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Non-MegaMan => Any Other Business? => Topic started by: MOX on 20 February 2009, 00:33:05

Title: Arcade stick or D-pad?
Post by: MOX on 20 February 2009, 00:33:05
(mostly for fighting games)Which do you guys prefer?

I haven't played at an arcade for years so I'm not really sure which I'm better with, but I remember fighting games being really fun with them. My friend is building his own arcade stick and I kinda want to buy an arcade stick. Currently I still play Street Fighter II with my SNES controller a lot.

edit: i think i should've made the topic in the gaming forum

Title: Re: Arcade stick or D-pad?
Post by: NovaMan XP on 20 February 2009, 00:37:55
I think you can move it.

I like either one, but I like using my thumbs with the controller more than using my fingers on the arcade controls.

Title: Re: Arcade stick or D-pad?
Post by: preventerWIND on 20 February 2009, 00:52:02
D-Pad. Analog is as far as it goes though, I wouldn't buy an arcade for a fighting game for the PS2 or something.

Especially since they cost too much. Pffft!

Title: Re: Arcade stick or D-pad?
Post by: Slugkid on 20 February 2009, 00:54:40
Well, if it's fighting games, I prefer a D-pad. The stick is a little bit more sensible, and if you gotta do some combo like "up up right right-up B" or whatever, the stick might move or something.
But I prefer a stick for about everything else.

Title: Re: Arcade stick or D-pad?
Post by: ChaosVortex on 20 February 2009, 01:39:46
If you mean the big knobby arcade sticks on arcade machines, then my personal choice is obvious. D-Pads. Otherwise, it really depends on the game if I want to use either a D-pad or joystick.

Title: Re: Arcade stick or D-pad?
Post by: saldite on 20 February 2009, 01:49:12
D-pad all the way.

I've never been able to do ##### in a game with arcade-sticks.

Title: Re: Arcade stick or D-pad?
Post by: ASR on 20 February 2009, 04:19:18
I think it's fun to use an joystick (not "arcade-stick") at an arcade, just because it's there.

But I PREFER just a normal controller.

Title: Re: Arcade stick or D-pad?
Post by: Mikero on 20 February 2009, 05:09:45
For fighting games I really prefer the joystick.

I actually think D-pads really suck for fighting games. I mean, I'm always hitting diagonals and stuff with the D-pad and not getting my damn combos in right. I recently played Street Fighter 2 on SNES for the first time (we always played on Genesis or in the Arcade when I was growing up) and it took me a solid while before I got a decent hadouken out.

But I kick ass and have way more fun in the arcade on a fighting game, and it's the joystick's fault.

Title: Re: Arcade stick or D-pad?
Post by: ASR on 20 February 2009, 05:13:20
I definitely have more fun playing a fighting game in an arcade, I'd like to add.

Title: Re: Arcade stick or D-pad?
Post by: Fatso on 20 February 2009, 05:45:39
I'm pathetic with controllers, but become less so on an actual machine.

Note: most arcade joysticks are actually digital.

Title: Re: Arcade stick or D-pad?
Post by: Chron on 20 February 2009, 13:17:43
I haven't used the stick much, but I'm not so awesome with them.

Still, there are some things I can do with the stick that I can't with a D-pad (and certainly not with a keyboard). Like Zangief.

100% of his moves are more possible to do with a stick, simply because you can make smaller circles and have the register, as opposed to a d-pad where you have to run your thumb in circles much faster than most people can.

To tell the truth, I can use either, but it takes me a while to get used to the stick, so I'll just say D-Pad (it's not like I play fighting games much, but when I do I'm usually the v_|>+P guy).

Title: Re: Arcade stick or D-pad?
Post by: Mikero on 21 February 2009, 01:42:34
Street Fighter II was one of maybe four games I ever got good at on Sega Genesis (as I never owned my own one). Zangief I could do on Genesis, but I wouldn't bother on SNES.

Other games I got good at on Genesis; X-Men, Ristar (yeah, mother#####er), Sonic The Hedgehog... MAYBE Ecco The Dolphin...

Title: Re: Arcade stick or D-pad?
Post by: Chron on 21 February 2009, 01:45:17
The Genesis d-pad was one of those you could rotate pretty easy due to the shape, but they were pretty sharp.

As a side note, I never want to see that freaking Ristar again.
I beat your game, now stop haunting me with that stupid music.

Title: Re: Arcade stick or D-pad?
Post by: Mikero on 21 February 2009, 01:49:30
That game is SO annoying but SO addictive.

Another very addictive game that is far less annoying is one I recently tried for the first time on SNES called "Spanky's Quest". About a monkey that kills anthropomorphized fruit with various sports balls.

Title: Re: Arcade stick or D-pad?
Post by: Chron on 21 February 2009, 03:31:19
... you could have stopped at monkeys, Mikero.
You had me sold.

But then you added anthropomorphized fruit.

That's like selling two amazing things jammed into the same package for half price.

Title: Re: Arcade stick or D-pad?
Post by: Mikero on 21 February 2009, 20:53:33
It really is. It's like when chocolate met peanut butter and they banged and Reese's were born.

And it's a rather silly game, but I find it very addictive. I'm just glad it's not at my house because I'd get nothing done. Apparently there's like a secret door in every level though.