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1  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / I am President Barack Hussein Obama on: 10 October 2013, 02:51:08

I'm here on MegaMan Matrix because I just learned about Megaman and Jake said i could use his account to talk about it   :-[

I like the one where he has knives and shoots them. I don't like his dog. Does anyonne have some backgrounds I can DL? That would be awesome. Wallpapers I'm talking about

Anyway just wanted to hear your thoughts. Let me know about them.

Pres. Obama (POTUS)

edit: put a picture of my face below

"Fake it til you make it, don't let the dream die - Iron Maiden

2  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / The Penny Store on: 10 October 2013, 02:39:16
The Penny Store
The Penny Store
Who's lined up for the Penny Store?

There's Ted and Trish and Zeke and Sue,
and Dave and Mark and Becky, too.
Dear Micah, Jane, and Theodore
All came here for the Penny Store!

The place is great, there's zero bugs!
They killed them all with lots of drugs
The rats they squished, they burned the spores
To help fix up the Penny Store!

The Penny Store
The Penny Store
Who's lined up for the Penny Store?

You'll find a lot, just take a look -
From games, to guns, to beer and books.
All you need and much, much more,
There's tons of ##### at Penny Store!

I bought a shoe, I bought a rack
I bought some teeth, I bought a hat
I bought a skinny, sullen whore
Good deals are at the Penny Store!

The Penny Store
The Penny Store
Who's lined up for the Penny Store?

I showed Zeke and he looked depressed
He missed the sale on paper vests
I told him he should not ignore
The vests found at the Penny Store!

He cried to sleep and dreamt of me
He's jealous because I can see
He's blind and can't search on the floor
or shelves down at the Penny Store!

The Penny Store
The Penny Store
Who's lined up for the Penny Store?

Poor Sue is deaf, and Trish is dumb
And Ted was black, he couldn't come,
And Dave and Mark both fought the war;
Too scared to go to Penny Store!

Becky's got an ugly face,
and Micah had his mind erased
So now his lists are quite a bore.
Don't shop with him at Penny Store!

The Penny Store
The Penny Store
Who's lined up for the Penny Store?

Sweet Jane and Theo, Siamese,
They're joined at elbows, hips and knees
They just can't quite fit through the door,
No sales for them at Penny Store!

And as for me, well, I'm a ghost
I died way back; two years, at most
And now I find it much a chore
To hold my stuff from Penny Store!

The Penny Store
The Penny Store
Who's lined up for the Penny Store?

I made a pizza, right from scratch,
I grew the sauce, I ate the batch
I sucked and dribbled apple cores
I'm losing strength on twos and fours,
I wear a speech that's getting sore
I'm fighting time and reading lore
I slew the beast who knew the score
A bead of sweat from single pore
And now it's time for me to shore
My thoughts about the Penny Store.
3  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / a new poem on: 10 April 2013, 15:41:17
hello mr. megamen
today your looking daper
with your shiny paint
and big ol head
and oversized bluu zapper
i liek your teeth
they are so white
in fact they are whiter then mine
why do u need teeth mr megamen?
why the hell do u need teeth?
i dont get it
ive never seen you eat anythin
wat an effing load bull.

4  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / I AM LONELY on: 8 September 2009, 19:59:05
Yes. I am. Very.
So I have a fun idea.

1155 Union Circle # 309324, Denton, TX, 76203

Send me cool stuff! And if you're cool, you'll gimme an address so I can send you something Texas-y back. I'll be checking my box every Tuesday and Thursday, and anything I receive I'll take pictures and post them here.
Make my wish come true.

I love you.
5  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Jake's Poetry Corner on: 24 June 2008, 02:17:44


Hello and welcome to the coolest joint on the curly fried net, baby.  If you've got a funky fresh side that ya just can't hide, well the time is right to ignite, and toss yo hot self on a pile of style.  But be warned, you're gettin cozy with the most bone-saggin cats that ever meowed.  So if you think you got what it takes to be cool like you-know-who, then stand and deliver, dear brother or sister.

Or maybe, if you know a mama or a papa whose words make your hearts stoppa, then go and coppa and pasta their pretty little ditty so we can click our digits to the rhythm of the boogy, the beat.  You feel me? Ehehehe...

My name is Jake, and this my poem about tissues

Tissue, oh tissue
You're never and issue
Unless you run out
In which case, I miss you

If you were fine cuisine,
In an instant I'd dish you,
And if you were a fine woman,
Why of course I would beat you,

For women belong in the kitchen you see,
Along with scores of food cook-ery,
And if one speaks before she is asked,
Expect for my rage to soon be unmasked.

If the neighbors suspect, she'll not utter a peep,
Or I'd smother her face while she silently sleeps,
I will send dear Tommy to bury her body,
And tell him she was punished for being so naughty.

Thank you.


Brought to you by
6  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / I think I almost died today on: 30 May 2008, 05:18:58
I decided to play the pass-out game during Physics today.  In case you've never played, what you do is bend over next to a wall and start to breathe really hard, until you start hyperventilating.  Then you stand up really fast and cross your arms over your chest, and you get two people to push you really hard against the wall.  Once they let go, pop, you're out.

