm not the biggest Smash Bros fan. My brother on the other hand is a die hard smash bros fan boy. I usually only play competition games along with MMO's. I know for a fact I will probably play Brawl for about an hour then never pick it up again.
30  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: What did YOU do while MMM was down? Update us on you. on: 16 December 2007, 00:07:20
I found my lovely girlfriend Kiana  8), had gears of war practice everyday for at least 4 hours followed by a minimum of 2 clan matches, played Halo 3 occasionally with Speedracer, and played Everquest 2 for a short while.
31  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Who should be in Brawl? (you saw this coming) on: 15 December 2007, 23:34:32
I think Sonic, and Protoman should be in brawl. I actually think they can bring somthing huge to the brawl table. Also don't even think I'm a weirdo for saying that I think they should Protoman in brawl.... THEY PUT FRIGIN Snake from metal gear solid in there.... WTF
32  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Battlefield 2142... Do you play eeet? on: 15 December 2007, 23:30:28
So yeah, anybody else own this entry in the BF series, besides Ares?

I own every popular PC game including the BF Series, but its horrible so I don't play it. I hate realistic FPS games like BattleField and the Call of Duty series. I LOVE Quake 4 and Gears of War with a pasion. I hope to be the next MLG Pro in Gears of War. I currently practice with N3, LGD (Various Clan Branches), and TLR in Gears of War  8).
33  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Wiireless nunchuck! on: 15 December 2007, 23:00:48
In my opinion Nintendo is stupid for making the Wii controllers like they did. The Wireless Numchucks are the worst idea I've ever heard for a console controller. It simply is not "Pro." Although I see what Nintendo did for the Wii was make it so that it would target the non Hardcore gamers such as myself and go for the more casual ones and little kiddies. I think that was a stupid move, by Nintendo making such a move as they did Hardcore gamers wont be as dedicated to that particular console.... What hardcore gamer wants to hold something that resembles a VIBRATOR and wave it around in the air like a crazy drunk.
34  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: So I'm going to try out WoW... on: 15 December 2007, 22:41:54
Anyone have any servers they'd recommend to jump on/avoid, or any other advice to prep for this lackluster event?

I know next to null about WoW other than Blizzard made it, and it's cartoony looking, and is the biggest MMO in playerbase since... Everquest, I guess. So any input about classes and other stuff is appreciated.

I know everything there is to World of Warcraft.... I had characters threwout many servers, they were all 70's too. I've done absolutely everything except for Za in World of Warcraft literally. Thats why I quit. I get emails threatening me saying that If I don't come back to WoW something will happen to me lol. I ended up having Illidian on farm in like months after BC came out. I was a 70 female gnome warrior with pink poms poms that was PVE fury raid DPS; I was ALWAYS top 3 on DPS meters  :) I would highly suggest a sever like korgath to play on.... any server thats not going threw a "Great Depression" (Thats something I like to call servers with unstable guilds on it) is fine. When BC came out it screwed up 80% of current guilds that already existed on WoW. If you decide to make a Warrior you should come talk to me because I can show you how to correctly gear a warrior for anything.... Tanking, or DPS (I was my guilds MT Pre BC :)).

P.S. WoW currently contains the largest player base for an MMO, BUT when Warhammer: Age of Reckoning comes out more than half of the WoW community is switching to Warhammer. I myself is waiting for Warhammer to release.
35  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 15 December 2007, 22:23:00
Well... I just quit World of Warcraft about 6-7 months ago so all I play now is Gears of War (360), Quake 4, and occasionally Halo 3 with Speedracer. Although a few days ago I reactivated my Everquest 2 account again but I wont be playing that after the time expires on my account. I am feaning for an MMO/ORPG to play for when I'm not playing Gears of War. Warhammer comes out soon but I don't know what to do in the mean time. I've played every major MMO there is and seen everything in everything in ever single one of them.
36  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Xbox Live gamertags on: 15 December 2007, 22:13:32
GT: DJz3ro

Mine is DJz3ro, I mainly play Gears of War.Currently I compete in MLG online tournaments and participate in Gamebattles. Once I graduate college I will participating in the MLG Live Tournaments for my chance to become the next MLG Pro.  8)
37  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: MoX's Art Thread on: 14 December 2007, 01:32:10
Nice drawings, I especially like the third one.  8)
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