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1  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / abe help on: 16 December 2010, 04:48:34
help me i'm drowning in spambot
2  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Legends 3 Heroine Contest on: 10 October 2010, 19:44:57
Well, Capcom.  Nice move, nice move.

Personally I prefer Kazushi Itou's design.  She looks pretty well like she fits.  The rabbit-looking one is cool as well, but Inafune's design smells of Zero... and that scares me a bit.

Problem is the decision here is being based on looks, when a lot more than that is on the line.  It's impossible to know if the choice is good without more information.

So, then... what's your pick, everyone?
3  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Japan is a pretty sad place. on: 4 November 2008, 13:33:11
I mean, you can't even marry cartoon characters there.

What an awful country, you guys.
4  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Expired Dose of DASH! on: 12 July 2008, 04:59:50
It's a blast from the past.
Apparently there are some backups of bits of LizSama's old DASH! website. And the all-important message board.

I don't remember the site looking quite like that, but a lot of the images are just destroyed.

And Rez and Speed and Xero and orclev and pretty much nobody else was in it.

The link will take you straight to the message board. Just rip off the part of the URL behind megaman/ to check the site out (nice text design).

I posted under the name Chrono here.
Back when everything was guns and roses and I was a horrible, horrible loser.
I was more of a loser.

Take a peek if you want to see me acting like an idiot, or see Rez in his prime.

Oh, and here's some sort of horrible thing I found.
Click on it before he deletes it and bans me.
5  MegaMan Series / X Series / Let's Rock and Roll, X on: 20 June 2008, 04:12:08
Idea occurred to me just now. I don't mean just single tunes, although you can get that out of the way here too, I guess. I mean the whole game's music in general.

Personally, I think almost every track in X5 has a great, memorable sound to it... the arrangement is solid... not much to complain about.

Shortly after that is X4, mostly for the last Sigma stage and Cyber Peacock, and then X3.

So yeah, go ahead and choose three. Choose one more than once if you want, even.
6  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / What's your favorite Reaverbot? on: 3 December 2007, 01:19:06
I decided since I love Legends, we needed one of those fancy "What's your favorite _?" topic things.
You gotta have one, or it's not a Megaman game.
And I thought of it all on my own lonesome ): so original, yes

But on topic, what IS your favorite Reaverbot? doesn't have to be a boss, could be a normal enemy like mine, the Sharukurusu.
Or however you're supposed to spell it.

Those guys are annoying as heck to fight, but they sure are cool (the ones with the blade arm things that run really fast and can cloak).
Who else loves the last room in the S-license course where you fight two sharus with like 15 seconds left?
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