Well I passed out.  First off, let me say that that is an experience I will never forget.  I remember the sound of everything and then nothing.  I woke up seriously thinking I was a dog with no limbs.

Then one of my friends told me I was seizing on the floor, and drooling.  In addition I almost broke my nose on a nearby desk on the way down.  I was literally inches from breaking my nose. He told me he'd never look at me the same way again.

It's been a weird day, for sure, I've run the entire spectrum of emotions, and it's been QUITE a rollercoaster ride.  Hahaha.

BUT I'M STILL HERE! Jake hasn't seen the pearly gates yet.


P.S. I know I am stupid.
7  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / MMM Character Thread on: 18 December 2007, 03:28:37
Okay, well, I kinda stole this from Chrombles at Teisel's board, but I thought it was a really good idea that could really come in handy over here at the good ol' Triple M.  I think both Lunche and Yubi can attest to this. Basically it's just a reference thread for anyone wanting to start up an MMM fanfic of some sort, and doesn't have a good grasp on how people act around here.

All you gotta do is post a picture of yourself and a few important details about your character.  This gives any aspiring writer a rough guideline as to who you are, n' stuff.

Here's a couple tips for writing a good character outline:

-Remember that other people are using this to base their stories on, so whatever you put has to be SOLID.  The absolute essence of who your person (or mushroom) is. 

-Really think about the tendencies your character may have, as well as their overall demeanor and attitude and things of that nature.

-Sometimes it helps to EXAGGERATE certain aspects of your person so that it's easier for a writer to pick out the desired details.  If your character is dark and mysterious, make it obvious that this is the case.

Also be aware that if this thread gets too long with chatter, it will be a more difficult task to find the page with your character on it, so please, post once and only once to show your character and that's it.

If you are still confused, here's my own example:


Age: ADULT (I find it difficult to pinpoint an exact age for Jake the Mushroom, so I just give a ballpark estimate)
Gender: MALE
Height: 1'1''
Weight: 20 lbs
Basic Orientation: FUNNY/MYSTERIOUS
Bio: Jake was grown deep in the heart of Texas, and was left in the Deep South to search for a home.  At last, he found it- MCHAT.  Being a young fungus at the time, he found it difficult to earn the respect of the older members.  After awhile of trying to earn cred, he gave up and decided to travel the world in search of answers.  Many years passed before he returned to the Matrix, but when he did, he returned inexplicably rich (both in wisdom and in finances).  He was ready to join the others in the MMM. 

But instead of being respected equally, he soon found himself categorized with the sidekicks, the backups, the nobodies, mostly because of his stature.  He knew the only way to beat his lack of tallness was to become more outspoken.  In the past few years he has taken a more prominent role in the MMM community.  Though not always taken seriously, it has nothing to do with his small size- it's simply because he prefers to joke and goof off.

He leads a group called the New Mushroom Order (NMO). 

Known for his random outbursts and comments that border on the edge of mental retardation, to his unexplainable moments of pure genius, the true nature of this fellow is difficult to pinpoint.


And that's all there is to it.  Like I said, I think this could be extremely beneficial for everyone involved in the Creation Station.  Also, could a mod maybe pin this so it'll be easier to find?  Thank you.

Your buddy,
8  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / The Bread Thread on: 5 December 2007, 02:36:51
We have every kind of "Matricians: Show" thread, as well as a sort of blog thread.

Time for one about bread.

This one's called Hemp Bread.

9  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / The NMO Story Jam! on: 4 December 2007, 07:26:43

[size=9]IT'S MUSHROOM TIME![/size]

Ever wanted something more out of your pathetic four-limbed humanoid life?  Have a strange fascination with the peculiarly polka-dotted?  Well, here's your chance to fulfill your wildest dreams!  No, not nailing Jessica Alba- BEING A MUSHROOM!!

NOTE: Becoming a mushroom does not guarantee a sexy sexy body like this.

Enter your depiction and description of your piece of fungus fiction and you will be automatically entered into the MegaMushroom Database, where generations to come will be able to witness the glory that prevailed against the test of time.  And much like that mysterious Tazmanian Devil tattoo that suddenly appeared the morning after a long night of debauchery and glorious drunkery, the memory will never truely fade away.

However, UNLIKE a drunk tattoo, there are positive rewards to being in the MegaMushroom Database.  First of all, it will be used in the future as a sort of "character crock pot" from which I will dish delicious plates of steamy entertainment.  Of the visual variety.  And literary as well.  You know what I'm talkin about


Second of all... well, there is no second of all.

Oh, and you get this nifty little badge thing.

You can put it in your signature or whatever.  Also, the dots are customizable.  Because that's how shrooms do.

Once again, all you gotta do is post a picture or a little story.  That's all it takes! 

At the core of every heart, there is a mushroom-shaped silohuette. 
Light up the world, and your heart with a mushroom today!

So whaddya say?  It won't cost you a nickel or a quarter to become part of the
New Mushroom Order!

Your pal,

Residential Fungus Among Us

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


(as of 12/15/07)

Orange Devil


NovaMan XP

Winged Warrior



Yubi Shines
Sub Tank
Vinchenz Rock
Black McJack
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