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1  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Text Adventure: Wren on: 17 August 2011, 22:54:10

Your name is WREN. You are on the side of the road, in a county whose name you can't remember. You have with you a BACKPACK and your TRUSTY HAT.

It is one in the morning, and for SOME STRANGE REASON, no one wants to pick up a hitchhiker standing by a SPOOKY FOREST.

What should you do?
2  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Grammar Quiz! on: 4 July 2008, 01:24:11
Yes, yes, I know, online tests, who cares, but this is actually smart. Also humbling.

The mental_floss Grammar Quiz

I got a smooth 50%, with help. A blogger I look up to scored 40%.  You try.

Star Spiritgate (8:14:01 PM): huh, apparently "(SPOILER)" is correct
Star Spiritgate (8:14:04 PM): I overthought that one
Import Justice (8:14:16 PM): huh
lumi colada (8:14:16 PM): hey no spoilers
Import Justice (8:14:18 PM): oh mans
lumi colada (8:14:21 PM): i'm ON that question XD
Star Spiritgate (8:14:26 PM): oh
Star Spiritgate (8:14:30 PM): whoop

lumi colada (8:16:19 PM): AHAHAHA
lumi colada (8:16:24 PM): I got ONE OUT OF TEN on that test
Import Justice (8:16:26 PM): what's so funny?
Star Spiritgate (8:16:27 PM): LOL
Import Justice (8:16:28 PM): :O :O :O
lumi colada (8:16:30 PM): guess which one I got right
lumi colada (8:16:32 PM): go on guess
3  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / The Worst Song Ever on: 4 May 2008, 23:45:16
A Scientific Attempt To Create Most Annoying Song Ever

I had to sit through all of it.
You have to, too.

[18:32:03] <Yubi_Shines> I need
[18:32:07] <Yubi_Shines> to get a boombox
[18:32:15] <Yubi_Shines> and walk around the city with this at full volume
[18:32:24] <Yubi_Shines> and see how long until someone shoots me

[18:33:18] <Yubi_Shines> You know what I should do
[18:33:28] <Yubi_Shines> I should get the rickroll video and replace the audio with this

[18:36:35] <Yubi_Shines> ...ramadan?
[18:36:49] <Yubi_Shines> ...banjo?

[18:37:57] <Yubi_Shines> I thought I didn't hate bagpipes
[18:37:59] <Yubi_Shines> until this day

[18:38:34] <Yubi_Shines> Opera about... kitties?

[18:41:04] <Yubi_Shines> muscles are twitching where I didn't know I had muscles.
4  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / I Am Not A Demon on: 15 April 2008, 23:14:07
Check it out, an intelligent word game.

Here are the guidelines:

To fit this as a forum game:
- I start out with an example word for someone to define. The next poster explains it and gives another word (or person, or whatever). And on. No one gets voted out because that overcomplicates things.
- Obviously you're not going to listen to this one, but restrict references from Wikipedia or a dictionary.
- No, you can't lie to the natives. It's cheating and everyone will hate you. And you'll be dead, because the natives are really good lie detectors. Because I said so.


5  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / PLAGUE -- A Comic Jam on: 3 December 2007, 01:28:07
Here we go again.

Let's lay down some ground rules:
1: You contribute 1-2 pages at a go, then pass it on to the next person.

2: You keep things coherent. Random plotlines get old extremely fast.

3: Do not say you'll post the next page unless you are certain you are going to get one up, or you'll make people wait unnecessarily.

4: This one will be unique to this Jam, but I'm putting it in to as an experiment. Only original characters. You cannot put in your pre-made characters. You cannot put in your pre-made characters with transparent re-tools to pretend they are original. In every single Jam in the past, even when they were good, everyone made their personal character into a Mary-Sue and tried to pull the plot their way. I did it, you did it, everyone did it. Let's try and make this a story.

5: Try not to create too many characters at once. Introduce one or two at a time. A glut of new characters makes things hard to follow, especially when keeping up with people's different art styles.

6: MSPaint, Photoshop, sprites, pencils, pen, the medium you do a page doesn't matter. At the very least -- very least -- make the text readable.

Roger? Roger. Okay, on with the show.

Whether you want to make this a bloodfest, a conspiracy, a satire, it's up to you.
Who's next?

( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 )
6  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Yubi's Hootenanny (Art Thread) on: 2 December 2007, 23:10:39
Online Galleries:

They're virtually identical, but if one's down, you can see the other.

(2013 EDIT: Tumblr tends to have more recent things, DA tends to be more reliable, Storm-Artists is the least-often updated but has the least annoying site design.)

Recent Things of Note:
Vex (a demon from a recent dream)
Valor (unfinished)
Coatlicue Waitress (unfinished, and is probably going to get me killed from the goddess in question)
Pages: 1
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