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1  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Smells like Pine in here on: 2 October 2009, 11:03:38

>You wake in a box of some sort.
>The last thing you remember is reading the Stranger, loving it, and complaining about South Park
>It smells like Pine in here.
>What do you do?
2  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Matricians: What are you reading now? on: 4 April 2009, 23:07:21
I could have sworn there was a book thread, but can't find it.

Right now I'm reading this book my date let me borrow, called "The Perks of Being a Wall Flower". It's pretty great so far, and it reminds me of Catcher in the Rye, which I am embarrassed saying is a book I love, and relate to. Mainly because you usually find serial killers reading it.

It's similar to Catcher in the Rye in the sense it's a first person narrative, and is mostly about life and what not, and it's just a rreally interesting and fun read.
3  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Orphan Works Bill on: 12 April 2008, 08:11:50

There's a lot of information that I urge those of you who are artists or photographers, and even those of you who aren't, to read this article..

But the basics are, if this bill goes through:

- You will HAVE to register, and PAY, to own the copyright for your creation, if not it will be considered an orphaned work. Currently any work you create is yours, copyright and all, at creation, as YOU created it.

- An orphaned work is basically anything an artist creates that, through neglect or time, loses it's copyright and becomes Public Domain (I THINK).

- An Orphaned work can be used by ANYONE for profit, say a small fast food joint needs a mascot, a T-Shirt press needs a design, a large Art/Photo stock company wants to sell your image, etc. They can do that without paying you, the creator, if you do not pay to register for a copyright.

- This bill is backed by Corbis and Getty Images. They are large stock photo and stock art companies. They sell art and photos inexpensively.

- A similar bill is in the works in Europe.

If you disagree with this new law, write to your legislator.
4  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Super Smash Bros. Brawl Discussion Topic on: 10 March 2008, 00:25:10
I played JC on wifi.

He won most of the time, due to being a dick.
5  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / My Birthday is Tomorrow(Thursday) on: 20 February 2008, 13:43:33
For the love of God don't mention it.

I'm #####ing serious, I think I'm going to have a nervous breakdown.

Don't wish me a happy birthday, don't give me birthday art, or anything like that.

I just want to ignore and let it go by unnoticed an unmentioned.

Again, I'm serious, I'm not doing this as a ploy to get people to shower me with affection on my birthday, I really don't want to acknowledge it's happening.

I will most likely verbally go off on someone for wishing me a happy birthday.
6  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Good Night, Sweet Prince: Heath Ledger 1979-2008 on: 22 January 2008, 22:30:22
Heath Ledger found dead in NYC apartment

Breaking news
MSNBC News Services
updated 2 minutes ago
NEW YORK - A New York Police Department spokesman says the actor Heath Ledger has been found dead at a downtown Manhattan residence.

According to, Ledger, 28, was found dead in his bed in one of his residences in Soho by his housekeeper at 3:35 p.m. ET Tuesday.

The actor has a two-year-old daughter with former fiancee Michelle Williams. Ledger was set to play the Joker in the upcoming Batman film "The Dark Knight." He received an Academy Award nomination for his work in "Brokeback Mountain."

© 2008 MSNBC Interactive


At least The Dark Knight finished filming before he kicked the bucket.

But let have a moment of silence, and take solice that his last performance was as the Joker.

More info here:

More stuff:

"He tends to do that. He is here in London filming the latest episode of the “Batman” franchise, “The Dark Knight.” (Mr. Bale, as it happens, plays Batman; Mr. Ledger plays the Joker.) It is a physically and mentally draining role — his Joker is a “psychopathic, mass-murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy” he said cheerfully — and, as often happens when he throws himself into a part, he is not sleeping much.

“Last week I probably slept an average of two hours a night,” he said. “I couldn’t stop thinking. My body was exhausted, and my mind was still going.” One night he took an Ambien, which failed to work. He took a second one and fell into a stupor, only to wake up an hour later, his mind still racing.

Even as he spoke, Mr. Ledger was hard-pressed to keep still. He got up and poured more coffee. He stepped outside into the courtyard and smoked a cigarette. He shook his hair out from under its hood, put a rubber band around it, took out the rubber band, put on a hat, took off the hat, put the hood back up. He went outside and had another cigarette. Polite and charming, he nonetheless gave off the sense that the last thing he wanted to do was delve deep into himself for public consumption. “It can be a little distressing to have to overintellectualize yourself,” is how he put it, a little apologetically.

"Here too was his Joker diary, which he began compiling four months before filming began. It is filled with images and thoughts helpful to the Joker back story, like a list of things the Joker would find funny. (AIDS is one of them.) Mr. Ledger seemed almost embarrassed that the book had been spotted, as if he had been caught trying to get extra credit in school.

Hmm, maybe he threw himself too deeply in this one, considering the pills that they found around were over the counter sleeping pills.

Maybe it was an accidental over dose.

Also, video of them hauling his body away, courtesy of the #####ing vultures at TMZ.
7  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Luncheart on: 22 January 2008, 02:30:35
New comic, it will update whenever I feel like it, and it's called "Luntz".

Luntz 001: #####in' up My Christmas

And me as a monkey, because I feel like I'm the only one I know without an anthro character.

8  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Don't have internet access on: 14 December 2007, 21:44:42
I'll be on sporadically until I rectify this.
9  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / WWII Vets are Badasses on: 4 December 2007, 06:11:25
Audie Murphy was a mother #####ing badass.

"Following its participation in the Italian campaign, the 3rd Division invaded Southern France[4] on August 15, 1944 (Operation Anvil-Dragoon). Shortly thereafter, Murphy's best friend, Lattie Tipton (referred to as "Brandon" in Murphy's book To Hell and Back), was killed while approaching a German soldier who was feigning surrender. Murphy went into a rage, and single-handedly wiped out the German machine gun crew which had just killed his friend. He then used the German machine gun and grenades to destroy several other nearby enemy positions.[1] For this act, Murphy received the Distinguished Service Cross (second only to the Medal of Honor)."

"With the enemy tanks abreast of his position, 2d Lt. Murphy climbed on the burning tank destroyer, which was in danger of blowing up at any moment, and employed its .50 caliber machine gun against the enemy. He was alone and exposed to German fire from three sides, but his deadly fire killed dozens of Germans and caused their infantry attack to waver."

And James Henry Mills ain't no pansy either.

"For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. Pvt. Mills, undergoing his baptism of fire, preceded his platoon down a draw to reach a position from which an attack could be launched against a heavily fortified strongpoint. After advancing about 300 yards, Pvt. Mills was fired on by a machinegun only 5 yards distant. He killed the gunner with 1 shot and forced the surrender of the assistant gunner. Continuing his advance, he saw a German soldier in a camouflaged position behind a large bush pulling the pin of a potato-masher grenade. Covering the German with his rifle, Pvt. Mills forced him to drop the grenade and captured him. When another enemy soldier attempted to throw a hand grenade into the draw, Pvt. Mills killed him with 1 shot. Brought under fire by a machinegun, 2 machine pistols, and 3 rifles at a range of only 50 feet, he charged headlong into the furious chain of automatic fire shooting his M 1 from the hip. The enemy was completely demoralized by Pvt. Mills' daring charge, and when he reached a point within 10 feet of their position, all 6 surrendered. As he neared the end of the draw, Pvt. Mills was brought under fire by a machinegunner 20 yards distant. Despite the fact that he had absolutely no cover, Pvt. Mills killed the gunner with 1 shot. Two enemy soldiers near the machinegunner fired wildly at Pvt. Mills and then fled. Pvt. Mills fired twice, killing 1 of the enemy. Continuing on to the position, he captured a fourth soldier. When it became apparent that an assault on the strongpoint would in all probability cause heavy casualties on the platoon, Pvt. Mills volunteered to cover the advance down a shallow ditch to a point within 50 yards of the objective. Standing on the bank in full view of the enemy less than 100 yards away, he shouted and fired his rifle directly into the position. His ruse worked exactly as planned. The enemy centered his fire on Pvt. Mills. Tracers passed within inches of his body, rifle and machine pistol bullets ricocheted off the rocks at his feet. Yet he stood there firing until his rifle was empty. Intent on covering the movement of his platoon, Pvt. Mills jumped into the draw, reloaded his weapon, climbed out again, and continued to lay down a base of fire. Repeating this action 4 times, he enabled his platoon to reach the designated spot undiscovered, from which position it assaulted and overwhelmed the enemy, capturing 22 Germans and taking the objective without casualties."
10  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Current Events/Interesting Articles Thread on: 2 December 2007, 23:32:05
I noticed that every time there was an interesting article, there'd be a thread about it. Here's one thread to rule them all.

My contribution:

Impoverished Surfer Comes Up with Workable Unified Theory of Physics
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